演示TableTreeViewer 2 : 树表 « SWT-JFace-Eclipse « Java

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演示TableTreeViewer 2

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITableLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableTreeViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn;

 * This class demonstrates TableTreeViewer.
public class PlayerTableTree extends ApplicationWindow {
  // The TableTreeViewer
  private TableTreeViewer ttv;

   * PlayerTableTree constructor
  public PlayerTableTree() {

   * Runs the application
  public void run() {
    // Don't return from open() until window closes

    // Open the main window

    // Dispose the display

   * Configures the shell
   @param shell
   *            the shell
  protected void configureShell(Shell shell) {
    shell.setText("Team Tree");

   * Creates the main window's contents
   @param parent
   *            the main window
   @return Control
  protected Control createContents(Composite parent) {
    // Create the table viewer to display the players
    ttv = new TableTreeViewer(parent);
    ttv.getTableTree().setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));

    // Set the content and label providers
    ttv.setContentProvider(new PlayerTreeContentProvider());
    ttv.setLabelProvider(new PlayerTreeLabelProvider());
    ttv.setInput(new PlayerTableModel());

    // Set up the table
    Table table = ttv.getTableTree().getTable();
    new TableColumn(table, SWT.LEFT).setText("First Name");
    new TableColumn(table, SWT.LEFT).setText("Last Name");
    new TableColumn(table, SWT.RIGHT).setText("Points");
    new TableColumn(table, SWT.RIGHT).setText("Rebounds");
    new TableColumn(table, SWT.RIGHT).setText("Assists");

    // Expand everything

    // Pack the columns
    for (int i = 0, n = table.getColumnCount(); i < n; i++) {

    // Turn on the header and the lines

    // Pack the window

    // Scroll to top

    return ttv.getTableTree();

   * The application entry point
   @param args
   *            the command line arguments
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PlayerTableTree().run();

 * This class provides the content for the TableTreeViewer in PlayerTableTree

class PlayerTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
  private static final Object[] EMPTY = new Object[] {};

   * Gets the children for a team or player
   @param arg0
   *            the team or player
   @return Object[]
  public Object[] getChildren(Object arg0) {
    if (arg0 instanceof Team)
      return ((Teamarg0).getPlayers().toArray();
    // Players have no children . . . except Shawn Kemp
    return EMPTY;

   * Gets the parent team for a player
   @param arg0
   *            the player
   @return Object
  public Object getParent(Object arg0) {
    return ((Playerarg0).getTeam();

   * Gets whether this team or player has children
   @param arg0
   *            the team or player
   @return boolean
  public boolean hasChildren(Object arg0) {
    return getChildren(arg0).length > 0;

   * Gets the elements for the table
   @param arg0
   *            the model
   @return Object[]
  public Object[] getElements(Object arg0) {
    // Returns all the teams in the model
    return ((PlayerTableModelarg0).teams;

   * Disposes any resources
  public void dispose() {
    // We don't create any resources, so we don't dispose any

   * Called when the input changes
   @param arg0
   *            the parent viewer
   @param arg1
   *            the old input
   @param arg2
   *            the new input
  public void inputChanged(Viewer arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
    // Nothing to do

 * This class provides the labels for the PlayerTableTree application

class PlayerTreeLabelProvider extends PlayerLabelProvider {
   * Gets the image for the specified column
   @param arg0
   *            the player or team
   @param arg1
   *            the column
   @return Image
  public Image getColumnImage(Object arg0, int arg1) {
    // Teams have no image
    if (arg0 instanceof Player)
      return super.getColumnImage(arg0, arg1);
    return null;

   * Gets the text for the specified column
   @param arg0
   *            the player or team
   @param arg1
   *            the column
   @return String
  public String getColumnText(Object arg0, int arg1) {
    if (arg0 instanceof Player)
      return super.getColumnText(arg0, arg1);
    Team team = (Teamarg0;
    return arg1 == ? team.getYear() " " + team.getName() "";

 * This class contains the data model for the PlayerTable

class PlayerTableModel {
  public Team[] teams;

   * Constructs a PlayerTableModel Fills the model with data
  public PlayerTableModel() {
    teams = new Team[3];

    teams[0new Team("Celtics""1985-86");
    teams[0].add(new Player("Larry""Bird"25.8f9.8f6.8f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Kevin""McHale"21.3f8.1f2.7f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Robert""Parish"16.1f9.5f1.8f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Dennis""Johnson"15.6f3.4f5.8f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Danny""Ainge"10.7f2.9f5.1f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Scott""Wedman"8.0f2.4f1.1f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Bill""Walton"7.6f6.8f2.1f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Jerry""Sichting"6.5f1.3f2.3f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("David""Thirdkill"3.3f1.4f0.3f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Sam""Vincent"3.2f0.8f1.2f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Sly""Williams"2.8f2.5f0.3f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Rick""Carlisle"2.6f1.0f1.4f));
    teams[0].add(new Player("Greg""Kite"1.3f2.0f1.3f));

    teams[1new Team("Bulls""1995-96");
    teams[1].add(new Player("Michael""Jordan"30.4f6.6f4.3f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Scottie""Pippen"19.4f6.4f5.9f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Toni""Kukoc"13.1f4.0f3.5f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Luc""Longley"9.1f5.1f1.9f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Steve""Kerr"8.4f1.3f2.3f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Ron""Harper"7.4f2.7f2.6f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Dennis""Rodman"5.5f14.9f2.5f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Bill""Wennington"5.3f2.5f0.6f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Jack""Haley"5.0f2.0f0.0f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("John""Salley"4.4f3.3f1.3f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Jud""Buechler"3.8f1.5f0.8f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Dickey""Simpkins"3.6f2.6f0.6f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("James""Edwards"3.5f1.4f0.4f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Jason""Caffey"3.2f1.9f0.4f));
    teams[1].add(new Player("Randy""Brown"2.7f1.0f1.1f));

    teams[2new Team("Lakers""1987-1988");
    teams[2].add(new Player("Magic""Johnson"23.9f6.3f12.2f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("James""Worthy"19.4f5.7f2.8f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Kareem""Abdul-Jabbar"17.5f6.7f2.6f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Byron""Scott"17.0f3.5f3.4f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("A.C.""Green"10.8f7.8f1.1f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Michael""Cooper"10.5f3.1f4.5f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Mychal""Thompson"10.1f4.1f0.8f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Kurt""Rambis"5.7f5.8f0.8f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Billy""Thompson"5.6f2.9f1.0f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Adrian""Branch"4.3f1.7f0.5f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Wes""Matthews"4.2f0.9f2.0f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Frank""Brickowski"4.0f2.6f0.3f));
    teams[2].add(new Player("Mike""Smrek"2.2f1.1f0.1f));

 * This class represents a player

class Player {
  private Team team;

  private String lastName;

  private String firstName;

  private float points;

  private float rebounds;

  private float assists;

   * Constructs an empty Player
  public Player() {
    this(null, null, 0.0f0.0f0.0f);

   * Constructs a Player
   @param firstName
   *            the first name
   @param lastName
   *            the last name
   @param points
   *            the points
   @param rebounds
   *            the rebounds
   @param assists
   *            the assists
  public Player(String firstName, String lastName, float points,
      float rebounds, float assists) {

   * Sets the team for theo player
   @param team
   *            the team
  public void setTeam(Team team) {
    this.team = team;

   * Gets the assists
   @return float
  public float getAssists() {
    return assists;

   * Sets the assists
   @param assists
   *            The assists to set.
  public void setAssists(float assists) {
    this.assists = assists;

   * Gets the first name
   @return String
  public String getFirstName() {
    return firstName;

   * Sets the first name
   @param firstName
   *            The firstName to set.
  public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;

   * Gets the last name
   @return String
  public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;

   * Sets the last name
   @param lastName
   *            The lastName to set.
  public void setLastName(String lastName) {
    this.lastName = lastName;

   * Gets the points
   @return float
  public float getPoints() {
    return points;

   * Sets the points
   @param points
   *            The points to set.
  public void setPoints(float points) {
    this.points = points;

   * Gets the rebounds
   @return float
  public float getRebounds() {
    return rebounds;

   * Sets the rebounds
   @param rebounds
   *            The rebounds to set.
  public void setRebounds(float rebounds) {
    this.rebounds = rebounds;

   * Gets the team
   @return Team
  public Team getTeam() {
    return team;

   * Returns whether this player led the team in the specified category
   @param column
   *            the column (category)
   @return boolean
  public boolean ledTeam(int column) {
    return team.led(this, column);
 * This class represents a team

class Team {
  private String name;

  private String year;

  private List players;

   * Constructs a Team
   @param name
   *            the name
   @param year
   *            the year
  public Team(String name, String year) {
    this.name = name;
    this.year = year;
    players = new LinkedList();

   * Gets the name
   @return String
  public String getName() {
    return name;

   * Gets the year
   @return String
  public String getYear() {
    return year;

   * Adds a player
   @param player
   *            the player to add
   @return boolean
  public boolean add(Player player) {
    boolean added = players.add(player);
    if (added)
    return added;

   * Gets the players
   @return List
  public List getPlayers() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(players);

   * Returns whether the specified player led his team in the specified
   * category
   @param player
   *            the player
   @param column
   *            the category
   @return boolean
  public boolean led(Player player, int column) {
    boolean led = true;

    // Go through all the players on the team, comparing the specified
    // player's
    // stats with each other player.
    for (int i = 0, n = players.size(); i < n && led; i++) {
      Player test = (Playerplayers.get(i);
      if (player == test)
      switch (column) {
      case PlayerConst.COLUMN_POINTS:
        if (player.getPoints() < test.getPoints())
          led = false;
      case PlayerConst.COLUMN_REBOUNDS:
        if (player.getRebounds() < test.getRebounds())
          led = false;
      case PlayerConst.COLUMN_ASSISTS:
        if (player.getAssists() < test.getAssists())
          led = false;
    return led;

 * This class contains constants for the PlayerTable application

class PlayerConst {
  // Column constants
  public static final int COLUMN_FIRST_NAME = 0;

  public static final int COLUMN_LAST_NAME = 1;

  public static final int COLUMN_POINTS = 2;

  public static final int COLUMN_REBOUNDS = 3;

  public static final int COLUMN_ASSISTS = 4;

 * This class provides the labels for PlayerTable

class PlayerLabelProvider implements ITableLabelProvider {
  // Image to display if the player led his team
  private Image ball;

  // Constructs a PlayerLabelProvider
  public PlayerLabelProvider() {
    // Create the image
    try {
      ball = new Image(null, new FileInputStream("images/ball.png"));
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      // Swallow it

   * Gets the image for the specified column
   @param arg0
   *            the player
   @param arg1
   *            the column
   @return Image
  public Image getColumnImage(Object arg0, int arg1) {
    Player player = (Playerarg0;
    Image image = null;
    switch (arg1) {
    // A player can't lead team in first name or last name
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_POINTS:
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_REBOUNDS:
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_ASSISTS:
      if (player.ledTeam(arg1))
        // Set the image
        image = ball;
    return image;

   * Gets the text for the specified column
   @param arg0
   *            the player
   @param arg1
   *            the column
   @return String
  public String getColumnText(Object arg0, int arg1) {
    Player player = (Playerarg0;
    String text = "";
    switch (arg1) {
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_FIRST_NAME:
      text = player.getFirstName();
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_LAST_NAME:
      text = player.getLastName();
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_POINTS:
      text = String.valueOf(player.getPoints());
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_REBOUNDS:
      text = String.valueOf(player.getRebounds());
    case PlayerConst.COLUMN_ASSISTS:
      text = String.valueOf(player.getAssists());
    return text;

   * Adds a listener
   @param arg0
   *            the listener
  public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener arg0) {
    // Throw it away

   * Dispose any created resources
  public void dispose() {
    // Dispose the image
    if (ball != null)

   * Returns whether the specified property, if changed, would affect the
   * label
   @param arg0
   *            the player
   @param arg1
   *            the property
   @return boolean
  public boolean isLabelProperty(Object arg0, String arg1) {
    return false;

   * Removes the specified listener
   @param arg0
   *            the listener
  public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener arg0) {
    // Do nothing

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1. SWT Table Tree
2. 演示TableTree (表树)演示TableTree (表树)
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