Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS |!important :first-letter |
| Attributes |:first-line accelerator |
| and |background background-attachment |
| JavaScript |background-color background-image |
| Style |background-position background-position-x |
| Properties |background-position-y background-repeat |
| |behavior border |
| |border-bottom border-bottom-color |
| |border-bottom-style border-bottom-width |
| |border-color border-left |
| |border-left-color border-left-style |
| |border-left-width border-right |
| |border-right-color border-right-style |
| |border-right-width border-style |
| |border-top border-top-color |
| |border-top-style border-top-width |
| |border-width color |
| |cursor direction |
| |display filter |
| |font font-family |
| |font-size font-style |
| |font-variant font-weight |
| |hasLayout(*) layout-grid |
| |layout-grid-char layout-grid-line |
| |layout-grid-mode layout-grid-type |
| |letter-spacing line-break |
| |line-height margin |
| |margin-bottom margin-left |
| |margin-right margin-top |
| |overflow overflow-x |
| |overflow-y padding |
| |padding-bottom padding-left |
| |padding-right padding-top |
| |page-break-after page-break-before |
| |pixelBottom(*) pixelHeight(*) |
| |pixelLeft(*) pixelRight(*) |
| |pixelTop(*) pixelWidth(*) |
| |posBottom(*) posHeight(*) |
| |posLeft(*) posRight(*) |
| |posTop(*) posWidth(*) |
| |scrollbar-3dlight-color scrollbar-arrow-color |
| |scrollbar-base-color scrollbardarkshadow-color |
| |scrollbar-face-color scrollbar-highlight-color |
| |scrollbar- shadow-color scrollbar-track-color |
| |text-align text-align-last |
| |text-autospace text-decoration |
| |text-indent text-justify |
| |text-kashida-space text-overflow |
| |text-transform text-underline-position |
| |textDecorationBlink(*) textDecorationLineThrough(*) |
| |textDecorationNone(*) textDecorationOverline(*) |
| |textDecorationUnderline(*) unicode-bidi |
| |visibility white-space |
| |word-break word-spacing |
| |word-wrap zoom |