Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If ImportantKey(KeyCode, Shift) Then
msgBox "Important key pressed"
End If
End Sub
Function ImportantKey(KeyCode, Shift)
ImportantKey = False
'If Alt key was pressed, exit function
If Shift = acAltMask Then
Exit Function
End If
'If Delete, Backspace, or a typeable character was pressed
If KeyCode = vbKeyDelete Or KeyCode = vbKeyBack Or (KeyCode > 31 _
And KeyCode < 256) Then
'If the typeable character was NOT a right, left, up,
'or down arrow, page up, or page down, return True
If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Or KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Or _
KeyCode = vbKeyUp Or KeyCode = vbKeyDown Or _
KeyCode = vbKeyPageUp Or KeyCode = vbKeyPageDown Then
ImportantKey = True
End If
End If
End Function