Signatures.cs :  » Aspect-Oriented-Frameworks » Runtime-Assembly-Instrumentation-Library » rail » Reflect » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library » rail » Reflect » Signatures.cs
using System;
using Mono.PEToolkit;
using Mono.PEToolkit.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using Rail.MSIL;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Rail.Reflect{
  /// <summary>
  /// This class is used to map opcodes into OpCode objects.
  /// </summary>
  public class OpCodesList 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public static OpCode[] OneByteCode;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public static OpCode[] TwoByteCode;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    static OpCodesList() 
      OneByteCode = new OpCode[256];
      TwoByteCode = new OpCode[30];
      OneByteCode[0] = OpCodes.Nop;
      OneByteCode[1] = OpCodes.Break;
      OneByteCode[2] = OpCodes.Ldarg_0;
      OneByteCode[3] = OpCodes.Ldarg_1;
      OneByteCode[4] = OpCodes.Ldarg_2;
      OneByteCode[5] = OpCodes.Ldarg_3;
      OneByteCode[6] = OpCodes.Ldloc_0;
      OneByteCode[7] = OpCodes.Ldloc_1;
      OneByteCode[8] = OpCodes.Ldloc_2;
      OneByteCode[9] = OpCodes.Ldloc_3;
      OneByteCode[10] = OpCodes.Stloc_0;
      OneByteCode[11] = OpCodes.Stloc_1;
      OneByteCode[12] = OpCodes.Stloc_2;
      OneByteCode[13] = OpCodes.Stloc_3;
      OneByteCode[14] = OpCodes.Ldarg_S;
      OneByteCode[15] = OpCodes.Ldarga_S;
      OneByteCode[16] = OpCodes.Starg_S;
      OneByteCode[17] = OpCodes.Ldloc_S;
      OneByteCode[18] = OpCodes.Ldloca_S;
      OneByteCode[19] = OpCodes.Stloc_S;
      OneByteCode[20] = OpCodes.Ldnull;
      OneByteCode[21] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_M1;
      OneByteCode[22] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0;
      OneByteCode[23] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1;
      OneByteCode[24] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2;
      OneByteCode[25] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_3;
      OneByteCode[26] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_4;
      OneByteCode[27] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_5;
      OneByteCode[28] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_6;
      OneByteCode[29] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_7;
      OneByteCode[30] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_8;
      OneByteCode[31] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S;
      OneByteCode[32] = OpCodes.Ldc_I4;
      OneByteCode[33] = OpCodes.Ldc_I8;
      OneByteCode[34] = OpCodes.Ldc_R4;
      OneByteCode[35] = OpCodes.Ldc_R8;
      OneByteCode[37] = OpCodes.Dup;
      OneByteCode[38] = OpCodes.Pop;
      OneByteCode[39] = OpCodes.Jmp;
      OneByteCode[40] = OpCodes.Call;
      OneByteCode[41] = OpCodes.Calli;
      OneByteCode[42] = OpCodes.Ret;
      OneByteCode[43] = OpCodes.Br_S;
      OneByteCode[44] = OpCodes.Brfalse_S;
      OneByteCode[45] = OpCodes.Brtrue_S;
      OneByteCode[46] = OpCodes.Beq_S;
      OneByteCode[47] = OpCodes.Bge_S;
      OneByteCode[48] = OpCodes.Bgt_S;
      OneByteCode[49] = OpCodes.Ble_S;
      OneByteCode[50] = OpCodes.Blt_S;
      OneByteCode[51] = OpCodes.Bne_Un_S;
      OneByteCode[52] = OpCodes.Bge_Un_S;
      OneByteCode[53] = OpCodes.Bgt_Un_S;
      OneByteCode[54] = OpCodes.Ble_Un_S;
      OneByteCode[55] = OpCodes.Blt_Un_S;
      OneByteCode[56] = OpCodes.Br;
      OneByteCode[57] = OpCodes.Brfalse;
      OneByteCode[58] = OpCodes.Brtrue;
      OneByteCode[59] = OpCodes.Beq;
      OneByteCode[60] = OpCodes.Bge;
      OneByteCode[61] = OpCodes.Bgt;
      OneByteCode[62] = OpCodes.Ble;
      OneByteCode[63] = OpCodes.Blt;
      OneByteCode[64] = OpCodes.Bne_Un;
      OneByteCode[65] = OpCodes.Bge_Un;
      OneByteCode[66] = OpCodes.Bgt_Un;
      OneByteCode[67] = OpCodes.Ble_Un;
      OneByteCode[68] = OpCodes.Blt_Un;
      OneByteCode[69] = OpCodes.Switch;
      OneByteCode[70] = OpCodes.Ldind_I1;
      OneByteCode[71] = OpCodes.Ldind_U1;
      OneByteCode[72] = OpCodes.Ldind_I2;
      OneByteCode[73] = OpCodes.Ldind_U2;
      OneByteCode[74] = OpCodes.Ldind_I4;
      OneByteCode[75] = OpCodes.Ldind_U4;
      OneByteCode[76] = OpCodes.Ldind_I8;
      OneByteCode[77] = OpCodes.Ldind_I;
      OneByteCode[78] = OpCodes.Ldind_R4;
      OneByteCode[79] = OpCodes.Ldind_R8;
      OneByteCode[80] = OpCodes.Ldind_Ref;
      OneByteCode[81] = OpCodes.Stind_Ref;
      OneByteCode[82] = OpCodes.Stind_I1;
      OneByteCode[83] = OpCodes.Stind_I2;
      OneByteCode[84] = OpCodes.Stind_I4;
      OneByteCode[85] = OpCodes.Stind_I8;
      OneByteCode[86] = OpCodes.Stind_R4;
      OneByteCode[87] = OpCodes.Stind_R8;
      OneByteCode[88] = OpCodes.Add;
      OneByteCode[89] = OpCodes.Sub;
      OneByteCode[90] = OpCodes.Mul;
      OneByteCode[91] = OpCodes.Div;
      OneByteCode[92] = OpCodes.Div_Un;
      OneByteCode[93] = OpCodes.Rem;
      OneByteCode[94] = OpCodes.Rem_Un;
      OneByteCode[95] = OpCodes.And;
      OneByteCode[96] = OpCodes.Or;
      OneByteCode[97] = OpCodes.Xor;
      OneByteCode[98] = OpCodes.Shl;
      OneByteCode[99] = OpCodes.Shr;
      OneByteCode[100] = OpCodes.Shr_Un;
      OneByteCode[101] = OpCodes.Neg;
      OneByteCode[102] = OpCodes.Not;
      OneByteCode[103] = OpCodes.Conv_I1;
      OneByteCode[104] = OpCodes.Conv_I2;
      OneByteCode[105] = OpCodes.Conv_I4;
      OneByteCode[106] = OpCodes.Conv_I8;
      OneByteCode[107] = OpCodes.Conv_R4;
      OneByteCode[108] = OpCodes.Conv_R8;
      OneByteCode[109] = OpCodes.Conv_U4;
      OneByteCode[110] = OpCodes.Conv_U8;
      OneByteCode[111] = OpCodes.Callvirt;
      OneByteCode[112] = OpCodes.Cpobj;
      OneByteCode[113] = OpCodes.Ldobj;
      OneByteCode[114] = OpCodes.Ldstr;
      OneByteCode[115] = OpCodes.Newobj;
      OneByteCode[116] = OpCodes.Castclass;
      OneByteCode[117] = OpCodes.Isinst;
      OneByteCode[118] = OpCodes.Conv_R_Un;
      OneByteCode[121] = OpCodes.Unbox;
      OneByteCode[122] = OpCodes.Throw;
      OneByteCode[123] = OpCodes.Ldfld;
      OneByteCode[124] = OpCodes.Ldflda;
      OneByteCode[125] = OpCodes.Stfld;
      OneByteCode[126] = OpCodes.Ldsfld;
      OneByteCode[127] = OpCodes.Ldsflda;
      OneByteCode[128] = OpCodes.Stsfld;
      OneByteCode[129] = OpCodes.Stobj;
      OneByteCode[130] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I1_Un;
      OneByteCode[131] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un;
      OneByteCode[132] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I4_Un;
      OneByteCode[133] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I8_Un;
      OneByteCode[134] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U1_Un;
      OneByteCode[135] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U2_Un;
      OneByteCode[136] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U4_Un;
      OneByteCode[137] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U8_Un;
      OneByteCode[138] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I_Un;
      OneByteCode[139] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U_Un;
      OneByteCode[140] = OpCodes.Box;
      OneByteCode[141] = OpCodes.Newarr;
      OneByteCode[142] = OpCodes.Ldlen;
      OneByteCode[143] = OpCodes.Ldelema;
      OneByteCode[144] = OpCodes.Ldelem_I1;
      OneByteCode[145] = OpCodes.Ldelem_U1;
      OneByteCode[146] = OpCodes.Ldelem_I2;
      OneByteCode[147] = OpCodes.Ldelem_U2;
      OneByteCode[148] = OpCodes.Ldelem_I4;
      OneByteCode[149] = OpCodes.Ldelem_U4;
      OneByteCode[150] = OpCodes.Ldelem_I8;
      OneByteCode[151] = OpCodes.Ldelem_I;
      OneByteCode[152] = OpCodes.Ldelem_R4;
      OneByteCode[153] = OpCodes.Ldelem_R8;
      OneByteCode[154] = OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref;
      OneByteCode[155] = OpCodes.Stelem_I;
      OneByteCode[156] = OpCodes.Stelem_I1;
      OneByteCode[157] = OpCodes.Stelem_I2;
      OneByteCode[158] = OpCodes.Stelem_I4;
      OneByteCode[159] = OpCodes.Stelem_I8;
      OneByteCode[160] = OpCodes.Stelem_R4;
      OneByteCode[161] = OpCodes.Stelem_R8;
      OneByteCode[162] = OpCodes.Stelem_Ref;
      OneByteCode[179] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I1;
      OneByteCode[180] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U1;
      OneByteCode[181] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2;
      OneByteCode[182] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U2;
      OneByteCode[183] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I4;
      OneByteCode[184] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U4;
      OneByteCode[185] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I8;
      OneByteCode[186] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U8;
      OneByteCode[194] = OpCodes.Refanyval;
      OneByteCode[195] = OpCodes.Ckfinite;
      OneByteCode[198] = OpCodes.Mkrefany;
      OneByteCode[208] = OpCodes.Ldtoken;
      OneByteCode[209] = OpCodes.Conv_U2;
      OneByteCode[210] = OpCodes.Conv_U1;
      OneByteCode[211] = OpCodes.Conv_I;
      OneByteCode[212] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I;
      OneByteCode[213] = OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U;
      OneByteCode[214] = OpCodes.Add_Ovf;
      OneByteCode[215] = OpCodes.Add_Ovf_Un;
      OneByteCode[216] = OpCodes.Mul_Ovf;
      OneByteCode[217] = OpCodes.Mul_Ovf_Un;
      OneByteCode[218] = OpCodes.Sub_Ovf;
      OneByteCode[219] = OpCodes.Sub_Ovf_Un;
      OneByteCode[220] = OpCodes.Endfinally;
      OneByteCode[221] = OpCodes.Leave;
      OneByteCode[222] = OpCodes.Leave_S;
      OneByteCode[223] = OpCodes.Stind_I;
      OneByteCode[224] = OpCodes.Conv_U;
      OneByteCode[248] = OpCodes.Prefix7;
      OneByteCode[249] = OpCodes.Prefix6;
      OneByteCode[250] = OpCodes.Prefix5;
      OneByteCode[251] = OpCodes.Prefix4;
      OneByteCode[252] = OpCodes.Prefix3;
      OneByteCode[253] = OpCodes.Prefix2;
      OneByteCode[254] = OpCodes.Prefix1;
      OneByteCode[255] = OpCodes.Prefixref;
      TwoByteCode[0] = OpCodes.Arglist;
      TwoByteCode[1] = OpCodes.Ceq;
      TwoByteCode[2] = OpCodes.Cgt;
      TwoByteCode[3] = OpCodes.Cgt_Un;
      TwoByteCode[4] = OpCodes.Clt;
      TwoByteCode[5] = OpCodes.Clt_Un;
      TwoByteCode[6] = OpCodes.Ldftn;
      TwoByteCode[7] = OpCodes.Ldvirtftn;
      TwoByteCode[9] = OpCodes.Ldarg;
      TwoByteCode[10] = OpCodes.Ldarga;
      TwoByteCode[11] = OpCodes.Starg;
      TwoByteCode[12] = OpCodes.Ldloc;
      TwoByteCode[13] = OpCodes.Ldloca;
      TwoByteCode[14] = OpCodes.Stloc;
      TwoByteCode[15] = OpCodes.Localloc;
      TwoByteCode[17] = OpCodes.Endfilter;
      TwoByteCode[18] = OpCodes.Unaligned;
      TwoByteCode[19] = OpCodes.Volatile;
      TwoByteCode[20] = OpCodes.Tailcall;
      TwoByteCode[21] = OpCodes.Initobj;
      TwoByteCode[23] = OpCodes.Cpblk;
      TwoByteCode[24] = OpCodes.Initblk;
      TwoByteCode[26] = OpCodes.Rethrow;
      TwoByteCode[28] = OpCodes.Sizeof;
      TwoByteCode[29] = OpCodes.Refanytype;

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class MetadataSignatures

    /// <summary>
    /// The enum that holds the value for diferent signature types
    /// </summary>
    public enum SigTypeEnum 

    /// <summary>
    /// Signature CallingConvention
    /// </summary>
    public int CallingConvention;

    /// <summary>
    /// Read and decompress the int value at Cursor position and 
    /// increments the Cursor position by the number of bytes read
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream">The stream of bytes</param>
    /// <param name="pos">The position int the stream where to read from</param>
    /// <returns>The decompressed int</returns>
    public static int ReadCompressedInt(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) 
      pos = posValue;
      int returnVal = -1;

      if (stream[pos] == 0xFF) 
        pos += 1;
      else if ((stream[pos] & 0x80) == 0) 
        returnVal = stream[pos];
        pos += 1;
      else if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) == 0) 
        returnVal = (stream[pos] & ~0x80) << 8 | stream[pos + 1];
        pos += 2;
        returnVal = (stream[pos] & ~0xC0) << 24 | stream[pos + 1] << 16 | stream[pos + 2] << 8 | stream[pos + 3];
        pos += 4;
      return returnVal;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="posValue"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static SigType GetSigType(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) 
      pos = posValue;
      ElementType CurrentType = (ElementType)ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos, pos);
      switch (CurrentType) 

        case ElementType.ValueType: return new ValueType(stream,out pos, pos);
        case ElementType.Class: return new CLASS(stream,out pos, pos);
        case ElementType.Ptr: return new PTR(stream,out pos, pos);
        case ElementType.FnPtr: return new FNPTR(stream,out pos, pos);
        case ElementType.Array: return new ARRAY(stream,out pos, pos);
        case ElementType.SzArray: return new SZARRAY(stream,out pos, pos);
        default: return new SigType(CurrentType);

  /// <summary>
  /// The Custom Mod in signature, RetType and Param
  /// </summary>
  public class CustomMod 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool CMOD_OPT = false; //compressed
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool CMOD_REQD = false; //compressed
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public int TypeDefOrRefIndex;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public TokenType TypeTable; //the last two are de uncompressed and unencoded form of TypeRefOrDefEnconded

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="posValue"></param>
    public CustomMod(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) 
      pos = posValue;
      int compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos, pos);
      if (ElementType.CModOpt==(ElementType)compressedInt) CMOD_OPT=true;
      else if (ElementType.CModReqd==(ElementType)compressedInt) CMOD_REQD=true;      
      MDToken mdt = TabsDecoder.DecodeToken(CodedTokenId.TypeDefOrRef,
        MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos, pos));
      TypeTable = mdt.Type;
      TypeDefOrRefIndex = mdt.RID;

  /// <summary>
  /// The RetType of a Signature
  /// </summary>
  public class RetType 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public CustomMod [] CustomMods;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool ByRef = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool TypeByRef = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool VOID = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;

    /// <summary>
    /// Read the RetType of a Signature
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cursor">The cursor to the RetType</param>
    /// <param name="assmbl">The Assmbl that holds the metadata</param>
    public RetType(byte [] stream, out int pos, int posValue) 
      pos = posValue;
      int size = pos;
      int i = 0;
      CustomMods = new CustomMod[1];
      int compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out size, pos);
      size = pos;
      while ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.CModOpt ||
        if (i>=CustomMods.Length) 
          CustomMod [] temp = new CustomMod[CustomMods.Length*2];
          CustomMods = temp;
        CustomMods[i] = new CustomMod(stream, out pos, pos);
        compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out size, pos);
      if (CustomMods.Length>i) 
        CustomMod [] copy = new CustomMod[i];
        for (int j = 0;j < i; j++) 
          copy[j] = CustomMods[j];
        CustomMods = copy;
      compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out size, pos);
      if ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.ByRef) 
        ByRef = true;
        pos = size;
        Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out pos, pos);        
      else if ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.TypedByRef) 
        TypeByRef = true;
        Type = null;
        pos = size;
      else if ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.Void) 
        VOID = true;
        Type = new SigType(ElementType.Void);
        pos = size;
      else //The last possile case, but I'm not sure this is right because I can't find this case in the spec
        Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out pos, pos);

  /// <summary>
  /// The Param item for the list of Params in the signature
  /// </summary>
  public class Param 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public CustomMod [] CustomMods;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool ByRef = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool TypeByRef = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Sentinel = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Read the Param of the signature
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cursor">The cursor to the Param</param>
    /// <param name="assmbl">Tha Assmbl that holds th metadata</param>
    /// <param name="LookForSentinel">True if it has the sentinel byte ON</param>
    public Param(byte [] stream, out int pos, int posValue, bool LookForSentinel) 
      pos = posValue;
      int size = pos;
      int i = 0;
      CustomMods = new CustomMod[1];
      int compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out size, size);
      if (!LookForSentinel && compressedInt==0x41) 
        Sentinel = true;
      else if (LookForSentinel && compressedInt==0x41) 
        Sentinel = true;
        pos += 1;
      size = pos;
      compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out size, size);
      while ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.CModOpt ||
        if (i>=CustomMods.Length) 
          CustomMod [] temp = new CustomMod[CustomMods.Length*2];
          CustomMods = temp;
        CustomMods[i] = new CustomMod(stream, out pos, pos);
        size = pos;
        compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out size, size);
      if (CustomMods.Length>i) 
        CustomMod [] copy = new CustomMod[i];
        for (int j = 0;j < i; j++) 
          copy[j] = CustomMods[j];
        CustomMods = copy;
      size = pos;
      compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out size, size);
      if ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.ByRef) 
        ByRef = true;
        pos = size;
        Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out pos, pos);        
      else if ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.TypedByRef) 
        TypeByRef = true;
        Type = null;
        pos = size;
      else //The last possible case, could not found it in the metadata
        Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out pos, pos);

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class SigType 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public ElementType ElementType;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="element"></param>
    public SigType(ElementType element)
      this.ElementType = element;

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class ValueType : SigType
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public TokenType TypeTable;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public int Index;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="posValue"></param>
    public ValueType(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) : base (ElementType.ValueType)
      pos = posValue;
      MDToken mdt = TabsDecoder.DecodeToken(CodedTokenId.TypeDefOrRef,
        MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos));
      TypeTable = mdt.Type;
      Index = mdt.RID;

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class CLASS : SigType
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public TokenType TypeTable;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public int Index;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="posValue"></param>
    public CLASS(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) : base (ElementType.Class)
      pos = posValue;
      MDToken mdt = TabsDecoder.DecodeToken(CodedTokenId.TypeDefOrRef,
        MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos));
      TypeTable = mdt.Type;
      Index = mdt.RID;

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class PTR : SigType
    /// <summary>
    /// TODO: CustomMod* not suported
    /// </summary>
    public SigType ptrType;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="posValue"></param>
    public PTR(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) : base (ElementType.Ptr)
      pos = posValue;
      ptrType = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream,out pos, pos);

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class FNPTR : SigType
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public MethodDefSig methodDefSig;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public MethodRefSig methodRefSig;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsMethodDef 
        if (this.methodDefSig==null) return false;
        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsMethodRef 
        if (this.methodRefSig==null) return false;
        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    public FNPTR(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) : base (ElementType.FnPtr)
      pos = posValue;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x05) !=0) 
        this.methodDefSig = null;
        this.methodRefSig = new MethodRefSig(stream,out pos, posValue);
        this.methodRefSig = null;
        this.methodDefSig = new MethodDefSig(stream,out pos, posValue);

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class ARRAY : SigType
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;    
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public ARRAY.ArrayShape arrayShape;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    public ARRAY(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) : base (ElementType.Array)
      pos = posValue;
      this.Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream,out pos, pos);
      this.arrayShape = new ArrayShape(stream,out pos, pos);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public class ArrayShape 
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public int Rank;
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public int NumSizes;
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public int [] Sizes;
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public int NumLoBounds;
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public int [] LoBounds;

      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="stream"></param>
      /// <param name="pos"></param>
      public ArrayShape(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue)
        pos = posValue;
        Rank = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos);
        NumSizes = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos);
        if (NumSizes!=0) 
          Sizes = new int[NumSizes];
          for (int i=0; i<NumSizes;i++)
            Sizes[i] = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos);
        NumLoBounds = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos);
        if (NumLoBounds!=0) 
          LoBounds = new int[NumLoBounds];
          for (int i=0;i<NumLoBounds;i++)
            LoBounds[i] = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out pos,pos);

      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public ArrayShape()
        Rank = 1;
        NumSizes = 0;
        Sizes = null;
        NumLoBounds = 0;
        LoBounds = null;


  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class SZARRAY : SigType
    /// <summary>
    /// TODO: CustomMod* not suported
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;    

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    public SZARRAY(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue)  : base (ElementType.SzArray)
      pos = posValue;
      this.Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream,out pos, pos);

  /// <summary>
  /// FieldSig
  /// </summary>
  public class FieldSig : MetadataSignatures 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Field =  false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public CustomMod [] CustomMods;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="assmbl">The Assmbl that holds the metadata</param>
    /// <param name="index">Index into the Blob stream</param>
    public FieldSig(byte [] stream,int index) 
      MetadataResolver.SetBlobReadPosition(stream, out index, index);
      if ((stream[index] & 0x06) !=0 || (stream[index] & 0x60) !=0) this.Field = true; 
      CallingConvention = stream[index];
      index += 1;
      int size = index;
      int i = 0;
      CustomMods = new CustomMod[1];
      int compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out size, size);
      while ((ElementType)compressedInt==ElementType.CModOpt ||
        if (i>=CustomMods.Length) 
          CustomMod [] temp = new CustomMod[CustomMods.Length*2];
          CustomMods = temp;
        CustomMods[i] = new CustomMod(stream,out size, size);
        compressedInt = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream,out size,size);
      if (CustomMods.Length>i) 
        CustomMod [] copy = new CustomMod[i];
        for (int j = 0;j < i; j++) 
          copy[j] = CustomMods[j];
        CustomMods = copy;
      Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out index,index);

  /// <summary>
  /// Type to hold a MethodDefSig
  /// </summary>
  public class MethodDefSig : MetadataSignatures 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool HasThis = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool ExplicitThis = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Default = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Vararg = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public int ParamCount;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public RetType retType;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public Param [] Params;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="posValue"></param>
    public MethodDefSig(byte [] stream,out int pos, int posValue) 
      pos = posValue;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x80) == 0)
        pos += 1;
      else if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) == 0)
        pos += 2;
        pos += 4;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x20) !=0) this.HasThis = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) !=0) this.ExplicitThis = true;
      if (stream[pos] ==0) this.Default = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x05) !=0) this.Vararg = true;
      CallingConvention = stream[pos];
      pos += 1;
      this.ParamCount = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out pos,pos);
      this.retType = new RetType(stream, out pos,pos);
      this.Params = new Param[this.ParamCount];
      for (int i = 0;i<this.ParamCount;i++) 
        this.Params[i] = new Param(stream, out pos,pos,false);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    public MethodDefSig(byte [] stream,int pos) 
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x80) == 0)
        pos += 1;
      else if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) == 0)
        pos += 2;
        pos += 4;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x20) !=0) this.HasThis = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) !=0) this.ExplicitThis = true;
      if (stream[pos] ==0) this.Default = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x05) !=0) this.Vararg = true;
      CallingConvention = stream[pos];
      pos += 1;
      this.ParamCount = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out pos,pos);
      this.retType = new RetType(stream, out pos,pos);
      this.Params = new Param[this.ParamCount];
      for (int i = 0;i<this.ParamCount;i++) 
        this.Params[i] = new Param(stream, out pos,pos,false);

  /// <summary>
  /// MethodRefSig
  /// </summary>
  public class MethodRefSig : MetadataSignatures 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool HasThis = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool ExplicitThis = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Default = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Vararg = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public int ParamCount;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public RetType retType;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public Param [] Params;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Sentinel = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public Param [] ParamsAfterSentinel;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream">The blob byte stream</param>
    /// <param name="index">Index into the Blob stream</param>
    public MethodRefSig(byte [] stream, out int pos, int posValue)
      pos = posValue;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x80) == 0)
        pos += 1;
      else if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) == 0)
        pos += 2;
        pos += 4;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x20) !=0) this.HasThis = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) !=0) this.ExplicitThis = true;
      if (stream[pos] ==0) this.Default = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x05) !=0) this.Vararg = true;
      CallingConvention = stream[pos];
      pos += 1;
      this.ParamCount = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out pos, pos);
      this.retType = new RetType(stream, out pos, pos);
      this.Params = new Param[this.ParamCount];
      int SentinelPos = 0;
      for (int i = 0;i<this.ParamCount;i++) 
        if (!this.Sentinel) 
          Param TempParam = new Param(stream, out pos,pos,true);
          if (TempParam.Sentinel) 
            this.Sentinel = true;
            Param [] TempParamsArray = new Param[i];
            for (int j=0;j<i;j++) 
              TempParamsArray[j] = this.Params[j];
            this.Params = TempParamsArray;
            TempParamsArray = null;
            this.ParamsAfterSentinel = new Param[this.ParamCount-i];
            SentinelPos = i;
            this.ParamsAfterSentinel[i-SentinelPos] = TempParam;
          this.Params[i] = TempParam;
          this.ParamsAfterSentinel[i-SentinelPos] = new Param(stream, out pos,pos, false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream">The blob byte stream</param>
    /// <param name="pos">Index into the Blob stream</param>
    public MethodRefSig(byte [] stream, int pos)
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x80) == 0)
        pos += 1;
      else if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) == 0)
        pos += 2;
        pos += 4;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x20) !=0) this.HasThis = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x40) !=0) this.ExplicitThis = true;
      if (stream[pos] ==0) this.Default = true;
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x05) !=0) this.Vararg = true;
      CallingConvention = stream[pos];
      pos += 1;
      this.ParamCount = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out pos, pos);
      this.retType = new RetType(stream, out pos, pos);
      this.Params = new Param[this.ParamCount];
      int SentinelPos = 0;
      for (int i = 0;i<this.ParamCount;i++) 
        if (!this.Sentinel) 
          Param TempParam = new Param(stream, out pos,pos,true);
          if (TempParam.Sentinel) 
            this.Sentinel = true;
            Param [] TempParamsArray = new Param[i];
            for (int j=0;j<i;j++) 
              TempParamsArray[j] = this.Params[j];
            this.Params = TempParamsArray;
            TempParamsArray = null;
            this.ParamsAfterSentinel = new Param[this.ParamCount-i];
            SentinelPos = i;
            this.ParamsAfterSentinel[i-SentinelPos] = TempParam;
          this.Params[i] = TempParam;
          this.ParamsAfterSentinel[i-SentinelPos] = new Param(stream, out pos,pos, false);


  /// <summary>
  /// PropertySig
  /// </summary>
  public class PropertySig : MetadataSignatures 
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public bool Property = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public int ParamCount;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public Param [] Params;

    /// <summary>
    /// Cobstructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream">The blob heap byte sttream</param>
    /// <param name="pos">Index into the blob heap</param>
    public PropertySig(byte [] stream,int pos) 
      MetadataResolver.SetBlobReadPosition(stream,out pos,pos);
      if ((stream[pos] & 0x80) !=0) this.Property = true;
      CallingConvention = stream[pos];
      pos += 1;
      this.ParamCount = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out pos, pos);
      this.Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out pos, pos);
      this.Params = new Param[this.ParamCount];
      for (int i = 0;i<this.ParamCount;i++) 
        this.Params[i] = new Param(stream, out pos, pos, false);

  /// <summary>
  /// </summary>
  public class TypeSpecSig : MetadataSignatures
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public SigType Type;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="index"></param>
    public TypeSpecSig(byte [] stream,int index)
      // KIRK: Added this line to read the count from the Blob stream
      int count = ReadCompressedInt(stream,out index, index);
      Type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out index, index);

  /// <summary>
  /// Local variables signatures
  /// </summary>
  public class LocalVarSig 
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if the initial value of the signature is 0x7
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsLocalSig = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Number of local variables in the signature
    /// </summary>
    public int Count;
    /// <summary>
    /// array of types in the signature
    /// </summary>
    public LocalVarSig.LocalSigType [] types;

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream"></param>
    /// <param name="blobIndex"></param>
    public LocalVarSig(byte [] stream, int blobIndex) 
      // TODO: Verify why this sometimes doens't have the 0x07 value
      if (stream[blobIndex]!=0x07) this.IsLocalSig = false;
      blobIndex += 1;
      // TODO: check if the Count value is correctly obtained
      this.Count = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out blobIndex, blobIndex);
      if (this.Count>0) 
        this.types =  new LocalSigType[this.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i< this.Count; i++) 
          this.types[i] = new LocalSigType(stream, out blobIndex, blobIndex);
        this.types = null;


    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public class LocalSigType 
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public SigType type;
      /// <summary>
      /// The only value currently used is ELEMENT_TYPE_PINNED
      /// </summary>
      public bool Constraint = false;
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      public bool ByRef = false;
      /// <summary>
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="stream"></param>
      /// <param name="pos"></param>
      /// <param name="posValue"></param>
      public LocalSigType(byte [] stream, out int pos, int posValue) 
        pos = posValue;
        int SizeRead = pos;
        //The only value currently used is ELEMENT_TYPE_PINNED
        while (MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out SizeRead, SizeRead) 
          == (int)ElementType.Pinned) 
          this.Constraint = true;
          pos = SizeRead;
        SizeRead = pos;
        if (MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(stream, out SizeRead, SizeRead) 
          == (int)ElementType.ByRef) 
          ByRef = true;
          pos = SizeRead;
        this.type = MetadataSignatures.GetSigType(stream, out pos, pos);
  /// <summary>
  /// The type for the marshaling signature
  /// </summary>
  public class MarshalSpec
    /// <summary>
    /// The native type
    /// </summary>
    private UnmanagedType NativeIntrinsec;

    public UnmanagedType ArrayElementType;
    public int ParamNum;
    public int ElemMult;
    public int NumElem;

    /// <summary>
    /// Get the NativeType 
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The NativeType of the element</returns>
    public UnmanagedType GetNativeType()
      return this.NativeIntrinsec;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a new MarshalSpec
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream">The byte stream to read from</param>
    /// <param name="posValue">The starting read postion</param>
    public MarshalSpec(byte [] stream, int pos) 
      MetadataResolver.SetBlobReadPosition(stream,out pos,pos);
      this.NativeIntrinsec = (UnmanagedType)MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(
        stream, out pos, pos);
      if ((this.NativeIntrinsec & UnmanagedType.ByValArray) != 0)
        this.NumElem = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(
          stream, out pos, pos);
      else if ((this.NativeIntrinsec & UnmanagedType.SafeArray) != 0)
        this.ArrayElementType = (UnmanagedType)MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(
          stream, out pos, pos);
      else if ((this.NativeIntrinsec & UnmanagedType.ByValTStr) != 0)
        this.NumElem = MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(
          stream, out pos, pos);
      else if ((this.NativeIntrinsec & UnmanagedType.LPArray) != 0)
        this.ArrayElementType = (UnmanagedType)MetadataSignatures.ReadCompressedInt(
          stream, out pos, pos);

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a MarshalSpec
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    internal MarshalSpec(UnmanagedType type)
      this.NativeIntrinsec = type;

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