Delegates.cs :  » Chat-Servers » Thresher » Sharkbite » Irc » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Thresher » Sharkbite » Irc » Delegates.cs
 * Thresher IRC client library
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Aaron Hunter <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * See the gpl.txt file located in the top-level-directory of
 * the archive of this library for complete text of license.

using System.Net;

namespace Sharkbite.Irc{

  /// <summary>
  /// Messages that are not handled by other events and are not errors.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="code">The RFC 2812 numeric code.</param>
  /// <param name="message">The unparsed message text.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnReply"/>
  public delegate void ReplyEventHandler( ReplyCode code, string message );
  /// <summary>
  /// Error messages from the IRC server.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="code">The RFC 2812 or custom numeric code.</param>
  /// <param name="message">The error message text.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnError"/>
  public delegate void ErrorMessageEventHandler( ReplyCode code, string message );
  /// <summary>
  /// A Notice or Private message was sent to someone
  /// whose status is away.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="nick">The nick of the user who is away.</param>
  /// <param name="awayMessage">An away message, if any, set by the user. </param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAway"/>
  public delegate void AwayEventHandler( string nick, string awayMessage );
  /// <summary>
  /// An Invite message was successfully sent to another user. 
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="nick">The nick of the user who was invited</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The name of the channel the user was invited to join</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInviteSent"/>
  public delegate void InviteSentEventHandler( string nick, string channel );
  /// <summary>
  /// Called when a nick change fails.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// <para>This method can be called under 2 conditions:
  /// It can arise when the user is already 
  /// registered with the IRC server and is trying change his nick.
  /// Or when the user is trying to register for the first time with 
  /// the IRC server and it fails.</para>
  /// <para>Note that if the later arises then you will have to manually
  /// complete the regsitration process.</para> 
  /// </remarks>
  /// <param name="badNick">The nick which caused the problem</param>
  /// <param name="reason">A message explaining the error</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnNickError"/>
  public delegate void NickErrorEventHandler( string badNick, string reason ) ;
  /// <summary>
  /// Called when a server sends a keep-alive Ping.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">The message that the IRC server wants echoed back to it.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPing"/>
  public delegate void PingEventHandler( string message );
  /// <summary>
  /// Connection with IRC server is open and registered.
  /// </summary>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnRegistered"/>
  public delegate void RegisteredEventHandler();
  /// <summary>
  /// This connection is about to be closed 
  /// </summary>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnDisconnecting"/>
  public delegate void DisconnectingEventHandler();
  /// <summary>
  /// This connection has been closed 
  /// </summary>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnDisconnected"/>
  public delegate void DisconnectedEventHandler();
  /// <summary>
  /// A Notice type message was sent to a channel.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who sent the message.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
  /// <param name="notice">A message.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPublicNotice"/>
  public delegate void PublicNoticeEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string notice );
  /// <summary>
  /// A private Notice type message was sent to the user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who sent the message.</param>
  /// <param name="notice">A message.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPrivateNotice"/>
  public delegate void PrivateNoticeEventHandler( UserInfo user, string notice );

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has joined a channel.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Who joined.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel name.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnJoin"/>
  public delegate void JoinEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel );
  /// <summary>
  /// An action message was sent to a channel.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who expresses the action.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
  /// <param name="description">An action.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAction"/>
  public delegate void ActionEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string description );

  /// <summary>
  /// A private action message was sent to the user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who expresses the action.</param>
  /// <param name="description">An action.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPrivateAction"/>
  public delegate void PrivateActionEventHandler( UserInfo user, string description );

  /// <summary>
  /// A public message was sent to a channel.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who sent the message.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The taregt channel.</param>
  /// <param name="message">A message.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPublic"/>
  public delegate void PublicMessageEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string message );
  /// <summary>
  /// A user changed his nickname.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who is changing his nick.</param>
  /// <param name="newNick">The new nickname.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnNick"/>
  public delegate void NickEventHandler( UserInfo user, string newNick );
  /// <summary>
  /// A private message was sent to the user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Who sent the message.</param>
  /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPrivate"/>
  public delegate void PrivateMessageEventHandler( UserInfo user, string message );
  /// <summary>
  /// A channel's topic has changed.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Who changed the topic.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">Which channel had its topic changed.</param>
  /// <param name="newTopic">The new topic.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTopicChanged"/>
  public delegate void TopicEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string newTopic);
  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.RequestTopic"/> command.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel who topic was requested.</param>
  /// <param name="topic">The topic.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTopicRequest"/>
  public delegate void TopicRequestEventHandler( string channel, string topic);

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has left a channel. 
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who left.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel he left.</param>
  /// <param name="reason">The reason for leaving.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnPart"/>
  public delegate void PartEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string reason);

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has quit IRC.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The user who quit.</param>
  /// <param name="reason">A goodbye message.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnQuit"/>
  public delegate void QuitEventHandler( UserInfo user, string reason);
  /// <summary>
  /// The user has been invited to a channel.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Who sent the invite.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The target channel.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInvite"/>
  public delegate void InviteEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel );
  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has been kicked from a channel. 
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Who did the kicking.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel that the person was kicked from.</param>
  /// <param name="kickee">Who was kicked.</param>
  /// <param name="reason">Why the person was kicked.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnKick"/>
  public delegate void KickEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string kickee, string reason );
  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Names"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel the user is on. "@" is used for secret channels, "*" for private
  /// channels, and "=" for public channels.</param>
  /// <param name="nicks">A list of nicks on the channel. If this is the last reply
  /// then it will be empty. Nicks prefixed with a '@' are channel
  /// operators. Nicks prefixed with a '+' have voice privileges on
  /// a moderated channel, i.e. they are allowed to send public messages.</param>
  /// <param name="last">True if this is the last names reply.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnNames"/>
  public delegate void NamesEventHandler( string channel, string[] nicks, bool last );
  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.List"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel name.</param>
  /// <param name="visibleNickCount">The number of visible users on that channel.</param>
  /// <param name="topic">The channel's topic.</param>
  /// <param name="last">True if this is the last reply.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnList"/>
  public delegate void ListEventHandler( string channel, int visibleNickCount, string topic, bool last );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Ison"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="nicks">If someone with this nick is on the same IRC network their nick
  /// will be returned here. Otherwise nick will be an empty string.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnIson"/>
  public delegate void IsonEventHandler( string nicks );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Who"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">The subject of the query</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel the user is on</param>
  /// <param name="ircServer">The name of the user's IRC server</param>
  /// <param name="mask">The user's mode mask</param>
  /// <param name="hopCount">Number of network hops to the user</param>
  /// <param name="realName">The user's real name</param>
  /// <param name="last">True if this is the last response</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWho"/>
  public delegate void WhoEventHandler( UserInfo user, string channel, string ircServer, string mask, 
  int hopCount, string realName, bool last );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Whois"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="whoisInfo">The data associated with the nick queried.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWho"/>
  public delegate void WhoisEventHandler( WhoisInfo whoisInfo );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Whowas"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Information on the user.</param>
  /// <param name="realName">The user's real name.</param>
  /// <param name="last">True if this is the final reply.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnWhowas"/>
  public delegate void WhowasEventHandler( UserInfo user, string realName, bool last );

  /// <summary>
  /// This user's mode has changed.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="action">Whether a mode was added or removed.</param>
  /// <param name="mode">The mode that was changed.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnUserModeChange"/>
  public delegate void UserModeChangeEventHandler( ModeAction action, UserMode mode );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.RequestUserModes"/> command for this user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="modes">The complete list of user modes as an array.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnUserModeRequest"/>
  public delegate void UserModeRequestEventHandler( UserMode[] modes );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.RequestChannelModes"/> command.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="channel">The name of the channel.</param>
  /// <param name="modes">Objects which hold all the information about a channel's modes.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnChannelModeRequest"/>
  public delegate void ChannelModeRequestEventHandler( string channel, ChannelModeInfo[] modes);

  /// <summary>
  /// A channel's mode has changed.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="who">Who changed the mode.</param>
  /// <param name="channel">The name of the channel.</param>
  /// <param name="modes">Objects which hold all the information about 1 or more mode changes.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnChannelModeChange"/>
  public delegate void ChannelModeChangeEventHandler( UserInfo who, string channel, ChannelModeInfo[] modes );

  /// <summary>
  /// Response to a <see cref="Sender.RequestChannelList"/> command.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="channel">The channel name.</param>
  /// <param name="mode">What type is this a list? For example bans, invitation masks, etc..</param>
  /// <param name="item">A mask or nick (in the case of ChannelCreator).</param>
  /// <param name="last">Is this the last item. If its the last then the item paramter
  /// will be empty unless the mode is ChannelCreator.</param>
  /// <param name="who">Who set the mask (not for ChannelCreator).</param>
  /// <param name="whenSet">When was it set (not for ChannelCreator).</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnChannelList"/>
  public delegate void ChannelListEventHandler( string channel, ChannelMode mode, string item, UserInfo who, long whenSet, bool last );

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has replied to a Ctcp request sent by this client.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="who">Who sent the reply.</param>
  /// <param name="command">The Ctcp command this replies to."</param>
  /// <param name="reply">The text of the reply.</param>
  /// <see cref="CtcpListener.OnCtcpReply"/>
  public delegate void CtcpReplyEventHandler( string command, UserInfo who, string reply );

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has sent a Ctcp request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="who">Who sent the request.</param>
  /// <param name="command">The Ctcp command to send to IRC."</param>
  /// <see cref="CtcpListener.OnCtcpRequest"/>
  public delegate void CtcpRequestEventHandler( string command, UserInfo who );

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has replied to a Ctcp ping request sent by this client.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="who">Who sent the reply.</param>
  /// <param name="timestamp">The timestamp originally sent in the request."</param>
  /// <see cref="CtcpListener.OnCtcpPingReply"/>
  public delegate void CtcpPingReplyEventHandler( UserInfo who, string timestamp );

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has sent a Ctcp Ping request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="who">Who sent the request.</param>
  /// <param name="timestamp">The timestamp which should be sent 
  /// back."</param>
  /// <see cref="CtcpListener.OnCtcpPingRequest"/>
  public delegate void CtcpPingRequestEventHandler( UserInfo who, string timestamp );
  /// <summary>
  /// Someone has requested a DCC chat session.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="dccUserInfo">The collection of information about the remote user.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccListener.OnDccChatRequest"/>
  public delegate void DccChatRequestEventHandler( DccUserInfo dccUserInfo );
  /// <summary>
  /// A DCC chat session has been opened with a remote user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">Which session is the source of the event.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccChatSession.OnChatSessionOpened"/>
  public delegate void ChatSessionOpenedEventHandler( DccChatSession session );

  /// <summary>
  /// A DCC chat session has been closed.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">Which session is the source of the event.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccChatSession.OnChatSessionClosed"/>
  public delegate void ChatSessionClosedEventHandler( DccChatSession session );

  /// <summary>
  /// A DCC chat message was received from the remote user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">Which session is the source of the event.</param>
  /// <param name="message">A string message.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccChatSession.OnChatMessageReceived"/>
  public delegate void ChatMessageReceivedEventHandler( DccChatSession session , string message );

  /// <summary>
  /// When trying to initiate a DCC chat request the remote user
  /// did not respond within the alotted time.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">Which session is the source of the event.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccChatSession.OnChatRequestTimeout"/>
  public delegate void ChatRequestTimeoutEventHandler( DccChatSession session );

  /// <summary>
  /// Another user has offered to send a file.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="dccUserInfo">The collection of information about the remote user.</param>
  /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file to be sent.</param>
  /// <param name="size">The size in bytes of the offered file.</param>
  /// <param name="turbo">True if the sender will use send-ahead mode.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccListener.OnDccSendRequest"/>
  public delegate void DccSendRequestEventHandler( DccUserInfo dccUserInfo, string fileName, int size, bool turbo );

  /// <summary>
  /// There has been no activity in this session for the timeout period. The 
  /// session is automatically closed and this event is raised. 
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">The session in which the timeout occurred.</param> 
  /// <see cref="DccFileSession.OnFileTransferTimeout"/>
  public delegate void FileTransferTimeoutEventHandler( DccFileSession session );     
  /// <summary>
  /// The file transfer connection has been successfully opened and the data
  /// transfer has begun.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">The session in which the transfer has started.</param> 
  /// <see cref="DccFileSession.OnFileTransferStarted"/>
  public delegate void FileTransferStartedEventHandler( DccFileSession session ); 

  /// <summary>
  /// Something happened to stop the transfer before it was completed. Normally
  /// this will be due to one of the sides canceling the transfer.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">The session in which the transfer was interrupted.</param> 
  /// <see cref="DccFileSession.OnFileTransferInterrupted"/>
  public delegate void FileTransferInterruptedEventHandler( DccFileSession session ); 

  /// <summary>
  /// A file was succefully transfered.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">The session in which the transfer was successfully completed.</param> 
  /// <see cref="DccFileSession.OnFileTransferCompleted"/>
  public delegate void FileTransferCompletedEventHandler( DccFileSession session ); 

  /// <summary>
  /// Called for each successful data block transfer. This allows the developer
  /// to show a transfer progress display of some kind.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="session">The session in which data was transfered.</param> 
  /// <param name="bytesSent">The number of bytes sent in this block. The DccFileSession
  /// contains the cumulative number of bytes sent/received and the total number
  /// the will be processed.</param> 
  /// <see cref="DccFileSession.OnFileTransferProgress"/>
  public delegate void FileTransferProgressEventHandler( DccFileSession session , int bytesSent );

  /// <summary>
  /// A remote user has requested a file. To respond
  /// use <see cref="DccFileSession.Send"/> with the relevant information.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="dccUserInfo">The requestor's information.</param>
  /// <param name="fileName">The name of the requested file.</param>
  /// <param name="turbo">True to use send-ahead mode for transfers.</param>
  /// <see cref="DccListener.OnDccGetRequest"/>
  public delegate void DccGetRequestEventHandler( DccUserInfo dccUserInfo, string fileName, bool turbo);

  /// <summary>
  /// The full unparsed text messages received from the IRC server. It
  /// includes all messages received except for those exchanged during a DCC chat.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">The text received.</param>
  /// <see cref="Connection.OnRawMessageReceived"/>
  public delegate void RawMessageReceivedEventHandler( string message );

  /// <summary>
  /// The full unparsed text messages sent to the IRC server. It
  /// includes all messages sent except for those exchanged during a DCC chat.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">The text sent.</param>
  /// <see cref="Connection.OnRawMessageSent"/>
  public delegate void RawMessageSentEventHandler( string message );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Version"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="versionInfo">The information string in the form 
  /// IRC: [version].[debuglevel] [server] :[comments]</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnVersion"/>
  public delegate void VersionEventHandler( string versionInfo );

  /// <summary>
  /// The server's "Message of the Day" if any.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">An information string.</param>
  /// <param name="last">True if this is the last in the set of messages.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnMotd"/>
  public delegate void MotdEventHandler( string message, bool last );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Time"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="time">The name of the server and
  /// its local time</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnTime"/>
  public delegate void TimeEventHandler( string time );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to an <see cref="Sender.Info"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">An information string.</param>
  /// <param name="last">True if this is the last in the set of messages.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnInfo"/>
  public delegate void InfoEventHandler( string message, bool last );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to an <see cref="Sender.Admin"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">An information string.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnAdmin"/>
  public delegate void AdminEventHandler( string message );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Lusers"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="message">An information string.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnLusers"/>
  public delegate void LusersEventHandler( string message );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Links"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="mask">The hostname as it appears in IRC queries.</param>
  /// <param name="hostname">The actual hostname.</param>
  /// <param name="hopCount">The number of hops from this server to the target server.</param>
  /// <param name="serverInfo">Information about the server, usually the network name.</param>
  /// <param name="done">True if this is the last message in the series. If it is the
  /// last it will not contain any server information.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnLinks"/>
  public delegate void LinksEventHandler( string mask, string hostname, int hopCount, string serverInfo, bool done );

  /// <summary>
  /// The response to a <see cref="Sender.Stats"/> request.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="queryType">What kind of query this is in response to.</param>
  /// <param name="message">The actual response.</param>
  /// <param name="done">True if this is the last message in the series.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnStats"/>
  public delegate void StatsEventHandler( StatsQuery queryType, string message, bool done );

  /// <summary>
  /// Someone was disconnected from the server via a Kill.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="user">Which Operator send teh Kill command</param>
  /// <param name="nick">Who was Killed.</param>
  /// <param name="reason">Why the nick was disconnected.</param>
  /// <seealso cref="Listener.OnKill"/>
  public delegate void KillEventHandler( UserInfo user, string nick, string reason );
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