Enumerations.cs :  » Development » Command-Line-Option-Parsing » CommandLine » OptParse » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Command Line Option Parsing » CommandLine » OptParse » Enumerations.cs
/* This file is part of the CSharpOptParse .NET C# library
 * The library is hosted at http://csharpoptparse.sf.net
 * Copyright (C) 2005 by Andrew Robinson
 * This source code is open source, protected under the GNU GPL Version 2, June 1991
 * Please see http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php for information and
 * specifics on this license.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;

namespace CommandLine.OptParse{
  #region UnknownOptHandleType enum
  /// <summary>
  /// Define the behavior of the parser if an option is given that is not reconginzed
  /// </summary>
  public enum UnknownOptHandleType
    /// <summary>
    /// Do not do anything, the option will be considered an argument
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// A warning will be sent back to the caller of the parser (see 
    /// the <see cref="Parser.OptionWarning"/> event)
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>
    /// Stop parsing, throwing a <see cref="ParseException"/>
    /// </summary>
  #endregion UnknownOptHandleType enum

  #region DupOptHandleType enum
  /// <summary>
  /// Define the behavior of the parser if an option is duplicated
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// If the option is not defined as a option that allows multiple values, then
  /// this enumeration specifies the action to take when a duplicate option is given
  /// at the command-line.
  /// </remarks>
  public enum DupOptHandleType
    /// <summary>
    /// Allow the duplicate declaration, using the last declaration to specify
    /// the value
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Allow the duplicate declaration, using the last declaration to specify
    /// the value, but send a warning back to the caller of the parser (see 
    /// the <see cref="Parser.OptionWarning"/> event)
    /// </summary>
    /// <summary>
    /// Deny the duplicate declaration, throwing a <see cref="ParseException"/>
    /// </summary>
  #endregion DupOptHandleType enum

  #region OptStyle enum
  /// <summary>
  /// The platform style of option
  /// </summary>
  public enum OptStyle
    /// <summary>
    /// Windows style of options (/opt)
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Use options in the standard Windows format.
    /// Example:
    /// <code>
    /// program.exe /opt1:"Option 1 Value" /opt2:Opt2Value /opt3
    /// </code>
    /// <para>
    /// Windows arguments do not differentiate between short an long formats like Unix
    /// arguments.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>

    /// <summary>
    /// Unix style of options (--opt, -o)
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Use options in the standard Unix format.
    /// Example:
    /// <code>
    /// program --opt1="Option 1 Value" --opt2 Opt2Value -o
    /// </code>
    /// <para>
    /// Long argument values may be separated from the option by a space or by an
    /// equal sign. Short option values are separated from the option by a space
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
  #endregion OptStyle enum

  #region UnixShortOption enum
  /// <summary>
  /// Specify how short options may be given for Unix-style arguments
  /// </summary>
  public enum UnixShortOption
    /// <summary>
    /// Allow short arguments to be collapsed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Example:
    /// <code>
    /// Program -abcd 0 "This is d's value"
    /// </code>
    /// <para>
    /// If the options require a value (See <see cref="OptValType"/> enum), then
    /// the the values after the arguments will be applied in order. Optional
    /// arguments that precede required arguments become required, meaning that
    /// if 3 values are given for 4 values (i.e. <c>program -abcd val1 val2 val3</c>), 
    /// and the first two arguments have optional values, and the 3rd is required, and the fourth
    /// takes an optional value, then per the example, the value of 'val1' will be
    /// assigned to 'a', 'val2' to 'b', and 'val3' to 'c' with 'd' not having a value.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>

    /// <summary>
    /// Short options must be separated, and values do not need a space after the name
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Example: <c>program -a -b -c0 -d"This is d's value"</c>
    /// </remarks>
  #endregion UnixShortOption enum

  #region OptValType enum
  /// <summary>
  /// Type of value that the option permits
  /// </summary>
  public enum OptValType
    /// <summary>
    /// The option does not accept a value
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// The option does not accept a value, but may be declared multiple times
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This type of argument supports multiple declaration. For example,
    /// <c>--verbose --verbose --verbose</c>, could be used to allow a 3rd level
    /// of verbose information to be printed by a program.
    /// </remarks>
    [Description("Incremental flag")]

    /// <summary>
    /// The option requires a value. If a value is not supplied, an error will be thrown
    /// </summary>
    [Description("Value required")]

    /// <summary>
    /// The option optional takes a value
    /// </summary>
    [Description("Value optional")]

    /// <summary>
    /// The option allows 0 to many values
    /// </summary>
    [Description("0 to many values accepted")]
  #endregion OptValType enum
  #region EnumDescriptorReader class
  /// <summary>
  /// Class that assists with reading <see cref="DescriptionAttribute"/> values for enumeration values
  /// </summary>
  public sealed class EnumDescriptorReader 
    #region Constructor
    private EnumDescriptorReader() {}
    #endregion Constructor

    #region Methods
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the field description for the enumeration value
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// Enumeration:
    /// <code>
    /// public enum ExampleEnum
    /// {
    ///  [EnumDescription("This is the first value")]
    ///  FirstValue = 1,
    ///  [EnumDescription("This is the second value")]
    ///  SecondValue = 2
    /// }
    /// </code>
    /// Usage:
    /// <code>
    /// string desc = EnumDescriptorReader.GetEnumFieldDescription(ExampleEnum.FirstValue);
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <param name="val">The enumeration value to get the description of</param>
    /// <returns>The description, or if it has none, the name</returns>
    public static string GetEnumFieldDescription(Enum val)
      FieldInfo[]          enumFields = val.GetType().GetFields();
      DescriptionAttribute enumFieldDescriptor;
      FieldInfo            field;
      string               itemName;

      itemName = Enum.GetName(val.GetType(), val);

      for (int i = 0; i < enumFields.Length - 1; i++) 
        field = enumFields[i + 1];
        if (field.Name.Equals(itemName))
          enumFieldDescriptor = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, 
            typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute;

          if (enumFieldDescriptor != null) 
            return enumFieldDescriptor.Description;
          else if (field.Name.Equals(itemName)) 
            return field.Name;

      return "";

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all of the descriptions for the values in the given enumeration type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If a description attribute is not found, the enumeration field name will
    /// be returned as the description instead
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="enumType">The enumeration type</param>
    /// <returns>An array of the descriptions.</returns>
    public static string[] GetEnumFieldDescriptions(Type enumType) 
      DescriptionAttribute enumFieldDescriptor;
      FieldInfo            field;
      FieldInfo[]          enumFields = enumType.GetFields();
      string[]             enumDescriptions = new string[enumFields.Length - 1];

      for (int i = 0; i < enumFields.Length - 1; i++) 
        field = enumFields[i + 1];

        enumFieldDescriptor = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute;
        if (enumFieldDescriptor != null) 
          enumDescriptions[i] = enumFieldDescriptor.Description;
          enumDescriptions[i] = field.Name;

      return enumDescriptions;
    #endregion Methods
  #endregion EnumDescriptorReader class
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