Css.cs :  » GUI » SharpVectorGraphics » SharpVectors » Scripting » C# / CSharp Open Source

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using System;

namespace SharpVectors.Scripting{

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssRuleList
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssRuleList
    IScriptableCssRule item(ulong index);
    ulong length { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssRule
    ushort type { get; }
    string cssText { get; set; }
    IScriptableCssStyleSheet parentStyleSheet { get; }
    IScriptableCssRule parentRule { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssStyleRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssStyleRule : IScriptableCssRule
    string selectorText { get; set; }
    IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration style { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssMediaRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssMediaRule : IScriptableCssRule
    ulong insertRule(string rule, ulong index);
    void deleteRule(ulong index);
    IScriptableMediaList media { get; }
    IScriptableCssRuleList cssRules { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssFontFaceRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssFontFaceRule : IScriptableCssRule
    IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration style { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssPageRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssPageRule : IScriptableCssRule
    string selectorText { get; set; }
    IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration style { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssImportRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssImportRule : IScriptableCssRule
    string href { get; }
    IScriptableMediaList media { get; }
    IScriptableCssStyleSheet styleSheet { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssCharsetRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssCharsetRule : IScriptableCssRule
    string encoding { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssUnknownRule
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssUnknownRule : IScriptableCssRule

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration
    string getPropertyValue(string propertyName);
    IScriptableCssValue getPropertyCSSValue(string propertyName);
    string removeProperty(string propertyName);
    string getPropertyPriority(string propertyName);
    void setProperty(string propertyName, string value, string priority);
    string item(ulong index);
    string cssText { get; set; }
    ulong length { get; }
    IScriptableCssRule parentRule { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssValue
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssValue
    string cssText { get; set; }
    ushort cssValueType { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue : IScriptableCssValue
    void setFloatValue(ushort unitType, float floatValue);
    float getFloatValue(ushort unitType);
    void setStringValue(ushort stringType, string stringValue);
    string getStringValue();
    IScriptableCounter getCounterValue();
    IScriptableRect getRectValue();
    IScriptableRgbColor getRGBColorValue();
    ushort primitiveType { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssValueList
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssValueList : IScriptableCssValue
    IScriptableCssValue item(ulong index);
    ulong length { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableRgbColor
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableRgbColor
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue red { get; }
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue green { get; }
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue blue { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableRect
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableRect
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue top { get; }
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue right { get; }
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue bottom { get; }
    IScriptableCssPrimitiveValue left { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCounter
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCounter
    string identifier { get; }
    string listStyle { get; }
    string separator { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableElementCssInlineStyle
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableElementCssInlineStyle
    IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration style { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCss2Properties
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCss2Properties
    string azimuth { get; set; }
    string background { get; set; }
    string backgroundAttachment { get; set; }
    string backgroundColor { get; set; }
    string backgroundImage { get; set; }
    string backgroundPosition { get; set; }
    string backgroundRepeat { get; set; }
    string border { get; set; }
    string borderCollapse { get; set; }
    string borderColor { get; set; }
    string borderSpacing { get; set; }
    string borderStyle { get; set; }
    string borderTop { get; set; }
    string borderRight { get; set; }
    string borderBottom { get; set; }
    string borderLeft { get; set; }
    string borderTopColor { get; set; }
    string borderRightColor { get; set; }
    string borderBottomColor { get; set; }
    string borderLeftColor { get; set; }
    string borderTopStyle { get; set; }
    string borderRightStyle { get; set; }
    string borderBottomStyle { get; set; }
    string borderLeftStyle { get; set; }
    string borderTopWidth { get; set; }
    string borderRightWidth { get; set; }
    string borderBottomWidth { get; set; }
    string borderLeftWidth { get; set; }
    string borderWidth { get; set; }
    string bottom { get; set; }
    string captionSide { get; set; }
    string clear { get; set; }
    string clip { get; set; }
    string color { get; set; }
    string content { get; set; }
    string counterIncrement { get; set; }
    string counterReset { get; set; }
    string cue { get; set; }
    string cueAfter { get; set; }
    string cueBefore { get; set; }
    string cursor { get; set; }
    string direction { get; set; }
    string display { get; set; }
    string elevation { get; set; }
    string emptyCells { get; set; }
    string cssFloat { get; set; }
    string font { get; set; }
    string fontFamily { get; set; }
    string fontSize { get; set; }
    string fontSizeAdjust { get; set; }
    string fontStretch { get; set; }
    string fontStyle { get; set; }
    string fontVariant { get; set; }
    string fontWeight { get; set; }
    string height { get; set; }
    string left { get; set; }
    string letterSpacing { get; set; }
    string lineHeight { get; set; }
    string listStyle { get; set; }
    string listStyleImage { get; set; }
    string listStylePosition { get; set; }
    string listStyleType { get; set; }
    string margin { get; set; }
    string marginTop { get; set; }
    string marginRight { get; set; }
    string marginBottom { get; set; }
    string marginLeft { get; set; }
    string markerOffset { get; set; }
    string marks { get; set; }
    string maxHeight { get; set; }
    string maxWidth { get; set; }
    string minHeight { get; set; }
    string minWidth { get; set; }
    string orphans { get; set; }
    string outline { get; set; }
    string outlineColor { get; set; }
    string outlineStyle { get; set; }
    string outlineWidth { get; set; }
    string overflow { get; set; }
    string padding { get; set; }
    string paddingTop { get; set; }
    string paddingRight { get; set; }
    string paddingBottom { get; set; }
    string paddingLeft { get; set; }
    string page { get; set; }
    string pageBreakAfter { get; set; }
    string pageBreakBefore { get; set; }
    string pageBreakInside { get; set; }
    string pause { get; set; }
    string pauseAfter { get; set; }
    string pauseBefore { get; set; }
    string pitch { get; set; }
    string pitchRange { get; set; }
    string playDuring { get; set; }
    string position { get; set; }
    string quotes { get; set; }
    string richness { get; set; }
    string right { get; set; }
    string size { get; set; }
    string speak { get; set; }
    string speakHeader { get; set; }
    string speakNumeral { get; set; }
    string speakPunctuation { get; set; }
    string speechRate { get; set; }
    string stress { get; set; }
    string tableLayout { get; set; }
    string textAlign { get; set; }
    string textDecoration { get; set; }
    string textIndent { get; set; }
    string textShadow { get; set; }
    string textTransform { get; set; }
    string top { get; set; }
    string unicodeBidi { get; set; }
    string verticalAlign { get; set; }
    string visibility { get; set; }
    string voiceFamily { get; set; }
    string volume { get; set; }
    string whiteSpace { get; set; }
    string widows { get; set; }
    string width { get; set; }
    string wordSpacing { get; set; }
    string zIndex { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableCssStyleSheet
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableCssStyleSheet : IScriptableStyleSheet
    ulong insertRule(string rule, ulong index);
    void deleteRule(ulong index);
    IScriptableCssRule ownerRule { get; }
    IScriptableCssRuleList cssRules { get; }

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableViewCss
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableViewCss : IScriptableAbstractView
    IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(IScriptableElement elt, string pseudoElt);

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableDocumentCss
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableDocumentCss : IScriptableDocumentStyle
    IScriptableCssStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle(IScriptableElement elt, string pseudoElt);

  /// <summary>
  /// IScriptableDomImplementationCss
  /// </summary>
  public interface IScriptableDomImplementationCss : IScriptableDomImplementation
    IScriptableCssStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet(string title, string media);

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