// wx.NET - ChoiceDialog.cs
// The wxChoiceDialog wrapper classes.
// Written by Alexander Olk (xenomorph2@onlinehome.de)
// (C) 2003 Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: ChoiceDialog.cs,v 1.14 2007/11/11 14:14:45 harald_meyer Exp $
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace wx{
public class SingleChoiceDialog : Dialog
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxSingleChoiceDialog_ctor(IntPtr parent, IntPtr message, IntPtr caption, IntPtr choices, IntPtr clientData, uint style, int posX, int posY);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxSingleChoiceDialog_SetSelection(IntPtr self, int sel);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int wxSingleChoiceDialog_GetSelection(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxSingleChoiceDialog_GetStringSelection(IntPtr self);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxSingleChoiceDialog_GetSelectionClientData(IntPtr self);
// TODO: ClientData... !?!
public SingleChoiceDialog(IntPtr wxObject)
: base(wxObject) {}
public SingleChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices)
: this(parent, message, caption, choices, null, wxCHOICEDLG_STYLE, wxDefaultPosition) {}
public SingleChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices, ClientData[] clientData)
: this(parent, message, caption, choices, clientData, wxCHOICEDLG_STYLE, wxDefaultPosition) {}
public SingleChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices, ClientData[] clientData, uint style)
: this(parent, message, caption, choices, clientData, style, wxDefaultPosition) {}
public SingleChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices, ClientData[] clientData, uint style, Point pos)
: this(parent, wxString.SafeNew(message), wxString.SafeNew(caption), ArrayString.SafeNewFrom(choices), ArrayIntPtr.SafeNewFrom(clientData), style, pos)
internal SingleChoiceDialog(Window parent, wxString message, wxString caption, ArrayString choices, ArrayIntPtr clientData, uint style, Point pos)
: base(wxSingleChoiceDialog_ctor(Object.SafePtr(parent), Object.SafePtr(message), Object.SafePtr(caption), Object.SafePtr(choices), ArrayIntPtr.SafePtr(clientData), (uint)style, pos.X, pos.Y))
public void SetSelection(int sel)
wxSingleChoiceDialog_SetSelection(wxObject, sel);
public int GetSelection()
return wxSingleChoiceDialog_GetSelection(wxObject);
public string GetStringSelection()
return new wxString(wxSingleChoiceDialog_GetStringSelection(wxObject), true);
public ClientData GetSelectionClientData()
return (ClientData)Object.FindObject(wxSingleChoiceDialog_GetSelectionClientData(wxObject));
public class MultiChoiceDialog : Dialog
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxMultiChoiceDialog_ctor(IntPtr parent, IntPtr message, IntPtr caption, IntPtr choices, uint style, int posX, int posY);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxMultiChoiceDialog_SetSelections(IntPtr self, int[] sel, int numsel);
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxMultiChoiceDialog_GetSelections(IntPtr self);
public MultiChoiceDialog(IntPtr wxObject)
: base(wxObject) {}
public MultiChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices)
: this(parent, message, caption, choices, SingleChoiceDialog.wxCHOICEDLG_STYLE, wxDefaultPosition) {}
public MultiChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices, uint style)
: this(parent, message, caption, choices, style, wxDefaultPosition) {}
public MultiChoiceDialog(Window parent, string message, string caption, string[] choices, uint style, Point pos)
: this(parent, wxString.SafeNew(message), wxString.SafeNew(caption), ArrayString.SafeNewFrom(choices), style, pos.X, pos.Y)
{ }
public MultiChoiceDialog(Window parent, wxString message, wxString caption, ArrayString choices, uint style, int posX, int posY)
: base(wxMultiChoiceDialog_ctor(Object.SafePtr(parent), Object.SafePtr(message), Object.SafePtr(caption), Object.SafePtr(choices), (uint)style, posX, posY)) {}
public void SetSelections(int[] sel)
wxMultiChoiceDialog_SetSelections(wxObject, sel, sel.Length);
public int[] GetSelections()
return new ArrayInt(wxMultiChoiceDialog_GetSelections(wxObject), true);
public class GetSingleChoice
public const int wxCHOICE_HEIGHT = 150;
public const int wxCHOICE_WIDTH = 200;
public string value = "";
[DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxGetSingleChoice_func(IntPtr message, IntPtr caption, IntPtr choices, IntPtr parent, int x, int y, bool centre, int width, int height);
public GetSingleChoice(string message, string caption, string[] choices)
wxString wxMessage = wxString.SafeNew(message);
wxString wxCaption = wxString.SafeNew(caption);
ArrayString wxChoices = ArrayString.SafeNewFrom(choices);
value = new wxString(wxGetSingleChoice_func(Object.SafePtr(wxMessage), Object.SafePtr(wxCaption), Object.SafePtr(wxChoices), IntPtr.Zero, -1, -1, true, wxCHOICE_WIDTH, wxCHOICE_HEIGHT), true);
public GetSingleChoice(string message, string caption, string[] choices, Window parent, int x, int y, bool centre, int width, int height)
wxString wxMessage = wxString.SafeNew(message);
wxString wxCaption = wxString.SafeNew(caption);
ArrayString wxChoices = ArrayString.SafeNewFrom(choices);
value = new wxString(wxGetSingleChoice_func(Object.SafePtr(wxMessage), Object.SafePtr(wxCaption), Object.SafePtr(wxChoices), Object.SafePtr(parent), x, y, centre, width, height), true);
public static implicit operator string(GetSingleChoice g)
return g.value;