ImageView.cs :  » GUI » wx-NET » wx » SampleImageView » C# / CSharp Open Source

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using wx;
using System.Drawing;
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace wx.SampleImageView{
     * This is the application.
    public class ImageViewApp : App
         * The overrided OnInit is where the main form should be created and
         * shown.  Application start-up logic can also be placed here.
        public override bool OnInit()
            // Create the main frame
            ImageViewFrame frame = new ImageViewFrame();

            // Show it

            // Return true, to indicate that everything was initialized 
            // properly.
            return true;

        public static void Main()
            // Create an instance of our application class
            ImageViewApp app = new ImageViewApp();

            // Run the application

     * This is the main frame.  All user interaction will start here.
    public class ImageViewFrame : Frame
        // Every control that we want to handle events for will need an 
        // integer ID, these IDs are listed below.

        // File menu IDs
        private const int ID_FileOpenDir    = 1;
        private const int ID_FileExit       = 2;

        // Help menu IDs
        private const int ID_HelpAbout      = 3;

        // String to hold the directory we're browsing
        private string m_directory = "";

        // The image list
        private ImageList m_list;

        // The image viewer
        private ImageViewer m_viewer;

         * The base class is passed the title of the frame, the default 
         * position for its position, and an arbitrary size.
         * All the components inside the frame are created and initialized 
         * here.
        public ImageViewFrame()
            : base("ImageView", wxDefaultPosition, new Size(500, 500))
            // The menu bar is the bar where all the menus will be attached 
            // to.
            MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();

            // The File menu
            Menu fileMenu = new Menu();

            // The first item we append is the "Open" command.  The ID for 
            // the menu item is passed, as well as two strings.
            // The first string is the menu item text.  The stuff after '\t'
            // tells wxWidgets to use this as a short-cut key for the item.
            // An '&' will underline the next character on the menu, for 
            // easy access.
            // The second string is the help text for the menu item.  When a
            // users mouse hovers over the item, the status bar text will
            // change to this.
            fileMenu.Append(ID_FileOpenDir, "&Open Directory...\tCtrl+O",
                            "Open a directory with images");

            // Append a menu seperator.

            // Exit menu item.
            fileMenu.Append(ID_FileExit, "E&xit\tCtrl+Shift+W", 
                            "Exit this fine application");

            // Attach the file menu to the menu bar
            menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&File");

            // The Help menu
            Menu helpMenu = new Menu();

            helpMenu.Append(ID_HelpAbout, "&About...",
                            "About this application");

            menuBar.Append(helpMenu, "&Help");

            // Next we tell the frame to use the menu bar that we've created, 
            // using the Frame.MenuBar property.
            this.MenuBar = menuBar;

            // Create a status bar with 2 fields

            // Set the initial status bar text, this will set the text in the 
            // first status bar field.
            StatusText = "Welcome to ImageView!";

            // The splitter window allows two child windows to be displayed
            // with a bar between them.
            // When there is only one child in a Frame, the child will fill
            // that frame, hence we don't need a sizer in this frame.
            SplitterWindow split = new SplitterWindow(this, -1);

            // Create the image viewing control
            m_viewer = new ImageViewer(split);

            // Create our image list
            m_list = new ImageList(split, m_viewer);

            // We now split the window with the two children
            split.SplitVertically(m_list, m_viewer, 150);

            // Set some event handlers using the IDs of the controls we 
            // wish to handle events for.
            EVT_MENU(ID_FileExit,           new EventListener(OnFileExit));
            EVT_MENU(ID_FileOpenDir,        new EventListener(OnFileOpenDir));

            EVT_MENU(ID_HelpAbout,          new EventListener(OnHelpAbout));

            // Handle when the frame is closed
            EVT_CLOSE(new EventListener(OnClose));

         * Exit event handler
        protected void OnFileExit(object sender, Event evt)
            // Close the frame.  Since this is the last (only) frame in the
            // application, the application will exit when it is closed.


         * Open Directory event handler
        protected void OnFileOpenDir(object sender, Event evt)
            DirDialog dlg = new DirDialog(this, "Choose an image directory",

            if (dlg.ShowModal() == Dialog.wxID_OK) {
                m_directory = dlg.Path;

                // List the images. GetFiles is not very powerful: it is
        // limited to a DOS-like wildcard match. So in our case 
        // this is case sensitive on UN*X.
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(m_directory, "*.jpg");

                Title = dlg.Path;

         * About event handler
        protected void OnHelpAbout(object sender, Event evt)
            // Message for our about dialog.
            string msg = "ImageView!\n\nAn application for viewing images.";

            // Display a message box.  The message box will have an OK button
            // (wxOK), and an information icon (wxICON_INFORMATION)
            MessageDialog.ShowModal(this, msg, "About ImageView", 
                                    Dialog.wxOK | Dialog.wxICON_INFORMATION);

        protected void OnClose(object sender, Event evt)
            // We can ask the user whether or not it is OK to close the frame,
            // then act appropriately.

            string msg = "Are you sure you'd like to exit?";

            int result = MessageDialog.ShowModal(this, msg, "Exit ImageView",
                                                 Dialog.wxYES_NO |

            // Did the user click yes?
            if (result == Dialog.wxYES) {
                // They did, we tell wxWidgets to take care of closing the
                // application

         * Override the base Title, since we want to add some more intelligent
         * behaviour.
        public override string Title
            get { return base.Title; }
            set { 
                string title = "ImageView";

                if (value != "")
                    title += " (" + value + ")";

                base.Title = title;
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