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// wx.NET/Samples - Notebook.cs
// wx.NET "Notebook" sample.
// Written by Alexander Olk (
// (C) 2003 by Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: Notebook.cs,v 1.6 2007/10/21 15:30:41 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.Drawing;

namespace wx.SampleNotebook{ 
  public class MyFrame : wx.Frame
    enum ID_CONTROLS 
      ID_RADIO_ORIENT = 5999,
    public const int ORIENT_TOP = 0;
    public const int ORIENT_BOTTOM = 1;
    public const int ORIENT_LEFT = 2;
    public const int ORIENT_RIGHT = 3;
    public const int ORIENT_MAX = 4;    
    private Panel m_panel;
    private RadioBox m_radioOrient;
    private CheckBox m_chkShowImages;
    private Button m_btnAddPage;
    private Button m_btnInsertPage;
    private Button m_btnDeleteCurPage;
    private Button m_btnDeleteLastPage;
    private Button m_btnNextPage;
    private Button m_btnExit;
    private MyNotebook m_notebook;
    private TextCtrl m_text;
    private BoxSizer m_sizerFrame;
    private BoxSizer m_sizerTop;
#if !(WXWIN_VERSION_2_8)
    private NotebookSizer m_sizerNotebook;
    private ImageList m_imageList;
    public static int s_pageAdded = 0;
    public static int s_pageIns = 0;
    public static int s_numNotebookEvents = 0;
    public static int s_nPages = -1;
    public static int s_nSel = -1;

    public MyFrame( string title, Point pos, Size size )
      : base( title, pos, size )
      Size imageSize = new Size( 32, 32 );
      m_imageList = new ImageList( imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height );
      m_imageList.Add( ArtProvider.GetIcon( ArtID.wxART_INFORMATION, ArtClient.wxART_OTHER, imageSize ) );
      m_imageList.Add( ArtProvider.GetIcon( ArtID.wxART_QUESTION, ArtClient.wxART_OTHER, imageSize ) );
      m_imageList.Add( ArtProvider.GetIcon( ArtID.wxART_WARNING, ArtClient.wxART_OTHER, imageSize ) );
      m_imageList.Add( ArtProvider.GetIcon( ArtID.wxART_ERROR, ArtClient.wxART_OTHER, imageSize ) );
      m_panel = new Panel( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
      string[] strOrientations =
      m_radioOrient = new RadioBox(
        m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_RADIO_ORIENT,
        "&Tab orientation",
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
        1, RadioBox.wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
      m_chkShowImages = new CheckBox( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_CHK_SHOWIMAGES, "&Show images" );
      m_btnAddPage = new Button( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_ADD_PAGE, "&Add page" );
      m_btnInsertPage = new Button( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_INSERT_PAGE, "&Insert page" );
      m_btnDeleteCurPage = new Button( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_DELETE_CUR_PAGE, "&Delete current page" );
      m_btnDeleteLastPage = new Button( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_DELETE_LAST_PAGE, "Delete las&t page" );
      m_btnNextPage = new Button( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_NEXT_PAGE, "&Next page" );
      m_btnExit = new Button( m_panel, wxID_OK, "&Exit" );
      m_notebook = new MyNotebook( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_NOTEBOOK );
      m_text = new TextCtrl( m_panel, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, TextCtrl.wxTE_MULTILINE | TextCtrl.wxTE_READONLY );
      Log.SetActiveTarget( m_text );
      Log.AddTraceMask( "focus" );      
      m_sizerFrame = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      m_sizerTop = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      BoxSizer sizerLeft = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_radioOrient, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_chkShowImages, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxTOP, 4 );
      //sizerLeft.Add( 0, 0, 1 );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_btnAddPage, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | ( Direction.wxTOP | Direction.wxBOTTOM ), 4 );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_btnInsertPage, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | ( Direction.wxTOP | Direction.wxBOTTOM ), 4 );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_btnDeleteCurPage, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | ( Direction.wxTOP | Direction.wxBOTTOM ), 4 );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_btnDeleteLastPage, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | ( Direction.wxTOP | Direction.wxBOTTOM ), 4 );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_btnNextPage, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | ( Direction.wxTOP | Direction.wxBOTTOM ), 4 );
      //sizerLeft.Add( 0, 0, 1 );
      sizerLeft.Add( m_btnExit, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      m_sizerTop.Add( sizerLeft, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxALL, 4 );
      m_sizerFrame.Add( m_sizerTop, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      m_sizerFrame.Add( m_text, 0, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      m_panel.Sizer = m_sizerFrame;
      m_panel.AutoLayout = true;
      m_sizerFrame.Fit( this );
      Centre( Orientation.wxBOTH );
      EVT_RADIOBOX( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_RADIO_ORIENT, new EventListener( OnCheckOrRadioBox) );
      EVT_CHECKBOX( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_CHK_SHOWIMAGES, new EventListener( OnCheckOrRadioBox ) );

      EVT_BUTTON( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_ADD_PAGE, new EventListener( OnButtonAddPage ) );
      EVT_BUTTON( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_INSERT_PAGE, new EventListener( OnButtonInsertPage ) );
      EVT_BUTTON( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_DELETE_CUR_PAGE, new EventListener( OnButtonDeleteCurPage ) );
      EVT_BUTTON( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_DELETE_LAST_PAGE, new EventListener( OnButtonDeleteLastPage ) );
      EVT_BUTTON( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_NEXT_PAGE, new EventListener( OnButtonNextPage ) );
      EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, new EventListener( OnButtonExit ) );

      EVT_UPDATE_UI( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_DELETE_CUR_PAGE, new EventListener( OnUpdateUIBtnDeleteCurPage ) );
      EVT_UPDATE_UI( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_BTN_DELETE_LAST_PAGE, new EventListener( OnUpdateUIBtnDeleteLastPage ) );

      EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_NOTEBOOK, new EventListener( OnNotebook ) );
      EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING( (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_NOTEBOOK, new EventListener( OnNotebook ) );

      EVT_IDLE( new EventListener( OnIdle ) );
    public void ReInitNotebook()
      uint flags = 0;
      switch ( m_radioOrient.Selection )
        default: Log.LogError( "unknown notebook orientation" ); break;
        case ORIENT_TOP :
          flags = Notebook.wxNB_TOP;
        case ORIENT_BOTTOM :
          flags = Notebook.wxNB_BOTTOM;
        case ORIENT_LEFT :
          flags = Notebook.wxNB_LEFT;
        case ORIENT_RIGHT :
          flags = Notebook.wxNB_RIGHT;
      MyNotebook notebook = m_notebook;
      m_notebook = new MyNotebook( m_panel, (int)ID_CONTROLS.ID_NOTEBOOK,
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, flags );
      if ( m_chkShowImages.IsChecked )
        m_notebook.Images = m_imageList;
      if ( notebook != null )
        int sel = notebook.Selection;
        int count = notebook.PageCount;
        for ( int n = 0; n < count; n++ )
          string str = notebook.GetPageText( n );
          Window page = m_notebook.CreatePage( str );
          m_notebook.AddPage( page, str, false, m_notebook.IconIndex );
        if ( m_sizerNotebook != null )
          m_sizerTop.Remove( m_sizerNotebook );
        notebook = null;
        if ( sel != -1 )
          m_notebook.Selection = sel;
      m_sizerTop.Add( m_notebook, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxALL, 4 );
            m_sizerNotebook = new NotebookSizer( m_notebook );
      m_sizerTop.Add( m_sizerNotebook, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxALL, 4 );
    public void OnCheckOrRadioBox( object sender, Event e )
    public void OnButtonAddPage( object sender, Event e )
      Panel panel = new Panel( m_notebook, -1 );
      new Button( panel, -1, "First button", new Point( 10, 10 ), new Size( -1, -1 ) );
      new Button( panel, -1, "Second button", new Point( 50, 100 ), new Size( -1, -1 ) );
      m_notebook.AddPage( panel, "Added " + ( ++s_pageAdded).ToString(), true, m_notebook.IconIndex );
    public void OnButtonInsertPage( object sender, Event e )
      Panel panel = m_notebook.CreateUserCreatedPage();
      m_notebook.InsertPage( 0, panel, "Inserted " + ( ++s_pageIns).ToString(), false, m_notebook.IconIndex );
      m_notebook.Selection = 0;
    public void OnButtonDeleteCurPage( object sender, Event e )
      int sel = m_notebook.Selection;
      if ( sel != -1 )
        m_notebook.DeletePage( sel );
    public void OnButtonDeleteLastPage( object sender, Event e )
      int page = m_notebook.PageCount;
      if ( page != 0 )
        m_notebook.DeletePage( page -1 );
    public void OnButtonNextPage( object sender, Event e )
      m_notebook.AdvanceSelection( true );
    public void OnButtonExit( object sender, Event e )
    public void OnNotebook( object sender, Event e )
      string str = "Unknown notebook event";
      NotebookEvent ne = (NotebookEvent) e;
      int eventType = ne.EventType;
      if ( eventType == Event.wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED )
        str = "Notebook changed";
      else if ( eventType == Event.wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING )
        int idx = ne.OldSelection;
        if ( idx != -1 && m_notebook.GetPageText( idx ) == "Veto" )
          MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog( this, "Are you sure you want to leave this notebook page?\n(This demonstrates veto-ing)",
              "Notebook sample", Dialog.wxICON_QUESTION | Dialog.wxYES_NO );
          if ( md.ShowModal() != wxID_YES )
        str = "Notebook changing";
      Log.LogMessage( "Notebook event #{0}: {1} ({2})", s_numNotebookEvents++, str, eventType );
    public void OnUpdateUIBtnDeleteCurPage( object sender, Event e )
      UpdateUIEvent ue = (UpdateUIEvent) e;
      ue.Enabled = m_notebook.Selection != -1;
    public void OnUpdateUIBtnDeleteLastPage( object sender, Event e )
      UpdateUIEvent ue = (UpdateUIEvent) e;
      ue.Enabled = m_notebook.PageCount != 0;
    public void OnIdle( object sender, Event e )
      int nPages = m_notebook.PageCount;
      int nSel = m_notebook.Selection;
      if ( nPages != s_nPages || nSel != s_nSel )
        s_nPages = nPages;
        s_nSel = nSel;
        string title = "Notebook (" + nPages + " pages, selection: " + nSel + ")";
        Title = title;
  public class MyNotebook : wx.Notebook
    public MyNotebook( Window parent, int id )
      : this( parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ) {}
    public MyNotebook( Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style )
      : base ( parent, id, pos, size, style )
    public void CreateInitialPages()
      Panel panel = null;
      panel = CreateRadioButtonsPage();
      AddPage( panel, "Radiobuttons", false, IconIndex );
      panel = CreateVetoPage();
      AddPage( panel, "Veto", false, IconIndex );
      panel = CreateBigButtonPage();
      AddPage( panel, "Maximized button", false, IconIndex );
      panel = CreateInsertPage();
      InsertPage( 0, panel, "Inserted", false, IconIndex );
      Selection = 1;
    public Panel CreatePage( string pageName )
      if ( pageName.IndexOf( "Inserted " ) != -1 || pageName.IndexOf( "Added " ) != -1 )
        return CreateUserCreatedPage();
      if ( pageName == "Inserted" )
        return CreateInsertPage();
      if ( pageName == "Veto" )
        return CreateVetoPage();
      if ( pageName == "Radiobuttons" )
        return CreateRadioButtonsPage();
      if ( pageName == "Maximized button" )
        return CreateBigButtonPage();
      return CreateBigButtonPage();
    public Panel CreateUserCreatedPage()
      Panel panel = new Panel( this );
      new Button( panel, -1, "Button", new Point( 10, 10 ), new Size( -1, -1 ) );
      return panel;
    public int IconIndex
      get { 
        if ( Images != null )
          int nImages = Images.ImageCount;
          if ( nImages > 0 )
            return PageCount % nImages;
        return -1; 
    private Panel CreateInsertPage()
      Panel panel = new Panel( this );
      panel.BackgroundColour = new Colour( "MAROON" );
      new StaticText( panel, -1, "This page has been inserted, not added.", new Point( 10, 10 ) );
      return panel;
    private Panel CreateRadioButtonsPage()
      Panel panel = new Panel( this );
      string[] animals = { "Fox", "Hare", "Rabbit", "Sabre-toothed tiger", "Rex" };
      RadioBox radiobox1 = new RadioBox( panel, -1, "Choose one", 
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, animals, 2, RadioBox.wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS );
      string[] computers = { "Amiga", "Commodore 64", "PET", "Another" };
      RadioBox radiobox2 = new RadioBox( panel, -1, "Choose your favourite",
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, computers, 0, RadioBox.wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
      BoxSizer sizerPanel = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      sizerPanel.Add( radiobox1, 2, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      sizerPanel.Add( radiobox2, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      panel.Sizer = sizerPanel;
      return panel;
    private Panel CreateVetoPage()
      Panel panel = new Panel( this );
      new StaticText( panel, -1, "This page intentionally left blank", new Point( 10, 10 ) );
      return panel;
    private Panel CreateBigButtonPage()
      Panel panel = new Panel( this );
      Button buttonBig = new Button( panel, -1, "Maximized button", new Point( 0, 0 ), new Size( 480, 360 ) );
      BoxSizer sizerPanel = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      sizerPanel.Add( buttonBig, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      panel.Sizer = sizerPanel;
      return panel;

  public class NOTEBOOK : wx.App
    public override bool OnInit()
      MyFrame frame = new MyFrame( "Notebook sample", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize );
      frame.Show( true );

      return true;


    static void Main()
      NOTEBOOK app = new NOTEBOOK();
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