// wx.NET/Samples - SashWindow.cs
// wx.NET "SashWindow" sample.
// Written by Alexander Olk (xenomorph2@onlinehome.de)
// (C) 2004 Alexander Olk
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: SashWindow.cs,v 1.4 2007/10/21 15:30:42 harald_meyer Exp $
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace wx.SampleSashWindow{
public class SashWindowFrame : Frame
public SashWindowFrame( string title, Point pos, Size size )
: base( title, pos, size )
MainPanel mp = new MainPanel( this );
TextCtrl textCtrl = new TextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
TextCtrl.wxTE_MULTILINE | TextCtrl.wxTE_READONLY | TextCtrl.wxSUNKEN_BORDER );
Log.SetActiveTarget( textCtrl );
BoxSizer bSizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
bSizer.Add( mp, 1, Stretch.wxGROW );
bSizer.Add( textCtrl, 0, Stretch.wxGROW );
Sizer = bSizer;
public class MainPanel : Panel
enum Cmd
public SashLayoutWindow topWindow;
public SashLayoutWindow bottomWindow;
public SashLayoutWindow leftWindow1;
public SashLayoutWindow leftWindow2;
public Panel remainingSpace;
public LayoutAlgorithm la = new LayoutAlgorithm();
public MainPanel(Window parent)
: base( parent )
remainingSpace = new Panel( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSUNKEN_BORDER );
StaticText st = new StaticText( remainingSpace, -1, "I'm the remaining space Panel" );
topWindow = new SashLayoutWindow( this, (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_TOP,
wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 200, 30 ),
wxNO_BORDER | SashWindow.wxSW_3D );
topWindow.DefaultSize = new Size( 1000, 30 );
topWindow.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL;
topWindow.Alignment = LayoutAlignment.wxLAYOUT_TOP;
topWindow.BackgroundColour = new Colour( 255, 0, 0 );
topWindow.SetSashVisible( SashEdgePosition.wxSASH_BOTTOM, true );
StaticText st1 = new StaticText( topWindow, -1, "I'm the top SashLayoutWindow" );
bottomWindow = new SashLayoutWindow( this, (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_BOTTOM,
wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 200, 30 ),
wxNO_BORDER | SashWindow.wxSW_3D );
bottomWindow.DefaultSize = new Size( 1000, 30 );
bottomWindow.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL;
bottomWindow.Alignment = LayoutAlignment.wxLAYOUT_BOTTOM;
bottomWindow.BackgroundColour = new Colour( 0, 0, 255 );
bottomWindow.SetSashVisible( SashEdgePosition.wxSASH_TOP, true );
StaticText st2 = new StaticText( bottomWindow, -1, "I'm the bottom SashLayoutWindow" );
leftWindow1 = new SashLayoutWindow( this, (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_LEFT1,
wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 200, 30 ),
wxNO_BORDER | SashWindow.wxSW_3D );
leftWindow1.DefaultSize = new Size( 120, 1000 );
leftWindow1.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.wxLAYOUT_VERTICAL;
leftWindow1.Alignment = LayoutAlignment.wxLAYOUT_LEFT;
leftWindow1.BackgroundColour = new Colour( 0, 255, 0 );
leftWindow1.SetSashVisible( SashEdgePosition.wxSASH_RIGHT, true );
leftWindow1.ExtraBorderSize = 10;
TextCtrl leftWindow1tc = new TextCtrl( leftWindow1, -1,
"I'm a child of leftWindow1", wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, TextCtrl.wxTE_MULTILINE | wxSUNKEN_BORDER );
leftWindow2 = new SashLayoutWindow( this, (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_LEFT2,
wxDefaultPosition, new Size( 200, 30 ),
wxNO_BORDER | SashWindow.wxSW_3D );
leftWindow2.DefaultSize = new Size( 120, 1000 );
leftWindow2.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.wxLAYOUT_VERTICAL;
leftWindow2.Alignment = LayoutAlignment.wxLAYOUT_LEFT;
leftWindow2.BackgroundColour = new Colour( 0, 255, 255 );
leftWindow2.SetSashVisible( SashEdgePosition.wxSASH_RIGHT, true );
leftWindow2.ExtraBorderSize = 15;
TextCtrl leftWindow2tc = new TextCtrl( leftWindow2, -1,
"I'm a child of leftWindow2", wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, TextCtrl.wxTE_MULTILINE | wxSUNKEN_BORDER );
EVT_SASH_DRAGGED_RANGE( (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_TOP, (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_BOTTOM, new EventListener( OnSashDraggedRange ) );
Resized += new EventListener( OnSize );
public void OnSashDraggedRange( object sender, Event e )
SashEvent se = (SashEvent) e;
Log.LogMessage("OnSashDraggedRange:" );
Log.LogMessage("DragStatus: " + se.DragStatus );
Log.LogMessage("Event ID: " + se.ID );
if ( se.DragStatus == SashDragStatus.wxSASH_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE )
int eventID = e.ID;
switch ( eventID )
case (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_TOP:
topWindow.DefaultSize = new Size( 1000, se.DragRect.Height );
case (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_LEFT1:
leftWindow1.DefaultSize = new Size( se.DragRect.Width, 1000 );
case (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_LEFT2:
leftWindow2.DefaultSize = new Size( se.DragRect.Width, 1000 );
case (int)Cmd.ID_WINDOW_BOTTOM:
bottomWindow.DefaultSize = new Size( 1000, se.DragRect.Height );
la.LayoutWindow( this, remainingSpace );
public void OnSize( object sender, Event e )
Log.LogMessage("OnSize" );
la.LayoutWindow( this, remainingSpace );
public class SashWindowApp : wx.App
public override bool OnInit()
SashWindowFrame frame = new SashWindowFrame( "SashWindow wxWidgets Sample", new Point( 10, 100), new Size(650,340) );
frame.Show( true );
return true;
static void Main()
SashWindowApp app = new SashWindowApp();