components.cs :  » Installers-Generators » WiX » Microsoft » Deployment » Samples » Inventory » C# / CSharp Open Source

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WiX » Microsoft » Deployment » Samples » Inventory » components.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
using ViewMicrosoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.View;

namespace Microsoft.Deployment.Samples.Inventory{
  /// <summary>
  /// Provides inventory data about components of products installed on the system.
  /// </summary>
  public class ComponentsInventory : IInventoryDataProvider
    public ComponentsInventory()

    public string Description
      get { return "Components of installed products"; }

    private Hashtable componentProductsMap;

    public string[] GetNodes(InventoryDataLoadStatusCallback statusCallback)
      ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
      componentProductsMap = new Hashtable();
      foreach(ProductInstallation product in ProductInstallation.AllProducts)
                string productName = MsiUtils.GetProductName(product.ProductCode);
                statusCallback(nodes.Count, String.Format(@"Products\{0}", productName));

          IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
          Installer.SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions.Silent, ref hWnd);
          lock(typeof(Session))  // Only one Installer session can be active at a time
                        using (Session session = Installer.OpenProduct(product.ProductCode))
                            statusCallback(nodes.Count, String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Features", productName));
                            IList<string> features = session.Database.ExecuteStringQuery("SELECT `Feature` FROM `Feature`");
                            string[] featuresArray = new string[features.Count];
                            features.CopyTo(featuresArray, 0);
                            Array.Sort(featuresArray, 0, featuresArray.Length, new CaseInsensitiveComparer(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                            foreach (string feature in featuresArray)
                nodes.Add(String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Features\{1}", productName, feature));
                            statusCallback(nodes.Count, String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components", productName));
              nodes.Add(String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components", productName));
                            IList<string> components = session.Database.ExecuteStringQuery("SELECT `ComponentId` FROM `Component`");
              for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                string component = components[i];
                if (component.Length > 0)
                  nodes.Add(String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}", productName, component));
                  ArrayList sharingProducts = (ArrayList) componentProductsMap[component];
                  if (sharingProducts == null)
                    sharingProducts = new ArrayList();
                    componentProductsMap[component] = sharingProducts;
                if (i % 100 == 0) statusCallback(nodes.Count, null);
              nodes.Add(String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Files", productName));
              nodes.Add(String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Registry", productName));
              statusCallback(nodes.Count, String.Empty);
        catch(InstallerException) { }
            statusCallback(nodes.Count, @"Products\...\Components\...\Sharing");
            foreach (DictionaryEntry componentProducts in componentProductsMap)
        string component = (string) componentProducts.Key;
        ArrayList products = (ArrayList) componentProducts.Value;
        if(products.Count > 1)
          foreach(string productCode in products)
            nodes.Add(String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}\Sharing", MsiUtils.GetProductName(productCode), component));
      statusCallback(nodes.Count, String.Empty);
      return (string[]) nodes.ToArray(typeof(string));

    public bool IsNodeSearchable(string searchRoot, string searchNode)
      string[] rootPath = searchRoot.Split('\\');
      string[] nodePath = searchNode.Split('\\');
      if(rootPath.Length < 3 && nodePath.Length >= 3 && nodePath[0] == "Products" && nodePath[2] == "Components")
        // When searching an entire product, don't search the "Components" subtree --
        // it just has duplicate data from the Files and Registry table.  And if you
        // really want to know about the component, it's only a click away from
        // those other tables.
        return false;
      return true;

    public DataView GetData(string nodePath)
      string[] path = nodePath.Split('\\');

      if(path.Length == 4 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Features")
        return GetFeatureComponentsData(MsiUtils.GetProductCode(path[1]), path[3]);
      else if(path.Length == 3 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Components")
        return GetProductComponentsData(MsiUtils.GetProductCode(path[1]));
      else if(path.Length == 4 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Components")
        return GetComponentData(MsiUtils.GetProductCode(path[1]), path[3]);
      else if(path.Length == 5 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Components" && path[4] == "Sharing")
        return GetComponentProductsData(path[3]);
      else if(path.Length == 3 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Files")
        return GetProductFilesData(MsiUtils.GetProductCode(path[1]));
      else if(path.Length == 3 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Registry")
        return GetProductRegistryData(MsiUtils.GetProductCode(path[1]));
      return null;

    public DataView GetComponentData(string productCode, string componentCode)
      DataTable table = new DataTable("ProductComponentItems");
      table.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsIsKey", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsKey", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsPath", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsExists", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsDbVersion", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsInstalledVersion", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentItemsInstalledMatch", typeof(bool));
        IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
                Installer.SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions.Silent, ref hWnd);
        lock(typeof(Session))  // Only one Installer session can be active at a time
          using(Session session = Installer.OpenProduct(productCode))

            foreach(object[] row in this.GetComponentFilesRows(productCode, componentCode, session, false))
            foreach(object[] row in this.GetComponentRegistryRows(productCode, componentCode, session, false))
        return new DataView(table, "", "ProductComponentItemsPath ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
      catch(InstallerException) { }
      return null;

    private object[][] GetComponentFilesRows(string productCode, string componentCode, Session session, bool includeComponent)
      ArrayList rows = new ArrayList();
      string componentPath = new ComponentInstallation(componentCode, productCode).Path;

      string componentKey = (string) session.Database.ExecuteScalar(
        "SELECT `Component` FROM `Component` WHERE `ComponentId` = '{0}'", componentCode);
      if(componentKey == null) return null;
      int attributes = Convert.ToInt32(session.Database.ExecuteScalar(
        "SELECT `Attributes` FROM `Component` WHERE `Component` = '{0}'", componentKey));
      bool registryKeyPath = (attributes & (int) ComponentAttributes.RegistryKeyPath) != 0;
      if(!registryKeyPath && componentPath.Length > 0) componentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(componentPath);
      string keyPath = (string) session.Database.ExecuteScalar(
        "SELECT `KeyPath` FROM `Component` WHERE `Component` = '{0}'", componentKey);

      using (View  view = session.Database.OpenView("SELECT `File`, `FileName`, `Version`, `Language`, " +
          "`Attributes` FROM `File` WHERE `Component_` = '{0}'", componentKey))
                foreach (Record rec in view) using (rec)
          string fileKey = (string) rec["File"];
          bool isKey = !registryKeyPath && keyPath == fileKey;
          string dbVersion = (string) rec["Version"];
          bool versionedFile = dbVersion.Length != 0;
            string language = (string) rec["Language"];
            if(language.Length > 0)
              dbVersion = dbVersion + " (" + language + ")";
          else if(session.Database.Tables.Contains("MsiFileHash"))
            IList<int> hash = session.Database.ExecuteIntegerQuery("SELECT `HashPart1`, `HashPart2`, " + 
              "`HashPart3`, `HashPart4` FROM `MsiFileHash` WHERE `File_` = '{0}'", fileKey);
            if(hash != null && hash.Count == 4)
              dbVersion = this.GetFileHashString(hash);

          string filePath = GetLongFileName((string) rec["FileName"]);
          bool exists = false;
          bool installedMatch = false;
          string installedVersion = "";
          if(!registryKeyPath && componentPath.Length > 0)
            filePath = Path.Combine(componentPath, filePath);

              exists = true;
                installedVersion = Installer.GetFileVersion(filePath);
                string language = Installer.GetFileLanguage(filePath);
                if(language.Length > 0)
                  installedVersion = installedVersion + " (" + language + ")";
                                int[] hash = new int[4];
                                Installer.GetFileHash(filePath, hash);
                  installedVersion = this.GetFileHashString(hash);
              installedMatch = installedVersion == dbVersion;

          object[] row;
          if(includeComponent) row = new object[] { isKey, fileKey, filePath, exists, dbVersion, installedVersion, installedMatch, componentCode };
          else row = new object[] { isKey, fileKey, filePath, exists, dbVersion, installedVersion, installedMatch };

            return (object[][]) rows.ToArray(typeof(object[]));

    private string GetLongFileName(string fileName)
      string[] fileNames = fileName.Split('|');
      return fileNames.Length == 1? fileNames[0] : fileNames[1];

    private string GetFileHashString(IList<int> hash)
      return String.Format("{0:X8}{1:X8}{2:X8}{3:X8}", (uint) hash[0], (uint) hash[1], (uint) hash[2], (uint) hash[3]);

    private object[][] GetComponentRegistryRows(string productCode, string componentCode, Session session, bool includeComponent)
      ArrayList rows = new ArrayList();
            string componentPath = new ComponentInstallation(componentCode, productCode).Path;

      string componentKey = (string) session.Database.ExecuteScalar(
        "SELECT `Component` FROM `Component` WHERE `ComponentId` = '{0}'", componentCode);
      if(componentKey == null) return null;
      int attributes = Convert.ToInt32(session.Database.ExecuteScalar(
        "SELECT `Attributes` FROM `Component` WHERE `Component` = '{0}'", componentKey));
      bool registryKeyPath = (attributes & (int) ComponentAttributes.RegistryKeyPath) != 0;
      if(!registryKeyPath && componentPath.Length > 0) componentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(componentPath);
      string keyPath = (string) session.Database.ExecuteScalar(
        "SELECT `KeyPath` FROM `Component` WHERE `Component` = '{0}'", componentKey);

      using (View view = session.Database.OpenView("SELECT `Registry`, `Root`, `Key`, `Name`, " +
          "`Value` FROM `Registry` WHERE `Component_` = '{0}'", componentKey))

        foreach (Record rec in view) using (rec)
          string regName = (string) rec["Name"];
          if(regName == "-") continue;  // Don't list deleted keys

          string regTableKey = (string) rec["Registry"];
          bool isKey = registryKeyPath && keyPath == regTableKey;
          string regPath = this.GetRegistryPath(session, (RegistryRoot) Convert.ToInt32(rec["Root"]),
            (string) rec["Key"], (string) rec["Name"]);

          string dbValue;
          using(Record formatRec = new Record(0))
            formatRec[0] = rec["Value"];
            dbValue = session.FormatRecord(formatRec);

          string installedValue = this.GetRegistryValue(regPath);
          bool exists = installedValue != null;
          if(!exists) installedValue = "";
          bool match = installedValue == dbValue;

          object[] row;
          if(includeComponent) row = new object[] { isKey, regTableKey, regPath, exists, dbValue, installedValue, match, componentCode };
          else row = new object[] { isKey, regTableKey, regPath, exists, dbValue, installedValue, match };

            return (object[][]) rows.ToArray(typeof(object[]));

    private string GetRegistryPath(Session session, RegistryRoot root, string key, string name)
      bool allUsers = session.EvaluateCondition("ALLUSERS = 1", true);
      string rootName = "????";
        case RegistryRoot.LocalMachine : rootName = "HKLM"; break;
        case RegistryRoot.CurrentUser  : rootName = "HKCU"; break;
        case RegistryRoot.Users        : rootName = "HKU"; break;
        case RegistryRoot.UserOrMachine: rootName = (allUsers ? "HKLM" : "HKCU"); break;
        case RegistryRoot.ClassesRoot  : rootName = (allUsers ? @"HKLM\Software\Classes" : @"HKCU\Software\Classes"); break;
        // TODO: Technically, RegistryRoot.ClassesRoot should be under HKLM on NT4.
      if(name.Length == 0) name = "(Default)";
      if(name == "+" || name == "*") name = "";
      else name = " : " + name;
      using(Record formatRec = new Record(0))
        formatRec[0] = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}", rootName, key, name);
        return session.FormatRecord(formatRec);

    private string GetRegistryValue(string regPath)
      string valueName = null;
      int iColon = regPath.IndexOf(" : ") + 1;
      if(iColon > 0)
        valueName = regPath.Substring(iColon + 2);
        regPath = regPath.Substring(0, iColon - 1);
      if(valueName == "(Default)") valueName = "";

      RegistryKey root;
        root = Registry.LocalMachine;
        regPath = regPath.Substring(5);
      else if(regPath.StartsWith(@"HKCU\"))
        root = Registry.CurrentUser;
        regPath = regPath.Substring(5);
      else if(regPath.StartsWith(@"HKU\"))
        root = Registry.Users;
        regPath = regPath.Substring(4);
      else return null;

      using(RegistryKey regKey = root.OpenSubKey(regPath))
        if(regKey != null)
          if(valueName == null)
            // Just checking for the existence of the key.
            return "";
          object value = regKey.GetValue(valueName);
          if(value is string[])
            value = String.Join("[~]", (string[]) value);
          else if(value is int)
            value = "#" + value.ToString();
          else if(value is byte[])
            byte[] valueBytes = (byte[]) value;
            StringBuilder byteString = new StringBuilder("#x");
            for(int i = 0; i < valueBytes.Length; i++)
            value = byteString.ToString();
          return (value != null ? value.ToString() : null);
      return null;

    public DataView GetProductFilesData(string productCode)
      DataTable table = new DataTable("ProductFiles");
      table.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesIsKey", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesKey", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesPath", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesExists", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesDbVersion", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesInstalledVersion", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesInstalledMatch", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFilesComponentID", typeof(string));
        IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
                Installer.SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions.Silent, ref hWnd);
        lock(typeof(Session))  // Only one Installer session can be active at a time
          using(Session session = Installer.OpenProduct(productCode))

            foreach(string componentCode in session.Database.ExecuteStringQuery("SELECT `ComponentId` FROM `Component`"))
              foreach(object[] row in this.GetComponentFilesRows(productCode, componentCode, session, true))
        return new DataView(table, "", "ProductFilesPath ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
      catch(InstallerException) { }
      return null;

    public DataView GetProductRegistryData(string productCode)
      DataTable table = new DataTable("ProductRegistry");
      table.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryIsKey", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryKey", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryPath", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryExists", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryDbVersion", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryInstalledVersion", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryInstalledMatch", typeof(bool));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductRegistryComponentID", typeof(string));
        IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
                Installer.SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions.Silent, ref hWnd);
        lock(typeof(Session))  // Only one Installer session can be active at a time
          using(Session session = Installer.OpenProduct(productCode))

            foreach(string componentCode in session.Database.ExecuteStringQuery("SELECT `ComponentId` FROM `Component`"))
              foreach(object[] row in this.GetComponentRegistryRows(productCode, componentCode, session, true))
        return new DataView(table, "", "ProductRegistryPath ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
      catch(InstallerException) { }
      return null;

    public DataView GetComponentProductsData(string componentCode)
      DataTable table = new DataTable("ComponentProducts");
      table.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      table.Columns.Add("ComponentProductsProductName", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ComponentProductsProductCode", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ComponentProductsComponentPath", typeof(string));

      if(this.componentProductsMap != null)
        ArrayList componentProducts = (ArrayList) this.componentProductsMap[componentCode];
        foreach(string productCode in componentProducts)
          string productName = MsiUtils.GetProductName(productCode);
                    string componentPath = new ComponentInstallation(componentCode, productCode).Path;
          table.Rows.Add(new object[] { productName, productCode, componentPath });
        return new DataView(table, "", "ComponentProductsProductName ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
      return null;

    public DataView GetProductComponentsData(string productCode)
      DataTable table = new DataTable("ProductComponents");
      table.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentsComponentName", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentsComponentID", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductComponentsInstallState", typeof(string));

        IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
                Installer.SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions.Silent, ref hWnd);
        lock(typeof(Session))  // Only one Installer session can be active at a time
          using(Session session = Installer.OpenProduct(productCode))

            IList<string> componentsAndIds = session.Database.ExecuteStringQuery(
              "SELECT `Component`, `ComponentId` FROM `Component`");

                        for (int i = 0; i < componentsAndIds.Count; i += 2)
              if(componentsAndIds[i+1] == "Temporary Id") continue;
              InstallState compState = session.Components[componentsAndIds[i]].CurrentState;
              table.Rows.Add(new object[] { componentsAndIds[i], componentsAndIds[i+1],
                              (compState == InstallState.Advertised ? "Advertised" : compState.ToString())});
        return new DataView(table, "", "ProductComponentsComponentName ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
      catch(InstallerException) { }
      return null;

    public DataView GetFeatureComponentsData(string productCode, string feature)
      DataTable table = new DataTable("ProductFeatureComponents");
      table.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFeatureComponentsComponentName", typeof(string));
      table.Columns.Add("ProductFeatureComponentsComponentID", typeof(string));

        IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr.Zero;
                Installer.SetInternalUI(InstallUIOptions.Silent, ref hWnd);
        lock(typeof(Session))  // Only one Installer session can be active at a time
          using(Session session = Installer.OpenProduct(productCode))
                        IList<string> componentsAndIds = session.Database.ExecuteStringQuery(
                            "SELECT `FeatureComponents`.`Component_`, " +
              "`Component`.`ComponentId` FROM `FeatureComponents`, `Component` " +
              "WHERE `FeatureComponents`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` " +
              "AND `FeatureComponents`.`Feature_` = '{0}'", feature);
            for (int i = 0; i < componentsAndIds.Count; i += 2)
              table.Rows.Add(new object[] { componentsAndIds[i], componentsAndIds[i+1] });
        return new DataView(table, "", "ProductFeatureComponentsComponentName ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
      catch(InstallerException) { }
      return null;

    public string GetLink(string nodePath, DataRow row)
      string[] path = nodePath.Split('\\');

      if(path.Length == 3 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Components")
        string component = (string) row["ProductComponentsComponentID"];
        return String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}", path[1], component);
      else if(path.Length == 4 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Features")
        string component = (string) row["ProductFeatureComponentsComponentID"];
        return String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}", path[1], component);
      else if(path.Length == 3 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Files")
        string component = (string) row["ProductFilesComponentID"];
        return String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}", path[1], component);
      else if(path.Length == 3 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Registry")
        string component = (string) row["ProductRegistryComponentID"];
        return String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}", path[1], component);
      else if(path.Length == 5 && path[0] == "Products" && path[2] == "Components" && path[4] == "Sharing")
        string product = (string) row["ComponentProductsProductCode"];
        return String.Format(@"Products\{0}\Components\{1}", MsiUtils.GetProductName(product), path[3]);
      return null;
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