using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Hosting;
namespace Spring.Service.Sample{
public class SoapWorkerRequest : SimpleWorkerRequest
private string soapstr;
private string soapAction;
public SoapWorkerRequest (string page, string soapstr,
string soapAction, TextWriter output) : base (page, null, output)
this.soapstr = soapstr;
this.soapAction = soapAction;
public override string GetHttpVerbName ()
return "POST";
public override int ReadEntityBody (byte[] buffer, int size)
char[] chars = soapstr.ToCharArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
buffer [i] = (byte) chars [i];
return chars.Length;
public override string GetKnownRequestHeader (int index)
string retval;
switch (index)
case 11:
retval = String.Format ("{0}", soapstr.Length);
case 12:
retval = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
retval = null;
return retval;
public override string[][] GetUnknownRequestHeaders ()
string[] vals = {"SOAPAction", soapAction};
string[][] namesvals = {vals};
return namesvals;
public override string MapPath (string path)
if (path == GetFilePath ())
return GetFilePathTranslated ();
return base.MapPath (path);
public class MyExeHost : MarshalByRefObject
public void ProcessRequest (String page, string soapmsg, string soapAction)
HttpWorkerRequest hwr =
new SoapWorkerRequest (page, soapmsg, soapAction, Console.Out);
HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest (hwr);
internal class MyAspHost
public static object CreateApplicationHost (Type hostType,
string virtualDir, string physicalDir)
if (!(physicalDir.EndsWith ("\\")))
physicalDir = physicalDir + "\\";
string aspDir = HttpRuntime.AspInstallDirectory;
string domainId = DateTime.Now.ToString (
DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo).GetHashCode ().ToString ("x");
string appName = (virtualDir + physicalDir).GetHashCode ().ToString ("x");
AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup ();
setup.ApplicationName = appName;
setup.ConfigurationFile = "web.config";
AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain (domainId, null, setup);
ad.SetData (".appDomain", "*");
ad.SetData (".appPath", physicalDir);
ad.SetData (".appVPath", virtualDir);
ad.SetData (".domainId", domainId);
ad.SetData (".hostingVirtualPath", virtualDir);
ad.SetData (".hostingInstallDir", aspDir);
ObjectHandle oh = ad.CreateInstance (hostType.Module.Assembly.FullName,
return oh.Unwrap ();
private static void Main (string[] args)
MyExeHost myHost = (MyExeHost) CreateApplicationHost (typeof (MyExeHost),
"/", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory ());
myHost.ProcessRequest (args [0], Console.In.ReadToEnd (), args [1]);
//To compile the program, open a Visual Studio .NET command prompt (or any other command prompt session with the C# compiler in the path) and run this command:
//csc /t:exe /r:System.Web.dll WsHostTest.cs
//Put the exe file in a directory with an ASMX file. Heres the simple file Ive used in my tests:
//<%@ WebService Language="C#" Debug="true" Class="foo" %>
//using System.Web.Services;
//public class foo
// [WebMethod()]
// public string echo(string input)
// {
// return input;
// }
//I also created a file with the SOAP message I wanted to use as input for the program. Here is the contents of this file:
//<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
//<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
//<echo xmlns="">
//To call the program, I entered this command line:
//WsHostTest echo.asmx <soaptext.txt