/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) Routrek Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved..
* This file is a part of the Granados SSH Client Library that is subject to
* the license included in the distributed package.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using Routrek.PKI;
namespace Routrek.SSHC{
/// <summary>
/// Fill the properties of ConnectionParameter object before you start the connection.
/// </summary>
public class SSHConnectionParameter : ICloneable {
private SSHProtocol _protocol;
public SSHProtocol Protocol {
get { return _protocol; }
set { _protocol = value; }
private CipherAlgorithm[] _cipherAlgorithms;
public CipherAlgorithm[] PreferableCipherAlgorithms {
get { return _cipherAlgorithms; }
set { _cipherAlgorithms = value; }
private PublicKeyAlgorithm[] _hostkeyAlgorithms;
public PublicKeyAlgorithm[] PreferableHostKeyAlgorithms {
get { return _hostkeyAlgorithms; }
set { _hostkeyAlgorithms = value; }
private AuthenticationType _authtype;
public AuthenticationType AuthenticationType {
get { return _authtype; }
set { _authtype = value; }
private string _username;
public string UserName {
get { return _username; }
set { _username = value; }
private string _password;
public string Password {
get { return _password; }
set { _password = value; }
private string _identityFile;
public string IdentityFile {
get { return _identityFile; }
set { _identityFile = value; }
private HostKeyCheckCallback _keycheck;
public HostKeyCheckCallback KeyCheck {
get { return _keycheck; }
set { _keycheck = value; }
private string _terminalname;
public string TerminalName {
get { return _terminalname; }
set { _terminalname = value; }
private int _width;
public int TerminalWidth {
get { return _width; }
set { _width = value; }
private int _height;
public int TerminalHeight {
get { return _height; }
set { _height = value; }
private int _pixelWidth;
public int TerminalPixelWidth {
get { return _pixelWidth; }
set { _pixelWidth = value; }
private int _pixelHeight;
public int TerminalPixelHeight {
get { return _pixelHeight; }
set { _pixelHeight = value; }
private Random _random;
public Random Random {
get { return _random; }
set { _random = value; }
private bool _checkMACError;
public bool CheckMACError {
get { return _checkMACError; }
set { _checkMACError = value; }
//SSH2 only property
private int _windowsize;
public int WindowSize {
get { return _windowsize; }
set { _windowsize = value; }
//SSH2 only property
private int _maxpacketsize;
public int MaxPacketSize {
get { return _maxpacketsize; }
set { _maxpacketsize = value; }
private string _ssh1VersionEOL;
public string SSH1VersionEOL {
get { return _ssh1VersionEOL; }
set { _ssh1VersionEOL = value; }
public SSHConnectionParameter() {
_random = new Random();
_authtype = AuthenticationType.Password;
_terminalname = "vt100";
_width = 80;
_height = 25;
_protocol = SSHProtocol.SSH2;
_cipherAlgorithms = new CipherAlgorithm[] { CipherAlgorithm.AES128, CipherAlgorithm.Blowfish, CipherAlgorithm.TripleDES };
_hostkeyAlgorithms = new PublicKeyAlgorithm[] { PublicKeyAlgorithm.DSA, PublicKeyAlgorithm.RSA };
_windowsize = 0x1000;
_maxpacketsize = 0x10000;
_checkMACError = true;
_ssh1VersionEOL = "\n";
public object Clone() {
SSHConnectionParameter n = new SSHConnectionParameter();
n._authtype = _authtype;
n._cipherAlgorithms = _cipherAlgorithms;
n._height = _height;
n._hostkeyAlgorithms = _hostkeyAlgorithms;
n._identityFile = _identityFile;
n._keycheck = _keycheck;
n._maxpacketsize = _maxpacketsize;
n._password = _password;
n._protocol = _protocol;
n._random = _random;
n._terminalname = _terminalname;
n._username = _username;
n._width = _width;
n._windowsize = _windowsize;
n._checkMACError = _checkMACError;
return n;