RFBUpdateDecoders.cs :  » Network-Clients » VNC-Client » VNC » RFBDrawing » UpdateDecoders » C# / CSharp Open Source

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VNC Client » VNC » RFBDrawing » UpdateDecoders » RFBUpdateDecoders.cs
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using VNC.RFBProtocolHandling;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DrawingSupport;
using VNC.RFBDrawing.PixelDecoders;
// Zlib libary  
using NZlib.Compression;
using VNC.zlib;

// author: Dominic Ullmann, dominic_ullmann@swissonline.ch
// Version: 1.02
// VNC-Client for .NET
// Copyright (C) 2002  Dominic Ullmann

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

namespace VNC.RFBDrawing.UpdateDecoders{

  /// <summary> the base class for all Decoders. The decoders decode
  /// an encoded bitmap data stream sent during a framebuffer-update
  /// </summary>
  public abstract class Decoder {
    /// <summary> constructs a decoder </summary>
    /// <remarks> before the Decoder is usable, the stream the data should be read from
    /// and the pixelDecoder which should be used to decode read pixel Data must be set. Additionally
    /// the surface and the PixelDecoder must be set.
    /// This is done using the initalize method.
    ///  Normally this is done by the surface 
    /// </remarks>
    protected Decoder() {

    /// <summary> initalizes this Decoder, only after calling this method the decoder is able to work </summary>
    public void initalize(RFBSurface surface, RFBNetworkStream stream, PixelDecoder pixelDecoder, DrawSupport drawSup) {
      this.pixelDecoder = pixelDecoder;
      this.stream = stream;
      this.surface = surface;
      this.drawSup = drawSup;
      inputBuffer = new byte[pixelDecoder.calculateStride(surface.BufferWidth) * surface.BufferHeight];

    private PixelDecoder pixelDecoder;
    /// <summary> the pixelDecoder used to decode pixelValues </summary>    
    protected PixelDecoder PixelDecoder {
      get {
        return pixelDecoder;

    private RFBNetworkStream stream;
    /// <summary> the netwrokStream the data is read from </summary>
    protected RFBNetworkStream Stream {
      get {
        return stream;

    /// <summary> the width of the remote frame buffer </summary>
    protected int BufferWidth {
      get {
        return surface.BufferWidth;

    /// <summary> the width of the remote frame buffer </summary>
    protected int BufferHeight {
      get {
        return surface.BufferHeight;
    private RFBSurface surface;
    /// <summary> the surface this Decoder is created and used by </summary>
    protected RFBSurface Surface {
      get {
        return surface;
    private DrawSupport drawSup;
    /// <summary> the DrawSupport instance is used for drawing to the buffer/screen </summary>
    protected DrawSupport DrawingSupport {
      get {
        return drawSup;
    /// <summary> the inputBuffer usable to read in raw bitmap data </summary>
    protected byte[] inputBuffer;
    /// <summary> reads the raw-data into raw-inputbuffer, helper procedure for Decoders </summary>
    protected void decodeRawToByteArray(ReadByteStream stream, ushort width, ushort height) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
          pixelDecoder.decodePixel(stream, inputBuffer, i, j, width);

    /// <summary> decodes an update. </summary>
    /// <param name="xpos">the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the update </param>
    /// <param name="ypos">the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the update </param>
    /// <param name="width"> the width of the update</param>
    /// <param name="height"> the height of the update</param>
    /// <remarks> the precondition for calling this method is: the Decode must have been
    /// initalized using initalize </remarks>
    public abstract void decode(ushort xpos, ushort ypos, ushort width, ushort height);
    /// <summary> gets the encoding number this decoder belongs to </summary>
    public abstract uint getEncodingNr();

  // ********************************************************************************************
  // Implementaion of the provided decoders (all RFB-Protocol defaults, plus additional ones)
  // ********************************************************************************************

  /// <summary> this class decodes an update in the RAW-Format </summary>    
  public class RawDecoder : Decoder {
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.decode"/>
    public override void decode(ushort xpos, ushort ypos, ushort width, ushort height) {
      // read raw-data from Stream an update buffer
      // inefficient at the moment      
      decodeRawToByteArray(Stream, width, height);
      DrawingObject drawDest = DrawingSupport.getDrawingObject(xpos, ypos, width, height);
      drawDest.drawFromByteArray(inputBuffer, width, height, 0, 0, PixelDecoder);
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 0; // raw-encoding in the RFBProtocol spec

  /// <summary> this class decodes an update in the Hextile-Format </summary>    
  public abstract class HextileDecoder : Decoder {
    /// <summary> raw subencoding </summary>
    protected const byte hextileRaw = 0x01;
    /// <summary> background spec subencoding </summary>
    protected const byte hextileBGSpec = 0x02;
    /// <summary> foreground spec subencoding </summary>
    protected const byte hextileFGSpec = 0x04;
    /// <summary> subrects subencoding </summary>
    protected const byte hextileSubRects = 0x08;
    /// <summary> colored subrects encoding </summary>
    protected const byte hextileSubRectColor = 0x10;
    /// <summary> new subencoding: hextileZlibRaw (not standard) </summary>
    protected const byte hextileZlibRaw = 0x20; // hextileRaw compressed with zlib
    /// <summary> tells the decoder, how to decode HextileZlibRawSubencoding if supported, only supported in ExtendenHextileDecoder </summary>
    protected virtual void decodeHextileZlibRaw(DrawingObject drawDest, ushort aktxpos, ushort aktypos, ushort tileWidth, ushort tileHeight) {
      // default implementation for standard hextile encoding, overridden in extended version
      throw new Exception("subencoding not supported in standard hextile");
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.decode"/>
    public override void decode(ushort xpos, ushort ypos, ushort width, ushort height) {
      DrawingObject drawDest = DrawingSupport.getDrawingObject(xpos, ypos, width, height);

      byte subenc; // subencoding
      ushort tileHeight, tileWidth;

      Color foreCol = new Color();
      Color backCol = new Color();
      Color aktForeCol = new Color();
      // decode tiles
      for (ushort aktypos = 0; (aktypos < height); aktypos += 16) {
          for (ushort aktxpos = 0; (aktxpos < width); aktxpos += 16) {
          tileHeight = 16;
          tileWidth = 16;
          if (width - aktxpos < 16) { tileWidth = (ushort)(width - aktxpos); }
          if (height - aktypos < 16) { tileHeight = (ushort)(height - aktypos); }  
          subenc = (byte)Stream.ReadByte();
          if ((subenc & hextileRaw) > 0) { // raw update
            decodeRawToByteArray(Stream, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            drawDest.drawFromByteArray(inputBuffer, tileWidth, tileHeight, aktxpos, aktypos, PixelDecoder);
          if ((subenc & hextileBGSpec) > 0) {
            backCol = PixelDecoder.decodePixel(Stream);
            drawDest.drawFilledRectangle(backCol, aktxpos, aktypos, tileWidth, tileHeight);
          if ((subenc & hextileFGSpec) > 0) {
            foreCol = PixelDecoder.decodePixel(Stream);  
          if ((subenc & hextileSubRects) > 0) {
            // we have subrects:
            drawDest.drawFilledRectangle(backCol, aktxpos, aktypos, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            byte nofsubrects = (byte) Stream.ReadByte();
            aktForeCol = foreCol;
            for (int subr = 0; subr < nofsubrects; subr++) {
              if ((subenc & hextileSubRectColor) > 0) { aktForeCol = PixelDecoder.decodePixel(Stream); }
              byte xy = (byte)Stream.ReadByte();
              byte widthHeight = (byte)Stream.ReadByte();
                      aktxpos + ((xy >> 4) & 0x0F),aktypos + (xy & 0x0F),
                      1 + ((widthHeight >> 4) & 0x0F),1 + (widthHeight & 0x0F)
            } // end for subrects

          if ((subenc & hextileZlibRaw) > 0) {
            // is this subencoding allowed (not for standard hextile)
            decodeHextileZlibRaw(drawDest, aktxpos, aktypos, tileWidth, tileHeight);
          // nothing special specified --> whole tile: backcol
          drawDest.drawFilledRectangle(backCol, aktxpos, aktypos, tileWidth, tileHeight);
        } // end for x-tiles    
      } // end for y-tiles

      // inform draw-Destination of drawing has ended
  /// <summary> the hextileDecoder as described in the RFBProtocol V3.3 </summary>
  public class StandardHexitleDecoder : HextileDecoder {
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 5; // standard hextile-encoding in the RFBProtocol spec

  /// <summary> an extended version of the HextileDecoder, supporting a subencoding 0x20 for compressing a tile with zlib </summary>
  public class ExtendedHexitleDecoder : HextileDecoder {
    /// <summary> zlib decompression </summary>
    private InflateStream inflateStream;
    /// <summary> the standard constructor for an ExtendedHextileDecoder </summary>
    public ExtendedHexitleDecoder() {
      inflateStream = new InflateStream();
    /// <seealso cref="HextileDecoder.decodeHextileZlibRaw"/>
    protected override void decodeHextileZlibRaw(DrawingObject drawDest, ushort aktxpos, ushort aktypos, ushort tileWidth, ushort tileHeight) {
      // zlib compressed raw data!
      ushort numOfCompressedBytes = Stream.ReadCard16();

      inflateStream.setRFBStream(Stream, numOfCompressedBytes);
      decodeRawToByteArray(inflateStream, tileWidth, tileHeight);
      drawDest.drawFromByteArray(inputBuffer, tileWidth, tileHeight, aktxpos, aktypos, PixelDecoder);
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 9; // extended hextile-encoding, new subencoding 0x20 for compressing a tile with zlib


  /// <summary> the base class for CoRRE and RRE Decoder </summary>
  public abstract class RREBaseDecoder : Decoder {
    /// <summary> the difference in the CoRRE and RRE Protocol is in the method to encode a rectangle </summary>
    protected abstract void drawRectangle(Color foreCol, DrawingObject drawDest);
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.decode"/>
    public override void decode(ushort xpos, ushort ypos, ushort width, ushort height) {
      DrawingObject drawDest = DrawingSupport.getDrawingObject(xpos, ypos, width, height);
      uint nrOfSubrects = Stream.ReadCard32();
      Color backCol = PixelDecoder.decodePixel(Stream);
      drawDest.drawFilledRectangle(backCol, 0, 0, width, height);
      for (int i = 0; i < nrOfSubrects; i++) {
        Color foreCol = PixelDecoder.decodePixel(Stream);
        // decodes and draws rectangle for RRE/CoRRE
        drawRectangle(foreCol, drawDest);
  /// <summary> this class decodes an update in the RRE-Format </summary>    
  public class RREDecoder : RREBaseDecoder {

    /// <seealso cref="RREBaseDecoder.drawRectangle"/>
    protected override void drawRectangle(Color foreCol, DrawingObject drawDest) {
      drawDest.drawFilledRectangle(foreCol, Stream.ReadCard16(), Stream.ReadCard16(),
                        Stream.ReadCard16(), Stream.ReadCard16()
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 2; // rre-encoding in the RFBProtocol spec

  /// <summary> this class decodes an update in the CoRRE-Format </summary>
  public class CoRREDecoder : RREBaseDecoder {
    /// <seealso cref="RREBaseDecoder.drawRectangle"/>
    protected override void drawRectangle(Color foreCol, DrawingObject drawDest) {
      drawDest.drawFilledRectangle(foreCol, Stream.ReadByte(), Stream.ReadByte(),
                        Stream.ReadByte(), Stream.ReadByte()
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 4; // CoRRE-encoding in the RFBProtocol spec
  /// <summary> decodes an update in the copy-rect encoding </summary>  
  public class CopyRectDecoder : Decoder {

    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.decode"/>
    public override void decode(ushort xpos, ushort ypos, ushort width, ushort height) {
      ushort srcX = Stream.ReadCard16();
      ushort srcY = Stream.ReadCard16();
      OffScreenBuffer doublebuffer = DrawingSupport.copyFromBackBuffer(srcX, srcY, width, height);
      DrawingObject drawDest = DrawingSupport.getDrawingObject(xpos, ypos, width, height);
      drawDest.drawOffScreenBuffer(doublebuffer, 0, 0); // relativ to drawing object at coords (0,0)
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 1; // copyRect-encoding in the RFBProtocol spec

  /// <summary> decodes a zlibCompressed raw update </summary>  
  public class ZlibEncDecoder : Decoder {

    /// <summary> zlib decompression </summary>
    private InflateStream inflateStream;

    /// <summary> the standard constructor for a zlibEncDecoder </summary>
    public ZlibEncDecoder() {
      inflateStream = new InflateStream();

    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.decode"/>
    public override void decode(ushort xpos, ushort ypos, ushort width, ushort height) {
      // get number of compressed bytes
      int numOfCompressedBytes = (int)Stream.ReadCard32();
      inflateStream.setRFBStream(Stream, numOfCompressedBytes);
      decodeRawToByteArray(inflateStream, width, height);
      DrawingObject drawDest = DrawingSupport.getDrawingObject(xpos, ypos, width, height);
      drawDest.drawFromByteArray(inputBuffer, width, height, 0, 0, PixelDecoder);
    /// <seealso cref="Decoder.getEncodingNr"/>
    public override uint getEncodingNr() {
      return 6; // zlibEnc-encoding

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