GCMBlockCipher.cs :  » PDF » iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Crypto » Modes » C# / CSharp Open Source

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iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Crypto » Modes » GCMBlockCipher.cs
using System;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Macs;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Modes.Gcm;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Utilities;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Math;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Modes{
  /// <summary>
  /// Implements the Galois/Counter mode (GCM) detailed in
  /// NIST Special Publication 800-38D.
  /// </summary>
  public class GcmBlockCipher
    : IAeadBlockCipher
    private const int          BlockSize = 16;
    private static readonly byte[]    Zeroes = new byte[BlockSize];

    private readonly IBlockCipher  cipher;
    private readonly IGcmMultiplier  multiplier;

    // These fields are set by Init and not modified by processing
    private bool        forEncryption;
    private int                 macSize;
    private byte[]              nonce;
    private byte[]              A;
    private KeyParameter        keyParam;
    private byte[]        H;
    private byte[]        initS;
    private byte[]              J0;

    // These fields are modified during processing
    private byte[]    bufBlock;
    private byte[]    macBlock;
    private byte[]    S;
    private byte[]      counter;
    private int         bufOff;
    private ulong    totalLength;

    public GcmBlockCipher(
      IBlockCipher c)
      : this(c, null)

      public GcmBlockCipher(
      IBlockCipher  c,
      IGcmMultiplier  m)
      if (c.GetBlockSize() != BlockSize)
        throw new ArgumentException("cipher required with a block size of " + BlockSize + ".");

          if (m == null)
              // TODO Consider a static property specifying default multiplier
              m = new Tables8kGcmMultiplier();

      this.cipher = c;
      this.multiplier = m;

    public virtual string AlgorithmName
      get { return cipher.AlgorithmName + "/GCM"; }

    public virtual int GetBlockSize()
      return BlockSize;

    public virtual void Init(
      bool        forEncryption,
      ICipherParameters  parameters)
      this.forEncryption = forEncryption;
      this.macBlock = null;

      if (parameters is AeadParameters)
        AeadParameters param = (AeadParameters)parameters;

        nonce = param.GetNonce();
        A = param.GetAssociatedText();

        int macSizeBits = param.MacSize;
              if (macSizeBits < 96 || macSizeBits > 128 || macSizeBits % 8 != 0)
                  throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value for MAC size: " + macSizeBits);

              macSize = macSizeBits / 8; 
        keyParam = param.Key;
      else if (parameters is ParametersWithIV)
        ParametersWithIV param = (ParametersWithIV)parameters;

        nonce = param.GetIV();
        A = null;
              macSize = 16; 
        keyParam = (KeyParameter)param.Parameters;
        throw new ArgumentException("invalid parameters passed to GCM");

      int bufLength = forEncryption ? BlockSize : (BlockSize + macSize);
      this.bufBlock = new byte[bufLength];

      if (nonce == null || nonce.Length < 1)
        throw new ArgumentException("IV must be at least 1 byte");

      if (A == null)
        // Avoid lots of null checks
        A = new byte[0];

      // Cipher always used in forward mode
      cipher.Init(true, keyParam);

      // TODO This should be configurable by Init parameters
      // (but must be 16 if nonce length not 12) (BlockSize?)
//      this.tagLength = 16;

      this.H = new byte[BlockSize];
      cipher.ProcessBlock(H, 0, H, 0);

      this.initS = gHASH(A);

      if (nonce.Length == 12)
        this.J0 = new byte[16];
        Array.Copy(nonce, 0, J0, 0, nonce.Length);
        this.J0[15] = 0x01;
        this.J0 = gHASH(nonce);
        byte[] X = new byte[16];
        packLength((ulong)nonce.Length * 8UL, X, 8);
        GcmUtilities.Xor(this.J0, X);

      this.S = Arrays.Clone(initS);
      this.counter = Arrays.Clone(J0);
      this.bufOff = 0;
      this.totalLength = 0;

    public virtual byte[] GetMac()
      return Arrays.Clone(macBlock);

    public virtual int GetOutputSize(
      int len)
      if (forEncryption)
        return len + bufOff + macSize;

      return len + bufOff - macSize;

    public virtual int GetUpdateOutputSize(
      int len)
      return ((len + bufOff) / BlockSize) * BlockSize;

    public virtual int ProcessByte(
      byte  input,
      byte[]  output,
      int    outOff)
      return Process(input, output, outOff);

    public virtual int ProcessBytes(
      byte[]  input,
      int    inOff,
      int    len,
      byte[]  output,
      int    outOff)
      int resultLen = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i != len; i++)
//        resultLen += Process(input[inOff + i], output, outOff + resultLen);
        bufBlock[bufOff++] = input[inOff + i];

        if (bufOff == bufBlock.Length)
          gCTRBlock(bufBlock, BlockSize, output, outOff + resultLen);
          if (!forEncryption)
            Array.Copy(bufBlock, BlockSize, bufBlock, 0, macSize);
//                bufOff = 0;
          bufOff = bufBlock.Length - BlockSize;
//                return bufBlock.Length;
          resultLen += BlockSize;

      return resultLen;

    private int Process(
      byte  input,
      byte[]  output,
      int    outOff)
      bufBlock[bufOff++] = input;

      if (bufOff == bufBlock.Length)
        gCTRBlock(bufBlock, BlockSize, output, outOff);
        if (!forEncryption)
          Array.Copy(bufBlock, BlockSize, bufBlock, 0, macSize);
  //            bufOff = 0;
        bufOff = bufBlock.Length - BlockSize;
  //            return bufBlock.Length;
        return BlockSize;

      return 0;

    public int DoFinal(byte[] output, int outOff)
      int extra = bufOff;
      if (!forEncryption)
        if (extra < macSize)
          throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data too short");

        extra -= macSize;

      if (extra > 0)
        byte[] tmp = new byte[BlockSize];
        Array.Copy(bufBlock, 0, tmp, 0, extra);
        gCTRBlock(tmp, extra, output, outOff);

      // Final gHASH
      byte[] X = new byte[16];
      packLength((ulong)A.Length * 8UL, X, 0);
      packLength(totalLength * 8UL, X, 8);

      GcmUtilities.Xor(S, X);

      // TODO Fix this if tagLength becomes configurable
      // T = MSBt(GCTRk(J0,S))
      byte[] tag = new byte[BlockSize];
      cipher.ProcessBlock(J0, 0, tag, 0);
      GcmUtilities.Xor(tag, S);

      int resultLen = extra;

      // We place into macBlock our calculated value for T
      this.macBlock = new byte[macSize];
      Array.Copy(tag, 0, macBlock, 0, macSize);

      if (forEncryption)
        // Append T to the message
        Array.Copy(macBlock, 0, output, outOff + bufOff, macSize);
        resultLen += macSize;
        // Retrieve the T value from the message and compare to calculated one
        byte[] msgMac = new byte[macSize];
        Array.Copy(bufBlock, extra, msgMac, 0, macSize);
        if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(this.macBlock, msgMac))
          throw new InvalidCipherTextException("mac check in GCM failed");


      return resultLen;

    public virtual void Reset()

    private void Reset(
      bool clearMac)
      S = Arrays.Clone(initS);
      counter = Arrays.Clone(J0);
      bufOff = 0;
      totalLength = 0;

      if (bufBlock != null)
        Array.Clear(bufBlock, 0, bufBlock.Length);

      if (clearMac)
        macBlock = null;


    private void gCTRBlock(byte[] buf, int bufCount, byte[] output, int outOff)
//      inc(counter);
      for (int i = 15; i >= 12; --i)
        if (++counter[i] != 0) break;

      byte[] tmp = new byte[BlockSize];
      cipher.ProcessBlock(counter, 0, tmp, 0);

      byte[] hashBytes;
      if (forEncryption)
        Array.Copy(Zeroes, bufCount, tmp, bufCount, BlockSize - bufCount);
        hashBytes = tmp;
        hashBytes = buf;

      for (int i = bufCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        tmp[i] ^= buf[i];
        output[outOff + i] = tmp[i];

//      gHASHBlock(hashBytes);
      GcmUtilities.Xor(S, hashBytes);

      totalLength += (ulong)bufCount;

    private byte[] gHASH(byte[] b)
      byte[] Y = new byte[16];

      for (int pos = 0; pos < b.Length; pos += 16)
        byte[] X = new byte[16];
        int num = System.Math.Min(b.Length - pos, 16);
        Array.Copy(b, pos, X, 0, num);
        GcmUtilities.Xor(Y, X);

      return Y;

//    private void gHASHBlock(byte[] block)
//    {
//      GcmUtilities.Xor(S, block);
//      multiplier.MultiplyH(S);
//    }

//    private static void inc(byte[] block)
//    {
//      for (int i = 15; i >= 12; --i)
//      {
//        if (++block[i] != 0) break;
//      }
//    }

    private static void packLength(ulong len, byte[] bs, int off)
      Pack.UInt32_To_BE((uint)(len >> 32), bs, off); 
      Pack.UInt32_To_BE((uint)len, bs, off + 4);
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