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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace IronPythonTest.StaticTest{
public class B { }
public class D : B { }
public delegate string MyEventHandler();
public class Base {
public static string Method_None() { return "Base.Method_None"; }
public static string Method_OneArg(int arg) { return "Base.Method_OneArg"; }
public static string Method_Base(Base arg) { return "Base.Method_Base"; }
public static string Method_Inheritance1(B arg) { return "Base.Method_Inheritance1"; }
public static string Method_Inheritance2(D arg) { return "Base.Method_Inheritance2"; }
public static string Method_Inheritance3(B arg1, D arg2) { return "Base.Method_Inheritance3"; }
public static string Field = "Base.Field";
static string s_for_property = "Base.Property";
public static string Property {
get { return s_for_property; }
set { s_for_property = value; }
public static event MyEventHandler Event;
public static string TryEvent() {
if (Event == null) {
return "Still None";
} else {
return Event();
public class OverrideNothing : Base {
public class OverrideAll : Base {
public new static string Method_None() { return "OverrideAll.Method_None"; }
public new static string Method_OneArg(int arg) { return "OverrideAll.Method_OneArg"; }
public static string Method_Base(OverrideAll arg) { return "OverrideAll.Method_Base"; }
public static string Method_Inheritance1(D arg) { return "OverrideAll.Method_Inheritance1"; }
public static string Method_Inheritance2(B arg) { return "OverrideAll.Method_Inheritance2"; }
public static string Method_Inheritance3(D arg1, B arg2) { return "OverrideAll.Method_Inheritance3"; }
public new static string Field = "OverrideAll.Field";
static string s_for_property = "OverrideAll.Property";
public new static string Property {
get { return s_for_property; }
set { s_for_property = value; }
public new static event MyEventHandler Event;
public new static string TryEvent() {
if (Event == null) {
return "Still None here";
} else {
return Event();
public class GB<T> {
public static string M1(T arg) { return "GB.M1"; }
public static string M2(T arg) { return "GB.M2"; }
public static string M3(T arg) { return "GB.M3"; }
public static string M4() { return "GB.M4-A"; }
public static string M4(ref T arg) { return "GB.M4-B"; }
public static string M21(int arg1, [DefaultParameterValue(100)]int arg2) { return "GB.M21"; }
public static string M22(int arg1) { return "GB.M22"; }
public static string M23([DefaultParameterValue(100)]int arg) { return "GB.M23"; }
public static string M24([DefaultParameterValue(100)]int arg) { return "GB.M24"; }
public static string M25() { return "GB.M25"; }
public class GD : GB<string> {
public static string M1(int arg) { return "GD.M1"; }
public static string M2<T>(T arg) { return "GD.M2"; }
public new static string M3(string arg) { return "GD.M3"; }
public static string M4(ref int arg) { return "GD.M4"; }
public static string M21(int arg1) { return "GD.M21"; }
public static string M22(int arg1, [DefaultParameterValue(100)]int arg2) { return "GD.M22"; }
public new static string M23(int arg1) { return "GD.M23"; }
public static string M24() { return "GD.M24"; }
public static string M25([DefaultParameterValue(100)]int arg) { return "GD.M25"; }
public class KB {
public static string M1(string arg) { return "KB.M1"; }
public class KD<T> : KB {
public static string M1(T arg) { return "KD.M1"; }
namespace IronPythonTest.StaticTest.Operator {
public class G1<T> {
internal T Field;
public G1(T t) { Field = t; }
public class G2<T1, T2> {
public T1 Field1;
public T2 Field2;
public G2(T1 t1, T2 t2) {
Field1 = t1;
Field2 = t2;
public static implicit operator G1<T1>(G2<T1, T2> x) { return new G1<T1>(x.Field1); }
public static implicit operator G1<T2>(G2<T1, T2> x) { return new G1<T2>(x.Field2); }
// well, not fit in the test purpose here; but just borrow the place to cover this
public static explicit operator G2<T1, T2>(G1<T1> x) { return new G2<T1, T2>(x.Field, default(T2)); }
public static explicit operator G2<T1, T2>(G1<T2> x) { return new G2<T1, T2>(default(T1), x.Field); }
public class SC : G2<int, string> {
public SC(int t1, string t2) : base(t1, t2) { }
public class Use {
public object M1(G1<int> x) { return x.Field; }
public object M2(G1<string> x) { return x.Field; }
public object M3(G1<object> x) { return x.Field; }
public object M6(G2<int, string> x) { return x.Field1; }