// <auto-generated />
// This file was generated by a T4 template.
// Don't change it directly as your change would get overwritten. Instead, make changes
// to the .tt file (i.e. the T4 template) and save it to regenerate this file.
// Make sure the compiler doesn't complain about missing Xml comments
#pragma warning disable 1591
#region T4MVC
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Ajax;
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
using System.Web.Routing;
using T4MVC;
namespace T4MVCHostMvcApp.Controllers{
public partial class HomeController {
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public HomeController() { }
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
protected HomeController(Dummy d) { }
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
protected RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction(ActionResult result) {
var callInfo = result.GetT4MVCResult();
return RedirectToRoute(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary);
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Blah() {
return new T4MVC_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.Blah);
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult ActionWithArrayParam() {
return new T4MVC_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.ActionWithArrayParam);
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public HomeController Actions { get { return MVC.Home; } }
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0")]
public readonly string Area = "";
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0")]
public readonly string Name = "Home";
static readonly ActionNamesClass s_actions = new ActionNamesClass();
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public ActionNamesClass ActionNames { get { return s_actions; } }
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class ActionNamesClass {
public readonly string Index = "Index";
public readonly string About = firstConst + " " + secondConst;
public readonly string Blah = "New-Name for Blah";
public readonly string SomeViewResultAction = "SomeViewResultAction";
public readonly string SomeJsonResultAction = "SomeJsonResultAction";
public readonly string SomeFileContentResultAction = "SomeFileContentResultAction";
public readonly string SomeFileStreamResultAction = "SomeFileStreamResultAction";
public readonly string SomeFileResultAction = "SomeFileResultAction";
public readonly string SomeCustomResultAction = "SomeCustomResultAction";
public readonly string ActionWithArrayParam = "ActionWithArrayParam";
static readonly ViewNames s_views = new ViewNames();
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public ViewNames Views { get { return s_views; } }
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class ViewNames {
public readonly string _7_Some_Home_View_Hello = "~/Views/Home/7 Some Home.View-Hello.txt";
public readonly string About = "~/Views/Home/About.aspx";
public readonly string Index = "~/Views/Home/Index.aspx";
public readonly string Qqq = "~/Views/Home/Qqq.txt";
public readonly string QqQ = "~/Views/Home/QqQ.txt2";
public readonly string Qqq_txt3 = "~/Views/Home/Qqq.txt3";
static readonly _default s_default = new _default();
public _default @default { get { return s_default; } }
public partial class _default{
static readonly _Sub_Home s_Sub_Home = new _Sub_Home();
public _Sub_Home Sub_Home { get { return s_Sub_Home; } }
public partial class _Sub_Home{
public readonly string Qqq = "~/Views/Home/Sub Home/Qqq.txt";
public readonly string @string = "~/Views/Home/Sub Home/string.txt";
public readonly string T4View = "~/Views/Home/Sub Home/T4View.tt";
static readonly _Nested_Sub s_Nested_Sub = new _Nested_Sub();
public _Nested_Sub Nested_Sub { get { return s_Nested_Sub; } }
public partial class _Nested_Sub{
public readonly string _99_Super_Nested_View = "~/Views/Home/Sub Home/Nested-Sub/99 Super~Nested-View.txt";
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class T4MVC_HomeController: T4MVCHostMvcApp.Controllers.HomeController {
public T4MVC_HomeController() : base(Dummy.Instance) { }
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Index() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.Index);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult About() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.About);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Blah(string name, int age) {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.Blah);
callInfo.RouteValueDictionary.Add("name", name);
callInfo.RouteValueDictionary.Add("age", age);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult SomeViewResultAction() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_ViewResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.SomeViewResultAction);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult SomeJsonResultAction() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_JsonResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.SomeJsonResultAction);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.FileContentResult SomeFileContentResultAction() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_FileContentResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.SomeFileContentResultAction);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.FileStreamResult SomeFileStreamResultAction() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_FileStreamResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.SomeFileStreamResultAction);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.FileResult SomeFileResultAction() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_FileResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.SomeFileResultAction);
return callInfo;
public override T4MVCHostMvcApp.Misc.MyCustomResult SomeCustomResultAction() {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_MyCustomResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.SomeCustomResultAction);
return callInfo;
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult ActionWithArrayParam(string[] someStrings) {
var callInfo = new T4MVC_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.ActionWithArrayParam);
callInfo.RouteValueDictionary.Add("someStrings", someStrings);
return callInfo;
#endregion T4MVC
#pragma warning restore 1591