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public class IndexColorModel extends ColorModel (Code)
The IndexColorModel class is a ColorModel class that works with pixel values consisting of a single sample that is an index into a fixed colormap in the default sRGB color space. The colormap specifies red, green, blue, and optional alpha components corresponding to each index. All components are represented in the colormap as 8-bit unsigned integral values. Some constructors allow the caller to specify "holes" in the colormap by indicating which colormap entries are valid and which represent unusable colors via the bits set in a BigInteger object. This color model is similar to an X11 PseudoColor visual.

Some constructors provide a means to specify an alpha component for each pixel in the colormap, while others either provide no such means or, in some cases, a flag to indicate whether the colormap data contains alpha values. If no alpha is supplied to the constructor, an opaque alpha component (alpha = 1.0) is assumed for each entry. An optional transparent pixel value can be supplied that indicates a pixel to be made completely transparent, regardless of any alpha component supplied or assumed for that pixel value. Note that the color components in the colormap of an IndexColorModel objects are never pre-multiplied with the alpha components.

The transparency of an IndexColorModel object is determined by examining the alpha components of the colors in the colormap and choosing the most specific value after considering the optional alpha values and any transparent index specified. The transparency value is Transparency.OPAQUE only if all valid colors in the colormap are opaque and there is no valid transparent pixel. If all valid colors in the colormap are either completely opaque (alpha = 1.0) or completely transparent (alpha = 0.0), which typically occurs when a valid transparent pixel is specified, the value is Transparency.BITMASK. Otherwise, the value is Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, indicating that some valid color has an alpha component that is neither completely transparent nor completely opaque (0.0 < alpha < 1.0).

If an IndexColorModel object has a transparency value of Transparency.OPAQUE, then the hasAlpha and getNumComponents methods (both inherited from ColorModel) return false and 3, respectively. For any other transparency value, hasAlpha returns true and getNumComponents returns 4.

The values used to index into the colormap are taken from the least significant n bits of pixel representations where n is based on the pixel size specified in the constructor. For pixel sizes smaller than 8 bits, n is rounded up to a power of two (3 becomes 4 and 5,6,7 become 8). For pixel sizes between 8 and 16 bits, n is equal to the pixel size. Pixel sizes larger than 16 bits are not supported by this class. Higher order bits beyond n are ignored in pixel representations. Index values greater than or equal to the map size, but less than 2n, are undefined and return 0 for all color and alpha components.

For those methods that use a primitive array pixel representation of type transferType, the array length is always one. The transfer types supported are DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE and DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT. A single int pixel representation is valid for all objects of this class, since it is always possible to represent pixel values used with this class in a single int. Therefore, methods that use this representation do not throw an IllegalArgumentException due to an invalid pixel value.

Many of the methods in this class are final. The reason for this is that the underlying native graphics code makes assumptions about the layout and operation of this class and those assumptions are reflected in the implementations of the methods here that are marked final. You can subclass this class for other reasons, but you cannot override or modify the behaviour of those methods.
See Also:   
See Also:   ColorSpace
See Also:   DataBuffer
   10 Feb 1997

Constructor Summary
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r, byte g, byte b)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from the specified arrays of red, green, and blue components.
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r, byte g, byte b, int trans)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, and blue components.
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, blue and alpha components.
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of interleaved red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of interleaved red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, int cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans, int transferType)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from an array of ints where each int is comprised of red, green, blue, and optional alpha components in the default RGB color model format.
public  IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, int cmap, int start, int transferType, BigInteger validBits)
     Constructs an IndexColorModel from an int array where each int is comprised of red, green, blue, and alpha components in the default RGB color model format.

Method Summary
public  BufferedImageconvertToIntDiscrete(Raster raster, boolean forceARGB)
     Returns a new BufferedImage of TYPE_INT_ARGB or TYPE_INT_RGB that has a Raster with pixel data computed by expanding the indices in the source Raster using the color/alpha component arrays of this ColorModel.
public  SampleModelcreateCompatibleSampleModel(int w, int h)
     Creates a SampleModel with the specified width and height that has a data layout compatible with this ColorModel.
public  WritableRastercreateCompatibleWritableRaster(int w, int h)
     Creates a WritableRaster with the specified width and height that has a data layout (SampleModel) compatible with this ColorModel.
public  voidfinalize()
     Disposes of system resources associated with this ColorModel once this ColorModel is no longer referenced.
final public  intgetAlpha(int pixel)
     Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255.
final public  voidgetAlphas(byte a)
     Copies the array of alpha transparency components into the specified array.
final public  intgetBlue(int pixel)
     Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.
final public  voidgetBlues(byte b)
     Copies the array of blue color components into the specified array.
public  int[]getComponentSize()
     Returns an array of the number of bits for each color/alpha component.
public  int[]getComponents(int pixel, int[] components, int offset)
     Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components for a specified pixel in this ColorModel.
public  int[]getComponents(Object pixel, int[] components, int offset)
     Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components for a specified pixel in this ColorModel.
public  intgetDataElement(int[] components, int offset)
     Returns a pixel value represented as an int in this ColorModel given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components.
public synchronized  ObjectgetDataElements(int rgb, Object pixel)
     Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel, given an integer pixel representation in the default RGB color model.
public  ObjectgetDataElements(int[] components, int offset, Object pixel)
     Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components.
final public  intgetGreen(int pixel)
     Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.
final public  voidgetGreens(byte g)
     Copies the array of green color components into the specified array.
final public  intgetMapSize()
     Returns the size of the color/alpha component arrays in this IndexColorModel.
final public  intgetRGB(int pixel)
     Returns the color/alpha components of the pixel in the default RGB color model format.
final public  voidgetRGBs(int rgb)
     Converts data for each index from the color and alpha component arrays to an int in the default RGB ColorModel format and copies the resulting 32-bit ARGB values into the specified array.
final public  intgetRed(int pixel)
     Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.
final public  voidgetReds(byte r)
     Copies the array of red color components into the specified array.
public  intgetTransparency()
     Returns the transparency.
final public  intgetTransparentPixel()
     Returns the index of a transparent pixel in this IndexColorModel or -1 if there is no pixel with an alpha value of 0.
public  BigIntegergetValidPixels()
     Returns a BigInteger that indicates the valid/invalid pixels in the colormap.
public  booleanisCompatibleRaster(Raster raster)
     Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel or false if it is not compatible with this ColorModel.
public  booleanisCompatibleSampleModel(SampleModel sm)
     Checks if the specified SampleModel is compatible with this ColorModel.
public  booleanisValid(int pixel)
     Returns whether or not the pixel is valid.
public  booleanisValid()
     Returns whether or not all of the pixels are valid.
public  StringtoString()
     Returns the String representation of the contents of this ColorModelobject.

Constructor Detail
public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r, byte g, byte b)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the specified arrays of red, green, and blue components. Pixels described by this color model all have alpha components of 255 unnormalized (1.0 normalized), which means they are fully opaque. All of the arrays specifying the color components must have at least the specified number of entries. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. Since there is no alpha information in any of the arguments to this constructor, the transparency value is always Transparency.OPAQUE. The transfer type is the smallest of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT that can hold a single pixel.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component arrays
  r - the array of red color components
  g - the array of green color components
  b - the array of blue color components
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is lessthan 1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is lessthan 1

public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r, byte g, byte b, int trans)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, and blue components. Pixels described by this color model all have alpha components of 255 unnormalized (1.0 normalized), which means they are fully opaque, except for the indicated pixel to be made transparent. All of the arrays specifying the color components must have at least the specified number of entries. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. The transparency value may be Transparency.OPAQUE or Transparency.BITMASK depending on the arguments, as specified in the class description above. The transfer type is the smallest of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT that can hold a single pixel.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component arrays
  r - the array of red color components
  g - the array of green color components
  b - the array of blue color components
  trans - the index of the transparent pixel
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is less than1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is less than1

public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, blue and alpha components. All of the arrays specifying the components must have at least the specified number of entries. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. The transparency value may be any of Transparency.OPAQUE, Transparency.BITMASK, or Transparency.TRANSLUCENT depending on the arguments, as specified in the class description above. The transfer type is the smallest of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT that can hold a single pixel.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component arrays
  r - the array of red color components
  g - the array of green color components
  b - the array of blue color components
  a - the array of alpha value components
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is lessthan 1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is lessthan 1

public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of interleaved red, green, blue and optional alpha components. The array must have enough values in it to fill all of the needed component arrays of the specified size. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. The transparency value may be any of Transparency.OPAQUE, Transparency.BITMASK, or Transparency.TRANSLUCENT depending on the arguments, as specified in the class description above. The transfer type is the smallest of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT that can hold a single pixel.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component arrays
  cmap - the array of color components
  start - the starting offset of the first color component
  hasalpha - indicates whether alpha values are contained inthe cmap array
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is lessthan 1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is lessthan 1

public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of interleaved red, green, blue and optional alpha components. The specified transparent index represents a pixel that is made entirely transparent regardless of any alpha value specified for it. The array must have enough values in it to fill all of the needed component arrays of the specified size. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. The transparency value may be any of Transparency.OPAQUE, Transparency.BITMASK, or Transparency.TRANSLUCENT depending on the arguments, as specified in the class description above. The transfer type is the smallest of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT that can hold a single pixel.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component arrays
  cmap - the array of color components
  start - the starting offset of the first color component
  hasalpha - indicates whether alpha values are contained inthe cmap array
  trans - the index of the fully transparent pixel
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is less than1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is less than1

public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, int cmap, int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans, int transferType)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from an array of ints where each int is comprised of red, green, blue, and optional alpha components in the default RGB color model format. The specified transparent index represents a pixel that is made entirely transparent regardless of any alpha value specified for it. The array must have enough values in it to fill all of the needed component arrays of the specified size. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. The transparency value may be any of Transparency.OPAQUE, Transparency.BITMASK, or Transparency.TRANSLUCENT depending on the arguments, as specified in the class description above.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component arrays
  cmap - the array of color components
  start - the starting offset of the first color component
  hasalpha - indicates whether alpha values are contained inthe cmap array
  trans - the index of the fully transparent pixel
  transferType - the data type of the array used to representpixel values. The data type must be either DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE orDataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT.
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is lessthan 1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is lessthan 1
  IllegalArgumentException - if transferType is notone of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE orDataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT

public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, int cmap, int start, int transferType, BigInteger validBits)(Code)
Constructs an IndexColorModel from an int array where each int is comprised of red, green, blue, and alpha components in the default RGB color model format. The array must have enough values in it to fill all of the needed component arrays of the specified size. The ColorSpace is the default sRGB space. The transparency value may be any of Transparency.OPAQUE, Transparency.BITMASK, or Transparency.TRANSLUCENT depending on the arguments, as specified in the class description above. The transfer type must be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT. The BigInteger object specifies the valid/invalid pixels in the cmap array. A pixel is valid if the BigInteger value at that index is set, and is invalid if the BigInteger bit at that index is not set.
  bits - the number of bits each pixel occupies
  size - the size of the color component array
  cmap - the array of color components
  start - the starting offset of the first color component
  transferType - the specified data type
  validBits - a BigInteger object. If a bit isset in the BigInteger, the pixel at that index is valid.If a bit is not set, the pixel at that indexis considered invalid. If null, all pixels are valid.Only bits from 0 to the map size are considered.
  IllegalArgumentException - if bits is lessthan 1 or greater than 16
  IllegalArgumentException - if size is lessthan 1
  IllegalArgumentException - if transferType is notone of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE orDataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT

Method Detail
public BufferedImage convertToIntDiscrete(Raster raster, boolean forceARGB)(Code)
Returns a new BufferedImage of TYPE_INT_ARGB or TYPE_INT_RGB that has a Raster with pixel data computed by expanding the indices in the source Raster using the color/alpha component arrays of this ColorModel. Only the lower n bits of each index value in the source Raster, as specified in the class description above, are used to compute the color/alpha values in the returned image. If forceARGB is true, a TYPE_INT_ARGB image is returned regardless of whether or not this ColorModel has an alpha component array or a transparent pixel.
  raster - the specified Raster
  forceARGB - if true, the returned BufferedImage is TYPE_INT_ARGB; otherwise it isTYPE_INT_RGB a BufferedImage created with the specifiedRaster
  IllegalArgumentException - if the raster argument is notcompatible with this IndexColorModel

public SampleModel createCompatibleSampleModel(int w, int h)(Code)
Creates a SampleModel with the specified width and height that has a data layout compatible with this ColorModel.
  w - the width to apply to the new SampleModel
  h - the height to apply to the new SampleModel a SampleModel object with the specifiedwidth and height.
  IllegalArgumentException - if w orh is not greater than 0
See Also:   SampleModel

public WritableRaster createCompatibleWritableRaster(int w, int h)(Code)
Creates a WritableRaster with the specified width and height that has a data layout (SampleModel) compatible with this ColorModel. This method only works for color models with 16 or fewer bits per pixel.

Since IndexColorModel can be subclassed, any subclass that supports greater than 16 bits per pixel must override this method.
  w - the width to apply to the new WritableRaster
  h - the height to apply to the new WritableRaster a WritableRaster object with the specifiedwidth and height.
  UnsupportedOperationException - if the number of bits in apixel is greater than 16
See Also:   WritableRaster
See Also:   SampleModel

public void finalize()(Code)
Disposes of system resources associated with this ColorModel once this ColorModel is no longer referenced.

final public int getAlpha(int pixel)(Code)
Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255. The pixel value is specified as an int. Only the lower n bits of the pixel value, as specified in the class description above, are used to calculate the returned value.
  pixel - the specified pixel the value of the alpha component for the specified pixel

final public void getAlphas(byte a)(Code)
Copies the array of alpha transparency components into the specified array. Only the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize are written.
  a - the specified array into which the elements of the array of alpha components are copied

final public int getBlue(int pixel)(Code)
Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. The pixel value is specified as an int. Only the lower n bits of the pixel value, as specified in the class description above, are used to calculate the returned value. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value.
  pixel - the specified pixel the value of the blue color component for the specified pixel

final public void getBlues(byte b)(Code)
Copies the array of blue color components into the specified array. Only the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize are written.
  b - the specified array into which the elements of the array of blue color components are copied

public int[] getComponentSize()(Code)
Returns an array of the number of bits for each color/alpha component. The array contains the color components in the order red, green, blue, followed by the alpha component, if present. an array containing the number of bits of each color and alpha component of this IndexColorModel

public int[] getComponents(int pixel, int[] components, int offset)(Code)
Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components for a specified pixel in this ColorModel. The pixel value is specified as an int. If the components array is null, a new array is allocated that contains offset + getNumComponents() elements. The components array is returned, with the alpha component included only if hasAlpha returns true. Color/alpha components are stored in the components array starting at offset even if the array is allocated by this method. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting at offset.
  pixel - the specified pixel
  components - the array to receive the color and alphacomponents of the specified pixel
  offset - the offset into the components array atwhich to start storing the color and alpha components an array containing the color and alpha components of thespecified pixel starting at the specified offset.
See Also:   ColorModel.hasAlpha
See Also:   ColorModel.getNumComponents

public int[] getComponents(Object pixel, int[] components, int offset)(Code)
Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components for a specified pixel in this ColorModel. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. If pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. If the components array is null, a new array is allocated that contains offset + getNumComponents() elements. The components array is returned, with the alpha component included only if hasAlpha returns true. Color/alpha components are stored in the components array starting at offset even if the array is allocated by this method. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is also thrown if the components array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting at offset.

Since IndexColorModel can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupported transferType.
  pixel - the specified pixel
  components - an array that receives the color and alpha components of the specified pixel
  offset - the index into the components array atwhich to begin storing the color and alpha components of thespecified pixel an array containing the color and alpha components of thespecified pixel starting at the specified offset.
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if pixelis not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel or if the components array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting at offset
  ClassCastException - if pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType
  UnsupportedOperationException - if transferTypeis not one of the supported transer types
See Also:   ColorModel.hasAlpha
See Also:   ColorModel.getNumComponents

public int getDataElement(int[] components, int offset)(Code)
Returns a pixel value represented as an int in this ColorModel given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting at offset. Since ColorModel can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupported transferType.
  components - an array of unnormalized color and alphacomponents
  offset - the index into components at which tobegin retrieving the color and alpha components an int pixel value in thisColorModel corresponding to the specified components.
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - ifthe components array is not large enough tohold all of the color and alpha components starting atoffset
  UnsupportedOperationException - if transferTypeis invalid

public synchronized Object getDataElements(int rgb, Object pixel)(Code)
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel, given an integer pixel representation in the default RGB color model. This array can then be passed to the WritableRaster.setDataElements(intintjava.lang.Object) setDataElements method of a WritableRaster object. If the pixel variable is null, a new array is allocated. If pixel is not null, it must be a primitive array of type transferType; otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel. The pixel array is returned.

Since IndexColorModel can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupported transferType.
  rgb - the integer pixel representation in the default RGBcolor model
  pixel - the specified pixel an array representation of the specified pixel in thisIndexColorModel.
  ClassCastException - if pixelis not a primitive array of type transferType
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - ifpixel is not large enough to hold a pixel valuefor this ColorModel
  UnsupportedOperationException - if transferTypeis invalid
See Also:   WritableRaster.setDataElements
See Also:   SampleModel.setDataElements

public Object getDataElements(int[] components, int offset, Object pixel)(Code)
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in this ColorModel given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components. This array can then be passed to the setDataElements method of a WritableRaster object. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the components array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting at offset. If the pixel variable is null, a new array is allocated. If pixel is not null, it must be a primitive array of type transferType; otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel.

Since IndexColorModel can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupported transferType
  components - an array of unnormalized color and alphacomponents
  offset - the index into components at which tobegin retrieving color and alpha components
  pixel - the Object representing an array of colorand alpha components an Object representing an array of color andalpha components.
  ClassCastException - if pixelis not a primitive array of type transferType
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if pixel is not large enough to hold a pixel valuefor this ColorModel or the componentsarray is not large enough to hold all of the color and alphacomponents starting at offset
  UnsupportedOperationException - if transferTypeis not one of the supported transer types
See Also:   WritableRaster.setDataElements
See Also:   SampleModel.setDataElements

final public int getGreen(int pixel)(Code)
Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. The pixel value is specified as an int. Only the lower n bits of the pixel value, as specified in the class description above, are used to calculate the returned value. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value.
  pixel - the specified pixel the value of the green color component for the specified pixel

final public void getGreens(byte g)(Code)
Copies the array of green color components into the specified array. Only the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize are written.
  g - the specified array into which the elements of the array of green color components are copied

final public int getMapSize()(Code)
Returns the size of the color/alpha component arrays in this IndexColorModel. the size of the color and alpha component arrays.

final public int getRGB(int pixel)(Code)
Returns the color/alpha components of the pixel in the default RGB color model format. The pixel value is specified as an int. Only the lower n bits of the pixel value, as specified in the class description above, are used to calculate the returned value. The returned value is in a non pre-multiplied format.
  pixel - the specified pixel the color and alpha components of the specified pixel
See Also:   ColorModel.getRGBdefault

final public void getRGBs(int rgb)(Code)
Converts data for each index from the color and alpha component arrays to an int in the default RGB ColorModel format and copies the resulting 32-bit ARGB values into the specified array. Only the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize are written.
  rgb - the specified array into which the converted ARGB values from this array of color and alpha componentsare copied.

final public int getRed(int pixel)(Code)
Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. The pixel value is specified as an int. Only the lower n bits of the pixel value, as specified in the class description above, are used to calculate the returned value. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value.
  pixel - the specified pixel the value of the red color component for the specified pixel

final public void getReds(byte r)(Code)
Copies the array of red color components into the specified array. Only the initial entries of the array as specified by IndexColorModel.getMapSize() getMapSize are written.
  r - the specified array into which the elements of the array of red color components are copied

public int getTransparency()(Code)
Returns the transparency. Returns either OPAQUE, BITMASK, or TRANSLUCENT the transparency of this IndexColorModel
See Also:   Transparency.OPAQUE
See Also:   Transparency.BITMASK
See Also:   Transparency.TRANSLUCENT

final public int getTransparentPixel()(Code)
Returns the index of a transparent pixel in this IndexColorModel or -1 if there is no pixel with an alpha value of 0. If a transparent pixel was explicitly specified in one of the constructors by its index, then that index will be preferred, otherwise, the index of any pixel which happens to be fully transparent may be returned. the index of a transparent pixel in thisIndexColorModel object, or -1 if thereis no such pixel

public BigInteger getValidPixels()(Code)
Returns a BigInteger that indicates the valid/invalid pixels in the colormap. A bit is valid if the BigInteger value at that index is set, and is invalid if the BigInteger value at that index is not set. The only valid ranges to query in the BigInteger are between 0 and the map size. a BigInteger indicating the valid/invalid pixels.

public boolean isCompatibleRaster(Raster raster)(Code)
Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel or false if it is not compatible with this ColorModel.
  raster - the Raster object to test for compatibility true if raster is compatiblewith this ColorModel; false otherwise.

public boolean isCompatibleSampleModel(SampleModel sm)(Code)
Checks if the specified SampleModel is compatible with this ColorModel. If sm is null, this method returns false.
  sm - the specified SampleModel, or null true if the specified SampleModelis compatible with this ColorModel; falseotherwise.
See Also:   SampleModel
See Also:   

public boolean isValid(int pixel)(Code)
Returns whether or not the pixel is valid.
  pixel - the specified pixel value true if pixelis valid; false otherwise.

public boolean isValid()(Code)
Returns whether or not all of the pixels are valid. true if all pixels are valid;false otherwise.

public String toString()(Code)
Returns the String representation of the contents of this ColorModelobject. a String representing the contents of thisColorModel object.

Fields inherited from java.awt.image.ColorModel
ColorSpace colorSpace(Code)(Java Doc)
int colorSpaceType(Code)(Java Doc)
static Map g16Tos8Map(Code)(Java Doc)
static Map g8Tos8Map(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isAlphaPremultiplied(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean is_sRGB(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] l16Tos8(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] l8Tos8(Code)(Java Doc)
static Map lg16Toog16Map(Code)(Java Doc)
static Map lg16Toog8Map(Code)(Java Doc)
int maxBits(Code)(Java Doc)
int nBits(Code)(Java Doc)
int numColorComponents(Code)(Java Doc)
int numComponents(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int pixel_bits(Code)(Java Doc)
static short[] s8Tol16(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] s8Tol8(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean supportsAlpha(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int transferType(Code)(Java Doc)
int transparency(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.awt.image.ColorModel
public ColorModel coerceData(WritableRaster raster, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)(Code)(Java Doc)
public SampleModel createCompatibleSampleModel(int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
public WritableRaster createCompatibleWritableRaster(int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void finalize()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int getAlpha(int pixel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getAlpha(Object inData)(Code)(Java Doc)
public WritableRaster getAlphaRaster(WritableRaster raster)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int getBlue(int pixel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getBlue(Object inData)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public ColorSpace getColorSpace()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getComponentSize(int componentIdx)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int[] getComponentSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int[] getComponents(int pixel, int[] components, int offset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int[] getComponents(Object pixel, int[] components, int offset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDataElement(int[] components, int offset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDataElement(float[] normComponents, int normOffset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getDataElements(int rgb, Object pixel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getDataElements(int[] components, int offset, Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getDataElements(float[] normComponents, int normOffset, Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
static int getDefaultTransferType(int pixel_bits)(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] getGray16TosRGB8LUT(ICC_ColorSpace grayCS)(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] getGray8TosRGB8LUT(ICC_ColorSpace grayCS)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int getGreen(int pixel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getGreen(Object inData)(Code)(Java Doc)
static short[] getLinearGray16ToOtherGray16LUT(ICC_ColorSpace grayCS)(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] getLinearGray16ToOtherGray8LUT(ICC_ColorSpace grayCS)(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] getLinearRGB16TosRGB8LUT()(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] getLinearRGB8TosRGB8LUT()(Code)(Java Doc)
public float[] getNormalizedComponents(int[] components, int offset, float[] normComponents, int normOffset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public float[] getNormalizedComponents(Object pixel, float[] normComponents, int normOffset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNumColorComponents()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getNumComponents()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getPixelSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getRGB(int pixel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getRGB(Object inData)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static ColorModel getRGBdefault()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public int getRed(int pixel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getRed(Object inData)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public int getTransferType()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getTransparency()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int[] getUnnormalizedComponents(float[] normComponents, int normOffset, int[] components, int offset)(Code)(Java Doc)
static short[] getsRGB8ToLinearRGB16LUT()(Code)(Java Doc)
static byte[] getsRGB8ToLinearRGB8LUT()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean hasAlpha()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isAlphaPremultiplied()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isCompatibleRaster(Raster raster)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isCompatibleSampleModel(SampleModel sm)(Code)(Java Doc)
static boolean isLinearGRAYspace(ColorSpace cs)(Code)(Java Doc)
static boolean isLinearRGBspace(ColorSpace cs)(Code)(Java Doc)
static void loadLibraries()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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