001: /*
002: *
003: *
004: * Copyright 1990-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
006: *
007: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008: * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
009: * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
010: *
011: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
012: * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
014: * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is
015: * included at /legal/license.txt).
016: *
017: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
018: * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
019: * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
020: * 02110-1301 USA
021: *
022: * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
023: * Clara, CA 95054 or visit www.sun.com if you need additional
024: * information or have any questions.
025: */
027: package javax.microedition.lcdui.game;
029: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
030: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
032: /**
033: * A TiledLayer is a visual element composed of a grid of cells that
034: * can be filled with a set of
035: * tile images. This class allows large virtual layers to be created
036: * without the need for an
037: * extremely large Image. This technique is commonly used in 2D
038: * gaming platforms to create
039: * very large scrolling backgrounds,
040: * <P>
041: * <h3>Tiles</h3>
042: * The tiles used to fill the TiledLayer's cells are provided in a
043: * single Image object which
044: * may be mutable or immutable. The Image is broken up into a series
045: * of equally-sized tiles;
046: * the tile size is specified along with the Image. As shown in the
047: * figure below, the same
048: * tile set can be stored in several different arrangements depending
049: * on what is the most
050: * convenient for the game developer.
051: * <br>
052: * <center><img src="doc-files/tiles.gif" width=588 height=412
053: * ALT="Tiles"></center>
054: * <br>
055: * Each tile is assigned a unique index number. The tile located in
056: * the upper-left corner
057: * of the Image is assigned an index of 1. The remaining tiles are
058: * then numbered consecutively
059: * in row-major order (indices are assigned across the first row, then
060: * the second row, and so on).
061: * These tiles are regarded as <em>static tiles</em> because there is
062: * a fixed link between
063: * the tile and the image data associated with it.
064: * <P>
065: * A static tile set is created when the TiledLayer is instantiated;
066: * it can also be updated
067: * at any time using the {@link #setStaticTileSet} method.
068: * <P>
069: * In addition to the static tile set, the developer can also define
070: * several <em>animated tiles</em>.
071: * An animated tile is a virtual tile that is dynamically associated
072: * with a static tile; the appearance
073: * of an animated tile will be that of the static tile that it is
074: * currently associated with.
075: * <P>
076: * Animated tiles allow the developer to change the appearance of a
077: * group of cells
078: * very easily. With the group of cells all filled with the animated
079: * tile, the appearance
080: * of the entire group can be changed by simply changing the static
081: * tile associated with the
082: * animated tile. This technique is very useful for animating large
083: * repeating areas without
084: * having to explicitly change the contents of numerous cells.
085: * <P>
086: * Animated tiles are created using the {@link #createAnimatedTile}
087: * method, which returns the
088: * index to be used for the new animated tile. The animated tile
089: * indices are always negative
090: * and consecutive, beginning with -1. Once created, the static tile
091: * associated with an
092: * animated tile can be changed using the {@link #setAnimatedTile}
093: * method.
094: * <P>
095: * <h3>Cells</h3>
096: * The TiledLayer's grid is made up of equally sized cells; the number
097: * of rows and
098: * columns in the grid are specified in the constructor, and the
099: * physical size of the cells
100: * is defined by the size of the tiles.
101: * <P>
102: * The contents of each cell is specified by means of a tile index; a
103: * positive tile index refers
104: * to a static tile, and a negative tile index refers to an animated
105: * tile. A tile index of 0
106: * indicates that the cell is empty; an empty cell is fully
107: * transparent and nothing is drawn
108: * in that area by the TiledLayer. By default, all cells contain tile
109: * index 0.
110: * <P>
111: * The contents of cells may be changed using {@link #setCell} and
112: * {@link #fillCells}. Several
113: * cells may contain the same tile; however, a single cell cannot
114: * contain more than one tile.
115: * The following example illustrates how a simple background can be
116: * created using a TiledLayer.
117: * <br>
118: * <center><img src="doc-files/grid.gif" width=735 height=193
119: * ALT="TiledLayer Grid"></center>
120: * <br>
121: * In this example, the area of water is filled with an animated tile
122: * having an index of -1, which
123: * is initially associated with static tile 5. The entire area of
124: * water may be animated by simply
125: * changing the associated static tile using <code>setAnimatedTile(-1,
126: * 7)</code>.
127: * <br>
128: * <center><img src="doc-files/grid2.gif" width=735 height=193
129: * ALT="TiledLayer Grid 2"></center>
130: * <br>
131: * <P>
132: * <h3>Rendering a TiledLayer</h3>
133: * A TiledLayer can be rendered by manually calling its paint method;
134: * it can also be rendered
135: * automatically using a LayerManager object.
136: * <P>
137: * The paint method will attempt to render the entire TiledLayer
138: * subject to the
139: * clip region of the Graphics object; the upper left corner of the
140: * TiledLayer is rendered at
141: * its current (x,y) position relative to the Graphics object's
142: * origin. The rendered region
143: * may be controlled by setting the clip region of the Graphics object
144: * accordingly.
145: * <P>
146: */
147: public class TiledLayer extends Layer {
149: /**
150: * Creates a new TiledLayer. <p>
151: *
152: * The TiledLayer's grid will be <code>rows</code> cells high and
153: * <code>columns</code> cells wide. All cells in the grid are initially
154: * empty (i.e. they contain tile index 0). The contents of the grid may
155: * be modified through the use of {@link #setCell} and {@link #fillCells}.
156: * <P>
157: * The static tile set for the TiledLayer is created from the specified
158: * Image with each tile having the dimensions of tileWidth x tileHeight.
159: * The width of the source image must be an integer multiple of
160: * the tile width, and the height of the source image must be an integer
161: * multiple of the tile height; otherwise, an IllegalArgumentException
162: * is thrown;<p>
163: *
164: * The entire static tile set can be changed using
165: * {@link #setStaticTileSet(Image, int, int)}.
166: * These methods should be used sparingly since they are both
167: * memory and time consuming.
168: * Where possible, animated tiles should be used instead to
169: * animate tile appearance.<p>
170: *
171: * @param columns the width of the <code>TiledLayer</code>,
172: * expressed as a number of cells
173: * @param rows the height of the <code>TiledLayer</code>,
174: * expressed as a number of cells
175: * @param image the <code>Image</code> to use for creating
176: * the static tile set
177: * @param tileWidth the width in pixels of a single tile
178: * @param tileHeight the height in pixels of a single tile
179: * @throws NullPointerException if <code>image</code> is <code>null</code>
180: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of <code>rows</code>
181: * or <code>columns</code> is less than <code>1</code>
182: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>tileHeight</code>
183: * or <code>tileWidth</code> is less than <code>1</code>
184: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>image</code>
185: * width is not an integer multiple of the <code>tileWidth</code>
186: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>image</code>
187: * height is not an integer multiple of the <code>tileHeight</code>
188: */
189: public TiledLayer(int columns, int rows, Image image,
190: int tileWidth, int tileHeight) {
191: // IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
192: // in the Layer super-class constructor
193: super (columns < 1 || tileWidth < 1 ? -1 : columns * tileWidth,
194: rows < 1 || tileHeight < 1 ? -1 : rows * tileHeight);
196: // if img is null img.getWidth() will throw NullPointerException
197: if (((image.getWidth() % tileWidth) != 0)
198: || ((image.getHeight() % tileHeight) != 0)) {
199: throw new IllegalArgumentException();
200: }
201: this .columns = columns;
202: this .rows = rows;
204: cellMatrix = new int[rows][columns];
206: int noOfFrames = (image.getWidth() / tileWidth)
207: * (image.getHeight() / tileHeight);
208: // the zero th index is left empty for transparent tile
209: // so it is passed in createStaticSet as noOfFrames + 1
210: // Also maintain static indices is true
211: // all elements of cellMatrix[][]
212: // are set to zero by new, so maintainIndices = true
213: createStaticSet(image, noOfFrames + 1, tileWidth, tileHeight,
214: true);
215: }
217: /**
218: * Creates a new animated tile and returns the index that refers
219: * to the new animated tile. It is initially associated with
220: * the specified tile index (either a static tile or 0).
221: * <P>
222: * The indices for animated tiles are always negative. The first
223: * animated tile shall have the index -1, the second, -2, etc.
224: *
225: * @param staticTileIndex the index of the associated tile
226: * (must be <code>0</code> or a valid static tile index)
227: * @return the index of newly created animated tile
228: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the
229: * <code>staticTileIndex</code> is invalid
230: */
231: public int createAnimatedTile(int staticTileIndex) {
232: // checks static tile
233: if (staticTileIndex < 0 || staticTileIndex >= numberOfTiles) {
234: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
235: }
237: if (anim_to_static == null) {
238: anim_to_static = new int[4];
239: numOfAnimTiles = 1;
240: } else if (numOfAnimTiles == anim_to_static.length) {
241: // grow anim_to_static table if needed
242: int new_anim_tbl[] = new int[anim_to_static.length * 2];
243: System.arraycopy(anim_to_static, 0, new_anim_tbl, 0,
244: anim_to_static.length);
245: anim_to_static = new_anim_tbl;
246: }
247: anim_to_static[numOfAnimTiles] = staticTileIndex;
248: numOfAnimTiles++;
249: return (-(numOfAnimTiles - 1));
250: }
252: /**
253: * Associates an animated tile with the specified static tile. <p>
254: *
255: * @param animatedTileIndex the index of the animated tile
256: * @param staticTileIndex the index of the associated tile
257: * (must be <code>0</code> or a valid static tile index)
258: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the
259: * <code>staticTileIndex</code> is invalid
260: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the animated tile index
261: * is invalid
262: * @see #getAnimatedTile
263: *
264: */
265: public void setAnimatedTile(int animatedTileIndex,
266: int staticTileIndex) {
267: // checks static tile
268: if (staticTileIndex < 0 || staticTileIndex >= numberOfTiles) {
269: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
270: }
271: // do animated tile index check
272: animatedTileIndex = -animatedTileIndex;
273: if (anim_to_static == null || animatedTileIndex <= 0
274: || animatedTileIndex >= numOfAnimTiles) {
275: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
276: }
278: anim_to_static[animatedTileIndex] = staticTileIndex;
280: }
282: /**
283: * Gets the tile referenced by an animated tile. <p>
284: *
285: * Returns the tile index currently associated with the
286: * animated tile.
287: *
288: * @param animatedTileIndex the index of the animated tile
289: * @return the index of the tile reference by the animated tile
290: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the animated tile index
291: * is invalid
292: * @see #setAnimatedTile
293: */
294: public int getAnimatedTile(int animatedTileIndex) {
295: animatedTileIndex = -animatedTileIndex;
296: if (anim_to_static == null || animatedTileIndex <= 0
297: || animatedTileIndex >= numOfAnimTiles) {
298: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
299: }
301: return anim_to_static[animatedTileIndex];
302: }
304: /**
305: * Sets the contents of a cell. <P>
306: *
307: * The contents may be set to a static tile index, an animated
308: * tile index, or it may be left empty (index 0)
309: * @param col the column of cell to set
310: * @param row the row of cell to set
311: * @param tileIndex the index of tile to place in cell
312: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no tile with index
313: * <code>tileIndex</code>
314: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>row</code> or
315: * <code>col</code> is outside the bounds of the
316: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
317: * @see #getCell
318: * @see #fillCells
319: */
320: public void setCell(int col, int row, int tileIndex) {
322: if (col < 0 || col >= this .columns || row < 0
323: || row >= this .rows) {
324: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
325: }
327: if (tileIndex > 0) {
328: // do checks for static tile
329: if (tileIndex >= numberOfTiles) {
330: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
331: }
332: } else if (tileIndex < 0) {
333: // do animated tile index check
334: if (anim_to_static == null
335: || (-tileIndex) >= numOfAnimTiles) {
336: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
337: }
338: }
340: cellMatrix[row][col] = tileIndex;
342: }
344: /**
345: * Gets the contents of a cell. <p>
346: *
347: * Gets the index of the static or animated tile currently displayed in
348: * a cell. The returned index will be 0 if the cell is empty.
349: *
350: * @param col the column of cell to check
351: * @param row the row of cell to check
352: * @return the index of tile in cell
353: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>row</code> or
354: * <code>col</code> is outside the bounds of the
355: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
356: * @see #setCell
357: * @see #fillCells
358: */
359: public int getCell(int col, int row) {
360: if (col < 0 || col >= this .columns || row < 0
361: || row >= this .rows) {
362: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
363: }
364: return cellMatrix[row][col];
365: }
367: /**
368: * Fills a region cells with the specific tile. The cells may be filled
369: * with a static tile index, an animated tile index, or they may be left
370: * empty (index <code>0</code>).
371: *
372: * @param col the column of top-left cell in the region
373: * @param row the row of top-left cell in the region
374: * @param numCols the number of columns in the region
375: * @param numRows the number of rows in the region
376: * @param tileIndex the Index of the tile to place in all cells in the
377: * specified region
378: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the rectangular region
379: * defined by the parameters extends beyond the bounds of the
380: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
381: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>numCols</code> is less
382: * than zero
383: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>numRows</code> is less
384: * than zero
385: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no tile with
386: * index <code>tileIndex</code>
387: * @see #setCell
388: * @see #getCell
389: */
390: public void fillCells(int col, int row, int numCols, int numRows,
391: int tileIndex) {
393: if (numCols < 0 || numRows < 0) {
394: throw new IllegalArgumentException();
395: }
397: if (col < 0 || col >= this .columns || row < 0
398: || row >= this .rows || col + numCols > this .columns
399: || row + numRows > this .rows) {
400: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
401: }
403: if (tileIndex > 0) {
404: // do checks for static tile
405: if (tileIndex >= numberOfTiles) {
406: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
407: }
408: } else if (tileIndex < 0) {
409: // do animated tile index check
410: if (anim_to_static == null
411: || (-tileIndex) >= numOfAnimTiles) {
412: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
413: }
414: }
416: for (int rowCount = row; rowCount < row + numRows; rowCount++) {
417: for (int columnCount = col; columnCount < col + numCols; columnCount++) {
418: cellMatrix[rowCount][columnCount] = tileIndex;
419: }
420: }
421: }
423: /**
424: * Gets the width of a single cell, in pixels.
425: * @return the width in pixels of a single cell in the
426: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
427: */
428: public final int getCellWidth() {
429: return cellWidth;
430: }
432: /**
433: * Gets the height of a single cell, in pixels.
434: * @return the height in pixels of a single cell in the
435: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
436: */
437: public final int getCellHeight() {
438: return cellHeight;
439: }
441: /**
442: * Gets the number of columns in the TiledLayer grid.
443: * The overall width of the TiledLayer, in pixels,
444: * may be obtained by calling {@link #getWidth}.
445: * @return the width in columns of the
446: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
447: */
448: public final int getColumns() {
449: return columns;
450: }
452: /**
453: * Gets the number of rows in the TiledLayer grid. The overall
454: * height of the TiledLayer, in pixels, may be obtained by
455: * calling {@link #getHeight}.
456: * @return the height in rows of the
457: * <code>TiledLayer</code> grid
458: */
459: public final int getRows() {
460: return rows;
461: }
463: /**
464: * Change the static tile set. <p>
465: *
466: * Replaces the current static tile set with a new static tile set.
467: * See the constructor {@link #TiledLayer(int, int, Image, int, int)}
468: * for information on how the tiles are created from the
469: * image.<p>
470: *
471: * If the new static tile set has as many or more tiles than the
472: * previous static tile set,
473: * the the animated tiles and cell contents will be preserve. If
474: * not, the contents of
475: * the grid will be cleared (all cells will contain index 0) and
476: * all animated tiles
477: * will be deleted.
478: * <P>
479: * @param image the <code>Image</code> to use for creating the
480: * static tile set
481: * @param tileWidth the width in pixels of a single tile
482: * @param tileHeight the height in pixels of a single tile
483: * @throws NullPointerException if <code>image</code> is <code>null</code>
484: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>tileHeight</code>
485: * or <code>tileWidth</code> is less than <code>1</code>
486: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>image</code>
487: * width is not an integer multiple of the <code>tileWidth</code>
488: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>image</code>
489: * height is not an integer multiple of the <code>tileHeight</code>
490: */
491: public void setStaticTileSet(Image image, int tileWidth,
492: int tileHeight) {
493: // if img is null img.getWidth() will throw NullPointerException
494: if (tileWidth < 1 || tileHeight < 1
495: || ((image.getWidth() % tileWidth) != 0)
496: || ((image.getHeight() % tileHeight) != 0)) {
497: throw new IllegalArgumentException();
498: }
499: setWidthImpl(columns * tileWidth);
500: setHeightImpl(rows * tileHeight);
502: int noOfFrames = (image.getWidth() / tileWidth)
503: * (image.getHeight() / tileHeight);
505: // the zero th index is left empty for transparent tile
506: // so it is passed in createStaticSet as noOfFrames + 1
508: if (noOfFrames >= (numberOfTiles - 1)) {
509: // maintain static indices
510: createStaticSet(image, noOfFrames + 1, tileWidth,
511: tileHeight, true);
512: } else {
513: createStaticSet(image, noOfFrames + 1, tileWidth,
514: tileHeight, false);
515: }
516: }
518: /**
519: * Draws the TiledLayer.
520: *
521: * The entire TiledLayer is rendered subject to the clip region of
522: * the Graphics object.
523: * The TiledLayer's upper left corner is rendered at the
524: * TiledLayer's current
525: * position relative to the origin of the Graphics object. The current
526: * position of the TiledLayer's upper-left corner can be retrieved by
527: * calling {@link #getX()} and {@link #getY()}.
528: * The appropriate use of a clip region and/or translation allows
529: * an arbitrary region
530: * of the TiledLayer to be rendered.
531: * <p>
532: * If the TiledLayer's Image is mutable, the TiledLayer is rendered
533: * using the current contents of the Image.
534: * @param g the graphics object to draw the <code>TiledLayer</code>
535: * @throws NullPointerException if <code>g</code> is <code>null</code>
536: */
537: public final void paint(Graphics g) {
539: if (g == null) {
540: throw new NullPointerException();
541: }
543: if (visible) {
544: int startColumn = 0;
545: int endColumn = this .columns;
546: int startRow = 0;
547: int endRow = this .rows;
549: // calculate the number of columns left of the clip
550: int number = (g.getClipX() - this .x) / cellWidth;
551: if (number > 0) {
552: startColumn = number;
553: }
555: // calculate the number of columns right of the clip
556: int endX = this .x + (this .columns * cellWidth);
557: int endClipX = g.getClipX() + g.getClipWidth();
558: number = (endX - endClipX) / cellWidth;
559: if (number > 0) {
560: endColumn -= number;
561: }
563: // calculate the number of rows above the clip
564: number = (g.getClipY() - this .y) / cellHeight;
565: if (number > 0) {
566: startRow = number;
567: }
569: // calculate the number of rows below the clip
570: int endY = this .y + (this .rows * cellHeight);
571: int endClipY = g.getClipY() + g.getClipHeight();
572: number = (endY - endClipY) / cellHeight;
573: if (number > 0) {
574: endRow -= number;
575: }
577: // paint all visible cells
578: int tileIndex = 0;
580: // y-coordinate
581: int ty = this .y + (startRow * cellHeight);
582: for (int row = startRow; row < endRow; row++, ty += cellHeight) {
584: // reset the x-coordinate at the beginning of every row
585: // x-coordinate to draw tile into
586: int tx = this .x + (startColumn * cellWidth);
587: for (int column = startColumn; column < endColumn; column++, tx += cellWidth) {
589: tileIndex = cellMatrix[row][column];
590: // check the indices
591: // if animated get the corresponding
592: // static index from anim_to_static table
593: if (tileIndex == 0) { // transparent tile
594: continue;
595: } else if (tileIndex < 0) {
596: tileIndex = getAnimatedTile(tileIndex);
597: }
599: g.drawRegion(sourceImage, tileSetX[tileIndex],
600: tileSetY[tileIndex], cellWidth, cellHeight,
601: Sprite.TRANS_NONE, tx, ty, Graphics.TOP
602: | Graphics.LEFT);
604: }
605: }
606: }
607: }
609: // private implementation
611: /**
612: * create the Image Array.
613: *
614: * @param image Image to use for creating the static tile set
615: * @param noOfFrames total number of frames
616: * @param tileWidth The width, in pixels, of a single tile
617: * @param tileHeight The height, in pixels, of a single tile
618: * @param maintainIndices
619: */
621: private void createStaticSet(Image image, int noOfFrames,
622: int tileWidth, int tileHeight, boolean maintainIndices) {
624: cellWidth = tileWidth;
625: cellHeight = tileHeight;
627: int imageW = image.getWidth();
628: int imageH = image.getHeight();
630: sourceImage = image;
632: numberOfTiles = noOfFrames;
633: tileSetX = new int[numberOfTiles];
634: tileSetY = new int[numberOfTiles];
636: if (!maintainIndices) {
637: // populate cell matrix, all the indices are 0 to begin with
638: for (rows = 0; rows < cellMatrix.length; rows++) {
639: int totalCols = cellMatrix[rows].length;
640: for (columns = 0; columns < totalCols; columns++) {
641: cellMatrix[rows][columns] = 0;
642: }
643: }
644: // delete animated tiles
645: anim_to_static = null;
646: }
648: int currentTile = 1;
650: for (int locY = 0; locY < imageH; locY += tileHeight) {
651: for (int locX = 0; locX < imageW; locX += tileWidth) {
653: tileSetX[currentTile] = locX;
654: tileSetY[currentTile] = locY;
656: currentTile++;
657: }
658: }
659: }
661: /**
662: * the overall height of the TiledLayer grid
663: */
664: private int cellHeight; // = 0;
665: /**
666: * the overall cell width of the TiledLayer grid
667: */
668: private int cellWidth; // = 0;
670: /**
671: * The num of rows of the TiledLayer grid.
672: */
673: private int rows; // = 0;
675: /**
676: * the num of columns in the TiledLayer grid
677: */
678: private int columns; // = 0;
680: /**
681: * int array for storing row and column of cell
682: *
683: * it contains the tile Index for both static and animated tiles
684: */
685: private int[][] cellMatrix; // = null;
687: /**
688: * Source image for tiles
689: */
690: // package access as it is used by Pixel level Collision
691: // detection with a Sprite
692: Image sourceImage; // = null;
694: /**
695: * no. of tiles
696: */
697: private int numberOfTiles; // = 0;
699: /**
700: * X co-ordinate definitions for individual frames into the source image
701: */
702: // package access as it is used by Pixel level Collision
703: // detection with a Sprite
704: int[] tileSetX;
706: /**
707: * Y co-ordinate definitions for individual frames into the source image
708: */
709: // package access as it is used by Pixel level Collision
710: // detection with a Sprite
711: int[] tileSetY;
713: /**
714: * Table to map from animated Index to static Index
715: * 0th location is unused.
716: * anim --> static Index
717: * -1 --> 21
718: * -2 --> 34
719: * -3 --> 45
720: * for now keep 0 the location of the table empty instead of computing
721: * -index make index +ve and access this Table.
722: *
723: */
724: private int[] anim_to_static; // = null;
726: /**
727: * total number of animated tiles. This variable is also used as
728: * index in the above table to add new entries to the anim_to_static table.
729: * initialized to 1 when table is created.
730: */
731: private int numOfAnimTiles; // = 0
733: }