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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » 6.0 JDK Modules » java 3d » org.collada.colladaschema 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        //
002:        // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, vJAXB 2.0 in JDK 1.6 
003:        // See <a href=""></a> 
004:        // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
005:        // Generated on: 2007.03.17 at 08:38:02 AM PDT 
006:        //
008:        package org.collada.colladaschema;
010:        import java.util.ArrayList;
011:        import java.util.List;
012:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
013:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
014:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
015:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
016:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlList;
017:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
018:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter;
019:        import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
021:        /**
022:         * <p>Java class for glsl_newparam complex type.
023:         * 
024:         * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
025:         * 
026:         * <pre>
027:         * &lt;complexType name="glsl_newparam">
028:         *   &lt;complexContent>
029:         *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType">
030:         *       &lt;sequence>
031:         *         &lt;element name="annotate" type="{}fx_annotate_common" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
032:         *         &lt;element name="semantic" type="{}NCName" minOccurs="0"/>
033:         *         &lt;element name="modifier" type="{}fx_modifier_enum_common" minOccurs="0"/>
034:         *         &lt;choice>
035:         *           &lt;group ref="{}glsl_param_type"/>
036:         *           &lt;element name="array" type="{}glsl_newarray_type"/>
037:         *         &lt;/choice>
038:         *       &lt;/sequence>
039:         *       &lt;attribute name="sid" use="required" type="{}glsl_identifier" />
040:         *     &lt;/restriction>
041:         *   &lt;/complexContent>
042:         * &lt;/complexType>
043:         * </pre>
044:         * 
045:         * 
046:         */
047:        @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
048:        @XmlType(name="glsl_newparam",propOrder={"annotates","semantic","modifier","surface","float4X4","_float","_int","bool","bool4","sampler2D","float2","float3","samplerCUBE","bool2","samplerRECT","float4","int2","float2X2","_enum","samplerDEPTH","int4","bool3","sampler1D","array","float3X3","int3","sampler3D"})
049:        public class GlslNewparam {
051:            @XmlElement(name="annotate")
052:            protected List<FxAnnotateCommon> annotates;
053:            @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class)
054:            protected String semantic;
055:            protected FxModifierEnumCommon modifier;
056:            protected GlslSurfaceType surface;
057:            @XmlList
058:            @XmlElement(name="float4x4",type=Float.class)
059:            protected List<Float> float4X4;
060:            @XmlElement(name="float")
061:            protected Float _float;
062:            @XmlElement(name="int")
063:            protected Integer _int;
064:            protected Boolean bool;
065:            @XmlList
066:            @XmlElement(type=Boolean.class)
067:            protected List<Boolean> bool4;
068:            protected GlSampler2D sampler2D;
069:            @XmlList
070:            @XmlElement(type=Float.class)
071:            protected List<Float> float2;
072:            @XmlList
073:            @XmlElement(type=Float.class)
074:            protected List<Float> float3;
075:            protected GlSamplerCUBE samplerCUBE;
076:            @XmlList
077:            @XmlElement(type=Boolean.class)
078:            protected List<Boolean> bool2;
079:            protected GlSamplerRECT samplerRECT;
080:            @XmlList
081:            @XmlElement(type=Float.class)
082:            protected List<Float> float4;
083:            @XmlList
084:            @XmlElement(type=Integer.class)
085:            protected List<Integer> int2;
086:            @XmlList
087:            @XmlElement(name="float2x2",type=Float.class)
088:            protected List<Float> float2X2;
089:            @XmlElement(name="enum")
090:            protected String _enum;
091:            protected GlSamplerDEPTH samplerDEPTH;
092:            @XmlList
093:            @XmlElement(type=Integer.class)
094:            protected List<Integer> int4;
095:            @XmlList
096:            @XmlElement(type=Boolean.class)
097:            protected List<Boolean> bool3;
098:            protected GlSampler1D sampler1D;
099:            protected GlslNewarrayType array;
100:            @XmlList
101:            @XmlElement(name="float3x3",type=Float.class)
102:            protected List<Float> float3X3;
103:            @XmlList
104:            @XmlElement(type=Integer.class)
105:            protected List<Integer> int3;
106:            protected GlSampler3D sampler3D;
107:            @XmlAttribute(required=true)
108:            @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class)
109:            protected String sid;
111:            /**
112:             * Gets the value of the annotates property.
113:             * 
114:             * <p>
115:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
116:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
117:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
118:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the annotates property.
119:             * 
120:             * <p>
121:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
122:             * <pre>
123:             *    getAnnotates().add(newItem);
124:             * </pre>
125:             * 
126:             * 
127:             * <p>
128:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
129:             * {@link FxAnnotateCommon }
130:             * 
131:             * 
132:             */
133:            public List<FxAnnotateCommon> getAnnotates() {
134:                if (annotates == null) {
135:                    annotates = new ArrayList<FxAnnotateCommon>();
136:                }
137:                return this .annotates;
138:            }
140:            /**
141:             * Gets the value of the semantic property.
142:             * 
143:             * @return
144:             *     possible object is
145:             *     {@link String }
146:             *     
147:             */
148:            public String getSemantic() {
149:                return semantic;
150:            }
152:            /**
153:             * Sets the value of the semantic property.
154:             * 
155:             * @param value
156:             *     allowed object is
157:             *     {@link String }
158:             *     
159:             */
160:            public void setSemantic(String value) {
161:                this .semantic = value;
162:            }
164:            /**
165:             * Gets the value of the modifier property.
166:             * 
167:             * @return
168:             *     possible object is
169:             *     {@link FxModifierEnumCommon }
170:             *     
171:             */
172:            public FxModifierEnumCommon getModifier() {
173:                return modifier;
174:            }
176:            /**
177:             * Sets the value of the modifier property.
178:             * 
179:             * @param value
180:             *     allowed object is
181:             *     {@link FxModifierEnumCommon }
182:             *     
183:             */
184:            public void setModifier(FxModifierEnumCommon value) {
185:                this .modifier = value;
186:            }
188:            /**
189:             * Gets the value of the surface property.
190:             * 
191:             * @return
192:             *     possible object is
193:             *     {@link GlslSurfaceType }
194:             *     
195:             */
196:            public GlslSurfaceType getSurface() {
197:                return surface;
198:            }
200:            /**
201:             * Sets the value of the surface property.
202:             * 
203:             * @param value
204:             *     allowed object is
205:             *     {@link GlslSurfaceType }
206:             *     
207:             */
208:            public void setSurface(GlslSurfaceType value) {
209:                this .surface = value;
210:            }
212:            /**
213:             * Gets the value of the float4X4 property.
214:             * 
215:             * <p>
216:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
217:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
218:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
219:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the float4X4 property.
220:             * 
221:             * <p>
222:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
223:             * <pre>
224:             *    getFloat4X4().add(newItem);
225:             * </pre>
226:             * 
227:             * 
228:             * <p>
229:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
230:             * {@link Float }
231:             * 
232:             * 
233:             */
234:            public List<Float> getFloat4X4() {
235:                if (float4X4 == null) {
236:                    float4X4 = new ArrayList<Float>();
237:                }
238:                return this .float4X4;
239:            }
241:            /**
242:             * Gets the value of the float property.
243:             * 
244:             * @return
245:             *     possible object is
246:             *     {@link Float }
247:             *     
248:             */
249:            public Float getFloat() {
250:                return _float;
251:            }
253:            /**
254:             * Sets the value of the float property.
255:             * 
256:             * @param value
257:             *     allowed object is
258:             *     {@link Float }
259:             *     
260:             */
261:            public void setFloat(Float value) {
262:                this ._float = value;
263:            }
265:            /**
266:             * Gets the value of the int property.
267:             * 
268:             * @return
269:             *     possible object is
270:             *     {@link Integer }
271:             *     
272:             */
273:            public Integer getInt() {
274:                return _int;
275:            }
277:            /**
278:             * Sets the value of the int property.
279:             * 
280:             * @param value
281:             *     allowed object is
282:             *     {@link Integer }
283:             *     
284:             */
285:            public void setInt(Integer value) {
286:                this ._int = value;
287:            }
289:            /**
290:             * Gets the value of the bool property.
291:             * 
292:             * @return
293:             *     possible object is
294:             *     {@link Boolean }
295:             *     
296:             */
297:            public Boolean isBool() {
298:                return bool;
299:            }
301:            /**
302:             * Sets the value of the bool property.
303:             * 
304:             * @param value
305:             *     allowed object is
306:             *     {@link Boolean }
307:             *     
308:             */
309:            public void setBool(Boolean value) {
310:                this .bool = value;
311:            }
313:            /**
314:             * Gets the value of the bool4 property.
315:             * 
316:             * <p>
317:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
318:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
319:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
320:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the bool4 property.
321:             * 
322:             * <p>
323:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
324:             * <pre>
325:             *    getBool4().add(newItem);
326:             * </pre>
327:             * 
328:             * 
329:             * <p>
330:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
331:             * {@link Boolean }
332:             * 
333:             * 
334:             */
335:            public List<Boolean> getBool4() {
336:                if (bool4 == null) {
337:                    bool4 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
338:                }
339:                return this .bool4;
340:            }
342:            /**
343:             * Gets the value of the sampler2D property.
344:             * 
345:             * @return
346:             *     possible object is
347:             *     {@link GlSampler2D }
348:             *     
349:             */
350:            public GlSampler2D getSampler2D() {
351:                return sampler2D;
352:            }
354:            /**
355:             * Sets the value of the sampler2D property.
356:             * 
357:             * @param value
358:             *     allowed object is
359:             *     {@link GlSampler2D }
360:             *     
361:             */
362:            public void setSampler2D(GlSampler2D value) {
363:                this .sampler2D = value;
364:            }
366:            /**
367:             * Gets the value of the float2 property.
368:             * 
369:             * <p>
370:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
371:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
372:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
373:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the float2 property.
374:             * 
375:             * <p>
376:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
377:             * <pre>
378:             *    getFloat2().add(newItem);
379:             * </pre>
380:             * 
381:             * 
382:             * <p>
383:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
384:             * {@link Float }
385:             * 
386:             * 
387:             */
388:            public List<Float> getFloat2() {
389:                if (float2 == null) {
390:                    float2 = new ArrayList<Float>();
391:                }
392:                return this .float2;
393:            }
395:            /**
396:             * Gets the value of the float3 property.
397:             * 
398:             * <p>
399:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
400:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
401:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
402:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the float3 property.
403:             * 
404:             * <p>
405:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
406:             * <pre>
407:             *    getFloat3().add(newItem);
408:             * </pre>
409:             * 
410:             * 
411:             * <p>
412:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
413:             * {@link Float }
414:             * 
415:             * 
416:             */
417:            public List<Float> getFloat3() {
418:                if (float3 == null) {
419:                    float3 = new ArrayList<Float>();
420:                }
421:                return this .float3;
422:            }
424:            /**
425:             * Gets the value of the samplerCUBE property.
426:             * 
427:             * @return
428:             *     possible object is
429:             *     {@link GlSamplerCUBE }
430:             *     
431:             */
432:            public GlSamplerCUBE getSamplerCUBE() {
433:                return samplerCUBE;
434:            }
436:            /**
437:             * Sets the value of the samplerCUBE property.
438:             * 
439:             * @param value
440:             *     allowed object is
441:             *     {@link GlSamplerCUBE }
442:             *     
443:             */
444:            public void setSamplerCUBE(GlSamplerCUBE value) {
445:                this .samplerCUBE = value;
446:            }
448:            /**
449:             * Gets the value of the bool2 property.
450:             * 
451:             * <p>
452:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
453:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
454:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
455:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the bool2 property.
456:             * 
457:             * <p>
458:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
459:             * <pre>
460:             *    getBool2().add(newItem);
461:             * </pre>
462:             * 
463:             * 
464:             * <p>
465:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
466:             * {@link Boolean }
467:             * 
468:             * 
469:             */
470:            public List<Boolean> getBool2() {
471:                if (bool2 == null) {
472:                    bool2 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
473:                }
474:                return this .bool2;
475:            }
477:            /**
478:             * Gets the value of the samplerRECT property.
479:             * 
480:             * @return
481:             *     possible object is
482:             *     {@link GlSamplerRECT }
483:             *     
484:             */
485:            public GlSamplerRECT getSamplerRECT() {
486:                return samplerRECT;
487:            }
489:            /**
490:             * Sets the value of the samplerRECT property.
491:             * 
492:             * @param value
493:             *     allowed object is
494:             *     {@link GlSamplerRECT }
495:             *     
496:             */
497:            public void setSamplerRECT(GlSamplerRECT value) {
498:                this .samplerRECT = value;
499:            }
501:            /**
502:             * Gets the value of the float4 property.
503:             * 
504:             * <p>
505:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
506:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
507:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
508:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the float4 property.
509:             * 
510:             * <p>
511:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
512:             * <pre>
513:             *    getFloat4().add(newItem);
514:             * </pre>
515:             * 
516:             * 
517:             * <p>
518:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
519:             * {@link Float }
520:             * 
521:             * 
522:             */
523:            public List<Float> getFloat4() {
524:                if (float4 == null) {
525:                    float4 = new ArrayList<Float>();
526:                }
527:                return this .float4;
528:            }
530:            /**
531:             * Gets the value of the int2 property.
532:             * 
533:             * <p>
534:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
535:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
536:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
537:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the int2 property.
538:             * 
539:             * <p>
540:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
541:             * <pre>
542:             *    getInt2().add(newItem);
543:             * </pre>
544:             * 
545:             * 
546:             * <p>
547:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
548:             * {@link Integer }
549:             * 
550:             * 
551:             */
552:            public List<Integer> getInt2() {
553:                if (int2 == null) {
554:                    int2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
555:                }
556:                return this .int2;
557:            }
559:            /**
560:             * Gets the value of the float2X2 property.
561:             * 
562:             * <p>
563:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
564:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
565:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
566:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the float2X2 property.
567:             * 
568:             * <p>
569:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
570:             * <pre>
571:             *    getFloat2X2().add(newItem);
572:             * </pre>
573:             * 
574:             * 
575:             * <p>
576:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
577:             * {@link Float }
578:             * 
579:             * 
580:             */
581:            public List<Float> getFloat2X2() {
582:                if (float2X2 == null) {
583:                    float2X2 = new ArrayList<Float>();
584:                }
585:                return this .float2X2;
586:            }
588:            /**
589:             * Gets the value of the enum property.
590:             * 
591:             * @return
592:             *     possible object is
593:             *     {@link String }
594:             *     
595:             */
596:            public String getEnum() {
597:                return _enum;
598:            }
600:            /**
601:             * Sets the value of the enum property.
602:             * 
603:             * @param value
604:             *     allowed object is
605:             *     {@link String }
606:             *     
607:             */
608:            public void setEnum(String value) {
609:                this ._enum = value;
610:            }
612:            /**
613:             * Gets the value of the samplerDEPTH property.
614:             * 
615:             * @return
616:             *     possible object is
617:             *     {@link GlSamplerDEPTH }
618:             *     
619:             */
620:            public GlSamplerDEPTH getSamplerDEPTH() {
621:                return samplerDEPTH;
622:            }
624:            /**
625:             * Sets the value of the samplerDEPTH property.
626:             * 
627:             * @param value
628:             *     allowed object is
629:             *     {@link GlSamplerDEPTH }
630:             *     
631:             */
632:            public void setSamplerDEPTH(GlSamplerDEPTH value) {
633:                this .samplerDEPTH = value;
634:            }
636:            /**
637:             * Gets the value of the int4 property.
638:             * 
639:             * <p>
640:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
641:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
642:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
643:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the int4 property.
644:             * 
645:             * <p>
646:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
647:             * <pre>
648:             *    getInt4().add(newItem);
649:             * </pre>
650:             * 
651:             * 
652:             * <p>
653:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
654:             * {@link Integer }
655:             * 
656:             * 
657:             */
658:            public List<Integer> getInt4() {
659:                if (int4 == null) {
660:                    int4 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
661:                }
662:                return this .int4;
663:            }
665:            /**
666:             * Gets the value of the bool3 property.
667:             * 
668:             * <p>
669:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
670:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
671:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
672:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the bool3 property.
673:             * 
674:             * <p>
675:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
676:             * <pre>
677:             *    getBool3().add(newItem);
678:             * </pre>
679:             * 
680:             * 
681:             * <p>
682:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
683:             * {@link Boolean }
684:             * 
685:             * 
686:             */
687:            public List<Boolean> getBool3() {
688:                if (bool3 == null) {
689:                    bool3 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
690:                }
691:                return this .bool3;
692:            }
694:            /**
695:             * Gets the value of the sampler1D property.
696:             * 
697:             * @return
698:             *     possible object is
699:             *     {@link GlSampler1D }
700:             *     
701:             */
702:            public GlSampler1D getSampler1D() {
703:                return sampler1D;
704:            }
706:            /**
707:             * Sets the value of the sampler1D property.
708:             * 
709:             * @param value
710:             *     allowed object is
711:             *     {@link GlSampler1D }
712:             *     
713:             */
714:            public void setSampler1D(GlSampler1D value) {
715:                this .sampler1D = value;
716:            }
718:            /**
719:             * Gets the value of the array property.
720:             * 
721:             * @return
722:             *     possible object is
723:             *     {@link GlslNewarrayType }
724:             *     
725:             */
726:            public GlslNewarrayType getArray() {
727:                return array;
728:            }
730:            /**
731:             * Sets the value of the array property.
732:             * 
733:             * @param value
734:             *     allowed object is
735:             *     {@link GlslNewarrayType }
736:             *     
737:             */
738:            public void setArray(GlslNewarrayType value) {
739:                this .array = value;
740:            }
742:            /**
743:             * Gets the value of the float3X3 property.
744:             * 
745:             * <p>
746:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
747:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
748:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
749:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the float3X3 property.
750:             * 
751:             * <p>
752:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
753:             * <pre>
754:             *    getFloat3X3().add(newItem);
755:             * </pre>
756:             * 
757:             * 
758:             * <p>
759:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
760:             * {@link Float }
761:             * 
762:             * 
763:             */
764:            public List<Float> getFloat3X3() {
765:                if (float3X3 == null) {
766:                    float3X3 = new ArrayList<Float>();
767:                }
768:                return this .float3X3;
769:            }
771:            /**
772:             * Gets the value of the int3 property.
773:             * 
774:             * <p>
775:             * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
776:             * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
777:             * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
778:             * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the int3 property.
779:             * 
780:             * <p>
781:             * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
782:             * <pre>
783:             *    getInt3().add(newItem);
784:             * </pre>
785:             * 
786:             * 
787:             * <p>
788:             * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
789:             * {@link Integer }
790:             * 
791:             * 
792:             */
793:            public List<Integer> getInt3() {
794:                if (int3 == null) {
795:                    int3 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
796:                }
797:                return this .int3;
798:            }
800:            /**
801:             * Gets the value of the sampler3D property.
802:             * 
803:             * @return
804:             *     possible object is
805:             *     {@link GlSampler3D }
806:             *     
807:             */
808:            public GlSampler3D getSampler3D() {
809:                return sampler3D;
810:            }
812:            /**
813:             * Sets the value of the sampler3D property.
814:             * 
815:             * @param value
816:             *     allowed object is
817:             *     {@link GlSampler3D }
818:             *     
819:             */
820:            public void setSampler3D(GlSampler3D value) {
821:                this .sampler3D = value;
822:            }
824:            /**
825:             * Gets the value of the sid property.
826:             * 
827:             * @return
828:             *     possible object is
829:             *     {@link String }
830:             *     
831:             */
832:            public String getSid() {
833:                return sid;
834:            }
836:            /**
837:             * Sets the value of the sid property.
838:             * 
839:             * @param value
840:             *     allowed object is
841:             *     {@link String }
842:             *     
843:             */
844:            public void setSid(String value) {
845:                this.sid = value;
846:            }
848:        } | Contact Us
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