01: /*
02: * GWT-Ext Widget Library
03: * Copyright(c) 2007-2008, GWT-Ext.
04: * licensing@gwt-ext.com
05: *
06: * http://www.gwt-ext.com/license
07: */
08: package com.gwtext.client.widgets.layout;
10: import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
12: /**
13: * <p>This is a base class for layouts that contain a single item that automatically expands to fill the layout's container.</p>
14: *
15: * <p>FitLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones). To fit a panel to a container using FitLayout, simply set layout to FitLayout
16: * on the container and add a single panel to it. If the container has multiple panels, only the first one will be displayed.</p>
17: */
18: public class FitLayout extends ContainerLayout {
20: public FitLayout() {
21: }
23: protected native JavaScriptObject create(JavaScriptObject config) /*-{
24: return new $wnd.Ext.layout.FitLayout(config);
25: }-*/;
26: }