001: /*
002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003: * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
004: * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005: * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006: * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007: * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
008: *
009: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010: *
011: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015: * limitations under the License.
016: */
017: /**
018: * @author Vadim L. Bogdanov
019: * @version $Revision$
020: */package javax.swing;
022: import java.awt.Color;
023: import java.awt.Component;
024: import java.awt.Rectangle;
025: import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
026: import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
027: import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
028: import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
029: import java.util.Arrays;
030: import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
031: import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
032: import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
033: import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;
034: import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicIconFactory;
035: import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI;
037: public class JTabbedPaneTest extends SwingTestCase {
038: private class MyChangeListener implements ChangeListener {
039: public boolean eventFired;
041: public ChangeEvent event;
043: public void stateChanged(final ChangeEvent e) {
044: eventFired = true;
045: event = e;
046: }
047: }
049: private class MyPropertyChangeListener implements
050: PropertyChangeListener {
051: public boolean eventFired;
053: public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) {
054: eventFired = true;
055: }
056: }
058: private static Icon someIcon = BasicIconFactory
059: .createEmptyFrameIcon();
061: private String tabTitle1 = "tab1";
063: private Icon tabIcon = null;
065: private JComponent tabComponent1 = new JPanel();
067: private String tabTip1 = "tip1";
069: private int tabIndex1 = 0;
071: private String tabTitle2 = "tab2";
073: private JComponent tabComponent2 = new JPanel();
075: private String tabTip2 = "tip2";
077: private JComponent tabComponent3 = new JPanel();
079: private JTabbedPane tabbed;
081: public JTabbedPaneTest(final String name) {
082: super (name);
083: }
085: /*
086: * @see TestCase#setUp()
087: */
088: @Override
089: protected void setUp() throws Exception {
090: super .setUp();
091: tabbed = new JTabbedPane();
092: tabbed.setSize(100, 50);
093: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle1, tabIcon, tabComponent1, tabTip1,
094: tabIndex1);
095: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle2, tabIcon, tabComponent2, tabTip2,
096: tabIndex1);
097: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle1, tabIcon, tabComponent3, tabTip1, 0);
098: }
100: /*
101: * @see TestCase#tearDown()
102: */
103: @Override
104: protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
105: super .tearDown();
106: }
108: public void testRemoveAll() {
109: tabbed.removeAll();
110: assertEquals("removed tabs", 0, tabbed.getTabCount());
111: assertEquals("removed components", 0, tabbed
112: .getComponentCount());
113: assertEquals("no selected component", -1, tabbed
114: .getSelectedIndex());
115: }
117: public void testUpdateUI() {
118: tabbed.updateUI();
119: ComponentUI ui1 = tabbed.getUI();
120: ComponentUI ui2 = UIManager.getUI(tabbed);
121: // at least names of classes must be the same
122: assertEquals(ui2.getClass().getName(), ui1.getClass().getName());
123: }
125: public void testGetTabCount() {
126: assertEquals(3, tabbed.getTabCount());
127: }
129: public void testGetTabRunCount() {
130: assertEquals(tabbed.getUI().getTabRunCount(tabbed), tabbed
131: .getTabRunCount());
132: tabbed.setUI(null);
133: assertEquals(0, tabbed.getTabRunCount());
134: }
136: public void testFireStateChanged() {
137: MyChangeListener l = new MyChangeListener();
138: tabbed.addChangeListener(l);
139: tabbed.fireStateChanged();
140: assertTrue(l.eventFired);
141: assertSame("source", tabbed, l.event.getSource());
142: }
144: public void testJTabbedPane() {
145: tabbed = new JTabbedPane();
146: assertEquals("placement", SwingConstants.TOP, tabbed
147: .getTabPlacement());
148: assertEquals("tabLayout", JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT, tabbed
149: .getTabLayoutPolicy());
150: assertTrue("ui != null", tabbed.getUI() != null);
151: assertEquals("empty", 0, tabbed.getTabCount());
152: }
154: public void testJTabbedPaneint() {
155: tabbed = new JTabbedPane(SwingConstants.BOTTOM);
156: assertEquals("placement", SwingConstants.BOTTOM, tabbed
157: .getTabPlacement());
158: assertEquals("tabLayout", JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT, tabbed
159: .getTabLayoutPolicy());
160: }
162: public void testJTabbedPaneintint() {
163: tabbed = new JTabbedPane(SwingConstants.RIGHT,
164: JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT);
165: assertEquals("placement", SwingConstants.RIGHT, tabbed
166: .getTabPlacement());
167: assertEquals("tabLayout", JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT, tabbed
168: .getTabLayoutPolicy());
169: }
171: public void testRemoveTabAt() {
172: int oldTabCount = tabbed.getTabCount();
173: tabbed.removeTabAt(tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
174: assertFalse("removed", tabbed.isAncestorOf(tabComponent3));
175: assertTrue("visible", tabComponent3.isVisible());
176: assertEquals("count -= 1", oldTabCount - 1, tabbed
177: .getTabCount());
178: }
180: /*
181: * Class under test for void remove(Component)
182: */
183: public void testRemoveComponent() {
184: int oldTabCount = tabbed.getTabCount();
185: tabbed.remove(new JLabel());
186: assertEquals("count didn't change", oldTabCount, tabbed
187: .getTabCount());
188: tabbed.remove((Component) null);
189: assertEquals("count didn't change", oldTabCount, tabbed
190: .getTabCount());
191: tabbed.remove(tabComponent3);
192: assertFalse("removed", tabbed.isAncestorOf(tabComponent3));
193: assertTrue("visible", tabComponent3.isVisible());
194: assertEquals("count -= 1", oldTabCount - 1, tabbed
195: .getTabCount());
196: }
198: /*
199: * Class under test for void remove(int)
200: */
201: public void testRemoveint() {
202: int oldTabCount = tabbed.getTabCount();
203: tabbed.remove(tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
204: assertFalse("removed", tabbed.isAncestorOf(tabComponent3));
205: assertTrue("visible", tabComponent3.isVisible());
206: assertEquals("count -= 1", oldTabCount - 1, tabbed
207: .getTabCount());
208: }
210: public void testSetGetSelectedIndex() {
211: assertEquals("0 by default", 2, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
212: assertFalse("invisible", tabbed.getComponentAt(1).isVisible());
213: tabbed.setSelectedIndex(1);
214: assertFalse("invisible", tabbed.getComponentAt(0).isVisible());
215: assertEquals("set to 1", 1, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
216: assertEquals("set in model", 1, tabbed.getModel()
217: .getSelectedIndex());
218: if (isHarmony()) {
219: assertTrue("visible", tabbed.getSelectedComponent()
220: .isVisible());
221: }
222: boolean caught = false;
223: try {
224: tabbed.setSelectedIndex(100);
225: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
226: caught = true;
227: }
228: assertTrue("caught", caught);
229: tabbed = new JTabbedPane();
230: assertEquals("no selection", -1, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
231: }
233: public void testSetGetTabLayoutPolicy() {
234: assertEquals("default", JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT, tabbed
235: .getTabLayoutPolicy());
236: MyPropertyChangeListener l = new MyPropertyChangeListener();
237: tabbed.addPropertyChangeListener("tabLayoutPolicy", l);
238: tabbed.setTabLayoutPolicy(JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT);
239: assertEquals("set", JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT, tabbed
240: .getTabLayoutPolicy());
241: assertTrue(l.eventFired);
242: boolean caught = false;
243: try {
244: tabbed.setTabLayoutPolicy(-4);
245: } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
246: caught = true;
247: }
248: assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException", caught);
249: }
251: public void testSetGetTabPlacement() {
252: assertEquals("default", SwingConstants.TOP, tabbed
253: .getTabPlacement());
254: MyPropertyChangeListener l = new MyPropertyChangeListener();
255: tabbed.addPropertyChangeListener("tabPlacement", l);
256: tabbed.setTabPlacement(SwingConstants.LEFT);
257: assertEquals("set", SwingConstants.LEFT, tabbed
258: .getTabPlacement());
259: assertTrue(l.eventFired);
260: boolean caught = false;
261: try {
262: tabbed.setTabPlacement(-4);
263: } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
264: caught = true;
265: }
266: assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException", caught);
267: }
269: public void testIndexAtLocation() {
270: int x = 2;
271: int y = 2;
272: assertEquals(tabbed.getUI().tabForCoordinate(tabbed, x, y),
273: tabbed.indexAtLocation(x, y));
274: tabbed.setUI(null);
275: assertEquals(-1, tabbed.indexAtLocation(x, y));
276: }
278: public void testSetGetDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt() {
279: assertEquals(-1, tabbed.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(0));
280: tabbed.setDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(0, 1);
281: assertEquals(1, tabbed.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(0));
282: }
284: public void testSetGetMnemonicAt() {
285: assertEquals(-1, tabbed.getMnemonicAt(1));
286: tabbed.setMnemonicAt(1, KeyEvent.VK_X);
287: assertEquals(KeyEvent.VK_X, tabbed.getMnemonicAt(1));
288: }
290: public void testSetIsEnabledAt() {
291: assertTrue("by default", tabbed.isEnabledAt(1));
292: tabbed.setEnabledAt(1, false);
293: assertFalse("set to false", tabbed.isEnabledAt(1));
294: tabbed.setEnabledAt(1, true);
295: assertTrue("set to true", tabbed.isEnabledAt(1));
296: }
298: /*
299: * Class under test for Component add(Component)
300: */
301: public void testAddComponent() {
302: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
303: comp.setName("label");
304: Component result = tabbed.add(comp);
305: assertEquals("result", comp, result);
306: assertEquals("index", 3, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
307: assertEquals("title", "label", tabbed.getTitleAt(3));
308: assertNull("tip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(3));
309: class UIResourceButton extends JButton implements UIResource {
310: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
311: }
312: int tabCount = tabbed.getTabCount();
313: comp = new UIResourceButton();
314: result = tabbed.add(comp);
315: assertSame(comp, result);
316: assertEquals("no new tab for UIResource", tabCount, tabbed
317: .getTabCount());
318: }
320: /*
321: * Class under test for Component add(Component, int)
322: */
323: public void testAddComponentint() {
324: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
325: comp.setName("label");
326: Component result = tabbed.add(comp, 2);
327: assertEquals("result", comp, result);
328: assertEquals("index", 2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
329: assertEquals("title", "label", tabbed.getTitleAt(2));
330: assertNull("tip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(2));
331: }
333: /*
334: * Class under test for void add(Component, Object)
335: */
336: public void testAddComponentObject() {
337: int index = 3;
338: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
339: comp.setName("labelName");
340: Object constraints = "label";
341: tabbed.add(comp, constraints);
342: assertEquals("index", index, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
343: assertEquals("title", constraints, tabbed.getTitleAt(index));
344: tabbed.remove(comp);
345: comp = new JLabel("label");
346: comp.setName("labelName");
347: constraints = someIcon;
348: tabbed.add(comp, constraints);
349: assertEquals("title", "", tabbed.getTitleAt(index));
350: assertEquals("icon", constraints, tabbed.getIconAt(index));
351: tabbed.remove(comp);
352: comp = new JLabel("label");
353: comp.setName("labelName");
354: constraints = new Integer(3); // just some Object
355: tabbed.add(comp, constraints);
356: assertEquals("title", "labelName", tabbed.getTitleAt(tabbed
357: .indexOfComponent(comp)));
358: assertNull("icon", tabbed.getIconAt(tabbed
359: .indexOfComponent(comp)));
360: tabbed.remove(comp);
361: }
363: /*
364: * Class under test for void add(Component, Object, int)
365: */
366: public void testAddComponentObjectint() {
367: int index = 2;
368: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
369: comp.setName("labelName");
370: Object constraints = "label";
371: tabbed.add(comp, constraints, index);
372: assertEquals("index", index, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
373: assertEquals("title", constraints, tabbed.getTitleAt(index));
374: tabbed.remove(comp);
375: comp = new JLabel("label");
376: comp.setName("labelName");
377: constraints = BasicIconFactory.createEmptyFrameIcon(); // just some icon
378: tabbed.add(comp, constraints, index);
379: assertEquals("title", "", tabbed.getTitleAt(index));
380: assertEquals("icon", constraints, tabbed.getIconAt(index));
381: tabbed.remove(comp);
382: comp = new JLabel("label");
383: comp.setName("labelName");
384: constraints = new Integer(3); // just some Object
385: tabbed.add(comp, constraints, 1);
386: if (BasicSwingTestCase.isHarmony()) {
387: assertEquals("title", "labelName", tabbed.getTitleAt(tabbed
388: .indexOfComponent(comp)));
389: }
390: assertNull("icon", tabbed.getIconAt(tabbed
391: .indexOfComponent(comp)));
392: tabbed.remove(comp);
393: }
395: /*
396: * Class under test for Component add(String, Component)
397: */
398: public void testAddStringComponent() {
399: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
400: Component result = tabbed.add("label", comp);
401: assertEquals("result", comp, result);
402: assertEquals("index", 3, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
403: assertEquals("title", "label", tabbed.getTitleAt(3));
404: assertNull("tip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(3));
405: }
407: /*
408: * Class under test for void addChangeListener(ChangeListener)
409: */
410: public void testAddRemoveChangeListener() {
411: ChangeListener l = new MyChangeListener();
412: int len = tabbed.getChangeListeners().length;
413: tabbed.addChangeListener(l);
414: assertEquals("added", len + 1,
415: tabbed.getChangeListeners().length);
416: tabbed.removeChangeListener(l);
417: assertEquals("removed", len, tabbed.getChangeListeners().length);
418: tabbed.addChangeListener(null);
419: assertEquals("adding null: no action", len, tabbed
420: .getChangeListeners().length);
421: tabbed.removeChangeListener(null);
422: assertEquals("removing null: no action", len, tabbed
423: .getChangeListeners().length);
424: }
426: /*
427: * Class under test for void addTab(String, Component)
428: */
429: public void testAddTabStringComponent() {
430: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
431: tabbed.addTab("label", comp);
432: assertEquals("index", 3, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
433: assertEquals("title", "label", tabbed.getTitleAt(3));
434: assertNull("tip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(3));
435: }
437: /*
438: * Class under test for void addTab(String, Icon, Component)
439: */
440: public void testAddTabStringIconComponent() {
441: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
442: tabbed.addTab("label", someIcon, comp);
443: assertEquals("index", 3, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
444: assertEquals("title", "label", tabbed.getTitleAt(3));
445: assertEquals("icon", someIcon, tabbed.getIconAt(3));
446: assertNull("tip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(3));
447: }
449: /*
450: * Class under test for void addTab(String, Icon, Component, String)
451: */
452: public void testAddTabStringIconComponentString() {
453: JComponent comp = new JLabel("label");
454: tabbed.addTab("label", someIcon, comp, "tip");
455: assertEquals("index", 3, tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp));
456: assertEquals("title", "label", tabbed.getTitleAt(3));
457: assertEquals("icon", someIcon, tabbed.getIconAt(3));
458: assertEquals("tip", "tip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(3));
459: }
461: /*
462: * Class under test for ChangeListener createChangeListener()
463: */
464: public void testCreateChangeListener() {
465: ChangeListener l1 = tabbed.createChangeListener();
466: assertNotNull("not null", l1);
467: assertNotSame("not same", l1, tabbed.changeListener);
468: }
470: /*
471: * Class under test for AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
472: */
473: public void testGetAccessibleContext() {
474: assertTrue(tabbed.getAccessibleContext() instanceof JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane);
475: }
477: /*
478: * Class under test for Rectangle getBoundsAt(int)
479: */
480: public void testGetBoundsAt() {
481: assertEquals(tabbed.getBoundsAt(1), tabbed.getUI()
482: .getTabBounds(tabbed, 1));
483: tabbed.setUI(null);
484: assertNull(tabbed.getBoundsAt(1));
485: }
487: /*
488: * Class under test for ChangeListener[] getChangeListeners()
489: */
490: public void testGetChangeListeners() {
491: tabbed.setUI(null);
492: assertEquals("empty array", 0,
493: tabbed.getChangeListeners().length);
494: tabbed.addChangeListener(new MyChangeListener());
495: assertEquals("1 element", 1, tabbed.getChangeListeners().length);
496: }
498: /*
499: * Class under test for void setTitleAt(int, String)
500: */
501: public void testSetTitleAt() {
502: String newTitle = "newTitle";
503: tabbed.setTitleAt(1, newTitle);
504: assertEquals("newTitle is set", newTitle, tabbed.getTitleAt(1));
505: boolean catched = false;
506: try {
507: tabbed.setTitleAt(-1, newTitle);
508: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
509: catched = true;
510: }
511: assertTrue("IndexOutOfBoundsException: index < 0", catched);
512: catched = false;
513: try {
514: tabbed.setTitleAt(tabbed.getTabCount(), newTitle);
515: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
516: catched = true;
517: }
518: assertTrue("IndexOutOfBoundsException: index >= tab count",
519: catched);
520: }
522: /*
523: * Class under test for String getTitleAt(int)
524: */
525: public void testGetTitleAt() {
526: assertEquals("title1", tabTitle1, tabbed.getTitleAt(0));
527: assertEquals("title2", tabTitle2, tabbed.getTitleAt(1));
528: assertEquals("title1_2", tabTitle1, tabbed.getTitleAt(2));
529: boolean catched = false;
530: try {
531: tabbed.getTitleAt(-1);
532: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
533: catched = true;
534: }
535: assertTrue("IndexOutOfBoundsException: index < 0", catched);
536: catched = false;
537: try {
538: tabbed.getTitleAt(tabbed.getTabCount());
539: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
540: catched = true;
541: }
542: assertTrue("IndexOutOfBoundsException: index >= tab count",
543: catched);
544: }
546: /*
547: * Class under test for String getToolTipText(MouseEvent)
548: */
549: public void testGetToolTipTextMouseEvent() {
550: Rectangle bounds = tabbed.getBoundsAt(1);
551: tabbed.setToolTipTextAt(1, "tooltip");
552: MouseEvent e = new MouseEvent(tabbed, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED,
553: 0L, 0, bounds.x + 1, bounds.y + 1, 1, false);
554: assertEquals("tooltip", tabbed.getToolTipText(e));
555: e = new MouseEvent(tabbed, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED, 0L, 0,
556: Short.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE, 1, false);
557: assertNull(tabbed.getToolTipText(e));
558: }
560: /*
561: * Class under test for String getUIClassID()
562: */
563: public void testGetUIClassID() {
564: assertEquals("uiClassID", "TabbedPaneUI", tabbed.getUIClassID());
565: }
567: /*
568: * Class under test for int indexOfComponent(Component)
569: */
570: public void testIndexOfComponent() {
571: assertEquals("index of null", -1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(null));
572: tabbed.setComponentAt(2, tabComponent1);
573: assertEquals("comp1", 2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
574: }
576: /*
577: * Class under test for int indexOfTab(Icon)
578: */
579: public void testIndexOfTabIcon() {
580: Icon otherIcon = BasicIconFactory.getCheckBoxIcon();
581: assertEquals("index of null", 0, tabbed.indexOfTab((Icon) null));
582: tabbed.setIconAt(1, someIcon);
583: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfTab(someIcon));
584: assertEquals("no icon", -1, tabbed.indexOfTab(otherIcon));
585: }
587: /*
588: * Class under test for int indexOfTab(String)
589: */
590: public void testIndexOfTabString() {
591: assertEquals("index of null", -1, tabbed
592: .indexOfTab((String) null));
593: tabbed.setTitleAt(1, "someTitle");
594: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfTab("someTitle"));
595: assertEquals("no icon", -1, tabbed.indexOfTab("otherTitle"));
596: }
598: public void testInsertTab() {
599: tabbed.removeAll();
600: tabbed = new JTabbedPane();
601: assertEquals(-1, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
602: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle1, tabIcon, tabComponent1, tabTip1, 0);
603: assertEquals(0, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
604: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle2, tabIcon, tabComponent2, tabTip2, 0);
605: assertEquals(2, tabbed.getTabCount());
606: assertEquals(1, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
607: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
608: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponent(1));
609: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
610: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
611: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
612: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
613: assertEquals("title1", tabbed.getTitleAt(1), tabTitle1);
614: assertEquals("component1", tabbed.getComponentAt(1),
615: tabComponent1);
616: assertEquals("tip1", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(1), tabTip1);
617: if (isHarmony()) {
618: assertTrue("component1.isVisible()", tabComponent1
619: .isVisible());
620: } else {
621: assertFalse("component1.isVisible()", tabComponent1
622: .isVisible());
623: }
624: assertNotNull("background", tabbed.getBackgroundAt(1));
625: assertNotNull("foreground", tabbed.getForegroundAt(1));
626: assertEquals("title2", tabbed.getTitleAt(0), tabTitle2);
627: assertEquals("component2", tabbed.getComponentAt(0),
628: tabComponent2);
629: assertEquals("tip2", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(0), tabTip2);
630: assertFalse("component2.isVisible()", tabComponent2.isVisible());
631: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle1, tabIcon, tabComponent3, tabTip1, 2);
632: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
633: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponent(1));
634: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(2));
635: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
636: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
637: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(2));
638: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
639: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
640: assertEquals(2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
641: assertEquals(1, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
642: assertEquals(3, tabbed.getTabCount());
643: assertFalse(tabComponent3.isVisible());
644: tabbed.insertTab(tabTitle1, tabIcon, tabComponent3, tabTip1, 0);
645: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
646: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponent(1));
647: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(2));
648: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
649: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
650: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(2));
651: assertEquals(2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
652: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
653: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
654: assertEquals(2, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
655: assertEquals(3, tabbed.getTabCount());
656: tabbed.insertTab(null, tabIcon, tabComponent3, tabTip1, 0);
657: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
658: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponent(1));
659: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(2));
660: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
661: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
662: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(2));
663: assertEquals(2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
664: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
665: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
666: assertEquals(2, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
667: assertEquals("tabCount == 2", 3, tabbed.getTabCount());
668: assertEquals("title is empty, not null", "", tabbed
669: .getTitleAt(0));
670: JButton tabComponent4 = new JButton();
671: tabbed.insertTab(null, tabIcon, tabComponent4, tabTip1, 1);
672: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
673: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponent(1));
674: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(2));
675: assertSame(tabComponent4, tabbed.getComponent(3));
676: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
677: assertSame(tabComponent4, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
678: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponentAt(2));
679: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(3));
680: assertEquals(3, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
681: assertEquals(2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
682: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent4));
683: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
684: assertEquals(3, tabbed.getSelectedIndex());
685: }
687: /*
688: * Class under test for String paramString()
689: */
690: public void testParamString() {
691: String paramString = tabbed.paramString();
692: assertNotNull(paramString);
693: assertFalse("".equals(paramString));
694: }
696: /*
697: * Class under test for void setBackgroundAt(int, Color)
698: */
699: public void testSetBackgroundAt() {
700: tabbed.setBackgroundAt(1, Color.RED);
701: assertEquals(Color.RED, tabbed.getBackgroundAt(1));
702: tabbed.setBackgroundAt(1, null);
703: assertEquals("not null", tabbed.getBackground(), tabbed
704: .getBackgroundAt(1));
705: }
707: /*
708: * Class under test for Color getBackgroundAt(int)
709: */
710: public void testGetBackgroundAt() {
711: assertTrue("instanceof UIResource",
712: tabbed.getBackgroundAt(1) instanceof UIResource);
713: }
715: /*
716: * Class under test for void setForegroundAt(int, Color)
717: */
718: public void testSetForegroundAt() {
719: tabbed.setForegroundAt(1, Color.RED);
720: assertEquals(Color.RED, tabbed.getForegroundAt(1));
721: tabbed.setForegroundAt(1, null);
722: assertEquals("not null", tabbed.getForeground(), tabbed
723: .getForegroundAt(1));
724: }
726: /*
727: * Class under test for Color getForegroundAt(int)
728: */
729: public void testGetForegroundAt() {
730: assertTrue("instanceof UIResource",
731: tabbed.getForegroundAt(1) instanceof UIResource);
732: }
734: public void testSetGetComponentAt() {
735: JComponent newComp = new JLabel("new");
736: int tabCount = tabbed.getTabCount();
737: int index = tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2);
738: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
739: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponent(1));
740: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(2));
741: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
742: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
743: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(2));
744: assertEquals(2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
745: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
746: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
747: tabbed.setComponentAt(index, newComp);
748: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
749: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(1));
750: assertSame(newComp, tabbed.getComponent(2));
751: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
752: assertSame(newComp, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
753: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(2));
754: assertEquals(2, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
755: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(newComp));
756: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
757: assertEquals(-1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2));
758: assertEquals("tabCount", tabCount, tabbed.getTabCount());
759: assertSame("component", newComp, tabbed.getComponentAt(index));
760: assertFalse("newComp is not visible", newComp.isVisible());
761: tabbed.setComponentAt(index, tabComponent3);
762: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponent(0));
763: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponent(1));
764: assertSame(tabComponent3, tabbed.getComponentAt(0));
765: assertSame(tabComponent1, tabbed.getComponentAt(1));
766: assertEquals(0, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent3));
767: assertEquals(1, tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent1));
768: assertEquals("tabCount - 1", tabCount - 1, tabbed.getTabCount());
769: assertEquals("visibility", !BasicSwingTestCase.isHarmony(),
770: tabComponent3.isVisible());
771: }
773: public void testSetGetDisabledIconAt() {
774: assertNull(tabbed.getDisabledIconAt(0));
775: tabbed.setDisabledIconAt(0, someIcon);
776: assertSame(someIcon, tabbed.getDisabledIconAt(0));
777: }
779: public void testSetGetIconAt() {
780: tabbed.setIconAt(1, someIcon);
781: assertEquals(someIcon, tabbed.getIconAt(1));
782: }
784: public void testSetGetModel() {
785: assertNotNull("default", tabbed.getModel());
786: PropertyChangeController cont = new PropertyChangeController();
787: tabbed.addPropertyChangeListener(cont);
788: DefaultSingleSelectionModel model = new DefaultSingleSelectionModel();
789: tabbed.setModel(model);
790: assertEquals("set", model, tabbed.getModel());
791: assertTrue("fired property change event", cont
792: .isChanged("model"));
793: assertTrue("listener", Arrays.asList(
794: ((DefaultSingleSelectionModel) tabbed.getModel())
795: .getChangeListeners()).contains(
796: tabbed.changeListener));
797: // set model with another selected index, no state change event is fired
798: tabbed.setModel(null);
799: MyChangeListener changeListener = new MyChangeListener();
800: tabbed.addChangeListener(changeListener);
801: model.setSelectedIndex(2);
802: tabbed.setModel(model);
803: assertFalse(changeListener.eventFired);
804: }
806: public void testSetGetSelectedComponentComponent() {
807: tabbed.setSelectedComponent(tabComponent2);
808: assertSame(tabComponent2, tabbed.getSelectedComponent());
809: assertEquals(tabbed.indexOfComponent(tabComponent2), tabbed
810: .getSelectedIndex());
811: boolean caught = false;
812: try {
813: tabbed.setSelectedComponent(new JLabel());
814: } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
815: caught = true;
816: }
817: assertTrue(caught);
818: }
820: public void testSetGetToolTipTextAt() {
821: JComponent comp = new JLabel();
822: tabbed.add(comp);
823: int index = tabbed.indexOfComponent(comp);
824: assertNull("by default", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(index));
825: tabbed.setToolTipTextAt(index, "newTip");
826: assertEquals("newTip", tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(index));
827: tabbed.setToolTipTextAt(index, null);
828: assertNull(tabbed.getToolTipTextAt(index));
829: }
831: public void testSetGetUI() {
832: BasicTabbedPaneUI ui = new BasicTabbedPaneUI();
833: tabbed.setUI(ui);
834: assertSame(ui, tabbed.getUI());
835: }
836: }