001: /*
002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003: * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
004: * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005: * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006: * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007: * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
008: *
009: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010: *
011: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015: * limitations under the License.
016: */
017: /**
018: * @author Vadim L. Bogdanov
019: * @version $Revision$
020: */package javax.swing.plaf.basic;
022: import java.awt.BorderLayout;
023: import java.awt.Font;
024: import java.awt.FontMetrics;
025: import java.awt.LayoutManager;
026: import java.awt.Rectangle;
027: import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
028: import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
030: import javax.swing.Action;
031: import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
032: import javax.swing.JFrame;
033: import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
034: import javax.swing.JMenu;
035: import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
036: import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
037: import javax.swing.SwingTestCase;
038: import javax.swing.UIManager;
039: import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter;
040: import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent;
041: import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane;
043: public class BasicInternalFrameTitlePaneTest extends SwingTestCase {
044: private BasicInternalFrameTitlePane pane;
046: private JInternalFrame frame;
048: private JDesktopPane desktop;
050: private JFrame rootFrame;
052: public BasicInternalFrameTitlePaneTest(final String name) {
053: super (name);
054: }
056: @Override
057: protected void setUp() throws Exception {
058: super .setUp();
059: frame = new JInternalFrame();
060: pane = new BasicInternalFrameTitlePane(frame);
061: desktop = new JDesktopPane();
062: desktop.add(frame);
063: frame.addNotify(); // leads to enabling of move/size actions
064: rootFrame = null;
065: }
067: @Override
068: protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
069: super .tearDown();
070: if (rootFrame != null) {
071: rootFrame.dispose();
072: }
073: }
075: private void checkButtonIcons() {
076: assertTrue("closeButton ok",
077: pane.closeButton.getIcon() == pane.closeIcon);
078: if (frame.isIcon()) {
079: assertTrue("iconButton ok",
080: pane.iconButton.getIcon() == pane.minIcon);
081: } else {
082: assertTrue("iconButton ok",
083: pane.iconButton.getIcon() == pane.iconIcon);
084: }
085: if (frame.isMaximum() && !frame.isIcon()) {
086: assertTrue("maxButton ok",
087: pane.maxButton.getIcon() == pane.minIcon);
088: } else {
089: assertTrue("maxButton ok",
090: pane.maxButton.getIcon() == pane.maxIcon);
091: }
092: assertTrue("closeButton tooltip ok", pane.closeButton
093: .getToolTipText() != null);
094: assertTrue("iconButton tooltip ok", pane.iconButton
095: .getToolTipText() != null);
096: assertTrue("maxButton tooltip ok", pane.maxButton
097: .getToolTipText() != null);
098: }
100: private void checkEnabledActions() {
101: assertEquals("iconifyAction", !frame.isIcon()
102: && frame.isIconifiable(), pane.iconifyAction
103: .isEnabled());
104: assertEquals("closeAction", frame.isClosable(),
105: pane.closeAction.isEnabled());
106: assertEquals("maximizeAction", frame.isMaximizable()
107: && (!frame.isMaximum() || frame.isIcon()
108: && frame.isIconifiable()), pane.maximizeAction
109: .isEnabled());
110: assertEquals("moveAction",
111: isHarmony() && frame.getDesktopPane() != null
112: && !frame.isMaximum(), pane.moveAction
113: .isEnabled());
114: assertEquals("sizeAction", !frame.isMaximum()
115: && frame.isResizable() && !frame.isIcon(),
116: pane.sizeAction.isEnabled());
117: assertEquals("restoreAction", frame.isMaximum()
118: && frame.isMaximizable() || frame.isIcon()
119: && frame.isIconifiable(), pane.restoreAction
120: .isEnabled());
121: }
123: private boolean belongs(final Object o, final Object[] array) {
124: for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
125: if (array[i] == o) {
126: return true;
127: }
128: }
129: return false;
130: }
132: public void testAddSubComponents() {
133: frame = new JInternalFrame("", true, true, true, true);
134: pane = new BasicInternalFrameTitlePane(frame);
135: assertEquals(4, pane.getComponentCount());
136: frame = new JInternalFrame("", true, true, true, false);
137: pane = new BasicInternalFrameTitlePane(frame);
138: if (isHarmony()) {
139: assertEquals(3, pane.getComponentCount());
140: }
141: }
143: public void testCreateActions() {
144: pane.createActions();
145: // test created actions
146: assertTrue("closeAction != null", pane.closeAction != null);
147: assertTrue(
148: "closeAction instanceof ok",
149: pane.closeAction instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.CloseAction);
150: assertTrue("iconifyAction != null", pane.iconifyAction != null);
151: assertTrue(
152: "iconifyAction instanceof ok",
153: pane.iconifyAction instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.IconifyAction);
154: assertTrue("maximizeAction != null",
155: pane.maximizeAction != null);
156: assertTrue(
157: "maximizeAction instanceof ok",
158: pane.maximizeAction instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MaximizeAction);
159: assertTrue("moveAction != null", pane.moveAction != null);
160: assertTrue(
161: "moveAction instanceof ok",
162: pane.moveAction instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MoveAction);
163: assertTrue("restoreAction != null", pane.restoreAction != null);
164: assertTrue(
165: "restoreAction instanceof ok",
166: pane.restoreAction instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.RestoreAction);
167: assertTrue("sizeAction != null", pane.sizeAction != null);
168: assertTrue(
169: "sizeAction instanceof ok",
170: pane.sizeAction instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SizeAction);
171: }
173: public void testCreateButtons() {
174: pane.createButtons();
175: // test created buttons
176: assertTrue("maxButton != null", pane.maxButton != null);
177: assertTrue("maxButton tooltip",
178: pane.maxButton.getToolTipText() != null);
179: assertTrue("closeButton != null", pane.closeButton != null);
180: assertTrue("closeButton tooltip", pane.closeButton
181: .getToolTipText() != null);
182: assertTrue("iconButton != null", pane.iconButton != null);
183: assertTrue("iconButton tooltip", pane.iconButton
184: .getToolTipText() != null);
185: }
187: public void testEnableActions() {
188: // iconifyAction test
189: frame.setIconifiable(false);
190: checkEnabledActions();
191: frame.setIconifiable(true);
192: checkEnabledActions();
193: // closeAction test
194: frame.setClosable(false);
195: checkEnabledActions();
196: frame.setClosable(true);
197: checkEnabledActions();
198: // maximizeAction test
199: frame.setMaximizable(false);
200: checkEnabledActions();
201: frame.setMaximizable(true);
202: checkEnabledActions();
203: // restoreAction test
204: checkEnabledActions(); // normal bounds - disabled
205: frame.setMaximizable(true);
206: try {
207: frame.setMaximum(true);
208: } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
209: assertTrue("exception", false);
210: }
211: checkEnabledActions(); // enabled
212: frame.setMaximizable(false);
213: if (isHarmony()) {
214: checkEnabledActions(); // disabled
215: }
216: frame.setMaximizable(true);
217: frame.setIconifiable(true);
218: try {
219: frame.setIcon(true);
220: } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
221: assertTrue("exception", false);
222: }
223: checkEnabledActions(); // enabled
224: frame.setIconifiable(false);
225: if (isHarmony()) {
226: checkEnabledActions(); // disabled
227: }
228: }
230: public void testInstallDefaults() {
231: assertSame(UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.closeIcon"),
232: pane.closeIcon);
233: assertSame(UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.maximizeIcon"),
234: pane.maxIcon);
235: assertSame(UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.minimizeIcon"),
236: pane.minIcon);
237: assertSame(UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.iconifyIcon"),
238: pane.iconIcon);
239: assertSame(UIManager
240: .getColor("InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground"),
241: pane.selectedTitleColor);
242: assertSame(UIManager
243: .getColor("InternalFrame.activeTitleForeground"),
244: pane.selectedTextColor);
245: assertSame(UIManager
246: .getColor("InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground"),
247: pane.notSelectedTitleColor);
248: assertSame(UIManager
249: .getColor("InternalFrame.inactiveTitleForeground"),
250: pane.notSelectedTextColor);
251: assertSame(UIManager.getFont("InternalFrame.titleFont"), pane
252: .getFont());
253: }
255: public void testInstallUninstallListeners() {
256: pane.uninstallListeners();
257: assertFalse("listener was uninstalled", belongs(
258: pane.propertyChangeListener, frame
259: .getPropertyChangeListeners()));
260: pane.installListeners();
261: assertTrue("listener != null",
262: pane.propertyChangeListener != null);
263: assertTrue("listener was installed", belongs(
264: pane.propertyChangeListener, frame
265: .getPropertyChangeListeners()));
266: pane.uninstallListeners();
267: assertFalse("listener was uninstalled", belongs(
268: pane.propertyChangeListener, frame
269: .getPropertyChangeListeners()));
270: }
272: public void testInstallTitlePane() {
273: pane.installTitlePane();
274: assertSame(UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.closeIcon"),
275: pane.closeIcon);
276: assertTrue("listener != null",
277: pane.propertyChangeListener != null);
278: assertTrue("listener was installed", belongs(
279: pane.propertyChangeListener, frame
280: .getPropertyChangeListeners()));
281: assertTrue("closeAction != null", pane.closeAction != null);
282: assertNotNull(pane.getLayout());
283: assertTrue("maxButton != null", pane.maxButton != null);
284: assertTrue("windowMenu != null", pane.windowMenu != null);
285: assertTrue(pane.getComponentCount() > 1);
286: checkEnabledActions();
287: }
289: public void testSetButtonIcons() {
290: checkButtonIcons();
291: // test icons in Maximum state
292: frame.setMaximizable(true);
293: try {
294: frame.setMaximum(true);
295: } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
296: assertTrue("exception", false);
297: }
298: checkButtonIcons();
299: // test icons in Icon state
300: frame.setIconifiable(true);
301: try {
302: frame.setIcon(true);
303: } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
304: assertTrue("exception", false);
305: }
306: checkButtonIcons();
307: }
309: protected void createAndShowRootFrame() {
310: rootFrame = new JFrame();
311: rootFrame.setSize(90, 90);
312: rootFrame.setContentPane(desktop);
313: frame.setSize(80, 50);
314: frame.setVisible(true);
315: desktop.add(pane, BorderLayout.NORTH);
316: rootFrame.setVisible(true);
317: }
319: public void testShowSystemMenu() {
320: createAndShowRootFrame();
321: pane.showSystemMenu();
322: assertTrue("", pane.windowMenu.isPopupMenuVisible());
323: pane.windowMenu = null;
324: testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
325: @Override
326: public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {
327: pane.showSystemMenu();
328: }
329: });
330: }
332: public void testUninstallDefaults() {
333: // nothing to test
334: }
336: public void testBasicInternalFrameTitlePane() {
337: pane = new BasicInternalFrameTitlePane(frame);
338: assertTrue("frame is set", pane.frame == frame);
339: assertTrue("layout", pane.getLayout() != null);
340: }
342: public void testGetTitle() {
343: createAndShowRootFrame();
344: final String title = "Document #1";
345: Font font = new Font("Fixed", Font.PLAIN, 10);
346: FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(font);
347: assertEquals(title, pane.getTitle(title, fm, 110));
348: assertEquals("Documen...", pane.getTitle(title, fm, 109));
349: assertEquals("Do...", pane.getTitle(title, fm, 50));
350: assertEquals("...", pane.getTitle(title, fm, 4));
351: }
353: public void testCreateSystemMenuBar() {
354: JMenuBar menuBar = pane.createSystemMenuBar();
355: assertEquals(0, menuBar.getMenuCount());
356: }
358: public void testAddSystemMenuItems() {
359: JMenu menu = new JMenu();
360: pane.addSystemMenuItems(menu);
361: assertEquals(7, menu.getItemCount());
362: }
364: public void testCreateSystemMenu() {
365: JMenu menu = pane.createSystemMenu();
366: assertEquals(0, menu.getItemCount());
367: }
369: public void testAssembleSystemMenu() {
370: pane.assembleSystemMenu();
371: assertTrue("windowMenu != null", pane.windowMenu != null);
372: assertEquals("7 items", 7, pane.windowMenu.getItemCount());
373: JMenuBar menuBar = pane.menuBar;
374: assertTrue("menuBar contains windowMenu",
375: menuBar.getMenu(0) == pane.windowMenu);
376: }
378: public void testPostClosingEvent() {
379: class MyInternalFrameAdapter extends InternalFrameAdapter {
380: boolean ok = false;
382: @Override
383: public void internalFrameClosing(final InternalFrameEvent e) {
384: ok = true;
385: }
386: }
387: MyInternalFrameAdapter listener = new MyInternalFrameAdapter();
388: frame.addInternalFrameListener(listener);
389: pane.postClosingEvent(frame);
390: if (isHarmony()) {
391: assertTrue("event ok", listener.ok);
392: }
393: }
395: public void testCreatePropertyChangeListener() {
396: PropertyChangeListener listener = pane
397: .createPropertyChangeListener();
398: assertTrue("!= null", listener != null);
399: if (isHarmony()) {
400: assertTrue(
401: "instanceof TitlePaneLayout",
402: listener instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.PropertyChangeHandler);
403: }
404: }
406: public void testCreateLayout() {
407: LayoutManager layout = pane.createLayout();
408: assertTrue("!= null", layout != null);
409: if (isHarmony()) {
410: assertTrue(
411: "instanceof TitlePaneLayout",
412: layout instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.TitlePaneLayout);
413: }
414: }
416: public void testCloseButton() {
417: // test with isClosable == false
418: pane.closeButton.doClick(0);
419: assertFalse("not closed", frame.isClosed());
420: // test with isClosable == true
421: frame.setClosable(true);
422: pane.closeButton.doClick(0);
423: assertTrue("closed", frame.isClosed());
424: }
426: public void testIconifyButton() {
427: // test with isIconifiable == false
428: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
429: assertFalse("not iconified", frame.isIcon());
430: // test with isIconifiable == true
431: frame.setIconifiable(true);
432: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
433: assertTrue("iconified", frame.isIcon());
434: // test iconify again
435: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
436: assertFalse("deiconified", frame.isIcon());
437: // test iconify from maximized state
438: frame.setMaximizable(true);
439: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
440: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
441: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
442: assertTrue("iconified", frame.isIcon());
443: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
444: // test deiconify after iconify from maximized state
445: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
446: assertFalse("deiconified", frame.isIcon());
447: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
448: }
450: public void testMaximizeButton() {
451: // test with isMaximizable == false
452: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
453: assertFalse("not maximized", frame.isMaximum());
454: // test with isMaximizable == true
455: frame.setMaximizable(true);
456: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
457: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
458: // test maximize again
459: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
460: assertFalse("restored", frame.isMaximum());
461: // test maximize from icon
462: frame.setIconifiable(true);
463: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
464: assertTrue("iconified", frame.isIcon());
465: frame.setIconifiable(false);
466: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
467: assertFalse("deiconified", frame.isIcon());
468: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
469: // test maximize again
470: frame.setIconifiable(true);
471: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
472: assertTrue("iconified", frame.isIcon());
473: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
474: assertFalse("deiconified", frame.isIcon());
475: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
476: }
478: public void testRestoreAction() {
479: frame.setMaximizable(true);
480: pane.maxButton.doClick(0);
481: assertTrue("maximized", frame.isMaximum());
482: // test with isMaximizable == false
483: frame.setMaximizable(false);
484: JMenuItem menuItem = pane.menuBar.getMenu(0).getItem(0);
485: assertEquals("name == Restore", "Restore", menuItem.getText());
486: menuItem.doClick(0);
487: assertTrue("restored", frame.isMaximum());
488: // test with isMaximizable == true
489: frame.setMaximizable(true);
490: menuItem.doClick(0);
491: assertFalse("restored", frame.isMaximum());
492: // test restore again
493: menuItem.doClick(0);
494: assertFalse("no change", frame.isMaximum());
495: // iconify the frame
496: frame.setIconifiable(true);
497: pane.iconButton.doClick(0);
498: assertTrue("iconified", frame.isIcon());
499: // test restore of the iconified frame with isIconifiable == false
500: frame.setIconifiable(false);
501: menuItem.doClick(0);
502: assertTrue("not restored", frame.isIcon());
503: // test restore of the iconified frame with isIconifiable == true
504: frame.setIconifiable(true);
505: menuItem.doClick(0);
506: assertFalse("restored", frame.isIcon());
507: }
509: public void testSizeAction() {
510: // cannot test
511: }
513: public void testMoveAction() {
514: // cannot test
515: }
517: public void testTitlePaneLayout() {
518: LayoutManager layout = pane.new TitlePaneLayout();
519: pane.setSize(200, 31);
520: final Rectangle menuBarBounds = new Rectangle(2, 7, 16, 16);
521: final Rectangle zeroBounds = new Rectangle();
522: final Rectangle closeButtonBounds = new Rectangle(182, 7, 16,
523: 16);
524: final Rectangle iconButtonBounds = new Rectangle(146, 7, 16, 16);
525: final Rectangle maximizeButtonBounds = new Rectangle(164, 7,
526: 16, 16);
527: // non-iconifiable, non-maximizable, non-closable
528: layout.layoutContainer(null);
529: assertEquals("menuBar", menuBarBounds, pane.menuBar.getBounds());
530: assertEquals("iconButton", zeroBounds, pane.iconButton
531: .getBounds());
532: assertEquals("maximizeButton", zeroBounds, pane.maxButton
533: .getBounds());
534: assertEquals("closeButton", zeroBounds, pane.closeButton
535: .getBounds());
536: if (!isHarmony()) {
537: return;
538: }
539: // iconifiable, non-maximizable, non-closable
540: frame.setIconifiable(true);
541: layout.layoutContainer(null);
542: assertEquals("menuBar", menuBarBounds, pane.menuBar.getBounds());
543: assertEquals("iconButton", closeButtonBounds, pane.iconButton
544: .getBounds());
545: assertEquals("maximizeButton", zeroBounds, pane.maxButton
546: .getBounds());
547: assertEquals("closeButton", zeroBounds, pane.closeButton
548: .getBounds());
549: // iconifiable, maximizable, closable
550: frame.setMaximizable(true);
551: frame.setClosable(true);
552: layout.layoutContainer(null);
553: assertEquals("menuBar", menuBarBounds, pane.menuBar.getBounds());
554: assertEquals("iconButton", iconButtonBounds, pane.iconButton
555: .getBounds());
556: assertEquals("maximizeButton", maximizeButtonBounds,
557: pane.maxButton.getBounds());
558: assertEquals("closeButton", closeButtonBounds, pane.closeButton
559: .getBounds());
560: // minimumLayoutSize(), preferredLayoutSize() implementations
561: assertTrue("", layout.minimumLayoutSize(pane) != null);
562: assertTrue("", layout.preferredLayoutSize(pane) != null);
563: }
565: @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
566: public void testSystemMenuBar() {
567: JMenuBar menuBar = pane.new SystemMenuBar();
568: assertTrue("opaque", menuBar.isOpaque());
569: assertFalse("isFocusTraversable", menuBar.isFocusTraversable());
570: assertFalse(menuBar.isFocusable());
571: }
573: public void testPropertyChangeHandler() {
574: // test "iconable" property change
575: frame.setIconifiable(false);
576: frame.setIconifiable(true);
577: assertTrue("icon button added", belongs(pane.iconButton, pane
578: .getComponents()));
579: frame.setIconifiable(false);
580: assertFalse("icon button removed", belongs(pane.iconButton,
581: pane.getComponents()));
582: // test "closable" property change
583: frame.setClosable(false);
584: frame.setClosable(true);
585: assertTrue("close button added", belongs(pane.closeButton, pane
586: .getComponents()));
587: frame.setClosable(false);
588: assertFalse("close button removed", belongs(pane.closeButton,
589: pane.getComponents()));
590: // test "maximizable" property change
591: frame.setMaximizable(false);
592: frame.setMaximizable(true);
593: assertTrue("max button added", belongs(pane.maxButton, pane
594: .getComponents()));
595: frame.setMaximizable(false);
596: assertFalse("max button removed", belongs(pane.maxButton, pane
597: .getComponents()));
598: }
600: public void testPaintTitleBackground() {
601: // Note: painting code, cannot test
602: }
604: public void testConstructor() {
605: try {
606: new BasicInternalFrameTitlePane((JInternalFrame) null);
607: fail("NPE should be thrown");
608: } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
609: // PASSED
610: }
611: }
613: public void testPaintComponent() {
614: // Note: painting code, cannot test
615: }
617: /**
618: * Regression test for HARMONY-2608
619: * */
620: public void testMoveActionKey() {
621: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MoveAction m = pane.new MoveAction();
622: assertEquals(1, m.getKeys().length);
623: String key = (String) m.getKeys()[0];
624: assertEquals(Action.NAME, key);
625: assertEquals("Move", m.getValue(key));
626: }
628: /**
629: * Regression test for HARMONY-2608
630: * */
631: public void testMoveActionPerformed() {
632: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MoveAction m = pane.new MoveAction();
633: try {
634: m.actionPerformed(null);
635: } catch (NullPointerException e) {
636: fail("NPE shouldn't be thrown");
637: }
638: }
640: /**
641: * Regression test for HARMONY-2604
642: * */
643: public void testSizeActionPerformed() {
644: String str = "test string";
645: JInternalFrame jf = new JInternalFrame(str);
646: MetalInternalFrameTitlePane jp = new MetalInternalFrameTitlePane(
647: jf);
648: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SizeAction m = jp.new SizeAction();
649: try {
650: m.actionPerformed(null);
651: } catch (NullPointerException e) {
652: fail("NPE shouldn't be thrown");
653: }
654: }
656: /**
657: * Regression test for HARMONY-2588
658: * */
659: public void testSizeActionKey() {
660: String str = "test string";
661: JInternalFrame jf = new JInternalFrame(str);
662: MetalInternalFrameTitlePane jp = new MetalInternalFrameTitlePane(
663: jf);
664: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SizeAction m = jp.new SizeAction();
665: assertEquals(1, m.getKeys().length);
666: String key = (String) m.getKeys()[0];
667: assertEquals(Action.NAME, key);
668: assertEquals("Size", m.getValue(key));
669: }
670: }