001: /*
002: * Project: AMODA - Abstract Modeled Application
003: * Class: de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.GUIApplication
004: * Version: snapshot-beautyj-1.1
005: *
006: * Date: 2004-09-29
007: *
008: * This is a snapshot version of the AMODA 0.2 development branch,
009: * it is not released as a seperate version.
010: * For AMODA, see http://amoda.berlios.de/.
011: *
012: * This is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
013: * and comes with NO WARRANTY.
014: *
015: * Author: Jens Gulden
016: * Email: amoda@jensgulden.de
017: */
019: package de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui;
021: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.commandline.*;
022: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.core.*;
023: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.core.*;
024: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.core.WorkspaceProvider;
025: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.document.*;
026: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.document.ClipboardHandler;
027: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.document.Document;
028: import de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.document.DocumentHandler;
029: import de.gulden.util.Toolbox;
030: import de.gulden.util.xml.XMLToolbox;
031: import java.awt.*;
032: import java.io.*;
033: import java.lang.*;
034: import java.net.*;
035: import java.util.*;
036: import javax.swing.*;
037: import org.w3c.dom.*;
039: /**
040: * Class GUIApplication.
041: *
042: * @author Jens Gulden
043: * @version snapshot-beautyj-1.1
044: */
045: public abstract class GUIApplication extends CommandLineApplication
046: implements WorkspaceProvider, ClipboardHandler, DocumentHandler {
048: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
049: // --- fields ---
050: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
052: protected boolean modeMultiDocuments;
054: protected boolean modeMultiViews;
056: protected JDialog aboutDialog;
058: protected JWindow aboutSplashWindow;
060: protected JDialog helpDialog;
062: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
063: // --- methods ---
064: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
066: public Workspace getWorkspace() {
067: return ((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment())
068: .getWorkspace();
069: }
071: public JComponent createGUIComponent(DocumentView view) {
072: // to be overwritten by subclass if used
073: throw new AbstractMethodError(
074: "createDefaultView is not implemented by subclass");
075: }
077: public void cutSelection(DocumentSelection sel) {
078: // your code here
079: }
081: public void copySelection(DocumentSelection sel) {
082: // your code here
083: }
085: public void pasteSelection(DocumentSelection sel) {
086: // your code here
087: }
089: public DocumentHandler getDocumentHandler() {
090: return this ; // default is this, may be overwritten
091: }
093: public ClipboardHandler getClipboardHandler() {
094: return this ; // default is this, may be overwritten
095: }
097: public void destroy() {
098: ((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getGenericApplicationEnvironment())
099: .getFrame().dispose();
100: System.exit(0);
101: }
103: public void start() {
104: // init recent files list
105: getRecentFilesList().init(this );
106: // open window
107: ((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getFrame()
108: .setVisible(true);
109: // open initial documents or whatever else on the workspace
110: startWorkspace();
111: if (aboutSplashWindow != null) {
112: aboutSplashWindow.dispose();
113: }
114: super .start();
115: }
117: public void about() {
118: if (((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getFrame()
119: .isVisible()) { // normal mode
120: if (aboutDialog == null) {
121: aboutDialog = createAboutDialog();
122: }
123: de.gulden.util.Toolbox.centerOnScreen(aboutDialog);
124: aboutDialog.setVisible(true);
125: } else {
126: aboutSplash(); // special mode during init
127: }
128: }
130: public void aboutSplash() {
131: JWindow window = new JWindow(
132: ((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment())
133: .getFrame());
134: JComponent aboutComponent = createAboutComponent();
135: window.getContentPane().add(aboutComponent);
136: window.pack();
137: Dimension size = window.getSize();
138: size.width = 500;
139: window.setSize(size);
140: de.gulden.util.Toolbox.centerOnScreen(window);
141: this .aboutSplashWindow = window;
142: window.setVisible(true);
143: }
145: public Document newDocument() {
146: // your code here
147: return null;
148: }
150: public Document openDocument(File file) {
151: // your code here
152: return null;
153: }
155: public void saveDocument(Document doc) {
156: // your code here
157: }
159: public Workspace createWorkspace() {
160: // may be overwritten by sublcasses
161: GUIWorkspace workspace = new GUIWorkspace();
162: workspace
163: .setEnvironment((de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.core.GenericApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment());
164: return workspace;
165: }
167: public Document openDocument(URL url) {
168: String protocol = url.getProtocol();
169: if (protocol.equals("file")) {
170: return openDocument(new java.io.File(url.getPath()));
171: } else {
172: error("URLs other than file:// are not supported.");
173: return null;
174: }
175: }
177: public void saveDocumentAs(Document doc, File file) {
178: // your code here
179: }
181: public void closeDocument(Document doc) {
182: if (confirm("Really close this document and all its views?")) {
183: Collection views = getWorkspace().getViews(doc);
184: views = (Collection) views; // avoid concurrent modification exception
185: for (Iterator it = views.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
186: DocumentView view = (DocumentView) it.next();
187: getWorkspace().removeView(view);
188: }
189: }
190: }
192: public void loadDocument(File file) {
193: openDocumentOnWorkspace(openDocument(file));
194: }
196: public void loadDocument(URL url) {
197: openDocumentOnWorkspace(openDocument(url));
198: }
200: public void storeDocument(Document document, File file) {
201: // your code here
202: }
204: public void storeDocument(Document document, URL url) {
205: // your code here
206: }
208: public void help() {
209: if (helpDialog == null) {
210: helpDialog = createHelpDialog();
211: }
212: de.gulden.util.Toolbox.centerOnScreen(helpDialog);
213: helpDialog.setVisible(true);
214: }
216: protected JDialog createOptionsDialog() {
217: // your code here
218: return null;
219: }
221: protected JDialog createAboutDialog() {
222: de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.JDialogCloseable dialog = new de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.JDialogCloseable(
223: ((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment())
224: .getFrame(), "About", false);
225: JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
226: tabbedPane
227: .setFont(((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment())
228: .getFont(GUIApplicationEnvironment.FONT_MENU));
230: JComponent comp = createAboutComponent();
231: tabbedPane.add("About", comp);
233: // set size now (after filling text will be too late)
234: dialog.getContentPane().add(tabbedPane);
236: String licenseText = createLicenseText();
237: if (licenseText != null) {
238: JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(licenseText);
239: JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);
240: comp = new de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.PresentationPanel(
241: getImage("SecurityModern13.png"), scrollPane);
242: tabbedPane.add("License", comp);
243: }
245: de.gulden.util.swing.MapTableModel tableModel = new de.gulden.util.swing.MapTableModel(
246: System.getProperties());
247: JTable table = new JTable(tableModel);
248: JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
249: comp = new de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.PresentationPanel(
250: getImage("ManagementModern02.png"), scrollPane);
251: tabbedPane.add("System", comp);
253: dialog.pack(); // will lead to extremely over-wide dialog
254: Dimension size = dialog.getSize();
255: //size.height-=10; // ******************************************
256: size.height = 400;
257: dialog.setSize(size);
258: return dialog;
259: }
261: protected JComponent createAboutComponent() {
262: String aboutHTML = createAboutHTML();
263: return new de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.PresentationPanel(
264: getImage("SetupModern24.png"), "<html>" + aboutHTML
265: + "</html>");
266: }
268: protected ApplicationEnvironment createApplicationEnvironment() {
269: // overwrites CommandlineApplication.createApplicationEnvironment
270: de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.core.ApplicationEnvironmentFactory factory = new GUIApplicationEnvironmentFactory(
271: getArgs());//,getConfigurationResourceURL());
272: return factory.createApplicationEnvironment();
273: }
275: protected String createAboutHTML() {
276: StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer();
277: html
278: .append("<h2>"
279: + de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.metadata.GenericMetadata
280: .findTitle(this ) + "</h2>");
281: String subtitle = getMetadata().get("subtitle");
282: if (!Toolbox.empty(subtitle)) {
283: html.append("<h3>" + subtitle + "</h3>");
284: }
285: String description = getMetadata().get("description");
286: if (!Toolbox.empty(description)) {
287: html.append("<h4>" + description + "</h4>");
288: }
289: String licenseMessage = getMetadata().get("license-message");
290: if (!Toolbox.empty(subtitle)) {
291: html.append("<h4>" + licenseMessage + "</h4>");
292: }
293: html.append("<table>");
294: for (Iterator it = getMetadata().getEntries().iterator(); it
295: .hasNext();) {
296: de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.metadata.MetadataEntry entry = (de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.metadata.MetadataEntry) it
297: .next();
298: String name = entry.getName();
299: String value = entry.getString();
300: if (!(name.equals("license-message")
301: || name.equals("license-text")
302: || name.equals("description") || name
303: .equals("title"))) {
304: html.append("<tr><td><i>"
305: + Toolbox.capitalize(entry.getName())
306: + "</i></td><td><b>" + entry.getString()
307: + "</b></td></tr>");
308: }
309: }
310: html.append("</table>");
311: return html.toString();
312: }
314: protected String createLicenseText() {
315: String license = getMetadata().get("license-text");
316: if (!Toolbox.empty(license)) {
317: return license;
318: } else {
319: return null;
320: }
321: }
323: protected void startWorkspace() {
324: // default implementation, opens 1 new blank document
325: de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.document.Document doc = getInitialDocument();
326: if (doc != null) {
327: openDocumentOnWorkspace(doc);
328: }
329: }
331: protected Document getInitialDocument() {
332: if (getOptions().getBoolean("open-most-recent-file-on-startup")) {
333: Document doc = null;
334: de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.core.GenericRecentFilesList rfl = (de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.core.GenericRecentFilesList) getRecentFilesList();
335: if (rfl != null) {
336: if (rfl.size() > 0) {
337: Object o = rfl.get(0);
338: if (o instanceof java.io.File) {
339: doc = openDocument((java.io.File) o);
340: } else if (o instanceof java.net.URL) {
341: doc = openDocument((java.net.URL) o);
342: }
343: }
344: }
345: if (doc != null) {
346: return doc;
347: }
348: }
349: //FALLSTHROUGH on all else-branches
350: return getDocumentHandler().newDocument();
351: }
353: protected RecentFilesList createRecentFilesList() {
354: return new GUIRecentFilesList();
355: }
357: protected void openDocumentOnWorkspace(Document document) {
358: if (document != null) {
359: de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.document.DocumentView view = document
360: .createDefaultView();
361: getWorkspace().addView(view);
362: }
363: }
365: protected JDialog createHelpDialog() {
366: de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.JDialogCloseable dialog = new de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.JDialogCloseable(
367: ((GUIApplicationEnvironment) getEnvironment())
368: .getFrame(), "Help", false);
369: JPanel panel = new de.gulden.framework.amoda.environment.gui.component.PresentationPanel(
370: getImage("SecurityModern13.png"), "<html><body>"
371: + createHelpHTML() + "</body></html>");
372: dialog.getContentPane().add(panel);
373: /*dialog.pack(); // will lead to extremely over-wide dialog
374: Dimension size=dialog.getSize();
375: size.height = 800;
376: size.height = 600;
377: dialog.setSize(size);*/
378: dialog.setSize(800, 800);
379: return dialog;
380: }
382: protected String createUsageHTML() {
383: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
384: /*String description = getMetadata().get("description").trim();
385: if (description.length()!=0) {
386: sb.append("<p>"+description+"</p>");
387: }*/
388: String usageLine = getUsageLine();
389: if (usageLine != null) {
390: sb.append("<h4>Usage:</h4><code>"
391: + de.gulden.util.xml.XMLToolbox
392: .xmlEscape(usageLine) + "</code></p>");
393: }
394: return sb.toString();
395: }
397: protected String createHelpHTML() {
398: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
399: sb.append(createAboutHTML());
400: sb.append(createUsageHTML());
401: Collection allOptions = getOptions()
402: .getAll(
403: de.gulden.framework.amoda.model.option.OptionEntry.class,
404: true).values();
405: if (!allOptions.isEmpty()) {
406: sb.append("<h4>options are:</h4><table>");
407: for (Iterator it = allOptions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
408: de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.option.GenericOptionEntry o = (de.gulden.framework.amoda.generic.option.GenericOptionEntry) it
409: .next();
410: if (!(o.isSystem())) {
411: String name = "-" + o.getId();
412: String shortcut = o.getShortcut();
413: if (shortcut != null) {
414: name = "-" + shortcut + " or " + name;
415: }
416: String description = de.gulden.util.Toolbox
417: .noNull(o.getMetadata().get("description"));
418: Class typeClass = o.getType();
419: if (typeClass == null) {
420: typeClass = String.class;
421: }
422: String type = "<i>"
423: + de.gulden.util.Toolbox.unqualify(
424: typeClass.getName()).toLowerCase()
425: + "</i>";
426: String defaultValue = o.getValue(o.STATE_DEFAULT)
427: .getString();
428: if (defaultValue != null) {
429: description += " (default: " + defaultValue
430: + ")";
431: }
432: String row = "<tr><td valign='top' nowrap>" + name
433: + "</td><td valign='top'>" + type
434: + "</td><td>" + description + "</td></tr>";
435: sb.append(row);
436: }
437: }
438: sb.append("</table>");
439: }
440: return sb.toString();
441: }
443: void internalSetGenericApplicationEnvironment(
444: GenericApplicationEnvironment env) {
445: this .genericApplicationEnvironment = env; // set without backward-reference (for dummy-instances of GUIApplication)
446: }
448: } // end GUIApplication