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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Content Management System » apache lenya 2.0 » org.apache.cocoon.serialization 
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001:        /*
002:         * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         *
009:         *
010:         *
011:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         * limitations under the License.
016:         */
017:        package org.apache.cocoon.serialization;
019:        import;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import java.util.Enumeration;
023:        import;
024:        import;
026:        import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable;
027:        import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
028:        import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
029:        import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceSelector;
030:        import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
031:        import org.apache.excalibur.source.Source;
032:        import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceResolver;
033:        import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
034:        import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
035:        import org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport;
037:        /**
038:         * A serializer that builds Zip archives by aggregating several sources.
039:         * <p>
040:         * The input document should describe entries of the archive by means of
041:         * their name (which can be a path) and their content either as URLs or
042:         * inline data :
043:         * <ul>
044:         * <li>URLs, given by the "src" attribute, are Cocoon sources and as such
045:         *     can use any of the protocols handled by Cocoon, including "cocoon:" to
046:         *     include dynamically generated content in the archive.</li>
047:         * <li>inline data is represented by an XML document that is serialized to the
048:         *     zip entry using the serializer identified by the "serializer" attribute.</li>
049:         * </ul>
050:         * <p>
051:         * Example :
052:         * <pre>
053:         *   &lt;zip:archive xmlns:zip=""&gt;
054:         *     &lt;zip:entry name="foo.html" src="cocoon://dynFoo.html"/&gt;
055:         *     &lt;zip:entry name="images/bar.jpeg" src="bar.jpeg"/&gt;
056:         *     &lt;zip:entry name="index.html" serializer="html"&gt;
057:         *       &lt;html&gt;
058:         *         &lt;head&gt;
059:         *           &lt;title&gt;Index page&lt;/title&gt;
060:         *         &lt;/head&gt;
061:         *         &lt;body&gt;
062:         *           Please go &lt;a href="foo.html"&gt;there&lt;/a&gt;
063:         *         &lt;/body&lt;
064:         *       &lt;/html&gt;
065:         *     &lt;/zip:entry&gt;
066:         *   &lt;/zip:archive:zip&gt;
067:         * </pre>
068:         *
069:         * @author <a href="">Sylvain Wallez</a>
070:         * @version $Id: 437692 2006-08-28 13:09:39Z anathaniel $
071:         */
073:        // TODO (1) : handle more attributes on <archive> for properties of ZipOutputStream
074:        //            such as comment or default compression method and level
075:        // TODO (2) : handle more attributes on <entry> for properties of ZipEntry
076:        //            (compression method and level, time, comment, etc.)
077:        public class ZipArchiveSerializer extends AbstractSerializer implements 
078:                Disposable, Serviceable {
080:            /**
081:             * The namespace for elements handled by this serializer,
082:             * "".
083:             */
084:            public static final String ZIP_NAMESPACE = "";
086:            private static final int START_STATE = 0;
087:            private static final int IN_ZIP_STATE = 1;
088:            private static final int IN_CONTENT_STATE = 2;
090:            /** The component manager */
091:            protected ServiceManager manager;
093:            /** The serializer component selector */
094:            protected ServiceSelector selector;
096:            /** The Zip stream where entries will be written */
097:            protected ZipOutputStream zipOutput;
099:            /** The current state */
100:            protected int state = START_STATE;
102:            /** The resolver to get sources */
103:            protected SourceResolver resolver;
105:            /** Temporary byte buffer to read source data */
106:            protected byte[] buffer;
108:            /** Serializer used when in IN_CONTENT state */
109:            protected Serializer serializer;
111:            /** Current depth of the serialized content */
112:            protected int contentDepth;
114:            /** Used to collect namespaces */
115:            private NamespaceSupport nsSupport = new NamespaceSupport();
117:            /**
118:             * Store exception
119:             */
120:            private SAXException exception;
122:            /**
123:             * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable#service(ServiceManager)
124:             */
125:            public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException {
126:                this .manager = manager;
127:                this .resolver = (SourceResolver) this .manager
128:                        .lookup(SourceResolver.ROLE);
129:            }
131:            /**
132:             * Returns default mime type for zip archives, <code>application/zip</code>.
133:             * Can be overridden in the sitemap.
134:             * @return application/zip
135:             */
136:            public String getMimeType() {
137:                return "application/zip";
138:            }
140:            /**
141:             * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startDocument()
142:             */
143:            public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
144:                this .state = START_STATE;
145:                this .zipOutput = new ZipOutputStream(this .output);
146:            }
148:            /**
149:             * Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.
150:             *
151:             * @param prefix The Namespace prefix being declared.
152:             * @param uri The Namespace URI the prefix is mapped to.
153:             */
154:            public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
155:                    throws SAXException {
156:                if (state == IN_CONTENT_STATE && this .contentDepth > 0) {
157:                    // Pass to the serializer
158:                    super .startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri);
160:                } else {
161:                    // Register it if it's not our own namespace (useless to content)
162:                    if (!uri.equals(ZIP_NAMESPACE)) {
163:                        this .nsSupport.declarePrefix(prefix, uri);
164:                    }
165:                }
166:            }
168:            public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException {
169:                if (state == IN_CONTENT_STATE && this .contentDepth > 0) {
170:                    // Pass to the serializer
171:                    super .endPrefixMapping(prefix);
172:                }
173:            }
175:            // Note : no need to implement endPrefixMapping() as we just need to pass it through if there
176:            // is a serializer, which is what the superclass does.
178:            /**
179:             * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startElement(String, String, String, Attributes)
180:             */
181:            public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
182:                    String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
184:                // Damage control. Sometimes one exception is just not enough...
185:                if (this .exception != null) {
186:                    throw this .exception;
187:                }
189:                switch (state) {
190:                case START_STATE:
191:                    // expecting "zip" as the first element
192:                    if (namespaceURI.equals(ZIP_NAMESPACE)
193:                            && localName.equals("archive")) {
194:                        this .nsSupport.pushContext();
195:                        this .state = IN_ZIP_STATE;
196:                    } else {
197:                        throw this .exception = new SAXException(
198:                                "Expecting 'archive' root element (got '"
199:                                        + localName + "')");
200:                    }
201:                    break;
203:                case IN_ZIP_STATE:
204:                    // expecting "entry" element
205:                    if (namespaceURI.equals(ZIP_NAMESPACE)
206:                            && localName.equals("entry")) {
207:                        this .nsSupport.pushContext();
208:                        // Get the source
209:                        addEntry(atts);
210:                    } else {
211:                        throw this .exception = new SAXException(
212:                                "Expecting 'entry' element (got '" + localName
213:                                        + "')");
214:                    }
215:                    break;
217:                case IN_CONTENT_STATE:
218:                    if (this .contentDepth == 0) {
219:                        // Give it any namespaces already declared
220:                        Enumeration prefixes = this .nsSupport.getPrefixes();
221:                        while (prefixes.hasMoreElements()) {
222:                            String prefix = (String) prefixes.nextElement();
223:                            super .startPrefixMapping(prefix, this .nsSupport
224:                                    .getURI(prefix));
225:                        }
226:                    }
228:                    this .contentDepth++;
229:                    super .startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts);
230:                    break;
231:                }
232:            }
234:            /**
235:             * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#characters(char[], int, int)
236:             */
237:            public void characters(char[] buffer, int offset, int length)
238:                    throws SAXException {
239:                // Propagate text to the serializer only if we have encountered the content's top-level
240:                // element. Otherwhise, the serializer may be confused by some characters occuring between
241:                // startDocument() and the first startElement() (e.g. Batik fails hard in that case)
242:                if (this .state == IN_CONTENT_STATE && this .contentDepth > 0) {
243:                    super .characters(buffer, offset, length);
244:                }
245:            }
247:            /**
248:             * Add an entry in the archive.
249:             * @param atts the attributes that describe the entry
250:             */
251:            protected void addEntry(Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
252:                String name = atts.getValue("name");
253:                if (name == null) {
254:                    throw this .exception = new SAXException(
255:                            "No name given to the Zip entry");
256:                }
258:                String src = atts.getValue("src");
259:                String serializerType = atts.getValue("serializer");
261:                if (src == null && serializerType == null) {
262:                    throw this .exception = new SAXException(
263:                            "No source nor serializer given for the Zip entry '"
264:                                    + name + "'");
265:                }
267:                if (src != null && serializerType != null) {
268:                    throw this .exception = new SAXException(
269:                            "Cannot specify both 'src' and 'serializer' on a Zip entry '"
270:                                    + name + "'");
271:                }
273:                Source source = null;
274:                try {
275:                    if (src != null) {
276:                        // Get the source and its data
277:                        source = resolver.resolveURI(src);
278:                        InputStream sourceInput = source.getInputStream();
280:                        // Create a new Zip entry with file modification time.
281:                        ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(name);
282:                        long lastModified = source.getLastModified();
283:                        if (lastModified != 0)
284:                            entry.setTime(lastModified);
285:                        this .zipOutput.putNextEntry(entry);
287:                        // Buffer lazily allocated
288:                        if (this .buffer == null)
289:                            this .buffer = new byte[8192];
291:                        // Copy the source to the zip
292:                        int len;
293:                        while ((len = .buffer)) > 0) {
294:                            this .zipOutput.write(this .buffer, 0, len);
295:                        }
297:                        // and close the entry
298:                        this .zipOutput.closeEntry();
299:                        // close input stream (to avoid "too many open files" problem)
300:                        sourceInput.close();
301:                    } else {
302:                        // Create a new Zip entry with current time.
303:                        ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(name);
304:                        this .zipOutput.putNextEntry(entry);
306:                        // Serialize content
307:                        if (this .selector == null) {
308:                            this .selector = (ServiceSelector) this .manager
309:                                    .lookup(Serializer.ROLE + "Selector");
310:                        }
312:                        // Get the serializer
313:                        this .serializer = (Serializer) this .selector
314:                                .select(serializerType);
316:                        // Direct its output to the zip file, filtering calls to close()
317:                        // (we don't want the archive to be closed by the serializer)
318:                        this .serializer.setOutputStream(new FilterOutputStream(
319:                                this .zipOutput) {
320:                            public void close() { /* nothing */
321:                            }
322:                        });
324:                        // Set it as the current XMLConsumer
325:                        setConsumer(serializer);
327:                        // start its document
328:                        this .serializer.startDocument();
330:                        this .state = IN_CONTENT_STATE;
331:                        this .contentDepth = 0;
332:                    }
334:                } catch (RuntimeException re) {
335:                    throw re;
336:                } catch (SAXException se) {
337:                    throw this .exception = se;
338:                } catch (Exception e) {
339:                    throw this .exception = new SAXException(e);
340:                } finally {
341:                    this .resolver.release(source);
342:                }
343:            }
345:            /**
346:             * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endElement(String, String, String)
347:             */
348:            public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
349:                    String qName) throws SAXException {
351:                // Damage control. Sometimes one exception is just not enough...
352:                if (this .exception != null) {
353:                    throw this .exception;
354:                }
356:                if (state == IN_CONTENT_STATE) {
357:                    super .endElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName);
358:                    this .contentDepth--;
360:                    if (this .contentDepth == 0) {
361:                        // End of this entry
363:                        // close all declared namespaces.
364:                        Enumeration prefixes = this .nsSupport.getPrefixes();
365:                        while (prefixes.hasMoreElements()) {
366:                            String prefix = (String) prefixes.nextElement();
367:                            super .endPrefixMapping(prefix);
368:                        }
370:                        super .endDocument();
372:                        try {
373:                            this .zipOutput.closeEntry();
374:                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
375:                            throw this .exception = new SAXException(ioe);
376:                        }
378:                        super .setConsumer(null);
379:                        this .selector.release(this .serializer);
380:                        this .serializer = null;
382:                        // Go back to listening for entries
383:                        this .state = IN_ZIP_STATE;
384:                    }
385:                } else {
386:                    this .nsSupport.popContext();
387:                }
388:            }
390:            /**
391:             * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endDocument()
392:             */
393:            public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
394:                try {
395:                    // Close the zip archive
396:                    this .zipOutput.finish();
398:                } catch (IOException ioe) {
399:                    throw new SAXException(ioe);
400:                }
401:            }
403:            /**
404:             * @see org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool.Recyclable#recycle()
405:             */
406:            public void recycle() {
407:                this .exception = null;
408:                if (this .serializer != null) {
409:                    this .selector.release(this .serializer);
410:                }
411:                if (this .selector != null) {
412:                    this .manager.release(this .selector);
413:                }
415:                this .nsSupport.reset();
416:                super .recycle();
417:            }
419:            /* (non-Javadoc)
420:             * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable#dispose()
421:             */
422:            public void dispose() {
423:                if (this.manager != null) {
424:                    this.manager.release(this.resolver);
425:                    this.resolver = null;
426:                    this.manager = null;
427:                }
428:            }
429:        } | Contact Us
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