001: package org.jsqltool.utils;
003: import java.util.*;
005: /**
006: * <p>Title: JSqlTool Project</p>
007: * <p>Description: Base Resource Bundle: all others bundles must hinerits from this one.
008: * </p>
009: * <p>Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Mauro Carniel</p>
010: *
011: * <p> This file is part of JSqlTool project.
012: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
013: * modify it under the terms of the (LGPL) Lesser General Public
014: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
015: *
017: * Version 2.1, February 1999
018: *
019: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
020: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
022: * Library General Public License for more details.
023: *
024: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
025: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
026: * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
027: *
028: * The author may be contacted at:
029: * maurocarniel@tin.it</p>
030: *
031: * @author Mauro Carniel
032: * @version 1.0
033: */
034: public class Dictionary extends ListResourceBundle {
036: public Object[][] getContents() {
037: return contents;
038: }
040: static final Object[][] contents = {
041: { "error while loading jsqltool.ini",
042: "Error while loading jsqltool.ini" },
043: { "error", "Error" },
044: { "image files not found.", "Image files not found." },
045: { "file.text", "File" },
046: { "exit.text", "Exit" },
047: { "help.text", "Help" },
048: { "about.text", "About" },
049: { "file.mnemonic", "F" },
050: { "exit.mnemonic", "X" },
051: { "help.mnemonic", "H" },
052: { "about.mnemonic", "A" },
053: { "querybutton.tooltip", "Open a new SQL window" },
054: { "listabutton.tooltip", "Open a new Schema Browser window" },
055: { "commitbutton.tooltip",
056: "Commit any changes to this schema" },
057: { "rollbackbutton.tooltip",
058: "Rollback any changes to this schema" },
059: { "newconn.text", "New Connection" },
060: { "endconn.text", "End Connection" },
061: { "endallconn.text", "End All Connections" },
062: { "newconn.mnemonic", "N" },
063: { "endconn.mnemonic", "E" },
064: { "endallconn.mnemonic", "A" },
065: { "sqlwindow.text", "SQL-Window" },
066: { "database.text", "Database" },
067: { "view.text", "View" },
068: { "window.text", "Window" },
069: { "sqlwindow.mnemonic", "S" },
070: { "database.mnemonic", "D" },
071: { "view.mnemonic", "V" },
072: { "window.mnemonic", "W" },
073: { "sql.text", "Execute SQL" },
074: { "sql.mnemonic", "E" },
075: { "oldsqllist.text", "Recall Previous SQL Statements" },
076: { "oldsqllist.mnemonic", "P" },
077: { "plan.text", "Explain Plan Current SQL" },
078: { "plan.mnemonic", "X" },
079: { "schemabrowser.text", "Schema Browser" },
080: { "schemabrowser.mnemonic", "B" },
081: { "sqleditor.text", "SQL Editor" },
082: { "sqleditor.mnemonic", "S" },
083: { "commit.text", "Commit" },
084: { "commit.mnemonic", "C" },
085: { "rollback.text", "Rollback" },
086: { "rollback.mnemonic", "R" },
087: { "options.text", "Options" },
088: { "options.mnemonic", "O" },
089: { "closeall.text", "Close All Windows" },
090: { "closeall.mnemonic", "A" },
091: { "trace.text", "Trace Session" },
092: { "trace.mnemonic", "T" },
093: { "quit application?", "Quit application?" },
094: { "attention", "Attention" },
095: { "close all connections windows?",
096: "Close all connections windows?" },
097: { "close all connections windows?", "Close all connections" },
098: { "close connection and related windows?",
099: "Close connection and related windows?" },
100: { "close connection", "Close connection" },
101: { "error on commit changes", "Error on commit changes" },
102: { "error on rollback changes", "Error on rollback changes" },
103: { "close all windows and related connections?",
104: "Close all windows and related connections?" },
105: { "close all windows", "Close all windows" },
106: { "error on loading connections profile files.",
107: "Error on loading connections profile files." },
108: { "JSqlTool login", "JSqlTool Connection Manager" },
109: { "deleteconn.text", "Delete Connection" },
110: { "deleteconn.mnemonic", "D" },
111: { "newconn.text", "New Connection" },
112: { "newconn.mnemonic", "N" },
113: { "editconn.text", "Edit Connection" },
114: { "editconn.mnemonic", "E" },
115: { "okbutton.text", "Ok" },
116: { "okbutton.mnemonic", "O" },
117: { "cancelbutton.text", "Cancel" },
118: { "cancelbutton.mnemonic", "C" },
119: { "copyconn.text", "Copy Connection" },
120: { "copyconn.mnemonic", "P" },
121: { "connections", "Connections" },
122: { "error on saving connections profile files.",
123: "Error on saving connections profile files." },
124: { "oracle database", "Oracle Database" },
125: { "odbc source", "ODBC Source" },
126: { "ms sqlserver", "MS SqlServer" },
127: { "other source", "Other Source" },
128: { "database connection", "Database Connection" },
129: { "database type", "Database Type" },
130: { "username", "Username" },
131: { "password", "Password" },
132: { "host", "Host" },
133: { "port", "Port" },
134: { "connection name", "Connection Name" },
135: { "auto commit", "Auto Commit" },
136: { "transaction isolation level",
137: "Transaction Isolation Level" },
138: { "jdbc driver name", "JDBC Driver Name" },
139: { "connection url", "Connection URL" },
140: { "odbc entry", "ODBC Entry" },
141: { "read only", "Read Only" },
142: { "catalog", "Schema" },
143: { "you must specify a connection name.",
144: "You must specify a connection name." },
145: { "you must specify a jdbc driver.",
146: "You must specify a JDBC Driver." },
147: { "you must specify a connection url.",
148: "You must specify a connection url." },
149: { "you must specify a connection username.",
150: "You must specify a connection username." },
151: { "you must specify an odbc entry.",
152: "You must specify an ODBC Entry." },
153: { "error when creating connection",
154: "Error when creating connection" },
155: { "error during tables fetching",
156: "Error during tables fetching" },
157: { "error during catalogs fetching",
158: "Error during schemas fetching" },
159: { "column", "Column" },
160: { "data type", "Data Type" },
161: { "pk", "PK" },
162: { "null?", "Null?" },
163: { "error while fetching columns info",
164: "Error while fetching columns info" },
165: { "error while executing query",
166: "Error while executing query" },
167: { "error while executing statement",
168: "Error while executing statement" },
169: { "error while loading profile",
170: "Error while loading profile" },
171: { "error while saving profile",
172: "Error while saving profile" },
173: { "error while loading old queries profile",
174: "Error while loading old queries profile" },
175: { "error while saving old queries profile",
176: "error while saving old queries profile" },
177: { "database type not supported for blob type.",
178: "Database type not supported for BLOB type." },
179: { "plugins", "PLUGINS" },
180: { "version", "Version" },
181: { "author", "Author" },
182: { "about", "About" },
183: { "release", "Release" },
184: { "error on closing connection.",
185: "Error on closing connection." },
186: { "commit before closing window?",
187: "Commit before closing window?" },
188: { "commit transaction", "Commit Transaction" },
189: { "error on commit connection.",
190: "Error on commit connection." },
191: { "options", "Options" },
192: { "date format", "Date Format" },
193: { "oracle plan table name", "Oracle Plan Table name" },
194: { "language", "Language" },
195: { "enable update when no pk found",
196: "Enable update when no PK found" },
197: { "date format not specified.",
198: "Date Format not specified." },
199: { "invalid date format.\nexample",
200: "Invalid Date Format.\nExample" },
201: { "explain plan table not specified.",
202: "Explain Plan Table not specified." },
203: { "error while saving", "Error while saving" },
204: { "sql editor", "SQL Editor" },
205: { "execute shell content (or selected content)",
206: "Execute shell content (or selected content)" },
207: { "explain plan", "Explain Plan" },
208: { "old sql statements", "Old SQL statements" },
209: { "records processed.", "records processed." },
210: { "query execution", "Query Execution" },
211: { "feature not supported for this database type.",
212: "Feature not supported for this database type." },
213: { "record count", "Record Count" },
214: { "data export", "Data Export" },
215: { "selection", "Sel" },
216: { "export options", "Export Options" },
217: { "exported columns", "Exported Columns" },
218: { "Optional WHERE clause (you must include \'Where\')",
219: "Optional WHERE clause (you must include \'Where\')" },
220: { "destination", "Destination" },
221: { "to clipboard", "To Clipboard" },
222: { "to file", "To File" },
223: { "filename", "Filename" },
224: { "include schema/owner name in insert statements",
225: "Include Schema/Owner name in insert statements" },
226: { "exclude null columns", "Exclude Null Columns" },
227: { "exclude primary key columns",
228: "Exclude Primary Key Columns" },
229: { "selectall.mnemonic", "S" },
230: { "selectall.text", "Select All" },
231: { "deselectall.mnemonic", "D" },
232: { "deselectall.text", "Deselect All" },
233: { "export format", "Export Format" },
234: { "columns", "Columns" },
235: { "excel (xls)", "Excel (XLS)" },
236: { "txt with delim", "TXT with delim" },
237: { "SQL (insert)", "SQL (insert)" },
238: { "export rows", "Export Rows" },
239: { "please select filename to store exporting rows.",
240: "Please select filename to store exporting rows." },
241: { "process completed.", "Process completed." },
242: { "rows were exported.", "rows were exported." },
243: { "error while exporting data",
244: "Error while exporting data" },
245: { "save data", "Save Data" },
246: { "please define a field delimiter.",
247: "Please define a field delimiter." },
248: { "schema browser", "Schema Browser" },
249: { "tables list", "Tables list" },
250: { "views list", "Views list" },
251: { "synonyms list", "Synonyms list" },
252: { "catalog", "Schema" },
253: { "tables", "Tables" },
254: { "views", "Views" },
255: { "synonyms", "Synonyms" },
256: { "trace sessions", "Trace Sessions" },
257: { "filter", "Filter" },
258: { "like", "Like" },
259: { "refresh (secs)", "Refresh (secs)" },
260: { "auto refresh data", "Auto Refresh Data" },
261: { "refresh", "Refresh" },
262: { "variable", "Variable" },
263: { "text", "Text" },
264: { "numeric", "Numeric" },
265: { "date", "Date" },
266: { "type", "Type" },
267: { "value", "Value" },
268: { "value is required", "Value is required" },
269: { "format sql on one row", "Format SQL on one row" },
270: { "format sql on more rows", "Format SQL on more rows" },
271: { "refresh all", "Refresh All" },
272: { "refresh detail", "Refresh Detail" },
273: { "table sort/filter", "Table Sort/Filter" },
274: { "clear sort", "Clear Sort" },
275: { "clear filter", "Clear Filter" },
276: { "order", "Order" },
277: { "filter", "Filter" },
278: { "move up", "Move Up" },
279: { "move down", "Move Down" },
280: { "move to left list", "Move to left list" },
281: { "sort by ascending order", "Sort by ascending order" },
282: { "sort by descending order", "Sort by descending order" },
283: { "copy row", "Copy Row" },
284: { "record count", "Record Count" },
285: { "data export...", "Data Export..." },
286: { "import file into...", "Import File into..." },
287: { "export to file...", "Export to File..." },
288: { "import file", "Import File" },
289: { "can't update data: pk is not defined.",
290: "Can't update data: Primary Key is not defined." },
291: { "can't update pk!", "Can't update Primary Key!" },
292: { "error while setting blob content",
293: "Error while setting blob content" },
294: { "import file into blob field",
295: "Import file into blob field" },
296: { "export to file", "Export to File" },
297: { "can't fetch data: pk is not defined.",
298: "Can't fetch data: Primary Key is not defined." },
299: { "can't fetch pk!", "Can't fetch Primary Key!" },
300: { "error while getting blob content",
301: "Error while getting blob content" },
302: { "import file into blob field",
303: "Import file into BLOB field" },
304: { "error while copying record",
305: "Error while copying record" },
306: { "records found.", "records found." },
307: { "error while record counting",
308: "Error while record counting" },
309: { "error on inserting data", "Error on inserting data" },
310: { "can't delete data: pk is not defined.",
311: "Can't delete data: Primary Key is not defined." },
312: { "error on deleting data", "Error on deleting data" },
313: { "error on commit changes", "Error on commit changes" },
314: { "error on rollback changes", "Error on rollback changes" },
315: { "insert record", "Insert Record" },
316: { "delete record", "Delete Record" },
317: { "cancel edit", "Cancel Edit" },
318: { "refresh data", "Refresh Data" },
319: { "filter data", "Filter Data" },
320: { "commit any changes to this schema",
321: "Commit any changes to this schema" },
322: { "first records", "First Records" },
323: { "previous record", "Previous Record" },
324: { "next record", "Next Record" },
325: { "last records", "Last Records" },
326: { "error on rollback changes", "Error on rollback changes" },
327: { "data", "Data" },
328: { "table data plugin", "Table Data Plugin" },
329: { "constraints", "Constraints" },
330: { "enable all constraints", "Enable All Constraints" },
331: { "disable all constraints", "Disable All Constraints" },
332: { "enable the current constraint",
333: "Enable the Current Constraint" },
334: { "disable the current constraint",
335: "Disable the Current Constraint" },
336: { "drop constraint", "Drop Constraint" },
337: { "are you sure to drop constraint?",
338: "Are you sure to drop constraint?" },
339: { "table constraints plugin", "Table Constraints Plugin" },
340: { "table columns plugin", "Table Columns Plugin" },
341: { "table indexes plugin", "Table Indexes Plugin" },
342: { "indexes", "Indexes" },
343: { "skip with chars", "Skip with chars" },
344: { "find", "Find" },
345: { "orderPanel", "Order" },
346: { "filterPanel", "Filter" },
347: { "work in progress...", "Work in progress..." },
348: { "script", "Script" },
349: { "script plugin", "Script Plugin" },
350: { "default", "Default" },
351: { "add column", "Add Column" },
352: { "drop column", "Drop Column" },
353: { "drop table", "Drop Table" },
354: { "confirm drop table?", "Confirm drop table?" },
355: { "error while dropping table:",
356: "Error while dropping table:" },
357: { "error while dropping column:",
358: "Error while dropping column:" },
359: { "column name", "Column Name" },
360: { "column type", "Column Type" },
361: { "size", "Size" },
362: { "execute", "Execute" },
363: { "please specify the column name",
364: "Please specify the column name" },
365: { "please specify the column type",
366: "Please specify the column type" },
367: { "please specify the column size",
368: "Please specify the column size" },
369: { "error while adding column:",
370: "Error while adding column:" },
371: { "not null", "Not Null" },
372: { "importsql.text", "Import SQL Script" },
373: { "importsql.mnemonic", "S" },
374: { "import sql script", "Import SQL script" },
375: { "error while loading script file:",
376: "Error while loading script file:" },
377: { "loading script file", "Loading script file" },
378: { "loading completed.", "Loading completed." },
379: { "table triggers plugin", "Table triggers plugin" },
380: { "triggers", "Triggers" },
381: { "filter by ", "Filter By " },
382: { "remove filter", "Remove Filter" },
383: { "data replication.text", "Data Replication" },
384: { "data replication profiles", "Data Replication Profiles" },
385: { "deleteprofile.text", "Delete Profile" },
386: { "deleteprofile.mnemonic", "D" },
387: { "newprofile.text", "New Profile" },
388: { "newprofile.mnemonic", "N" },
389: { "editprofile.text", "Edit Profile" },
390: { "editprofile.mnemonic", "E" },
391: { "profiles", "Profiles" },
392: { "execbutton.text", "Execute Replication" },
393: { "execbutton.mnemonic", "R" },
395: { "data replication profile", "Data Replication Profile" },
396: { "profile name", "Profile Name" },
397: { "source database", "Source Database" },
398: { "target database", "Target Database" },
399: { "source tables", "Source Tables" },
400: { "re-create tables content", "Re-create tables content" },
401: { "error when initializing window",
402: "Error when initializing window" },
403: {
404: "you cannot set the same connection for source and target database",
405: "You cannot set the same connection for source and target database" },
406: { "you must set a profile name",
407: "You must set a profile name" },
408: { "you must set a source and target database",
409: "You must set a source and target database" },
410: { "you must select at least one table",
411: "You must select at least one table" },
412: { "error on loading replication profile files.",
413: "Error on loading replication profile files." },
414: { "error on loading replication profile file.",
415: "Error on loading replication profile file." },
416: { "error on saving replication profile file.",
417: "Error on saving replication profile file." },
418: { "database connections don't exist",
419: "Database connections don't exist" },
420: { "error while replicating data",
421: "Error while replicating data" },
422: { "data replication is completed.",
423: "Data replication is completed." },
424: { "replication completed", "Replication completed" },
425: { "database schema", "Database Schema" },
426: { "schemabutton.tooltip", "Open a new Database Schema" },
427: { "dbschema.text", "Database Schema" },
428: { "dbschema.mnemonic", "D" },
429: { "printbutton.tooltip", "Print Database Schema" },
430: { "printfitbutton.tooltip",
431: "Print Database Schema and Fit to One Page" },
432: { "error while printing schema",
433: "Error while printing schema" },
434: { "please specify schema profile file name: ",
435: "Please specify schema profile file name: " },
436: { "save database schema", "Save Database Schema" },
437: { "loadbutton.tooltip", "Load Database Schema Profile File" },
438: { "savebutton.tooltip", "Save Database Schema Profile File" },
439: { "expbutton.tooltip", "Export Schema Diagram as PDF file" },
440: { "the specified file already exists.\noverwrite it?",
441: "The specified file already exists.\nOverwrite it?" },
442: { "save not allowed", "Save not allowed" },
443: { "error on saving", "Error on saving" },
444: { "load database schema profile file",
445: "Load database schema profile file" },
446: { "profiles", "Profiles" },
447: { "error on loading", "Error on loading" },
448: { "error while exporting schema diagram",
449: "Error while exporting schema diagram" },
450: { "add quotes", "Add quotes to select/where fields" }
452: };
454: }