001: package util;
003: import java.util.ArrayList;
004: import java.util.Arrays;
005: import java.util.ArrayList;
006: import java.util.List;
007: import java.util.Enumeration;
008: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
010: /** contains static methods that operate on arrays or return arrays.
011: * @author Rahul Kumar June 2001.
012: * $Author: rahul_kumar $ $Id: ArrayUtil.java,v 1.1 2004/01/01 06:49:54 rahul_kumar Exp rahul $
013: */
014: public class ArrayUtil {
016: /** prepend a string to each element in an array
017: */
018: public static String[] prependString(String[] sarr, String text) {
019: int len = sarr.length;
020: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
021: sarr[i] = text + sarr[i];
022: }
023: return sarr;
024: }
026: public static List prependString(List sarr, String text) {
027: int len = sarr.size();
028: List v = new ArrayList(len);
029: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
030: v.add(text + sarr.get(i).toString());
031: }
032: return v;
033: }
035: /** append a string to each element in an array
036: */
037: public static String[] appendString(String[] sarr, String text) {
038: int len = sarr.length;
039: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
040: sarr[i] += text;
041: }
042: return sarr;
043: }
045: /** enclose each element in an array with given strings.
046: * Useful when surrounding a string with tags
047: */
048: public static String[] enclose(String[] sarr, String before,
049: String after) {
050: int len = sarr.length;
051: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
052: sarr[i] = before + sarr[i] + after;
053: }
054: return sarr;
055: }
057: public static String enclose(String sarr, String before,
058: String after) {
059: return (before + sarr + after);
060: }
062: /** remove zero length entries from the given array - principally created for
063: * string arrays coming from JSP's. For other rare cases, i am also trimming the string
064: * and then checking its length.
065: */
066: public static String[] trim(String[] sarr) {
067: int len = sarr.length;
068: ArrayList alist = new ArrayList();
069: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
070: if (sarr[i].length() == 0 || sarr[i].trim().length() == 0)
071: continue;
072: alist.add(sarr[i]);
073: }
075: // Return list as an array of strings
076: String[] ret = new String[alist.size()];
077: alist.toArray(ret);
078: return ret;
079: }
081: /** joins values of a string array with the given separator
082: * into a string and returns the string.
083: * Does not delimit the last value, obviously.
084: */
085: public static String join(String[] sarr, char csep) {
086: int len = sarr.length;
087: StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(len * 10);
088: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
089: if (i == len - 1)
090: sbuf.append(sarr[i]);
091: else
092: sbuf.append(sarr[i]).append(csep);
093: }
094: return sbuf.toString();
095: }
097: public static String join(Object[] sarr, char csep) {
098: int len = sarr.length;
099: StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(len * 10);
100: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
101: if (i == len - 1)
102: sbuf.append(sarr[i].toString());
103: else
104: sbuf.append(sarr[i].toString()).append(csep);
105: }
106: return sbuf.toString();
107: }
109: /** joins an arraylist. this should go into a new ListUtil
110: */
111: public static String join(List sarr, char csep) {
112: String[] sa = toStringArray(sarr);
113: return join(sa, csep);
114: }
116: // i had earlier put this in BTSLUtil but then it vanished from there.
117: // it may be safer here, although it doesnt take an array
118: /** splits a given string on given character separator returning
119: * an array of strings.
120: * THis would be more efficient than using string tokenizer which
121: * takes a String not char as argument.
122: * @author Rahul Kumar June 17, 2001
123: * How to deal with consecutive delimiters - i am returning blank
124: * strings.
125: */
126: public static String[] split(String st, char sep) {
128: ArrayList alist = new ArrayList();
130: int len = st.length();
131: int pos = 0;
132: int fin = 0;
134: // while not end of string, and you can find a match
135: while (pos < len && (fin = st.indexOf(sep, pos)) != -1) {
136: alist.add(st.substring(pos, fin));
137: pos = fin + 1;
138: }
139: // Push remainder if it's not empty
140: String remainder = st.substring(pos);
141: if (remainder.length() != 0) {
142: alist.add(remainder);
143: }
145: // Return list as an array of strings
146: String[] ret = new String[alist.size()];
147: alist.toArray(ret);
148: return ret;
149: } // end of split
151: /** THIS WONT WORK AS EXPECTED SINCE ssep actually means each
152: * character in ssep is a delim
153: */
154: public static String[] split(String st, String ssep) {
155: StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(ssep);
156: ArrayList v = new ArrayList(16);
157: while (stok.hasMoreTokens()) {
158: v.add(stok.nextToken());
159: }
160: String[] sarr = new String[v.size()];
161: v.toArray(sarr);
162: return (String[]) sarr;
163: }
165: /** returns the value at an index, a negative index denotes
166: * indexes taken from end backwards (-1 means last but one),
167: * An index higher than array size returns highest element,
168: * A negative index larger than size will return element at 0.
169: */
170: public static Object get(Object a[], int index) {
171: if (index > a.length - 1)
172: index = a.length - 1;
173: if (index < 0) {
174: index = a.length + index;
175: if (index < 0)
176: index = 0;
177: }
178: return a[index];
179: }
181: /** identical to get (for those used to ArrayList class methods).
182: */
183: public static Object elementAt(Object a[], int index) {
184: return get(a, index);
185: }
187: /** sequential search of array returning index if found, else -1.
188: * Return values start from 0.
189: * For repeated searches on a large array, please use Arrays.sort() once
190: * and then use binarySearch. However, that would work only if index
191: * does not matter.
192: * */
193: public static int indexOf(Object a[], Object key) {
194: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
195: if (a[i].equals(key))
196: return i;
197: }
198: return -1;
199: }
201: /** searches an array of a String that starts with the given key
202: * returning its index.
203: */
204: public static int indexOfStartsWith(String a[], String key) {
205: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
206: if (a[i].startsWith(key))
207: return i;
208: }
209: return -1;
210: }
212: /** searches an array of Strings that ends with the given key
213: * returning its index.
214: * e.g. EMPID, ['MGREMPID','NAME']
215: */
216: public static int indexOfEndsWith(String a[], String key) {
217: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
218: if (a[i].endsWith(key))
219: return i;
220: }
221: return -1;
222: }
224: /** checks whether the key, ends with a string in the array given.
225: * This is a reverse of the above, returning its index.
226: * e.g. MGREMPID, ['EMPID','NAME']
227: * RK added on 20031226 20:54:41
228: */
229: public static int indexOfEndsWith(String key, String a[]) {
230: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
231: if (key.endsWith(a[i]))
232: return i;
233: }
234: return -1;
235: }
237: /** searches an array of Strings that includes the given key
238: * returning its index.
239: */
240: public static int indexOfIndexOf(String a[], String key) {
241: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
242: if (a[i].indexOf(key) != -1)
243: return i;
244: }
245: return -1;
246: }
248: public static int indexOf(int a[], int key) {
249: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
250: if (a[i] == key)
251: return i;
252: }
253: return -1;
254: }
256: /** for those bad days when you have to deal with an enumeration and you
257: * sorely need to treat is as an array or Collection.
258: */
259: public static Object[] toArray(Enumeration e) {
260: List v = new ArrayList();
261: while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
262: v.add(e.nextElement());
263: }
264: return v.toArray();
265: }
267: /** If you want to put the value into an array of some particular
268: * type, pass that as a parameter. On the lines of ArrayList.toArray(Object[])
269: */
270: public static Object[] toArray(Enumeration e, Object[] a) {
271: List v = new ArrayList();
272: while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
273: v.add(e.nextElement());
274: }
275: return v.toArray(a);
276: }
278: public static Object[] toSortedArray(Enumeration e) {
279: Object[] result = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.toArray(e);
280: Arrays.sort(result);
281: return result;
282: }
284: /** If you want to put the value into an array of some particular
285: * type, pass that as a parameter. On the lines of ArrayList.toArray(Object[])
286: */
287: public static Object[] toSortedArray(Enumeration e, Object[] a) {
288: Object[] result = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.toArray(e, a);
289: Arrays.sort(result);
290: return result;
291: }
293: public static String[] toStringArray(List l) {
294: String arr[] = new String[l.size()];
295: return (String[]) l.toArray(arr);
296: }
298: /** find a regex in the array and return its index, else -1.
299: * pattern should be enclosed in // with possible modifiers at end
300: * e.g. /pattern/ OR /pattern/i .
301: */
302: public static int indexOfRegex(String s[], String pattern) {
303: for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
304: if (PerlWrapper.isMatchingRE(pattern, s[i]))
305: return i;
306: }
307: return -1;
308: }
310: } // end of class