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001:        /**********************************************************************
002:        Copyright (c) 2006 Erik Bengtson and others. All rights reserved.
003:        Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
004:        you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
005:        You may obtain a copy of the License at
009:        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
010:        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
011:        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
012:        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
013:        limitations under the License. 
015:        Contributors:
016:        2008 Andy Jefferson - cater for subqueries, bulk update, bulk delete parsing
017:            ...
018:         **********************************************************************/package;
020:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
022:        import org.jpox.ObjectManager;
023:        import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXUserException;
024:        import org.jpox.util.ClassUtils;
025:        import org.jpox.util.JPOXLogger;
026:        import org.jpox.util.Localiser;
028:        /**
029:         * Parser for handling JPQL Single-String queries.
030:         * Takes a JPQLQuery and the query string and parses it into its constituent parts, updating
031:         * the JPQLQuery accordingly with the result that after calling the parse() method the JPQLQuery
032:         * is populated.
033:         * <pre>
034:         * SELECT [ {result} ]
035:         *        [FROM {candidate-classes} ]
036:         *        [WHERE {filter}]
037:         *        [GROUP BY {grouping-clause} ]
038:         *        [HAVING {having-clause} ]
039:         *        [ORDER BY {ordering-clause}]
040:         * e.g SELECT c FROM Customer c INNER JOIN c.orders o WHERE c.status = 1
041:         * </pre>
042:         * or
043:         * <pre>
044:         * UPDATE {update-clause}
045:         * WHERE {filter}
046:         * and update-clause is of the form
047:         * "Entity [[AS] identifier] SET {field = new_value}, ..."
048:         * </pre>
049:         * or
050:         * <pre>
051:         * DELETE {delete-clause}
052:         * WHERE {filter}
053:         * and delete-clause is of the form
054:         * "FROM Entity [[AS] identifier]"
055:         * </pre>
056:         * <p>
057:         * Note that {filter} and {having-clause} can contain subqueries, hence containing keywords
058:         * <pre>
059:         * SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT o1 FROM c.orders o1)
060:         * </pre>
061:         * So the "filter" for the outer query is "NOT EXISTS (SELECT o1 FROM c.orders o1)"
062:         * @version $Revision: 1.5 $
063:         */
064:        public class JPQLSingleStringParser {
065:            /** Localiser for messages. */
066:            protected static final Localiser LOCALISER = Localiser
067:                    .getInstance("");
069:            /** The JPQL query to populate. */
070:            private AbstractJPQLQuery query;
072:            /** The single-string query string. */
073:            private String queryString;
075:            /** Record of the keyword currently being processed, so we can check for out of order keywords. */
076:            int keywordPosition = -1;
078:            /**
079:             * Constructor for the Single-String parser.
080:             * @param query The query into which we populate the components of the query
081:             * @param queryString The Single-String query
082:             */
083:            public JPQLSingleStringParser(AbstractJPQLQuery query,
084:                    String queryString) {
085:                if (JPOXLogger.QUERY.isDebugEnabled()) {
086:                    JPOXLogger.QUERY
087:                            .debug(LOCALISER.msg("043000", queryString));
088:                }
089:                this .query = query;
090:                this .queryString = queryString;
091:            }
093:            /**
094:             * Method to parse the Single-String query
095:             */
096:            public void parse() {
097:                new Compiler(new Parser(queryString)).compile();
098:            }
100:            /**
101:             * Compiler to process keywords contents. In the query the keywords often have
102:             * content values following them that represent the constituent parts of the query. This takes the keyword
103:             * and sets the constituent part accordingly.
104:             */
105:            private class Compiler {
106:                Parser tokenizer;
108:                Compiler(Parser tokenizer) {
109:                    this .tokenizer = tokenizer;
110:                }
112:                private void compile() {
113:                    compileQuery();
115:                    // any keyword after compiling the SELECT is an error
116:                    String keyword = tokenizer.parseKeyword();
117:                    if (keyword != null) {
118:                        if (AbstractJPQLQuery.isKeyword(keyword)) {
119:                            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043001",
120:                                    keyword));
121:                        } else {
122:                            // unexpected token
123:                        }
124:                    }
125:                }
127:                private void compileQuery() {
128:                    boolean update = false;
129:                    boolean delete = false;
130:                    if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("SELECT")) {
131:                        // Do nothing
132:                    } else if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("UPDATE")) {
133:                        update = true;
134:                        query.setType(Query.BULK_UPDATE);
135:                    } else if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("DELETE")) {
136:                        delete = true;
137:                        query.setType(Query.BULK_DELETE);
138:                    } else {
139:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043002"));
140:                    }
142:                    if (update) {
143:                        compileUpdate();
144:                    } else if (!delete) {
145:                        compileResult();
146:                    }
148:                    if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("FROM")) {
149:                        compileFrom();
150:                    }
151:                    if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("WHERE")) {
152:                        compileWhere();
153:                    }
154:                    if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("GROUP BY")) {
155:                        if (update || delete) {
156:                            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043007"));
157:                        }
158:                        compileGroup();
159:                    }
160:                    if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("HAVING")) {
161:                        if (update || delete) {
162:                            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043008"));
163:                        }
164:                        compileHaving();
165:                    }
166:                    if (tokenizer.parseKeywordIgnoreCase("ORDER BY")) {
167:                        if (update || delete) {
168:                            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043009"));
169:                        }
170:                        compileOrder();
171:                    }
172:                }
174:                private void compileResult() {
175:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent(null, false);
176:                    if (content.length() > 0) {
177:                        //content may be empty
178:                        query.setResult(content);
179:                    }
180:                }
182:                private void compileUpdate() {
183:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent(null, false);
184:                    if (content.length() == 0) {
185:                        // No UPDATE clause
186:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043010"));
187:                    }
189:                    String contentUpper = content.toUpperCase();
190:                    int setIndex = contentUpper.indexOf("SET");
191:                    if (setIndex < 0) {
192:                        // UPDATE clause has no "SET ..." !
193:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043011"));
194:                    }
195:                    query.setFrom(content.substring(0, setIndex).trim());
196:                    query.setUpdate(content.substring(setIndex + 3).trim());
197:                }
199:                private void compileFrom() {
200:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent(null, false);
201:                    if (content.length() > 0) {
202:                        //content may be empty
203:                        query.setFrom(content);
204:                    }
205:                }
207:                private void compileWhere() {
208:                    // "TRIM" may include "FROM" keyword so ignore subsequent FROMs
209:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent("FROM", true);
210:                    if (content.length() == 0) {
211:                        // content cannot be empty
212:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043004",
213:                                "WHERE", "<filter>"));
214:                    }
216:                    String contentUpper = content.toUpperCase();
217:                    if (contentUpper.indexOf("SELECT") > 0) // Case insensitive search
218:                    {
219:                        // Subquery (or subqueries) present
220:                        StringBuffer contentStr = new StringBuffer(content);
221:                        boolean parsed = false;
222:                        int currentPosition = 0;
223:                        int subqueryNum = 1;
224:                        while (!parsed) {
225:                            // Find the next SELECT - subquery start
226:                            contentUpper = contentStr.toString().toUpperCase();
227:                            int selectPos = contentUpper.indexOf("SELECT",
228:                                    currentPosition); // Case insensitive
229:                            if (selectPos < 0) {
230:                                parsed = true;
231:                                break;
232:                            } else {
233:                                currentPosition = selectPos;
235:                                // Find the opening brace
236:                                int startPosition = currentPosition;
237:                                for (int i = currentPosition - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
238:                                    if (contentStr.charAt(i) == '(') {
239:                                        startPosition = i;
240:                                        break;
241:                                    }
242:                                }
244:                                // Process subquery from this position until we find the end
245:                                int level = 0;
246:                                for (int i = currentPosition; i < content
247:                                        .length(); i++) {
248:                                    if (contentStr.charAt(i) == '(') {
249:                                        level++;
250:                                    } else if (contentStr.charAt(i) == ')') {
251:                                        level--;
252:                                    }
253:                                    if (level == -1) {
254:                                        // End of subquery, so register it
255:                                        String subqueryString = contentStr
256:                                                .substring(currentPosition, i);
257:                                        String subqueryVarName = "SUBQ"
258:                                                + subqueryNum;
260:                                        Query subquery = (Query) ClassUtils
261:                                                .newInstance(
262:                                                        query.getClass(),
263:                                                        new Class[] {
264:                                                                ObjectManager.class,
265:                                                                String.class },
266:                                                        new Object[] {
267:                                                                query
268:                                                                        .getObjectManager(),
269:                                                                subqueryString });
270:                                        // TODO Set the type of the variable
271:                                        query.addSubquery(subquery, "double "
272:                                                + subqueryVarName, null, null);
274:                                        // Strip out the subquery from the content, replacing it with the variable name
275:                                        contentStr.replace(startPosition,
276:                                                i + 1, " " + subqueryVarName
277:                                                        + " ");
278:                                        subqueryNum++;
279:                                        break;
280:                                    }
281:                                }
282:                            }
283:                        }
285:                        query.setFilter(contentStr.toString());
286:                    } else {
287:                        query.setFilter(content);
288:                    }
289:                }
291:                private void compileGroup() {
292:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent(null, false);
293:                    if (content.length() == 0) {
294:                        // content cannot be empty
295:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043004",
296:                                "GROUP BY", "<grouping>"));
297:                    }
298:                    query.setGrouping(content);
299:                }
301:                private void compileHaving() {
302:                    // "TRIM" may include "FROM" keyword so ignore subsequent FROMs
303:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent("FROM", true);
304:                    if (content.length() == 0) {
305:                        // content cannot be empty
306:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043004",
307:                                "HAVING", "<having>"));
308:                    }
309:                    query.setHaving(content);
310:                }
312:                private void compileOrder() {
313:                    String content = tokenizer.parseContent(null, false);
314:                    if (content.length() == 0) {
315:                        // content cannot be empty
316:                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("043004",
317:                                "ORDER BY", "<ordering>"));
318:                    }
319:                    query.setOrdering(content);
320:                }
321:            }
323:            /**
324:             * Tokenizer that provides access to current token.
325:             */
326:            private class Parser {
327:                final String queryString;
329:                int queryStringPos = 0;
331:                /** tokens */
332:                final String[] tokens;
334:                /** keywords */
335:                final String[] keywords;
337:                /** current token cursor position */
338:                int tokenIndex = -1;
340:                /**
341:                 * Constructor
342:                 * @param str Query string
343:                 */
344:                public Parser(String str) {
345:                    queryString = str;
347:                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str);
348:                    tokens = new String[tokenizer.countTokens()];
349:                    keywords = new String[tokenizer.countTokens()];
350:                    int i = 0;
351:                    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
352:                        tokens[i++] = tokenizer.nextToken();
353:                    }
354:                    for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
355:                        if (AbstractJPQLQuery.isKeyword(tokens[i])) {
356:                            keywords[i] = tokens[i];
357:                        } else if (i < tokens.length - 1
358:                                && AbstractJPQLQuery.isKeyword(tokens[i] + ' '
359:                                        + tokens[i + 1])) {
360:                            keywords[i] = tokens[i];
361:                            i++;
362:                            keywords[i] = tokens[i];
363:                        }
364:                    }
365:                }
367:                /**
368:                 * Parse the content until a keyword is found.
369:                 * @param keywordToIgnore Ignore this keyword if found first
370:                 * @param allowSubentries Whether to permit subentries (in parentheses) in this next block
371:                 * @return the content
372:                 */
373:                public String parseContent(String keywordToIgnore,
374:                        boolean allowSubentries) {
375:                    String content = "";
376:                    int level = 0;
378:                    while (tokenIndex < tokens.length - 1) {
379:                        tokenIndex++;
381:                        if (allowSubentries) {
382:                            // Process this token to check level of parentheses.
383:                            // This is necessary because we want to ignore keywords if within a parentheses-block
384:                            // e.g SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... EXISTS (SELECT FROM ...)
385:                            // and the "WHERE" part is "... EXISTS (SELECT FROM ...)"
386:                            // Consequently subqueries will be parsed into the relevant block correctly.
387:                            // Assumes that subqueries are placed in parentheses
388:                            for (int i = 0; i < tokens[tokenIndex].length(); i++) {
389:                                char c = tokens[tokenIndex].charAt(i);
390:                                if (c == '(') {
391:                                    level++;
392:                                } else if (c == ')') {
393:                                    level--;
394:                                }
395:                            }
396:                        }
398:                        if (level == 0
399:                                && AbstractJPQLQuery
400:                                        .isKeyword(tokens[tokenIndex])
401:                                && !tokens[tokenIndex].equals(keywordToIgnore)) {
402:                            // Invalid keyword encountered and not currently in subquery block
403:                            tokenIndex--;
404:                            break;
405:                        } else if (level == 0
406:                                && tokenIndex < tokens.length - 1
407:                                && AbstractJPQLQuery
408:                                        .isKeyword(tokens[tokenIndex] + ' '
409:                                                + tokens[tokenIndex + 1])) {
410:                            // Invalid keyword entered ("GROUP BY", "ORDER BY") and not currently in subquery block
411:                            tokenIndex--;
412:                            break;
413:                        } else {
414:                            // Append the content from the query string from the end of the last token to the end of this token
415:                            int endPos = queryString.indexOf(
416:                                    tokens[tokenIndex], queryStringPos)
417:                                    + tokens[tokenIndex].length();
418:                            String contentValue = queryString.substring(
419:                                    queryStringPos, endPos);
420:                            queryStringPos = endPos;
422:                            if (content.length() == 0) {
423:                                content = contentValue;
424:                            } else {
425:                                content += contentValue;
426:                            }
427:                        }
428:                    }
429:                    return content;
430:                }
432:                /**
433:                 * Parse the next token looking for a keyword. 
434:                 * The cursor position is skipped in one tick if a keyword is found
435:                 * @param keyword the searched keyword
436:                 * @return true if the keyword
437:                 */
438:                public boolean parseKeywordIgnoreCase(String keyword) {
439:                    if (tokenIndex < tokens.length - 1) {
440:                        tokenIndex++;
441:                        if (keywords[tokenIndex] != null) {
442:                            if (keywords[tokenIndex].equalsIgnoreCase(keyword)) {
443:                                // Move query position to end of last processed token
444:                                queryStringPos = queryString.indexOf(
445:                                        keywords[tokenIndex], queryStringPos)
446:                                        + keywords[tokenIndex].length() + 1;
447:                                return true;
448:                            }
449:                            if (keyword.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
450:                                if ((keywords[tokenIndex] + ' ' + keywords[tokenIndex + 1])
451:                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(keyword)) {
452:                                    // Move query position to end of last processed token
453:                                    queryStringPos = queryString.indexOf(
454:                                            keywords[tokenIndex],
455:                                            queryStringPos)
456:                                            + keywords[tokenIndex].length() + 1;
457:                                    queryStringPos = queryString.indexOf(
458:                                            keywords[tokenIndex + 1],
459:                                            queryStringPos)
460:                                            + keywords[tokenIndex + 1].length()
461:                                            + 1;
462:                                    tokenIndex++;
463:                                    return true;
464:                                }
465:                            }
466:                        }
467:                        tokenIndex--;
468:                    }
469:                    return false;
470:                }
472:                /**
473:                 * Parse the next token looking for a keyword. The cursor position is
474:                 * skipped in one tick if a keyword is found
475:                 * @return the parsed keyword or null
476:                 */
477:                public String parseKeyword() {
478:                    if (tokenIndex < tokens.length - 1) {
479:                        tokenIndex++;
480:                        if (keywords[tokenIndex] != null) {
481:                            return keywords[tokenIndex];
482:                        }
483:                        tokenIndex--;
484:                    }
485:                    return null;
486:                }
487:            }
488:        } | Contact Us
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