01: /**
02: * Objective Database Abstraction Layer (ODAL)
03: * Copyright (c) 2004, The ODAL Development Group
04: * All rights reserved.
05: * For definition of the ODAL Development Group please refer to LICENCE.txt file
06: *
07: * Distributable under LGPL license.
08: * See terms of license at gnu.org.
09: */package com.completex.objective.components.persistency;
11: /**
12: * @author Gennady Krizhevsky
13: */
14: public interface ModelConsts {
15: String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
16: String ROOT_TAG = "model";
17: String TABLES_TAG = "tables";
18: String PK_TAG = "primaryKey";
19: String FK_TAG = "foreignKeys";
20: String OPT_LOCK_KEY_TAG = "optLockKey";
21: String SIZE_TAG = "size";
23: String TABLE_NAME_TAG = "tableName";
24: String TABLE_ALIAS_TAG = "tableAlias";
25: String COLUMNS_TAG = "columns";
27: String COLUMN_NAME_TAG = "columnName";
28: String COLUMN_ALIAS_TAG = "columnAlias";
29: String COLUMN_INDEX_TAG = "columnIndex";
30: String DATA_TYPE_TAG = "dataType";
31: String JDBC_DATA_TYPE_TAG = "jdbcDataType";
32: String IS_PRIMARY_KEY_TAG = "isPrimaryKey";
33: String IS_REQUIRED_TAG = "isRequired";
34: String OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_TAG = "optimisticLock";
35: String JDBC_TYPE_TAG = "jdbcType";
36: String TYPE_NAME_TAG = "typeName";
37: String EXIST_IN_SUPER_TYPE_TAG = "existInSuperType";
38: String EXCLUDE_TAG = "exclude";
39: String TRANSFORMED_TAG = "transformed";
41: static final String TYPE_CODE_TAG = "typeCode";
42: static final String SUPER_TYPE_NAME_TAG = "superTypeName";
43: static final String SUPER_TYPE_OWNER_TAG = "superTypeOwner";
44: static final String TYPE_ID_TAG = "typeId";
45: static final String OBJECT_ID_TAG = "objectId";
46: static final String IS_COLLECTION_TAG = "isCollection";
47: static final String COLLECTION_OF_NAME_TAG = "collectionOfName";
48: static final String COLLECTION_OF_OBJECT_ID_TAG = "collectionOfObjectId";
50: /**
51: * databaseGenerated = FALSE
52: * # if databaseGenerated = TRUE then class/staticAttributes/dynamicAttributes -
53: * # unnecessary or will be ignored
54: * class=com.completex.objective.components.persistency.key.impl.SimpleSequenceKeyGeneratorImpl
55: * staticAttributes = {name=TEST_MASTER_SEQ}
56: * dynamicAttributes = {}
57: */
58: String KEY_GENERATOR_TAG = "keyGenerator";
59: String KEY_GENERATOR_STATIC_ATTRS_TAG = "staticAttributes";
60: String KEY_GENERATOR_CLASS_NAME_TAG = "class";
62: String KEY_GENERATOR_AUTO_GENERATED_TAG = "autoGenerated";
63: String REMARKS_TAG = "remarks";
64: String AUTO_INCREMENT_TAG = "autoIncrement";
65: String DEFAULT_VALUE_TAG = "defaultValue";
66: String DECIMAL_DIGITS_TAG = "decimalDigits";
67: String COLUMN_SIZE_TAG = "columnSize";
68: String FK_LOCAL_COLUMN = "localColumn";
69: String FK_FOREIGN_COLUMN = "foreignColumn";
70: String FK_REVERSE_KEY = "reverseFk";
72: }