01: package com.ibatis.common.xml;
03: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
05: /**
06: * A nodelet is a sort of callback or event handler that can be registered
07: * to handle an XPath event registered with the NodeParser.
08: */
09: public interface Nodelet {
11: /**
12: * For a registered XPath, the NodeletParser will call the Nodelet's
13: * process method for processing.
14: *
15: * @param node The node represents any XML node that can be registered under
16: * an XPath supported by the NodeletParser. Possible nodes are:
17: * <ul>
18: * <li>Text - Use node.getNodeValue() for the text value.
19: * <li>Attribute - Use node.getNodeValue() for the attribute value.
20: * <li>Element - This is the most flexible type. You can get the node
21: * content and iterate over the node's child nodes if neccessary. This is
22: * useful where a single XPath registration cannot describe the complex
23: * structure for a given XML stanza.
24: * </ul>
25: *
26: */
27: void process(Node node) throws Exception;
29: }