01: package persistence.antlr;
03: /* ANTLR Translator Generator
04: * Project led by Terence Parr at http://www.jGuru.com
05: * Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/license.html
06: *
07: */
09: /**
10: * This class contains information about how an action
11: * was translated (using the AST conversion rules).
12: */
13: public class ActionTransInfo {
14: public boolean assignToRoot = false; // somebody did a "#rule = "
15: public String refRuleRoot = null; // somebody referenced #rule; string is translated var
16: public String followSetName = null; // somebody referenced $FOLLOW; string is the name of the lookahead set
18: public String toString() {
19: return "assignToRoot:" + assignToRoot + ", refRuleRoot:"
20: + refRuleRoot + ", FOLLOW Set:" + followSetName;
21: }
22: }