001: /*******************************************
002: * Autogenerated file. Please do not edit. *
003: * Edit the *Resources.xml file. *
004: *******************************************/package org.rapla;
006: import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
007: import java.util.ResourceBundle;
009: public class RaplaResources extends ListResourceBundle {
010: public Object[][] getContents() {
011: return contents;
012: }
014: public void setParent(ResourceBundle parent) {
015: super .setParent(parent);
016: }
018: static final Object[][] contents = {
019: { "", "" },
020: { "abort", "abort" },
021: { "add", "add" },
022: { "additional-view", "additional informations" },
023: { "admin", "administrator" },
024: { "admin.login", "You have administration privileges!" },
025: { "administration", "administration" },
026: { "all_filtered", "all filtered objects." },
027: { "all_users", "all users" },
028: { "allocatable_in_timeframe",
029: "allocatable in the given timeframe" },
030: { "allocation_view", "Allocation of {0}" },
031: { "alteration", "alteration" },
032: { "and", "and" },
033: { "apply", "apply" },
034: { "appointment", "appointment" },
035: { "appointment.day_x", "op dag x" },
036: { "appointment.days", "day(s)" },
037: { "appointment.exception.days", "exception days:" },
038: { "appointment.exception.general", "Exceptions:" },
039: { "appointment.exceptions", "Exceptions" },
040: { "appointment.format.exceptions", "{0} exceptions:" },
041: { "appointment.hours", "hour(s)" },
042: { "appointment.minutes", "min." },
043: { "appointment.next_day", "next day" },
044: { "appointment.no_exceptions", "no exceptions:" },
045: { "appointment.rule", "Rule:" },
046: { "appointment.same_day", "same day" },
047: { "appointment_list", "appointment-list" },
048: { "appointments", "appointments" },
049: { "attribute", "attribute" },
050: { "attributes", "attributes" },
051: { "available", "available" },
052: { "back", "go back" },
053: { "calendar", "calendar" },
054: { "cancel", "cancel" },
055: { "categories", "categories" },
056: { "category", "category" },
057: { "change", "change" },
058: { "change.format", "change {0}" },
059: { "change_appointment", "change appointment" },
060: { "changes", "changes" },
061: { "choose_language", "Choose your language:" },
062: { "choose_root_category", "choose root category:" },
063: { "class", "class" },
064: { "classification", "classification" },
065: { "close", "Close" },
066: { "color", "color" },
067: { "complete_time", "complete time" },
068: { "confirm", "confirm" },
069: { "confirm-close.ok", "skip changes" },
070: { "confirm-close.question",
071: "You have not saved your changes." },
072: { "confirm-close.title", "Changes not saved!" },
073: { "confirm.dialog.question", "Save this Information?" },
074: { "confirm.dialog.title", "Confirm {0}" },
075: { "conflict.appointment1", "when?" },
076: { "conflict.appointment2", "conflicting allocation" },
077: { "conflict.reservation1", "Which event?" },
078: { "conflict.reservation2", "other event?" },
079: { "conflict.resource", "what/who?" },
080: { "conflict.user", "user?" },
081: { "conflictUC", "conflicts ({0,number,integer})" },
082: { "conflicts", "conflicts" },
083: { "connection", "Connection with server" },
084: { "constraints", "constraints" },
085: { "continue", "continue" },
086: { "copy", "copy" },
087: { "copy_appointment.format",
088: "Do you want to copy the serie or just the appointment on {0}?" },
089: { "copy_to_clipboard", "copy to clipboard" },
090: { "create", "create" },
091: { "created_at", "created at" },
092: { "customized", "customized" },
093: { "daily", "daily" },
094: { "database", "database" },
095: { "date", "date" },
096: { "day", "day" },
097: { "days", "days" },
098: { "default", "default" },
099: { "delete", "delete" },
100: { "delete.abort", "No, don't do it!!" },
101: { "delete.format", "delete {0}" },
102: { "delete.ok", "Yes, delete it!!" },
103: { "delete.question",
104: "You will delete the following Objects: " },
105: { "delete.title", "Delete?" },
106: { "delete_appointment.format",
107: "Do you want to delete the serie or just the appointment on {0}?" },
108: { "delete_selection", "delete selection" },
109: { "destination", "destination" },
110: { "display_exceptions", "Display exceptions in calendar" },
111: { "duration", "duration" },
112: { "dynamictype", "type" },
113: { "dynamictype.annotation.nameformat",
114: "Displayed name format" },
115: { "dynamictype.annotation.nameformat.description",
116: "Enclose the keynames in {} to insert attributes, e.g. {myKey}" },
117: { "dynamictype.name", "typename" },
118: { "edit", "Edit" },
119: { "edit-view", "edit view" },
120: { "edit.format", "edit {0}" },
121: { "edit_advanced", "show settings for experienced" },
122: { "edit_reservation.format", "edit event: {0}" },
123: { "edit_reservations", "edit own" },
124: { "elementkey", "element key" },
125: { "email", "email" },
126: { "end_date", "end" },
127: { "end_time", "end time" },
128: { "error", "error" },
129: { "error.cant_delete_your_account",
130: "You cant delete [{0}], because you are currently using this account!" },
131: { "error.connect",
132: "Connection to [{0}] failed! Maybe the host is down and you could try later!" },
133: { "error.connection_closed",
134: "No or closed connection to [{0}]. Please restart rapla." },
135: { "error.dependencies",
136: "Dependencies exist for this objects" },
137: {
138: "error.invalid_key",
139: "\"{0}\" is not a valid key! <br/>"
140: + " <strong>Note:</strong> You can only use a combination of letters, digites and one of the"
141: + " following characters {1}. The Key must start with a letter!"
142: + " Example: room_size" },
143: { "error.login", "Login failed!" },
144: {
145: "error.new_version",
146: "The object {0} couldn't be modified. It was recently modified by someone else."
147: + " There was a newer version in the storage." },
148: { "error.no_appointment",
149: "A event has to consist of at least one appointment!" },
150: { "error.no_entry_for",
151: "You need to provide an entry for: {0}" },
152: { "error.no_key", "You need to provide a key: {0}" },
153: { "error.no_name", "You need to provide a Name!" },
154: { "error.no_reservation_name",
155: "You have to enter a title for your event!" },
156: {
157: "error.no_rollback",
158: "Error! Database update failed. Because"
159: + " your database doesn't support transactions, that could lead to"
160: + " serious failures. Please contact your administrator"
161: + " immediately!" },
162: {
163: "error.not_unique",
164: "The name \"{0}\" is already"
165: + " taken. Please choose a different name!" },
166: { "error.one_type_requiered",
167: "At least one type is requiered." },
168: { "error.passwords_dont_match",
169: "The passwords don't match!" },
170: {
171: "error.reference_not_stored",
172: "Error! Referenced object [{0}] not found in store. It was probably recently removed." },
173: { "error.rollback",
174: "Database update failed. All changes were canceled." },
175: { "error.wrong_password", "Wrong password!" },
176: { "every_appointment", "every appointment" },
177: { "everytime", "everytime" },
178: { "exception", "exception" },
179: { "exchange_allocatables", "change allocation" },
180: { "exclamation.format", "{0} !" },
181: { "exclude_days", "exclude days" },
182: { "exit", "exit" },
183: { "exit.abort", "Continue Rapla >>" },
184: { "exit.ok", "Quit Rapla" },
185: { "exit.question", "Do you really want to quit Rapla?" },
186: { "exit.title", "Quit Rapla?" },
187: { "expected_columns", "expected columns" },
188: { "expected_rows", "expected rows" },
189: { "export", "export" },
190: { "file", "File" },
191: { "filter", "filter" },
192: { "filter.contains", "contains" },
193: { "filter.earlier_than", "is earlier than" },
194: { "filter.equals", "equals" },
195: { "filter.is_bigger_than", "is bigger than" },
196: { "filter.is_smaller_than", "is smaller than" },
197: { "filter.later_than", "is later than" },
198: { "filter_allocatable", "resources and persons" },
199: { "filter_reservation.all", "from all users" },
200: { "filter_reservation.own", "own events" },
201: { "filter_restrictions", "restrict view of {0}" },
202: { "filtername", "filtername" },
203: { "fixed_date", "fixed date" },
204: { "for", "for" },
205: { "forename", "first name" },
206: { "format.repeat_from", "from {0}" },
207: { "format.repeat_n_times", "repeat {0} times" },
208: { "format.repeat_until", "until {0}" },
209: { "goto_date", "goto date" },
210: { "group", "group" },
211: { "groups", "groups" },
212: { "help", "Help" },
213: { "hierarchy", "hierarchy" },
214: { "holdbackconflicts", "hold back conflicts" },
215: { "hour", "hour" },
216: { "hours", "hours" },
217: { "icon.abort", "gui/images/choice_no.png" },
218: { "icon.allocatable_available",
219: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/green.gif" },
220: { "icon.allocatable_not_always_available",
221: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/yellow.gif" },
222: { "icon.allocatable_taken",
223: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/conflict.gif" },
224: { "icon.arrow_left",
225: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/arrow_left.gif" },
226: { "icon.arrow_right",
227: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/arrow_right.gif" },
228: { "icon.big_folder",
229: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder.gif" },
230: { "icon.big_folder_categories",
231: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_categories.gif" },
232: { "icon.big_folder_conflicts",
233: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_conflicts.gif" },
234: { "icon.big_folder_events",
235: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_events.gif" },
236: { "icon.big_folder_events_filtered",
237: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_events_filtered.gif" },
238: { "icon.big_folder_filtered",
239: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_filtered.gif" },
240: { "icon.big_folder_periods",
241: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_periods.gif" },
242: { "icon.big_folder_resources",
243: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_resources.gif" },
244: { "icon.big_folder_resources_filtered",
245: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_resources_filtered.gif" },
246: { "icon.big_folder_users",
247: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/big_folder_users.gif" },
248: { "icon.calendar", "gui/images/calendar_small.png" },
249: { "icon.cancel", "gui/images/choice_no.png" },
250: { "icon.category", "gui/images/categories.png" },
251: { "icon.checked", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/checked.gif" },
252: { "icon.clock", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/clock.gif" },
253: { "icon.close", "gui/images/choice_no.png" },
254: { "icon.confirm", "gui/images/choice_yes.png" },
255: { "icon.copy", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/copy.gif" },
256: { "icon.delete", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/trash.gif" },
257: { "icon.edit", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/edit.gif" },
258: { "icon.edit_window_small",
259: "gui/images/edit_window_small.png" },
260: { "icon.empty", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/blank.gif" },
261: { "icon.error", "gui/images/error.png" },
262: { "icon.exceptionBackground", "gui/images/exception.png" },
263: { "icon.export", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/export.gif" },
264: { "icon.filter", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/filter.gif" },
265: { "icon.folder", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/folder_open.gif" },
266: { "icon.help", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/help.gif" },
267: { "icon.import", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/import.gif" },
268: { "icon.info", "gui/images/info.png" },
269: { "icon.info_small", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/info.gif" },
270: { "icon.language-select", "gui/images/un_flag.png" },
271: { "icon.list", "gui/images/list.png" },
272: { "icon.mail", "gui/images/mail.png" },
273: { "icon.new", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/new.gif" },
274: { "icon.new_repeating", "gui/images/new_repeating.gif" },
275: { "icon.no_perm", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/no_perm.gif" },
276: { "icon.paste", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/paste.gif" },
277: { "icon.paste_new", "gui/images/paste_new.gif" },
278: { "icon.period", "gui/images/period.png" },
279: { "icon.print", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/print.gif" },
280: { "icon.question", "gui/images/info.png" },
281: { "icon.radio", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/radio.gif" },
282: { "icon.rapla", "gui/images/tafel.png" },
283: { "icon.rapla_small", "gui/images/rapla_small.png" },
284: { "icon.refresh", "gui/images/refresh.png" },
285: { "icon.remove", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/trash.gif" },
286: { "icon.repeating", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/refresh.gif" },
287: { "icon.resources", "gui/images/resources.png" },
288: { "icon.restart", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/update.gif" },
289: { "icon.save", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/save.gif" },
290: { "icon.single", "gui/images/single.png" },
291: { "icon.tree", "gui/images/tree.png" },
292: { "icon.tree.default", "gui/images/eclipse-icons/green.gif" },
293: { "icon.tree.minus",
294: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/tree_minus.gif" },
295: { "icon.tree.person_not_always_available",
296: "gui/images/persons_yellow.png" },
297: { "icon.tree.persons", "gui/images/persons.png" },
298: { "icon.tree.plus",
299: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/tree_plus.gif" },
300: { "icon.unchecked",
301: "gui/images/eclipse-icons/unchecked.gif" },
302: { "icon.user", "gui/images/users.png" },
303: { "icon.warning", "gui/images/error.png" },
304: { "import", "import" },
305: { "in_period.format", "in period {0}" },
306: { "info", "info" },
307: {
308: "info.text",
309: ""
310: + " <strong>Rapla version 1.3</strong>"
311: + " <br/>"
312: + " (C) copyright 2000-2006 Rapla Team"
313: + " <p>Rapla homepage: <strong>http://rapla.sourceforge.net</strong>"
314: + " </p>"
315: + " <p>Post your feature requests, questions or bug-reports"
316: + " to our developers- mailinglist:<br/>"
317: + " <strong>rapla-developers@lists.sourceforge.net</strong>"
318: + " </p>"
319: + " <p>Build-Time: 2007-01-08 01:10</p>"
320: + " <p>Java version {0}</p>" + " " },
321: { "info.title", "" + " Rapla version 1.3" + " " },
322: { "insert", "insert" },
323: { "interval", "interval" },
324: { "interval.format", "Every {0} {1}" },
325: { "keep", "keep" },
326: { "key", "key" },
327: { "language", "language" },
328: { "last_changed", "last changed" },
329: { "last_changed_by", "last changed by" },
330: { "legend", "legend" },
331: { "level", "level" },
332: {
333: "license.text",
334: ""
335: + " <strong>Rapla</strong> version 1.3 (C) Copyright 2000-2006 Rapla Team"
336: + " <p>"
337: + " <strong>Rapla</strong> comes with <a href=\"warranty\">NO\u00a0WARRANTY</a>!!"
338: + " This is free software, you are welcome to redistribute it under certain"
339: + " <a href=\"license\">conditions</a>.</p>"
340: + " " },
341: { "licensedialog.title", "The GNU-license" },
342: { "list.format", "{0}: {1}" },
343: { "load", "load" },
344: { "login", "login" },
345: { "logindialog.title", "Rapla login" },
346: { "logout", "logout" },
347: { "main-view", "main view" },
348: { "month", "month" },
349: { "monthly", "monthly" },
350: { "months", "months" },
351: { "move", "move" },
352: { "move_appointment.format",
353: "Do you want to move the serie or just the appointment on {0}?" },
354: { "name", "name" },
355: { "never", "never" },
356: { "new", "new" },
357: { "new_appointment", "new appointment" },
358: { "new_category", "new category" },
359: { "new_password", "new password" },
360: { "new_reservation", "new event" },
361: { "new_reservation.format", "New event: {0}" },
362: { "new_rule", "new rule for" },
363: { "new_sub-category", "new sub-category" },
364: { "no", "no" },
365: { "no-view", "invisible" },
366: { "no_classification", "no classification" },
367: { "no_repeating", "no repeating" },
368: {
369: "not_selected.help",
370: "Not currently selected. <br/>Unselect \"only own reservations\" or change your filter settings. " },
371: { "not_visible", "not visible" },
372: { "not_visible.help",
373: "Not visible. <br/>Access to the reservation info is restricted." },
374: { "nothing_selected", "nothing selected" },
375: { "ok", "OK" },
376: { "old_password", "old password" },
377: { "only_own_reservations", "only own reservations" },
378: { "open", "open" },
379: { "options", "options" },
380: { "or", "or" },
381: { "owner", "owner" },
382: { "password", "password" },
383: { "password_verification", "password verification" },
384: { "paste", "paste" },
385: { "paste_as", "paste as" },
386: { "period", "period" },
387: { "period.format.end", "end of {0}" },
388: { "period.format.start", "start of {0}" },
389: { "period.format.week", "{0}.week {1}" },
390: { "period.not_set", "select period" },
391: { "period_view", "period" },
392: { "periods", "periods" },
393: { "permission.access", "access" },
394: { "permission.admin", "administrator rights" },
395: { "permission.allocate", "can allocate" },
396: { "permission.allocate-conflicts",
397: "can allocate & create conflicts" },
398: { "permission.denied", "denied" },
399: { "permission.read", "can read" },
400: { "permissions", "permissions" },
401: { "person", "person" },
402: { "person_type", "person-type" },
403: { "person_types", "person-types" },
404: { "persons", "persons" },
405: { "preferences", "preferences" },
406: { "print", "Print" },
407: { "print_to_file", "Print to file" },
408: { "question", "question" },
409: { "rapla.name", "Rapla" },
410: { "rapla.title", "Rapla, smart resource and event planning" },
411: { "rapla.version", "1.3" },
412: { "rapla.welcome", "Hello {0}, enjoy to plan!" },
413: { "refresh", "refresh" },
414: { "reload_data", "load data" },
415: { "remove", "remove" },
416: { "repeat", "repeat" },
417: { "repeating", "repeating" },
418: { "repeating.end_date", "until" },
419: { "repeating.forever", "no end" },
420: { "repeating.interval.post", "." },
421: { "repeating.interval.pre", "every" },
422: { "repeating.n_times", "x times" },
423: { "repeating.start_date", "repeat from" },
424: { "report", "report" },
425: { "reservation", "event" },
426: { "reservation.allocations", "Allocations:" },
427: { "reservation.appointments", "Appointments:" },
428: { "reservation.create_without_wizard", "event" },
429: { "reservation.name", "eventname" },
430: { "reservation.owner", "reserved by" },
431: { "reservation_type", "event-type" },
432: { "reservations", "events" },
433: { "reservations_from_all_users", "events from all users" },
434: { "resource", "resource" },
435: { "resource_type", "resource-type" },
436: { "resource_types", "resource-types" },
437: { "resources", "resources" },
438: { "resources_persons", "resources and persons" },
439: { "restart_client", "restart Rapla-client" },
440: { "restart_server", "restart server" },
441: { "root", "root" },
442: { "rows_per_hour", "Rows per hour" },
443: { "save", "Save" },
444: { "save_view_settings", "Save view settings" },
445: { "search", "search" },
446: { "second", "second" },
447: { "seconds", "seconds" },
448: { "select", "select" },
449: { "selectable", "selectable" },
450: { "selectable_on", "selectable on" },
451: { "selected", "selected" },
452: { "selected_on", "selected on" },
453: { "selection", "selection" },
454: { "selection_resource", "resource selection" },
455: { "serie", "serie" },
456: { "server", "server" },
457: { "server_status", "" + " server status" + " " },
458: { "show_as", "Show as" },
459: { "single_appointment", "single appointment" },
460: { "source", "source" },
461: { "start_date", "start" },
462: { "start_rapla_with_applet",
463: "" + " start Rapla (with Java Plugin)" + " " },
464: { "start_rapla_with_webstart",
465: "" + " start Rapla (with java webstart)" + " " },
466: { "start_time", "start time" },
467: { "surname", "name" },
468: { "switch_back", "switch back" },
469: { "switch_to", "switch to" },
470: { "table", "table" },
471: { "time_at", "at" },
472: { "time_until", "until" },
473: { "today", "today" },
474: { "total_occurances", "total occurances" },
475: { "translation", "translation" },
476: { "translation.format", "translations for \"{0}\":" },
477: { "type", "type" },
478: { "type.boolean", "yes|no" },
479: { "type.date", "date" },
480: { "type.int", "integer" },
481: { "type.rapla:category", "category" },
482: { "type.string", "text" },
483: { "types", "types" },
484: { "user", "user" },
485: { "username", "username" },
486: { "users", "users" },
487: { "view", "View" },
488: { "warning", "warning" },
489: { "warning.conflict", "WARNING: Conflicts found!" },
490: { "warning.duplicated_appointments",
491: "WARNING: The same appointment exists multiple times [{0}]!" },
492: { "warning.experienced_users_only",
493: "This settings should only be changed by experienced users!" },
494: { "warning.no_allocatables_selected",
495: "You have not selected any resource/person!" },
496: { "warning.no_conflict_permission",
497: "You have no permissions to create conflicts for [{0}]!" },
498: { "warning.no_reserve_permission",
499: "You have no permissions to reserve/change [{0}] on appointment [{1}]!" },
500: { "warning.period_shorter_than_week",
501: "Period is shorter than 1 week!" },
502: { "warning.readonly_storage",
503: "Data is only modified in memory. Changes will be lost for future sessions." },
504: { "warning.reservation.delete",
505: "The event you are editing has been deleted." },
506: {
507: "warning.reservation.update",
508: "The event you are editing has been changed."
509: + " The data displayed in this window will be refreshed." },
510: {
511: "warning.update",
512: "The object \"{0}\" you are editing has been changed outside the window."
513: + " The current editing will be aborted." },
514: {
515: "webinfo.text",
516: ""
517: + " <h3>More information:</h3>"
518: + " <p>"
519: + " Java-Webstart is included in all Java versions since 1.4.0."
520: + " To run Rapla, you need Java 1.4 or above which you can download from"
521: + " <a href=\"http://java.sun.com/j2se/\">java.sun.com</a>."
522: + " </p>"
523: + " <p>"
524: + " Check out <a href=\"http://rapla.sourceforge.net\">rapla.sourceforge.net</a> for more information."
525: + " </p>" + " " },
526: { "week", "week" },
527: { "week_compact", "week compact" },
528: { "weekday", "day of week" },
529: { "weekly", "weekly" },
530: { "weeks", "weeks" },
531: { "weekview.print.choose_export",
532: "Choose your save method!" },
533: { "weekview.print.dialog_title", "Print preview" },
534: { "weekview.print.format_button", "printer-preferences" },
535: { "weekview.print.postscript", "Postscript" },
536: { "weekview.print.title_textfield", "title" },
537: { "width", "width" }, { "with", "with" },
538: { "x_days_advance", "x Days in advance" },
539: { "yearly", "yearly" }, { "yes", "yes" },
540: { "zero_appointment", "no appointment" } };
541: }