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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » ERP CRM Financial » SourceTap CRM » org.apache.jsp 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

0001:        package org.apache.jsp;
0003:        import javax.servlet.*;
0004:        import javax.servlet.http.*;
0005:        import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
0006:        import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
0007:        import java.util.Date;
0008:        import java.util.List;
0009:        import java.util.Map;
0010:        import java.util.Vector;
0011:        import java.util.ArrayList;
0012:        import java.util.Enumeration;
0013:        import java.util.Iterator;
0014:        import java.util.HashMap;
0015:        import java.util.Calendar;
0016:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
0017:        import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
0018:        import java.text.DecimalFormat;
0019:        import java.text.ParseException;
0020:        import java.sql.Timestamp;
0021:        import java.sql.Time;
0022:        import java.sql.*;
0023:        import org.ofbiz.entity.util.SequenceUtil;
0024:        import*;
0025:        import org.ofbiz.entity.*;
0026:        import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.*;
0027:        import org.ofbiz.entity.model.*;
0028:        import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
0029:        import com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.*;
0030:        import com.sourcetap.sfa.event.*;
0031:        import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.UserInfo;
0032:        import com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIScreenSection;
0034:        public class uiScreenTabs_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
0036:            /*
0037:             *  Takes a string in the following format:
0038:             *    formatString
0039:             *  Where the first letter is lowercase, and
0040:             *  subsequent unique words begin with an upper case.
0041:             *  The function will convert a java string to a regular
0042:             *  string in title case format.
0043:             */
0044:            String formatJavaString(String s) {
0045:                char ca[] = s.toCharArray();
0046:                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
0047:                int previous = 0;
0048:                for (int i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
0049:                    if (i == s.length() - 1) {
0050:                        sb.append(s.substring(previous, previous + 1)
0051:                                .toUpperCase());
0052:                        sb.append(s.substring(previous + 1, s.length()));
0053:                    }
0054:                    if (Character.isUpperCase(ca[i])) {
0055:                        sb.append(s.substring(previous, previous + 1)
0056:                                .toUpperCase());
0057:                        sb.append(s.substring(previous + 1, i));
0058:                        sb.append(" ");
0059:                        previous = i;
0060:                    }
0061:                }
0062:                return sb.toString();
0063:            }
0065:            /**
0066:             Properties must include:
0067:              NAME-name of the select used in name-value form submit.
0068:              VALUE_FIELD-the value sent in form submit.
0069:              DISPLAY_FIELD-the field used in the display of the drop-down. use a
0070:              Properties can include:
0071:              Selected-The value to test for, and set selected on the drop-down
0072:              EMPTY_FIRST: if just a blank field use "{field display vaalue}, else if value supplied use "{field value}, {field value display name}"
0073:             */
0074:            String buildDropDown(List l, Map properties) {
0075:                StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
0076:                GenericValue genericValue = null;
0077:                Iterator i = l.iterator();
0078:                String selected = ((String) (properties.get("SELECTED") != null ? properties
0079:                        .get("SELECTED")
0080:                        : ""));
0081:                String display = ((String) (properties.get("DISPLAY_FIELD") != null ? properties
0082:                        .get("DISPLAY_FIELD")
0083:                        : ""));
0084:                String selectJavaScript = ((String) (properties
0085:                        .get("SELECT_JAVASCRIPT") != null ? properties
0086:                        .get("SELECT_JAVASCRIPT") : ""));
0087:                returnString.append("<select name=\"" + properties.get("NAME")
0088:                        + "\" " + selectJavaScript + " >");
0089:                if (properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST") != null) {
0090:                    String empty = (String) properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST");
0091:                    if (empty.indexOf(",") != -1) {
0092:                        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(empty, ",");
0093:                        returnString.append("<option value=\""
0094:                                + ((String) tok.nextElement()).trim() + "\">"
0095:                                + ((String) tok.nextElement()).trim());
0096:                    } else {
0097:                        returnString.append("<option value=\"\">" + empty);
0098:                    }
0099:                }
0100:                try {
0101:                    while (i.hasNext()) {
0102:                        genericValue = (GenericValue);
0103:                        returnString.append("<option value=\""
0104:                                + String.valueOf(genericValue
0105:                                        .get((String) properties
0106:                                                .get("VALUE_FIELD"))) + "\"");
0107:                        if (String.valueOf(
0108:                                genericValue.get((String) properties
0109:                                        .get("VALUE_FIELD"))).equals(selected)) {
0110:                            returnString.append(" SELECTED ");
0111:                        }
0112:                        returnString.append(" >");
0113:                        if (display.indexOf(",") != -1) {
0114:                            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(display,
0115:                                    ",");
0116:                            while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
0117:                                String elem = (String) tok.nextElement();
0118:                                returnString.append(String.valueOf(genericValue
0119:                                        .get(elem.trim())));
0120:                                returnString.append(" ");
0121:                            }
0122:                        } else {
0123:                            returnString.append(genericValue.get(display));
0124:                        }
0125:                    }
0126:                } catch (Exception e) {
0127:                    e.printStackTrace();
0128:                }
0129:                returnString.append("</select>");
0130:                return returnString.toString();
0131:            }
0133:            String buildStringDropDown(List l, Map properties) {
0134:                StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
0135:                String value = "";
0136:                Iterator i = l.iterator();
0137:                String selected = ((String) (properties.get("SELECTED") != null ? properties
0138:                        .get("SELECTED")
0139:                        : ""));
0140:                String display = ((String) (properties.get("DISPLAY_FIELD") != null ? properties
0141:                        .get("DISPLAY_FIELD")
0142:                        : ""));
0143:                String selectJavaScript = ((String) (properties
0144:                        .get("SELECT_JAVASCRIPT") != null ? properties
0145:                        .get("SELECT_JAVASCRIPT") : ""));
0146:                returnString.append("<select name=\"" + properties.get("NAME")
0147:                        + "\" " + selectJavaScript + " >");
0148:                if (properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST") != null) {
0149:                    String empty = (String) properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST");
0150:                    if (empty.indexOf(",") != -1) {
0151:                        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(empty, ",");
0152:                        returnString.append("<option value=\""
0153:                                + ((String) tok.nextElement()).trim() + "\">"
0154:                                + ((String) tok.nextElement()).trim());
0155:                    } else {
0156:                        returnString.append("<option value=\"\">" + empty);
0157:                    }
0158:                }
0159:                while (i.hasNext()) {
0160:                    value = (String);
0161:                    returnString.append("<option value=\"" + value + "\"");
0162:                    if (value.equals(selected)) {
0163:                        returnString.append(" SELECTED ");
0164:                    }
0165:                    returnString.append(" >");
0166:                    if (display.indexOf(",") != -1) {
0167:                        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(display, ",");
0168:                        while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
0169:                            String elem = (String) tok.nextElement();
0170:                            returnString.append(value);
0171:                            returnString.append(" ");
0172:                        }
0173:                    } else {
0174:                        returnString.append(value);
0175:                    }
0176:                }
0177:                returnString.append("</select>");
0178:                return returnString.toString();
0179:            }
0181:            String buildFieldDropDown(Vector fields, String entityName,
0182:                    HashMap properties) {
0183:                if (properties == null)
0184:                    properties = new HashMap();
0185:                StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
0186:                ModelField modelField = null;
0187:                String selected = ((String) (properties.get("SELECTED") != null ? properties
0188:                        .get("SELECTED")
0189:                        : ""));
0190:                returnString.append("<select name=\"" + entityName + "\" >");
0191:                if (properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST") != null)
0192:                    returnString.append("<option value=\"\">"
0193:                            + properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST"));
0194:                for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
0195:                    modelField = (ModelField) fields.get(i);
0196:                    returnString.append("<option value=\""
0197:                            + modelField.getName() + "\"");
0198:                    if ((modelField.getName()).equals(selected)) {
0199:                        returnString.append(" SELECTED ");
0200:                    }
0201:                    returnString.append(" >"
0202:                            + formatJavaString(modelField.getName()));
0203:                }
0204:                returnString.append("</select>");
0205:                return returnString.toString();
0206:            }
0208:            /**
0209:             * Checks a List of fields to see if the string
0210:             * that is passed in exists in the vector.  If so,
0211:             * it returns the ModelField for the named field, else
0212:             * it returns null.
0213:             */
0214:            ModelField contains(List v, String s) {
0215:                ModelField field;
0216:                for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0217:                    field = (ModelField) v.get(i);
0218:                    if (field.getName().equals(s))
0219:                        return field;
0220:                }
0221:                return null;
0222:            }
0224:            String buildUIFieldDropDown(String sectionName, List fields,
0225:                    String entityName, HashMap properties) {
0226:                if (properties == null)
0227:                    properties = new HashMap();
0228:                StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
0229:                UIFieldInfo fieldInfo = null;
0230:                String selected = ((String) (properties.get("SELECTED") != null ? properties
0231:                        .get("SELECTED")
0232:                        : ""));
0233:                returnString.append("<select name=\"" + entityName + "\" >");
0234:                if (properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST") != null)
0235:                    returnString.append("<option value=\"\">"
0236:                            + properties.get("EMPTY_FIRST"));
0237:                for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
0238:                    fieldInfo = (UIFieldInfo) fields.get(i);
0239:                    if (fieldInfo.getIsVisible() && !fieldInfo.getIsReadOnly()) {
0240:                        String attrId = UIWebUtility.getHtmlName(sectionName,
0241:                                fieldInfo, 0);
0242:                        String attrName = fieldInfo.getDisplayLabel();
0243:                        returnString.append("<option value=\"" + attrId + "\"");
0244:                        if (attrName.equals(selected)) {
0245:                            returnString.append(" SELECTED ");
0246:                        }
0247:                        returnString.append(" >" + attrName);
0248:                    }
0249:                }
0250:                returnString.append("</select>");
0251:                return returnString.toString();
0252:            }
0254:            /**
0255:             * Given a ModelField and a value, this function checks the datatype for the field, and
0256:             * converts the value to the correct datatype.
0257:             */
0258:            GenericValue setCorrectDataType(GenericValue entity,
0259:                    ModelField curField, String value) {
0260:                ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader = new ModelFieldTypeReader(
0261:                        "mysql");
0262:                ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader
0263:                        .getModelFieldType(curField.getType());
0264:                String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();
0265:                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
0266:                SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
0267:                        "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a");
0269:                if (fieldType.equals("java.lang.String")
0270:                        || fieldType.equals("String")) {
0271:                    if (mft.getType().equals("indicator")) {
0272:                        if (value.equals("on"))
0273:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), "Y");
0274:                        else if (value.equals("off"))
0275:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), "N");
0276:                        else
0277:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), value);
0278:                    } else
0279:                        entity.set(curField.getName(), value);
0280:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")
0281:                        || fieldType.equals("Timestamp")) {
0282:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0) {
0283:                        entity.set(curField.getName(), null);
0284:                    } else {
0285:                        try {
0286:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), new Timestamp(
0287:                                    timeFormat.parse(value).getTime()));
0288:                        } catch (ParseException e) {
0289:                            e.printStackTrace();
0290:                        } //WTD: Implement error processing for ParseException.  i.e. get rid of the printStackTrace()
0291:                    }
0292:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.sql.Time")
0293:                        || fieldType.equals("Time")) {
0294:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0) {
0295:                        entity.set(curField.getName(), null);
0296:                    } else {
0297:                        try {
0298:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), new Time(timeFormat
0299:                                    .parse(value).getTime()));
0300:                        } catch (ParseException e) {
0301:                            e.printStackTrace();
0302:                        } //WTD: Implement error processing for ParseException.  i.e. get rid of the printStackTrace()
0303:                    }
0304:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.util.Date")) {
0305:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0) {
0306:                        entity.set(curField.getName(), null);
0307:                    } else {
0308:                        try {
0309:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), new java.sql.Date(
0310:                                    dateFormat.parse(value).getTime()));
0311:                        } catch (ParseException e) {
0312:                            e.printStackTrace();
0313:                        } //WTD: Implement error processing for ParseException.  i.e. get rid of the printStackTrace()
0314:                    }
0315:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.sql.Date")
0316:                        || fieldType.equals("Date")) {
0317:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0) {
0318:                        entity.set(curField.getName(), null);
0319:                    } else {
0320:                        try {
0321:                            entity.set(curField.getName(), new java.sql.Date(
0322:                                    dateFormat.parse(value).getTime()));
0323:                        } catch (ParseException e) {
0324:                            e.printStackTrace();
0325:                        } //WTD: Implement error processing for ParseException.  i.e. get rid of the printStackTrace()
0326:                    }
0327:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.lang.Integer")
0328:                        || fieldType.equals("Integer")) {
0329:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0)
0330:                        value = "0";
0331:                    entity.set(curField.getName(), Integer.valueOf(value));
0332:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.lang.Long")
0333:                        || fieldType.equals("Long")) {
0334:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0)
0335:                        value = "0";
0336:                    entity.set(curField.getName(), Long.valueOf(value));
0337:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.lang.Float")
0338:                        || fieldType.equals("Float")) {
0339:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0)
0340:                        value = "0.0";
0341:                    entity.set(curField.getName(), Float.valueOf(value));
0342:                } else if (fieldType.equals("java.lang.Double")
0343:                        || fieldType.equals("Double")) {
0344:                    if (value.trim().length() == 0 || value == null)
0345:                        value = "0";
0346:                    entity.set(curField.getName(), Double.valueOf(value));
0347:                }
0348:                return entity;
0349:            }
0351:            String getFieldValue(List l, String fieldName, String equalsValue,
0352:                    String returnFieldName) {
0353:                Iterator i = l.iterator();
0354:                GenericEntity genericEntity = null;
0355:                String retVal = "";
0356:                //TODO: add StringTokenizer to parse multiple fields.
0357:                while (i.hasNext()) {
0358:                    genericEntity = (GenericValue);
0359:                    if (String.valueOf(genericEntity.get(fieldName)).equals(
0360:                            equalsValue))
0361:                        retVal = String.valueOf(genericEntity
0362:                                .get(returnFieldName));
0363:                }
0364:                return retVal;
0365:            }
0367:            String getFieldValue(HttpServletRequest request, String fieldName) {
0368:                return (request.getParameter(fieldName) != null ? request
0369:                        .getParameter(fieldName) : "");
0370:            }
0372:            Vector getGenericValue(List l, String fieldName, String equalsValue) {
0373:                Vector returnVector = new Vector();
0374:                GenericValue genericValue = null;
0375:                GenericValue genericValues[] = (GenericValue[]) l
0376:                        .toArray(new GenericValue[0]);
0377:                for (int i = 0; i < genericValues.length; i++) {
0378:                    genericValue = (GenericValue) genericValues[i];
0379:                    if (String.valueOf(genericValue.get(fieldName)).equals(
0380:                            equalsValue))
0381:                        returnVector.add(genericValue);
0382:                }
0383:                return returnVector;
0384:            }
0386:            String getDateTimeFieldValue(List l, String fieldName,
0387:                    String equalsValue, String returnFieldName,
0388:                    String dateFormatString) {
0389:                GenericValue genericValue = null;
0390:                GenericValue genericValues[] = (GenericValue[]) l
0391:                        .toArray(new GenericValue[0]);
0392:                String retVal = "";
0393:                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
0394:                        dateFormatString);
0395:                for (int i = 0; i < genericValues.length; i++) {
0396:                    genericValue = genericValues[i];
0397:                    try {
0398:                        if (dateFormat.parse(genericValue.getString(fieldName))
0399:                                .equals(dateFormat.parse(equalsValue)))
0400:                            retVal = String.valueOf(genericValue
0401:                                    .get(returnFieldName));
0402:                    } catch (ParseException e) {
0403:                        e.printStackTrace();
0404:                    }
0405:                }
0406:                return retVal;
0407:            }
0409:            Vector getDateTimeGenericValue(List l, String fieldName,
0410:                    String equalsValue, String dateFormatString) {
0411:                Vector returnVector = new Vector();
0412:                GenericValue genericValue = null;
0413:                GenericValue genericValues[] = (GenericValue[]) l
0414:                        .toArray(new GenericValue[0]);
0415:                String retVal = "";
0416:                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
0417:                        dateFormatString);
0418:                for (int i = 0; i < genericValues.length; i++) {
0419:                    genericValue = genericValues[i];
0420:                    try {
0421:                        if (dateFormat.parse(genericValue.getString(fieldName))
0422:                                .equals(dateFormat.parse(equalsValue)))
0423:                            returnVector.add(genericValue);
0424:                    } catch (ParseException e) {
0425:                        e.printStackTrace();
0426:                    }
0427:                }
0428:                return returnVector;
0429:            }
0431:            String getStatesDropDown(String name, String selected) {
0432:                if (name == null)
0433:                    return null;
0434:                StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
0435:                returnString.append("<select class=\"\" name=\"" + name
0436:                        + "\" >");
0437:                returnString.append("<option "
0438:                        + (selected == null || selected.equals("") ? "selected"
0439:                                : "") + " >");
0440:                returnString
0441:                        .append("<option "
0442:                                + (selected != null && selected.equals("AK") ? "selected"
0443:                                        : "") + " >AK");
0444:                returnString
0445:                        .append("<option"
0446:                                + (selected != null
0447:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("AL") ? " selected"
0448:                                        : "") + ">AL");
0449:                returnString
0450:                        .append("<option"
0451:                                + (selected != null
0452:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("AR") ? " selected"
0453:                                        : "") + ">AR");
0454:                returnString
0455:                        .append("<option"
0456:                                + (selected != null
0457:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("AZ") ? " selected"
0458:                                        : "") + ">AZ");
0459:                returnString
0460:                        .append("<option"
0461:                                + (selected != null
0462:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("CA") ? " selected"
0463:                                        : "") + ">CA");
0464:                returnString
0465:                        .append("<option"
0466:                                + (selected != null
0467:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("CO") ? " selected"
0468:                                        : "") + ">CO");
0469:                returnString
0470:                        .append("<option"
0471:                                + (selected != null
0472:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("CT") ? " selected"
0473:                                        : "") + ">CT");
0474:                returnString
0475:                        .append("<option"
0476:                                + (selected != null
0477:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("DC") ? " selected"
0478:                                        : "") + ">DC");
0479:                returnString
0480:                        .append("<option"
0481:                                + (selected != null
0482:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("DE") ? " selected"
0483:                                        : "") + ">DE");
0484:                returnString
0485:                        .append("<option"
0486:                                + (selected != null
0487:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("FL") ? " selected"
0488:                                        : "") + ">FL");
0489:                returnString
0490:                        .append("<option"
0491:                                + (selected != null
0492:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("GA") ? " selected"
0493:                                        : "") + ">GA");
0494:                returnString
0495:                        .append("<option"
0496:                                + (selected != null
0497:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("GU") ? " selected"
0498:                                        : "") + ">GU");
0499:                returnString
0500:                        .append("<option"
0501:                                + (selected != null
0502:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("HI") ? " selected"
0503:                                        : "") + ">HI");
0504:                returnString
0505:                        .append("<option"
0506:                                + (selected != null
0507:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("IA") ? " selected"
0508:                                        : "") + ">IA");
0509:                returnString
0510:                        .append("<option"
0511:                                + (selected != null
0512:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("ID") ? " selected"
0513:                                        : "") + ">ID");
0514:                returnString
0515:                        .append("<option"
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0518:                                        : "") + ">IL");
0519:                returnString
0520:                        .append("<option"
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0523:                                        : "") + ">IN");
0524:                returnString
0525:                        .append("<option"
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0528:                                        : "") + ">KS");
0529:                returnString
0530:                        .append("<option"
0531:                                + (selected != null
0532:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("KY") ? " selected"
0533:                                        : "") + ">KY");
0534:                returnString
0535:                        .append("<option"
0536:                                + (selected != null
0537:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("LA") ? " selected"
0538:                                        : "") + ">LA");
0539:                returnString
0540:                        .append("<option"
0541:                                + (selected != null
0542:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MA") ? " selected"
0543:                                        : "") + ">MA");
0544:                returnString
0545:                        .append("<option"
0546:                                + (selected != null
0547:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MD") ? " selected"
0548:                                        : "") + ">MD");
0549:                returnString
0550:                        .append("<option"
0551:                                + (selected != null
0552:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("ME") ? " selected"
0553:                                        : "") + ">ME");
0554:                returnString
0555:                        .append("<option"
0556:                                + (selected != null
0557:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MI") ? " selected"
0558:                                        : "") + ">MI");
0559:                returnString
0560:                        .append("<option"
0561:                                + (selected != null
0562:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MN") ? " selected"
0563:                                        : "") + ">MN");
0564:                returnString
0565:                        .append("<option"
0566:                                + (selected != null
0567:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MO") ? " selected"
0568:                                        : "") + ">MO");
0569:                returnString
0570:                        .append("<option"
0571:                                + (selected != null
0572:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MS") ? " selected"
0573:                                        : "") + ">MS");
0574:                returnString
0575:                        .append("<option"
0576:                                + (selected != null
0577:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("MT") ? " selected"
0578:                                        : "") + ">MT");
0579:                returnString
0580:                        .append("<option"
0581:                                + (selected != null
0582:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NC") ? " selected"
0583:                                        : "") + ">NC");
0584:                returnString
0585:                        .append("<option"
0586:                                + (selected != null
0587:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("ND") ? " selected"
0588:                                        : "") + ">ND");
0589:                returnString
0590:                        .append("<option"
0591:                                + (selected != null
0592:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NE") ? " selected"
0593:                                        : "") + ">NE");
0594:                returnString
0595:                        .append("<option"
0596:                                + (selected != null
0597:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NH") ? " selected"
0598:                                        : "") + ">NH");
0599:                returnString
0600:                        .append("<option"
0601:                                + (selected != null
0602:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NJ") ? " selected"
0603:                                        : "") + ">NJ");
0604:                returnString
0605:                        .append("<option"
0606:                                + (selected != null
0607:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NM") ? " selected"
0608:                                        : "") + ">NM");
0609:                returnString
0610:                        .append("<option"
0611:                                + (selected != null
0612:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NV") ? " selected"
0613:                                        : "") + ">NV");
0614:                returnString
0615:                        .append("<option"
0616:                                + (selected != null
0617:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("NY") ? " selected"
0618:                                        : "") + ">NY");
0619:                returnString
0620:                        .append("<option"
0621:                                + (selected != null
0622:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("OH") ? " selected"
0623:                                        : "") + ">OH");
0624:                returnString
0625:                        .append("<option"
0626:                                + (selected != null
0627:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("OK") ? " selected"
0628:                                        : "") + ">OK");
0629:                returnString
0630:                        .append("<option"
0631:                                + (selected != null
0632:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("OR") ? " selected"
0633:                                        : "") + ">OR");
0634:                returnString
0635:                        .append("<option"
0636:                                + (selected != null
0637:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("PA") ? " selected"
0638:                                        : "") + ">PA");
0639:                returnString
0640:                        .append("<option"
0641:                                + (selected != null
0642:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("PR") ? " selected"
0643:                                        : "") + ">PR");
0644:                returnString
0645:                        .append("<option"
0646:                                + (selected != null
0647:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("RI") ? " selected"
0648:                                        : "") + ">RI");
0649:                returnString
0650:                        .append("<option"
0651:                                + (selected != null
0652:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("SC") ? " selected"
0653:                                        : "") + ">SC");
0654:                returnString
0655:                        .append("<option"
0656:                                + (selected != null
0657:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("SD") ? " selected"
0658:                                        : "") + ">SD");
0659:                returnString
0660:                        .append("<option"
0661:                                + (selected != null
0662:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("TN") ? " selected"
0663:                                        : "") + ">TN");
0664:                returnString
0665:                        .append("<option"
0666:                                + (selected != null
0667:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("TX") ? " selected"
0668:                                        : "") + ">TX");
0669:                returnString
0670:                        .append("<option"
0671:                                + (selected != null
0672:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("UT") ? " selected"
0673:                                        : "") + ">UT");
0674:                returnString
0675:                        .append("<option"
0676:                                + (selected != null
0677:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("VA") ? " selected"
0678:                                        : "") + ">VA");
0679:                returnString
0680:                        .append("<option"
0681:                                + (selected != null
0682:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("VI") ? " selected"
0683:                                        : "") + ">VI");
0684:                returnString
0685:                        .append("<option"
0686:                                + (selected != null
0687:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("VT") ? " selected"
0688:                                        : "") + ">VT");
0689:                returnString
0690:                        .append("<option"
0691:                                + (selected != null
0692:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("WA") ? " selected"
0693:                                        : "") + ">WA");
0694:                returnString
0695:                        .append("<option"
0696:                                + (selected != null
0697:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("WI") ? " selected"
0698:                                        : "") + ">WI");
0699:                returnString
0700:                        .append("<option"
0701:                                + (selected != null
0702:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("WV") ? " selected"
0703:                                        : "") + ">WV");
0704:                returnString
0705:                        .append("<option"
0706:                                + (selected != null
0707:                                        && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("WY") ? " selected"
0708:                                        : "") + ">WY");
0709:                returnString.append("</select>");
0710:                return returnString.toString();
0711:            }
0713:            private static java.util.Vector _jspx_includes;
0715:            static {
0716:                _jspx_includes = new java.util.Vector(11);
0717:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/header.jsp");
0718:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/oldFunctions.jsp");
0719:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/oldDeclarations.jsp");
0720:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/windowTitle.jsp");
0721:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/userStyle.jsp");
0722:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/uiFunctions.js");
0723:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/onBeforeUnload.jsp");
0724:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/ts_picker.js");
0725:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/tabControlWithIframes.jsp");
0726:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/tabControlCommon.jsp");
0727:                _jspx_includes.add("/includes/footer.jsp");
0728:            }
0730:            private org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool _jspx_tagPool_ofbiz_url;
0732:            public uiScreenTabs_jsp() {
0733:                _jspx_tagPool_ofbiz_url = new org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool();
0734:            }
0736:            public java.util.List getIncludes() {
0737:                return _jspx_includes;
0738:            }
0740:            public void _jspDestroy() {
0741:                _jspx_tagPool_ofbiz_url.release();
0742:            }
0744:            public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request,
0745:                    HttpServletResponse response) throws,
0746:                    ServletException {
0748:                JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
0749:                javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = null;
0750:                HttpSession session = null;
0751:                ServletContext application = null;
0752:                ServletConfig config = null;
0753:                JspWriter out = null;
0754:                Object page = this ;
0755:                JspWriter _jspx_out = null;
0757:                try {
0758:                    _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
0759:                    response.setContentType("text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1");
0760:                    pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this , request,
0761:                            response, null, true, 8192, true);
0762:                    application = pageContext.getServletContext();
0763:                    config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
0764:                    session = pageContext.getSession();
0765:                    out = pageContext.getOut();
0766:                    _jspx_out = out;
0768:                    out.write("\r\n");
0769:                    out.write("\r\n");
0770:                    out.write("\r\n");
0771:                    out.write("\r\n");
0772:                    out.write("\r\n");
0773:                    out.write("\r\n");
0774:                    out.write("\r\n");
0775:                    out.write("\r\n");
0776:                    out.write("\r\n");
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0778:                    out.write("\r\n");
0779:                    out.write("\r\n");
0780:                    out.write("\r\n");
0781:                    out.write("\r\n");
0782:                    out.write("\r\n");
0783:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
0784:                    out.write("\r\n");
0785:                    out.write("\r\n");
0786:                    out.write("\r\n");
0787:                    out.write("\r\n");
0788:                    out.write("\r\n");
0789:                    out.write("\r\n");
0790:                    out.write("\r\n");
0791:                    out.write("\r\n");
0792:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
0793:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
0794:           security = null;
0795:                    synchronized (application) {
0796:                        security = ( pageContext
0797:                                .getAttribute("security",
0798:                                        PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0799:                        if (security == null) {
0800:                            throw new java.lang.InstantiationException(
0801:                                    "bean security not found within scope");
0802:                        }
0803:                    }
0804:                    out.write("\r\n");
0805:                    org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator delegator = null;
0806:                    synchronized (application) {
0807:                        delegator = (org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator) pageContext
0808:                                .getAttribute("delegator",
0809:                                        PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0810:                        if (delegator == null) {
0811:                            throw new java.lang.InstantiationException(
0812:                                    "bean delegator not found within scope");
0813:                        }
0814:                    }
0815:                    out.write("\r\n");
0816:                    com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericWebEventProcessor webEventProcessor = null;
0817:                    synchronized (application) {
0818:                        webEventProcessor = (com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericWebEventProcessor) pageContext
0819:                                .getAttribute("webEventProcessor",
0820:                                        PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0821:                        if (webEventProcessor == null) {
0822:                            try {
0823:                                webEventProcessor = (com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericWebEventProcessor) java.beans.Beans
0824:                                        .instantiate(this .getClass()
0825:                                                .getClassLoader(),
0826:                                                "com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericWebEventProcessor");
0827:                            } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
0828:                                throw new InstantiationException(exc
0829:                                        .getMessage());
0830:                            } catch (Exception exc) {
0831:                                throw new ServletException(
0832:                                        "Cannot create bean of class "
0833:                                                + "com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericWebEventProcessor",
0834:                                        exc);
0835:                            }
0836:                            pageContext.setAttribute("webEventProcessor",
0837:                                    webEventProcessor,
0838:                                    PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0839:                        }
0840:                    }
0841:                    out.write("\r\n");
0842:                    com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericEventProcessor eventProcessor = null;
0843:                    synchronized (application) {
0844:                        eventProcessor = (com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericEventProcessor) pageContext
0845:                                .getAttribute("eventProcessor",
0846:                                        PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0847:                        if (eventProcessor == null) {
0848:                            try {
0849:                                eventProcessor = (com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericEventProcessor) java.beans.Beans
0850:                                        .instantiate(this .getClass()
0851:                                                .getClassLoader(),
0852:                                                "com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericEventProcessor");
0853:                            } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
0854:                                throw new InstantiationException(exc
0855:                                        .getMessage());
0856:                            } catch (Exception exc) {
0857:                                throw new ServletException(
0858:                                        "Cannot create bean of class "
0859:                                                + "com.sourcetap.sfa.event.GenericEventProcessor",
0860:                                        exc);
0861:                            }
0862:                            pageContext.setAttribute("eventProcessor",
0863:                                    eventProcessor,
0864:                                    PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0865:                        }
0866:                    }
0867:                    out.write("\r\n");
0868:                    com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UICache uiCache = null;
0869:                    synchronized (application) {
0870:                        uiCache = (com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UICache) pageContext
0871:                                .getAttribute("uiCache",
0872:                                        PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0873:                        if (uiCache == null) {
0874:                            try {
0875:                                uiCache = (com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UICache) java.beans.Beans
0876:                                        .instantiate(this .getClass()
0877:                                                .getClassLoader(),
0878:                                                "com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UICache");
0879:                            } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
0880:                                throw new InstantiationException(exc
0881:                                        .getMessage());
0882:                            } catch (Exception exc) {
0883:                                throw new ServletException(
0884:                                        "Cannot create bean of class "
0885:                                                + "com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UICache",
0886:                                        exc);
0887:                            }
0888:                            pageContext.setAttribute("uiCache", uiCache,
0889:                                    PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
0890:                        }
0891:                    }
0892:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
0893:                    out.write("<!-- [oldFunctions.jsp] Begin -->\r\n");
0894:                    out.write("\r\n");
0895:                    out.write("<!-- [oldFunctions.jsp] End -->\r\n\r\n");
0896:                    out.write("\r\n");
0897:                    out.write("<!-- [oldDeclarations.jsp] Start -->\r\n\r\n");
0898:                    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session
0899:                            .getAttribute("_USER_LOGIN_");
0900:                    out.write("\r\n");
0901:                    UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo) session
0902:                            .getAttribute("userInfo");
0903:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
0904:                    String partyId = "";
0905:                    if (userLogin != null)
0906:                        partyId = userLogin.getString("partyId");
0908:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
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0912:                            "MM/dd/yyyy");
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0914:                            "K:mm a");
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0918:                            .getAttribute("_CONTROL_PATH_");
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0921:                            .getAttribute("_CONTEXT_ROOT_");
0922:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
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0924:                            .checkNull((String) pageContext
0925:                                    .getAttribute("PageName"));
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0928:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
0929:                            "");
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0951:                            "", "#336699");
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0955:                                    + "/WEB-INF/",
0956:                                    "", "#cccc99");
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0960:                                    + "/WEB-INF/",
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0965:                                    + "/WEB-INF/",
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0969:                            .getPropertyValue(contextRoot
0970:                                    + "/WEB-INF/",
0971:                                    "", "2");
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0975:                            "box.border.color", "black");
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0978:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
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0980:                    out.write("\r\n");
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0982:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
0983:                            "", "#336699");
0984:                    out.write("\r\n");
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0986:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
0987:                            "box.bottom.color", "white");
0988:                    out.write("\r\n");
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0990:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
0991:                            "box.bottom.alt.color", "white");
0992:                    out.write("\r\n");
0993:                    String boxTopPadding = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(
0994:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
0995:                            "", "4");
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0998:                            contextRoot + "/WEB-INF/",
0999:                            "box.bottom.padding", "4");
1000:                    out.write("\r\n");
1001:                    String userStyleSheet = "/sfa/includes/maincss.css";
1002:                    out.write("\r\n");
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1005:                            "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "*" };
1006:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1007:                    out.write("<!-- [oldDeclarations.jsp] End -->\r\n\r\n");
1008:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1009:                    out.write("<HTML>\r\n");
1010:                    out.write("<HEAD>\r\n\r\n");
1012:                    String clientRequest = (String) session
1013:                            .getAttribute("_CLIENT_REQUEST_");
1014:                    //out.write("Client request: " + clientRequest + "<BR>");
1015:                    String hostName = "";
1016:                    if (clientRequest != null
1017:                            && clientRequest.indexOf("//") > 0) {
1018:                        int startPos = clientRequest.indexOf("//") + 2;
1019:                        int endPos = clientRequest.indexOf(":", startPos);
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1021:                            endPos = clientRequest.indexOf("/", startPos);
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1023:                            hostName = clientRequest.substring(startPos);
1024:                        else
1025:                            hostName = clientRequest
1026:                                    .substring(startPos, endPos);
1027:                    } else {
1028:                        hostName = "";
1029:                    }
1030:                    //out.write("Host name: " + hostName + "<BR>");
1032:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1033:                    out.write("<title>");
1034:                    out.print(hostName);
1035:                    out.write(" - Sales Force Automation - ");
1036:                    out.print(companyName);
1037:                    out.write("</title>\r\n\r\n");
1038:                    out.write("\r\n");
1039:                    out.write("<!-- [userStyle.jsp] Start -->\r\n\r\n");
1041:                    //------------ Get the style sheet
1042:                    String styleSheetId = null;
1044:                    ModelEntity entityStyleUser = delegator
1045:                            .getModelEntity("UiUserTemplate");
1046:                    HashMap hashMapStyleUser = new HashMap();
1047:                    if (userLogin != null) {
1048:                        String ulogin = userLogin.getString("userLoginId");
1049:                        hashMapStyleUser.put("userLoginId", ulogin);
1050:                    } else {
1051:                        hashMapStyleUser.put("userLoginId", "Default");
1052:                    }
1053:                    GenericPK stylePk = new GenericPK(entityStyleUser,
1054:                            hashMapStyleUser);
1055:                    GenericValue userTemplate = delegator
1056:                            .findByPrimaryKey(stylePk);
1057:                    if (userTemplate != null) {
1058:                        styleSheetId = userTemplate.getString("styleSheetId");
1059:                    }
1061:                    if (styleSheetId == null) {
1062:                        hashMapStyleUser.put("userLoginId", "Default");
1063:                        stylePk = new GenericPK(entityStyleUser,
1064:                                hashMapStyleUser);
1065:                        userTemplate = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(stylePk);
1066:                        if (userTemplate != null) {
1067:                            styleSheetId = userTemplate
1068:                                    .getString("styleSheetId");
1069:                        }
1070:                    }
1072:                    if (styleSheetId != null) {
1073:                        ModelEntity entityStyle = delegator
1074:                                .getModelEntity("UiStyleTemplate");
1075:                        HashMap hashMapStyle = new HashMap();
1076:                        hashMapStyle.put("styleSheetId", styleSheetId);
1077:                        stylePk = new GenericPK(entityStyle, hashMapStyle);
1078:                        GenericValue styleTemplate = delegator
1079:                                .findByPrimaryKey(stylePk);
1080:                        userStyleSheet = styleTemplate
1081:                                .getString("styleSheetLoc");
1083:                        if (userStyleSheet == null) {
1084:                            userStyleSheet = "/sfa/includes/maincss.css";
1085:                        }
1086:                    }
1088:                    out.write("\r\n");
1089:                    out.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"");
1090:                    out.print(userStyleSheet);
1091:                    out.write("\" type=\"text/css\">\r\n\r\n");
1092:                    out.write("<!-- [userStyle.jsp] End -->\r\n\r\n");
1093:                    out.write("\r\n");
1094:                    out
1095:                            .write("<LINK rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/sfa/css/gridstyles.css\">\r\n");
1096:                    out
1097:                            .write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" >\r\n\r\n  function sendDropDown(elementName, idName, fieldName, findClass, paramName, paramValue, frm, action)\r\n  {\r\n        var sUrl = '");
1098:                    if (_jspx_meth_ofbiz_url_0(pageContext))
1099:                        return;
1100:                    out
1101:                            .write("?findMode=filter&fieldName=' +\r\n\t\t\tfieldName + '&idName=' + idName + '&param_' + paramName + '=' + paramValue +\r\n\t\t\t'&formName=' + + '&elementName=' + elementName + '&findClass=' + findClass + '&action=' + action;\r\n        document.anchors('searchA').href=sUrl;\r\n        document.anchors('searchA').click();\r\n  }\r\n\r\n\r\n  function sendData(ele, frm, action){\r\n    if(ele.tagName != 'SELECT'){\r\n      if(ele.value.length > 0){\r\n        entity = ele.getAttribute(\"entityName\");\r\n        field = ele.getAttribute(\"fieldName\");\r\n        idName = ele.getAttribute(\"idName\");\r\n        findClass = ele.getAttribute(\"findClass\");\r\n        findValue = ele.value;\r\n        elementName =;\r\n        var sUrl = '");
1102:                    if (_jspx_meth_ofbiz_url_1(pageContext))
1103:                        return;
1104:                    out
1105:                            .write("?entityName=' + entity + '&fieldName=' +\r\n\t\t\tfield + '&idName=' + idName + '&findByLikeValue=' + findValue + '&formName=' + +\r\n\t\t\t'&elementName=' + elementName + '&findClass=' + findClass + '&action=' + action;\r\n        document.anchors('searchA').href=sUrl;\r\n        document.anchors('searchA').click();\r\n      } else {\r\n        //alert('Enter search criteria to find a value.');\r\n        //frm.item( = 'Enter search criteria.';\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  function updateForm(){\r\n    var innDoc = document.frames('searchIFrame').document;\r\n    var innHtml = innDoc.body.innerHTML;\r\n    if(innHtml.length > 0){\r\n      var sDiv = innDoc.all('searchResultDiv');\r\n      if(sDiv != null){\r\n        var formName = sDiv.getAttribute(\"formName\");\r\n        var fieldName = sDiv.getAttribute(\"fieldName\");\r\n        var elementName = sDiv.getAttribute(\"elementName\");\r\n        var findClass = sDiv.getAttribute(\"findClass\");\r\n        var findMode = sDiv.getAttribute(\"findMode\");\r\n        var showMultiple = sDiv.getAttribute(\"showMultiple\");\r\n");
1106:                    out
1107:                            .write("        var nde = innDoc.all(elementName);\r\n        var existingNode = document.all(elementName);\r\n        if(nde != null){\r\n          var frm = document.forms(formName);\r\n          if(nde.tagName == 'SELECT'){\r\n            var opts = nde.children.tags('OPTION');\r\n            if ( findMode == 'filter')\r\n            {\r\n\t\t\t\tvar oldOpts = existingNode.children.tags('OPTION');\r\n//\t\t\t\talert('oldOpts.length = ' + oldOpts.length);\r\n//\t\t\t\talert('opts.length = ' + opts.length);\r\n\t\t\t\tvar numOpt = existingNode.options.length;\r\n//\t\t\t\talert('numOpt = ' + numOpt);\r\n\t\t\t\tfor (var i=0; i");
1108:                    out
1109:                            .write("<numOpt;i++)\r\n\t\t\t\t\texistingNode.options.remove(numOpt - 1 - i);\r\n\t\t\t\tfor (var i=0; i");
1110:                    out
1111:                            .write("<opts.length;i++)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar opt = document.createElement(\"option\");\r\n\t\t\t\t\topt.setAttribute(\"value\", opts(i).value);\r\n\t\t\t\t\topt.innerText = opts(i).innerText;\r\n\t\t\t\t\texistingNode.appendChild(opt);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n            }\r\n            else if(opts.length");
1112:                    out
1113:                            .write("<=0){\r\n              //alert('No results were found.  Please try another search.');\r\n              existingNode.focus();\r\n            } else {\r\n              var ele = document.createElement(nde.tagName);\r\n     =;\r\n     =;\r\n              ele.setAttribute(\"className\", existingNode.getAttribute(\"className\"));\r\n\t\t\t  ele.setAttribute(\"entityName\", sDiv.getAttribute(\"entityName\"));\r\n              ele.setAttribute(\"fieldName\", sDiv.getAttribute(\"fieldName\"));\r\n              ele.setAttribute(\"elementName\", sDiv.getAttribute(\"elementName\"));\r\n              ele.setAttribute(\"idName\",  sDiv.getAttribute(\"idName\"));\r\n              ele.setAttribute(\"findClass\",  sDiv.getAttribute(\"findClass\"));\r\n              if (showMultiple == \"true\") ele.multiple = true;\r\n              ele.tabIndex = existingNode.tabIndex;\r\n              ele.attachEvent(\"onchange\", searchAgain);\r\n              for(var i=0;i");
1114:                    out
1115:                            .write("<opts.length;i++){\r\n                var opt = document.createElement(\"option\");\r\n                opt.setAttribute(\"value\", opts(i).value);\r\n                opt.innerText = opts(i).innerText;\r\n                ele.appendChild(opt);\r\n              }\r\n              var opt = document.createElement(\"option\");\r\n              opt.setAttribute(\"value\", \"search again\");\r\n              opt.innerText = \"Search again...\";\r\n              ele.appendChild(opt);\r\n              var sRepNde = elementName + 'Holder';\r\n              var repNde = document.all(sRepNde);\r\n              repNde.replaceChild(ele, existingNode);\r\n              ele.focus();\r\n\t      ele.fireEvent(\"onchange\");\r\n            }\r\n          }\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  function searchAgain(sel, frm){\r\n    if(sel.tagName == 'SELECT'){\r\n      var fieldName = sel.getAttribute('fieldName');\r\n      var findClass = sel.getAttribute('findClass');\r\n      var elementName =;\r\n      var formName =;\r\n      var existingNode = document.all(elementName);\r\n");
1116:                    out
1117:                            .write("      if(sel.value == 'search again'){\r\n        var ele = document.createElement(\"INPUT\");\r\n =;\r\n =;\r\n        ele.type = \"TEXT\";\r\n        ele.setAttribute(\"className\", existingNode.getAttribute(\"className\"));\r\n        ele.setAttribute(\"entityName\", sel.getAttribute(\"entityName\"));\r\n        ele.setAttribute(\"fieldName\", fieldName);\r\n        ele.setAttribute(\"elementName\", elementName);\r\n        ele.setAttribute(\"idName\",  sel.getAttribute(\"idName\"));\r\n        ele.setAttribute(\"findClass\",  findClass);\r\n        ele.tabIndex = sel.tabIndex;\r\n        var sRepNde = elementName + 'Holder';\r\n        var repNde = document.all(sRepNde);\r\n        repNde.replaceChild(ele, existingNode);\r\n        ele.focus();\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  // currently only used by accountPopup to force activity_accountId to be a select field\r\n  function forceSearchAgain(sel, frm){\r\n    if(sel.tagName == 'SELECT'){\r\n      var fieldName = sel.getAttribute('fieldName');\r\n      var findClass = sel.getAttribute('findClass');\r\n");
1118:                    out
1119:                            .write("      var elementName =;\r\n      var formName =;\r\n      var existingNode = document.all(elementName);\r\n\t  var ele = document.createElement(\"INPUT\");\r\n\t =;\r\n\t =;\r\n\t  ele.type = \"TEXT\";\r\n\t  ele.setAttribute(\"className\", existingNode.getAttribute(\"className\"));\r\n\t  ele.setAttribute(\"entityName\", sel.getAttribute(\"entityName\"));\r\n\t  ele.setAttribute(\"fieldName\", fieldName);\r\n\t  ele.setAttribute(\"elementName\", elementName);\r\n\t  ele.setAttribute(\"idName\",  sel.getAttribute(\"idName\"));\r\n\t  ele.setAttribute(\"findClass\",  findClass);\r\n\t  ele.tabIndex = sel.tabIndex;\r\n\t  var sRepNde = elementName + 'Holder';\r\n\t  var repNde = document.all(sRepNde);\r\n\t  repNde.replaceChild(ele, existingNode);\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\nvar currentCol = 0;\r\nvar previousCol = -1;\r\nvar reverse = false;\r\n\r\n  function CompareAlpha(a, b) {\r\n    if (a[currentCol] ");
1120:                    out
1121:                            .write("< b[currentCol]) { return -1; }\r\n    if (a[currentCol] > b[currentCol]) { return 1; }\r\n    return 0;\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  function CompareAlphaIgnore(a, b) {\r\n    strA = a[currentCol].toLowerCase();\r\n    strB = b[currentCol].toLowerCase();\r\n    if (strA ");
1122:                    out
1123:                            .write("< strB) { return -1;\r\n    } else {\r\n      if (strA > strB) { return 1;\r\n      } else { return 0;\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  function CompareDate(a, b) {\r\n    datA = new Date(a[currentCol]);\r\n    datB = new Date(b[currentCol]);\r\n    if (datA ");
1124:                    out
1125:                            .write("< datB) { return -1;\r\n    } else {\r\n      if (datA > datB) { return 1;\r\n      } else { return 0;\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  function CompareDateEuro(a, b) {\r\n    strA = a[currentCol].split(\".\");\r\n    strB = b[currentCol].split(\".\");\r\n    datA = new Date(strA[2], strA[1], strA[0]);\r\n    datB = new Date(strB[2], strB[1], strB[0]);\r\n    if (datA ");
1126:                    out
1127:                            .write("< datB) { return -1;\r\n    } else {\r\n      if (datA > datB) { return 1;\r\n      } else { return 0;\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  function CompareNumeric(a, b) {\r\n    numA = a[currentCol];\r\n    numB = b[currentCol];\r\n    if (isNaN(numA)) { return 0;\r\n    } else {\r\n      if (isNaN(numB)) { return 0;\r\n      } else { return numA - numB;\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\nfunction TableSort(myTable, myCol, myType) {\r\n\r\n  var mySource = document.all(myTable);\r\n  var myRows = mySource.rows.length;\r\n  var myCols = mySource.rows(0).cells.length;\r\n  currentCol = myCol\r\n\r\n  var theadrow = mySource.parentElement.tHead;\r\n  var imgcol= theadrow.all('srtImg');\r\n  for(var x = 0; x ");
1128:                    out
1129:                            .write("< imgcol.length; x++){\r\n    imgcol[x].src = \"dude07232001blank.gif\";\r\n    imgcol[x].alt = \"sort\";\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  if(previousCol == myCol){\r\n    if(reverse == false){\r\n      imgcol[myCol-1].src = \"dude07232001down.gif\";\r\n      reverse = true;\r\n    } else {\r\n      imgcol[myCol-1].src = \"dude07232001up.gif\";\r\n      reverse = false;\r\n    }\r\n  } else {\r\n    reverse = false;\r\n    imgcol[myCol-1].src = \"dude07232001up.gif\";\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  myArray = new Array(myRows)\r\n  for (i=0; i ");
1130:                    out
1131:                            .write("< myRows; i++) {\r\n    myArray[i] = new Array(myCols)\r\n    for (j=0; j ");
1132:                    out
1133:                            .write("< myCols; j++) {\r\n      myArray[i][j] = document.all(myTable).rows(i).cells(j).innerHTML;\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  if (myCol == previousCol) {\r\n    myArray.reverse();\r\n  } else {\r\n    switch (myType) {\r\n      case \"a\":\r\n        myArray.sort(CompareAlpha);\r\n        break;\r\n      case \"ai\":\r\n        myArray.sort(CompareAlphaIgnore);\r\n        break;\r\n      case \"d\":\r\n        myArray.sort(CompareDate);\r\n        break;\r\n      case \"de\":\r\n        myArray.sort(CompareDateEuro);\r\n        break;\r\n      case \"n\":\r\n        myArray.sort(CompareNumeric);\r\n        break;\r\n      default:\r\n        myArray.sort();\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n\r\n  // Re-write the table contents\r\n  for (i=0; i ");
1134:                    out.write("< myRows; i++) {\r\n    for (j=0; j ");
1135:                    out
1136:                            .write("< myCols; j++) {\r\n      mySource.rows(i).cells(j).innerHTML = myArray[i][j];\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  previousCol = myCol;\r\n  highlightSelectedRow();\r\n  return 0;\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\n  function fixSize() {\r\n      // The body represents the outer-most frameset for frameset documents.\r\n      if ( == \"content\" )\r\n      {\r\n\t      maxH = parent.document.body.clientHeight - 150;\r\n\t      topH = document.body.scrollHeight + 10;\r\n\t      if ( topH > maxH )\r\n\t      \ttopH = maxH;\r\n\t      \t\r\n\t      parent.document.body.rows = topH + \", *\"\r\n\t      //window.frames.headerFrame.document.body.rows = window.frames.headerFrame.document.body.scrollHeight + \", *\" \r\n\t      // Walk into the header frame and get the scrollHeight - \r\n\t      // this represents the height of the contents in pixels. \r\n\t  }\r\n  }\r\n");
1137:                    out.write("</script>\r\n\r\n\r\n");
1138:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1139:                    out.write("</HEAD>\r\n\r\n");
1140:                    out.write("<BASE TARGET=\"content\">\r\n");
1141:                    out.write("<!--");
1142:                    out
1143:                            .write("<BODY CLASS=\"bodyform\" onbeforeunload=\"verifyClose()\">-->\r\n");
1144:                    out.write("<BODY CLASS=\"bodyform\"\">\r\n\r\n");
1145:                    out.write("\r\n");
1146:                    out.write("<!-- onBeforeUnload.jsp - Start -->\r\n\r\n");
1147:                    out
1148:                            .write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JScript\" TYPE=\"text/javascript\" FOR=window EVENT=onbeforeunload>\r\n return doOnBeforeUnload();\r\n");
1149:                    out.write("</SCRIPT>\r\n\r\n");
1150:                    out
1151:                            .write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JScript\" TYPE=\"text/javascript\">\r\n\r\n // Create variable we can change to prevent the check from being done.\r\n var checkForChanges = true;\r\n \r\n function doOnBeforeUnload() {\r\n  // This script fires when anything is about to cause the current page to be unloaded.\r\n  // If any unsaved changes have been made, this script returns a non-empty string, which\r\n  // causes a response window to warn the user that changes will be lost, and to allow\r\n  // them to cancel.\r\n \r\n  // In free form, tabular, and select screen sections built by the UI builder,\r\n  // the preSubmit method fired by the onSubmit event of the form removes this script from\r\n  // the onBeforeUnload event, which prevents this check from happening if the Save button\r\n  // was just clicked.\r\n \r\n // alert(\"event.fromElement: \" + event.fromElement);\r\n \r\n  // See if the checkForChanges flag has been cleared. If so, just allow the\r\n  // body unload to continue.\r\n  if (!checkForChanges) return;\r\n \r\n  // Look at all forms on the page to see if any of them have any changes.\r\n");
1152:                    out
1153:                            .write("  var vFormC = document.forms;\r\n  for (var vFormNbr = 0; vFormNbr ");
1154:                    out
1155:                            .write("< vFormC.length; vFormNbr++) {\r\n   //alert(\"[verifyClose] Window name: \" +;\r\n   //alert(\"[verifyClose] Checking form #\" + vFormNbr);\r\n   var vFormObj = vFormC.item(vFormNbr);\r\n   //alert(\"[verifyClose] Form name is \" +;\r\n \r\n   // Check the action.  If it's query or view mode, don't bother checking this form.\r\n   var vActionObj = vFormObj.elements.item(\"action\");\r\n   if (vActionObj != null) {\r\n    var vAction = vActionObj.value;\r\n    if (vAction!=null) {\r\n     //alert(\"Action: \" + vAction);\r\n     if (vAction==\"");
1156:                    out.print(UIScreenSection.ACTION_INSERT);
1157:                    out.write("\" ||\r\n         vAction==\"");
1158:                    out.print(UIScreenSection.ACTION_UPDATE);
1159:                    out.write("\" ||\r\n         vAction==\"");
1160:                    out.print(UIScreenSection.ACTION_UPDATE_SELECT);
1161:                    out
1162:                            .write("\") {\r\n \r\n      // This is an updateable form in an updateable mode. Check for changes.\r\n \r\n      // Look through all the objects in the form to see if there are any unsaved changes.\r\n      var vElemC = vFormObj.elements;\r\n      for (var vElemNbr = 0; vElemNbr ");
1163:                    out
1164:                            .write("< vElemC.length; vElemNbr++) {\r\n       var vElemObj = vElemC.item(vElemNbr);\r\n \r\n       // Find out if this is the \"add\" or \"delete\" select object that appears on a \"select\" type screen section.\r\n       //alert(\"[window.onbeforeunload] Object name: \" +;\r\n       if (\"DBSel\")>=0) {\r\n        // This is the add or delete select object.  See if there are any items in it.  If so, it means\r\n        // the user has made changes.\r\n        if (vElemObj.length > 0) {\r\n         // Changes have been made.  Trigger the response window.\r\n         return \"IF YOU CLICK OK, YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST.\";\r\n        } else {\r\n         // No changes in this add or delete select object.\r\n        }\r\n       } else {\r\n        // Object is not the add or delete select object.\");\r\n        // See if this element is an original value field.\r\n        var vOrigPrefix = \"");
1165:                    out.print(UIWebUtility.HTML_NAME_PREFIX_ORIGINAL);
1166:                    out
1167:                            .write("\";\r\n        if ( {\r\n         // This is an original value field.  Compare its value to the current value field.\r\n         var vOrigElemObj = vElemObj;\r\n         var vOrigElemName =;\r\n         var vCurElemName = vOrigElemName.substring(vOrigPrefix.length, vOrigElemName.length);\r\n         var vCurElemObj = vElemC.item(vCurElemName);\r\n         var vCurElemTagName = vCurElemObj.tagName;\r\n         var vCurElemType = vCurElemObj.type;\r\n         if (vCurElemObj!=null) {\r\n          // Got the current field. Compare the values.\r\n          var vCurValue;\r\n          if (vCurElemTagName==\"INPUT\" && vCurElemType==\"checkbox\") {\r\n           // This is a check box.  Use special processing to get current value.\r\n           vCurValue = vCurElemObj.checked ? \"Y\" : \"N\";\r\n          } else {\r\n           // Not a check box.\r\n           vCurValue = vCurElemObj.value;\r\n          }\r\n          var vOrigValue = vOrigElemObj.value;\r\n          if (vCurValue != vOrigValue) {\r\n           // This field was changed.  Trigger the response window.\r\n");
1168:                    out
1169:                            .write("    //       alert('Field ' + vCurElemName + ' changed.');\r\n    //       alert('Original Value: ' + vOrigValue);\r\n    //       alert('Current Value: ' + vCurValue);\r\n           return \"IF YOU CLICK OK, YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST.\";\r\n          }\r\n         }\r\n        }\r\n       }\r\n      }\r\n     }\r\n    }\r\n   }\r\n  }\r\n }\r\n");
1170:                    out.write("</SCRIPT>\r\n\r\n");
1171:                    out.write("<!-- onBeforeUnload.jsp - End -->\r\n\r\n\r\n");
1172:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1173:                    out
1174:                            .write("<script>\r\n// Title: Timestamp picker\r\n// Description: See the demo at url\r\n// URL:\r\n// Script featured on:\r\n// Version: 1.0\r\n// Date: 12-05-2001 (mm-dd-yyyy)\r\n// Author: Denis Gritcyuk ");
1175:                    out.write("<>; ");
1176:                    out
1177:                            .write("<>\r\n// Notes: Permission given to use this script in any kind of applications if\r\n//    header lines are left unchanged. Feel free to contact the author\r\n//    for feature requests and/or donations\r\n\r\nfunction setCalendarHasFocus(aFormObj, aHasFocus) {\r\n\t// Set hidden variable to show that a popup calendar is about to\r\n\t// be displayed.  This variable will be tested in the onBeforeUnload\r\n\t// handling to avoid popping up a confimation prompt.\r\n\talert(\"setCalendarHasFocus start - \" + aHasFocus);\r\n\tvar vCalendarHasFocusObj = aFormObj.elements.item(\"calendarHasFocus\");\r\n\tif (vCalendarHasFocusObj == null) {\r\n\t\t//alert(\"Did not find calendarHasFocus hidden field\");\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\t//alert(\"Found calendarHasFocus hidden field\");\r\n\t\tif (aHasFocus) {\r\n\t\t\t//alert(\"Setting calendarHasFocus to true\");\r\n\t\t\tvCalendarHasFocusObj.value = \"true\";\r\n\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t//alert(\"Setting calendarHasFocus to false\");\r\n\t\t\tvCalendarHasFocusObj.value = \"false\";\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn false;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction show_calendar(str_target, str_datetime, isDateTime) {\r\n");
1178:                    out
1179:                            .write("//\talert(\"show_calendar start\");\r\n\tvar arr_months = [\"January\", \"February\", \"March\", \"April\", \"May\", \"June\",\r\n\t\t\"July\", \"August\", \"September\", \"October\", \"November\", \"December\"];\r\n\tvar week_days = [\"Su\", \"Mo\", \"Tu\", \"We\", \"Th\", \"Fr\", \"Sa\"];\r\n\tvar n_weekstart = 1; // day week starts from (normally 0 or 1)\r\n\r\n\tvar dt_datetime = (str_datetime == null || str_datetime ==\"\" ?  new Date() :  str2datetime(str_datetime) );\r\n\tvar dt_prev_month = new Date(dt_datetime);\r\n\tdt_prev_month.setMonth(dt_datetime.getMonth()-1);\r\n\tvar dt_next_month = new Date(dt_datetime);\r\n\tdt_next_month.setMonth(dt_datetime.getMonth()+1);\r\n\tvar dt_firstday = new Date(dt_datetime);\r\n\tdt_firstday.setDate(1);\r\n\tdt_firstday.setDate(1-(7+dt_firstday.getDay()-n_weekstart)%7);\r\n\tvar dt_lastday = new Date(dt_next_month);\r\n\tdt_lastday.setDate(0);\r\n\t\r\n\t// html generation (feel free to tune it for your particular application)\r\n\t// print calendar header\r\n\tvar str_buffer = new String (\r\n\t\t\"");
1180:                    out.write("<html>\\n\"+\r\n\t\t\" ");
1181:                    out.write("<head>\\n\"+\r\n\t\t\"  ");
1182:                    out.write("<title>Calendar");
1183:                    out.write("</title>\\n\"+\r\n\t\t\" ");
1184:                    out.write("</head>\\n\"+\r\n\t\t\" ");
1185:                    out.write("<body bgcolor=\\\"White\\\">\\n\"+\r\n\t\t\"  ");
1186:                    out
1187:                            .write("<table class=\\\"clsOTable\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"   ");
1188:                    out.write("<tr>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"    ");
1189:                    out
1190:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#4682B4\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"     ");
1191:                    out
1192:                            .write("<table cellspacing=\\\"1\\\" cellpadding=\\\"3\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"      ");
1193:                    out.write("<tr>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1194:                    out
1195:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#4682B4\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1196:                    out
1197:                            .write("<a href=\\\"javascript:window.opener.show_calendar('\"+\r\n\t\t           str_target + \"', '\" + dt2dtstr(dt_prev_month)+\"'+' ';\\\">\" +\r\n\t\t\"         ");
1198:                    out
1199:                            .write("<img src=\\\"/sfaimages/prev.gif\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\" border=\\\"0\\\"\" +\r\n\t\t\"           alt=\\\"previous month\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1200:                    out.write("</a>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1201:                    out.write("</td>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1202:                    out
1203:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#4682B4\\\" colspan=\\\"5\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1204:                    out
1205:                            .write("<font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"tahoma, verdana\\\" size=\\\"2\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"         \" + arr_months[dt_datetime.getMonth()] + \" \" + dt_datetime.getFullYear() + \"\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1206:                    out.write("</font>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1207:                    out.write("</td>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1208:                    out
1209:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#4682B4\\\" align=\\\"right\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1210:                    out
1211:                            .write("<a href=\\\"javascript:window.opener.show_calendar('\" +\r\n\t\t           str_target+\"', '\"+dt2dtstr(dt_next_month)+\"'+' ';\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"         ");
1212:                    out
1213:                            .write("<img src=\\\"/sfaimages/next.gif\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\" border=\\\"0\\\"\" +\r\n\t\t\"           alt=\\\"next month\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1214:                    out.write("</a>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1215:                    out.write("</td>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"      ");
1216:                    out
1217:                            .write("</tr>\\n\"\r\n\t);\r\n\r\n\tvar dt_current_day = new Date(dt_firstday);\r\n\t// print weekdays titles\r\n\tstr_buffer += \"      ");
1218:                    out.write("<tr>\\n\";\r\n\tfor (var n=0; n");
1219:                    out.write("<7; n++)\r\n\t\tstr_buffer += \"       ");
1220:                    out
1221:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#87CEFA\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1222:                    out
1223:                            .write("<font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"tahoma, verdana\\\" size=\\\"2\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        \" + week_days[(n_weekstart+n)%7] + \"\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1224:                    out.write("</font>");
1225:                    out
1226:                            .write("</td>\\n\";\r\n\t// print calendar table\r\n\tstr_buffer += \"      ");
1227:                    out
1228:                            .write("</tr>\\n\";\r\n\twhile (dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_datetime.getMonth() ||\r\n\t\tdt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_firstday.getMonth()) {\r\n\t\t// print row heder\r\n\t\tstr_buffer += \"      ");
1229:                    out
1230:                            .write("<tr>\\n\";\r\n\t\tfor (var n_current_wday=0; n_current_wday");
1231:                    out
1232:                            .write("<7; n_current_wday++) {\r\n\t\t\t\tif (dt_current_day.getDate() == dt_datetime.getDate() &&\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_datetime.getMonth())\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// print current date\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"       ");
1233:                    out
1234:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#FFB6C1\\\" align=\\\"right\\\">\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\telse if (dt_current_day.getDay() == 0 || dt_current_day.getDay() == 6)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// weekend days\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"       ");
1235:                    out
1236:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"#DBEAF5\\\" align=\\\"right\\\">\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// print working days of current month\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"       ");
1237:                    out
1238:                            .write("<td bgcolor=\\\"white\\\" align=\\\"right\\\">\\n\";\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tif (isDateTime == \"1\" )\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"        ");
1239:                    out
1240:                            .write("<a href=\\\"javascript:window.opener.\" + str_target +\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\".value='\"+dt2dtstr(dt_current_day)+\"'+' ';window.close();\\\">\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"        ");
1241:                    out
1242:                            .write("<a href=\\\"javascript:window.opener.\" + str_target +\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\".value='\"+dt2dtstr(dt_current_day)+\"';window.close();\\\">\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tif (dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_datetime.getMonth())\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// print days of current month\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"         ");
1243:                    out
1244:                            .write("<font color=\\\"black\\\" face=\\\"tahoma, verdana\\\" size=\\\"2\\\">\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\telse \r\n\t\t\t\t\t// print days of other months\r\n\t\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"         ");
1245:                    out
1246:                            .write("<font color=\\\"gray\\\" face=\\\"tahoma, verdana\\\" size=\\\"2\\\">\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tstr_buffer += \"          \" + dt_current_day.getDate() + \"\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\t\t\"         ");
1247:                    out.write("</font>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\t\t\"        ");
1248:                    out.write("</a>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\t\t\"       ");
1249:                    out
1250:                            .write("</td>\\n\";\r\n\t\t\t\tdt_current_day.setDate(dt_current_day.getDate()+1);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t// print row footer\r\n\t\tstr_buffer += \"      ");
1251:                    out
1252:                            .write("</tr>\\n\";\r\n\t}\r\n\t// print calendar footer\r\n\tstr_buffer +=\r\n\t\t\"      ");
1253:                    out
1254:                            .write("<form name=\\\"cal\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1255:                    out.write("<tr>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1256:                    out
1257:                            .write("<td colspan=\\\"7\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#87CEFA\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"         ");
1258:                    out
1259:                            .write("<font color=\\\"White\\\" face=\\\"tahoma, verdana\\\" size=\\\"2\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"          Time:\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"          ");
1260:                    out
1261:                            .write("<input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"time\\\" value=\\\"\" + dt2tmstr(dt_datetime) +\r\n\t\t\"\\\" size=\\\"8\\\" maxlength=\\\"8\\\">\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"         ");
1262:                    out.write("</font>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"        ");
1263:                    out.write("</td>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"       ");
1264:                    out.write("</tr>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"      ");
1265:                    out.write("</form>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"     ");
1266:                    out.write("</table>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"    ");
1267:                    out.write("</tr>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"   ");
1268:                    out.write("</td>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"  ");
1269:                    out.write("</table>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\" ");
1270:                    out.write("</body>\\n\" +\r\n\t\t\"");
1271:                    out
1272:                            .write("</html>\\n\";\r\n\r\n\t//alert(\"Fixin to open window\");\r\n\tvar vWinCal =\"\", \"Calendar\", \r\n\t\t\"width=200,height=250,status=no,resizable=yes,top=200,left=200\");\r\n\t//alert(\"Fixin to set window opener to self\");\r\n\tvWinCal.opener = self;\r\n\tvar calc_doc = vWinCal.document;\r\n\t//alert(\"Fixin to write str_buffer\");\r\n\tcalc_doc.write (str_buffer);\r\n\tcalc_doc.close();\r\n}\r\n// datetime parsing and formatting routimes. modify them if you wish other datetime format\r\nfunction str2datetime (str_datetime) {\r\n\tvar re_date = /^(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\:(\\d+)\\:(\\d+)$/;\r\n\tif (!re_date.exec(str_datetime))\r\n\t\treturn str2date(str_datetime)\r\n\treturn (new Date (RegExp.$3, RegExp.$1-1, RegExp.$2, RegExp.$4, RegExp.$5, RegExp.$6));\r\n}\r\nfunction str2date (str_date) {\r\n\tvar re_date = /^(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)$/;\r\n\tif (!re_date.exec(str_date))\r\n\t\treturn alert(\"Invalid Date format: \"+ str_date);\r\n\treturn (new Date (RegExp.$3, RegExp.$1-1, RegExp.$2, 0, 0, 0));\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction dt2dtstr (dt_datetime) {\r\n\treturn (new String (\r\n\t\t\t(dt_datetime.getMonth()+1)+\"/\"+dt_datetime.getDate()+\"/\"+dt_datetime.getFullYear()));\r\n");
1273:                    out
1274:                            .write("}\r\nfunction dt2tmstr (dt_datetime) {\r\n\treturn (new String (\r\n\t\t\tdt_datetime.getHours()+\":\"+dt_datetime.getMinutes()+\":\"+dt_datetime.getSeconds()));\r\n}\r\n\r\n");
1275:                    out.write("</script>\r\n");
1276:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1277:                    out.write("\r\n");
1278:                    out.write("<!------------------------------>\r\n");
1279:                    out.write("<!-- Tab Control with Iframes -->\r\n");
1280:                    out.write("<!------------------------------>\r\n\r\n");
1282:                    // Set a string to tell the common initTabbedMembers function to put an Iframe inside the DIV in the tab control.
1283:                    String innerDivContents = "<IFRAME STYLE=\"margin:0; padding:0; visibility:hidden;\" BORDER=\"0\" NAME=\"oMIframe\" ID=\"oMIframe\" WIDTH=\"100%\" ></IFRAME>";
1284:                    // String innerDivContents = "";
1286:                    out.write("\r\n\r\n");
1287:                    out
1288:                            .write("<!-------------------------------------------->\r\n");
1289:                    out
1290:                            .write("<!-- Common code for all types of Tab Pages -->\r\n");
1291:                    out
1292:                            .write("<!-------------------------------------------->\r\n\r\n");
1293:                    out
1294:                            .write("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\r\n\r\nvar gsTabControl=\"\";\r\nvar gaDivs = new Array();\r\nvar gaTabs = new Array();\r\nvar goPersist = null;\r\nvar gsPageId = \"\";\r\n\r\n//scrolling menu variables\r\nvar menuwidth = 800;\r\nvar scrollspeed = 6;\r\nvar actualwidth = 0;\r\nvar ns_scroll;\r\n\r\nfunction CPersist(attachedTo, storePath){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ){\r\n    this._obj = attachedTo;\r\n    this._obj.addBehavior(\"#default#userData\");\r\n    this._path = storePath;\r\n    this._loaded = false;\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\nCPersist.prototype.Save = function(){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ){\r\n    if(this.IsLoaded()){\r\n      var enabled = true;\r\n      var code = \"try{ this.GetAttached().save(this._path); } catch(e) {enabled = false;}\";\r\n      eval(code);\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\nCPersist.prototype.Load = function(){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ){\r\n    if(!this.IsLoaded()){\r\n      var enabled = true;\r\n      var code = \"try{ this.GetAttached().load(this._path); } catch(e) {enabled = false;}\";\r\n      eval(code);\r\n      if(!enabled) return;\r\n        this._loaded = true;\r\n");
1295:                    out
1296:                            .write("    }\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\nCPersist.prototype.GetAttached = function(){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ) return this._obj;\r\n}\r\n\r\nCPersist.prototype.IsLoaded = function(){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ) return this._loaded;\r\n}\r\n\r\nCPersist.prototype.SetAttribute = function(key, value){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ){\r\n      if( !this.IsLoaded() ) this.Load();\r\n      if( this.IsLoaded() ){\t\t\t// confirm that the load actually happened.  Cannot add data if load failed.\r\n        if( !gsPageId ) pageID = \"unknown\"; else pageID = gsPageId;\r\n        this.GetAttached().setAttribute(pageID + \".\" + key, value);\r\n      }\r\n      this.Save();\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n\r\nCPersist.prototype.GetAttribute = function(key){\r\n  if( oBD.doesPersistence ){\r\n    if( !this.IsLoaded() ) this.Load();\r\n\r\n    if( this.IsLoaded() ){\t\t\t// confirm that the load actually happened.  Cannot get data if load failed.\r\n    if( !gsPageId ) pageID = \"unknown\"; else pageID = gsPageId;\r\n      var value = this.GetAttached().getAttribute(pageID + \".\" + key);\r\n    }\r\n\r\n    if(key == \"selectedTab\"){\r\n");
1297:                    out
1298:                            .write("      if(!value) value = 0;\r\n    } else if(key == \"expanded\"){\r\n      if(value == \"true\")\r\n        value = true;\r\n      else\r\n        value = false;\r\n    } else if(key == \"scroll\"){\r\n      if(!value) value = 0;\r\n    }\r\n    return value;\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* initilizes a new, logical tab for objectmembers.  A \"tab\" consists of both\r\n* the tab and the member content.\r\n*/\r\nfunction CTabber(newTab){\r\n  this._caption = \"\"; this._content = null; this._tab = null; this._targetURL=newTab.targetURL;\r\n  // only initialize of this is actually a tab.  Tabs are identifed by a @tabName attribute.\r\n  if(newTab.tabName){\r\n    this._initializeComponent(newTab);\r\n  } else {\r\n    return null;\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Returns the caption used for the tab.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.GetCaption = function(){\r\n\r\n  return this._caption;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Sets the caption used for the tab.  Also updates the tabbed title bar.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.SetCaption = function(newCaption){\r\n  this._caption = newCaption;\r\n  if(this.IsActive){\t\t// should only change title bar if currently active.\r\n");
1299:                    out
1300:                            .write("    oMTitle.innerText = newCaption;\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Returns the ");
1301:                    out
1302:                            .write("<div> that is attached to this tab object.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.GetContent = function(){\r\n  return this._content;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Returns the rendered tab (");
1303:                    out
1304:                            .write("<TD>) for this tab object.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.GetTab = function(){\r\n return this._tab;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Returns true if this tab object is currently being rendered (e.g. the ");
1305:                    out
1306:                            .write("<div> is displayed),\r\n* otherwise returns false.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.IsActive = function(){\r\n  return (this.GetTab().className == \"oMTabOn\" ? true : false);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Not used, ignore.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype._setColumnHeaders = function(){\r\n  var heads = this.GetContent().getElementsByTagName(\"TH\");\r\n  for(var i=0; i");
1307:                    out
1308:                            .write("<heads.length; i++){\r\n    var cn = heads[i].cloneNode(true);\r\n    oMHeadings.appendChild(cn);\r\n    heads[i].style.display = \"none\";\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\nCTabber.prototype.GetActiveTab  = function(){\r\n  for(var i=0; i");
1309:                    out
1310:                            .write("<gaTabs.length; i++){\r\n    var tab = gaTabs[i];\r\n    if(tab.IsActive()) return tab;\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Forces a an inactive tab to become active.  That means that the\r\n* tab itself changes state and the ");
1311:                    out
1312:                            .write("<div> is rendered.\r\n*\r\n* Any previously active tab is made inactive first.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.MakeActive = function(){\r\n  var tab = this.GetActiveTab();\r\n  if(tab){\r\n    tab.MakeInActive();\r\n  }\r\n  this.GetTab().className = \"oMTabOn\";\r\n  this.GetTab().style.backgroundColor = \"#FFFFFF\";\r\n  this.GetTab().style.borderBottom = \"0.02cm solid white\";\r\n  oMTData.appendChild(this.GetContent());\r\n  this.GetContent().style.display = \"block\";\r\n  this.SetScrollPosition(0);\t\t// reset the scroll bar.\r\n  oMTData.scrollTop = this.GetScrollPosition();\r\n\r\n  if (this._targetURL){\r\n = \"visible\";\r\n      document.all.oMIframe.width=\"100%\";\r\n      document.all.oMIframe.height=\"98%\";\r\n      document.all.oMIframe.src = this._targetURL;\r\n    } else {\r\n = \"hidden\";\r\n      document.all.oMIframe.width=\"0\";\r\n      document.all.oMIframe.height=\"0\";\r\n  }\r\n\r\n  // save the state to a userData store.\r\n  goPersist.SetAttribute(\"selectedTab\", this.GetCaption());\r\n");
1313:                    out
1314:                            .write("}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Forces an active tab to become inactive.  Changes the state of the tab\r\n* and removes the ");
1315:                    out
1316:                            .write("<div> from the screen.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.MakeInActive = function(){\r\n  this.GetContent().style.display = \"none\";\r\n  this.GetTab().className = \"oMTab\";\r\n  this.GetTab().style.backgroundColor = \"#C0C0C0\";\r\n  this.GetTab().style.borderBottom = \"0.02cm solid black\";\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Event for when the mouse moves over the tab button.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.OnMouseHover = function(){\r\n  if(!this.IsActive())\r\n    this.GetTab().className = \"oMTabHover\";\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Event for when the user clicks the tab button.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.OnMouseClick = function(){\r\n  if(!this.IsActive()){\t\t// should only run event if not already active.\r\n    this.MakeActive();\r\n\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Event for when the user moves the mouse from within the tab button area.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.OnMouseFlee = function(){\r\n  if(!this.IsActive())\t\t// should only run event if not alreay active.\r\n    this.GetTab().className = \"oMTab\";\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* Returns the scroll position for the ");
1317:                    out
1318:                            .write("<div> associated with this tab object.\r\n*/\r\nCTabber.prototype.GetScrollPosition = function(){\r\n  this._scroll;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Sets the scroll position for the ");
1319:                    out
1320:                            .write("<div> associated with this tab object.\r\nCTabber.prototype.SetScrollPosition = function(newValue){\r\n  this._scroll = newValue;\r\n  if(this.IsActive()) oMTData.scrollTop = newValue;\r\n\r\n  goPersist.SetAttribute(\"scroll\", newValue);\r\n  goPersist.Save();\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Initializes the state of the tab.  This includes creating the physical tab as well as associated a ");
1321:                    out
1322:                            .write("<div> with it.\r\nCTabber.prototype._initializeComponent = function(newTab){\r\n  this._caption = newTab.tabName;\r\n  this._content = newTab;\r\n  this._scroll = 0;\r\n\r\n  // prepare the tab for use.  Create the necessary structure.\r\n  this._tab = document.createElement(\"TD\");\r\n  this._tab.onmouseover = onMouseOverRedirect;\r\n  this._tab.onmouseout = onMouseOutRedirect;\r\n  this._tab.onmousedown = onMouseClickRedirect;\r\n  this._tab.onkeypress = onMouseClickRedirect;\r\n  this._tab.onclick = onMouseClickRedirect;\r\n  this._tab.title = this.GetCaption();\r\n  this._tab.className = \"oMTab\";\r\n  this._tab.tabIndex = \"0\";\r\n  this._tab.innerHTML = \"");
1323:                    out.write("<noBR>");
1324:                    out.write("<CENTER>\" + this.GetCaption() + \"");
1325:                    out.write("</CENTER>");
1326:                    out
1327:                            .write("</noBR>\";\r\n//  this._tab.setAttribute(\"width\",\"20\",0);\r\n//    this._tab.width = \"20%\";\r\n//    this._tab.width = (this._tab.title.length*5) + 20;\r\n    this._tab.vAlign = \"middle\";\r\n = this;\r\n  this.GetContent().tab = this;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n* functions that dispatch the event to the correct handler.  This is done because\r\n* when an event fires, there is no way for the system to know which user-defined\r\n* object (CTabber) is being invoked.  The ");
1328:                    out
1329:                            .write("<TD> has a reference to the owning tab object\r\n* so that the event can be invoked on the correct object.\r\n*/\r\nfunction onMouseOverRedirect(){\r\n;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction onMouseOutRedirect(){\r\n;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction onMouseClickRedirect(){\r\n;\r\n}\r\n//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction expand_onclick_handler(o){\r\n toggleExpandDataView(o);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction scroll_onscroll_handler(){\r\n  gaTabs[0].GetActiveTab().SetScrollPosition(oMTData.scrollTop);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction toggleExpandDataView(oCollapso){\r\n  if(oCollapso != null){\r\n  if(oCollapso.state == null || oCollapso.state == \"collapsed\"){\r\n    // the state is collapase so force environment to be expanded.\r\n    oCollapso.title = \"Collapse\";\r\n = \"visible\";\r\n    oCollapso.src = \"sfa/control/img/collapse_gif\";\r\n    oCollapso.state = \"expanded\";\r\n    // now that the view is being expanded, must save this state.\r\n    goPersist.SetAttribute(\"expanded\", \"true\");\r\n");
1330:                    out
1331:                            .write("  } else {\r\n    // the state is expanded so force environment to be expanded.\r\n    oCollapso.title = \"Expand\";\r\n = \"auto\";\r\n    oCollapso.src = \"sfa/control/img/expand_gif\";\r\n    oCollapso.state = \"collapsed\";\r\n    // now that the view is being collapsed, must remove expanded state.\r\n    goPersist.SetAttribute(\"expanded\", \"false\");\r\n  }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction moveleft(){\r\n  if (document.all && > (menuwidth-actualwidth))\r\n;\r\n  lefttime=setTimeout(\"moveleft()\",50)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction moveright(){\r\n  if (document.all && ");
1332:                    out
1333:                            .write("< 0)\r\n;\r\n  righttime=setTimeout(\"moveright()\",50)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction fillup(){\r\n  actualwidth=span3.offsetWidth\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction initTabbedMembers(){\r\n if(document.getElementById(\"oMT\")){\r\n  var mshaid = document.all(\"MS-HAID\");\r\n  if(mshaid) gsPageId = mshaid.getAttribute(\"content\");\r\n  locateAvailableTabs();\r\n  divscol=document.all.tags(\"div\");\r\n  divsize=divscol.length;\r\n  if (divsize>0){\r\n   gsTabControl=''\r\n\r\n   gsTabControl=gsTabControl+'  ");
1334:                    out
1335:                            .write("<TABLE CLASS=\"viewManyHeaderLabel\" WIDTH=\"100%\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" BORDER=\"0\">\\n';\r\n   gsTabControl=gsTabControl+'   ");
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1385:                    out
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1400:                    out
1401:                            .write(" = \"none\";\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction restoreInitState(){\r\n  persistTab = goPersist.GetAttribute(\"selectedTab\");\r\n  persistExpand = goPersist.GetAttribute(\"expanded\");\r\n  persistScroll = goPersist.GetAttribute(\"scroll\");\r\n\r\n  if(gaTabs[persistTab]){\r\n    gaTabs[persistTab].MakeActive();\r\n  } else {\r\n    gaTabs[0].MakeActive();\r\n  }\r\n  if(persistExpand) toggleExpandDataView();\r\n  if(persistScroll) gaTabs[0].GetActiveTab().SetScrollPosition(persistScroll);\r\n}\r\n\r\n");
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1429:                    out
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1431:                    out
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1434:                    out
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1437:                            .write("<div> is rendered.\r\n//\r\n// Any previously active tab is made inactive first.\r\n//\r\n/*\r\nCTabber.prototype.MakeActive = function(){\r\n\tvar tab = this.GetActiveTab();\r\n\tif(tab) tab.MakeInActive();\r\n\r\n\tthis.GetTab().className = \"oMTabOn\";\r\n\toMTData.appendChild(this.GetContent());\r\n\tthis.GetContent().style.display = \"block\";\r\n\tthis.SetScrollPosition(0);\t\t// reset the scroll bar.\r\n\toMTData.scrollTop = this.GetScrollPosition();\r\n\r\n\tif ( this._targetURL  )\r\n\t\tdocument.all[\"oMIframe\"].src = this._targetURL;\r\n\r\n\t// save the state to a userData store.\r\n\tgoPersist.SetAttribute(\"selectedTab\", this.GetCaption());\r\n}\r\n*/\r\n");
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1600:            }
1601:        } | Contact Us
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