01: /*
02: * An XML document type.
03: * Localname: binding
04: * Namespace: http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl
05: * Java type: org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingDocument
06: *
07: * Automatically generated - do not modify.
08: */
09: package org.w3.ns.wsdl.impl;
11: /**
12: * A document containing one binding(@http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl) element.
13: *
14: * This is a complex type.
15: */
16: public class BindingDocumentImpl extends
17: org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements
18: org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingDocument {
20: public BindingDocumentImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType) {
21: super (sType);
22: }
24: private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName BINDING$0 = new javax.xml.namespace.QName(
25: "http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl", "binding");
27: /**
28: * Gets the "binding" element
29: */
30: public org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType getBinding() {
31: synchronized (monitor()) {
32: check_orphaned();
33: org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType target = null;
34: target = (org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType) get_store()
35: .find_element_user(BINDING$0, 0);
36: if (target == null) {
37: return null;
38: }
39: return target;
40: }
41: }
43: /**
44: * Sets the "binding" element
45: */
46: public void setBinding(org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType binding) {
47: synchronized (monitor()) {
48: check_orphaned();
49: org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType target = null;
50: target = (org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType) get_store()
51: .find_element_user(BINDING$0, 0);
52: if (target == null) {
53: target = (org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType) get_store()
54: .add_element_user(BINDING$0);
55: }
56: target.set(binding);
57: }
58: }
60: /**
61: * Appends and returns a new empty "binding" element
62: */
63: public org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType addNewBinding() {
64: synchronized (monitor()) {
65: check_orphaned();
66: org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType target = null;
67: target = (org.w3.ns.wsdl.BindingType) get_store()
68: .add_element_user(BINDING$0);
69: return target;
70: }
71: }
72: }