001: /*******************************************************************************
002: * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
003: * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
004: * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
005: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
006: * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
007: *
008: * Contributors:
009: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
010: * Dan Rubel <dan_rubel@instantiations.com>
011: * - Fix for bug 11490 - define hidden view (placeholder for view) in plugin.xml
012: * Ted Stockwell <emorning@yahoo.com>
013: * - Fix for bug 63595 - IPageLayout.addFastView regression (3.0M8 to 3.0M9)
014: * Chris Gross <schtoo@schtoo.com>
015: * - Fix for 99155 - allow standalone view placeholders
016: * Chris Gross chris.gross@us.ibm.com Bug 107443
017: *******************************************************************************/package org.eclipse.ui.internal;
019: import java.util.ArrayList;
020: import java.util.HashMap;
021: import java.util.List;
022: import java.util.Map;
024: import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
025: import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
026: import org.eclipse.ui.IFolderLayout;
027: import org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout;
028: import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveDescriptor;
029: import org.eclipse.ui.IPlaceholderFolderLayout;
030: import org.eclipse.ui.IViewLayout;
031: import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference;
032: import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
033: import org.eclipse.ui.activities.WorkbenchActivityHelper;
034: import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentationFactoryUtil;
035: import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.ActionSetRegistry;
036: import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.IActionSetDescriptor;
037: import org.eclipse.ui.views.IViewDescriptor;
038: import org.eclipse.ui.views.IViewRegistry;
040: /**
041: * This factory is used to define the initial layout of a part sash container.
042: * <p>
043: * Design notes: The design of <code>IPageLayout</code> is a reflection of
044: * three requirements:
045: * <ol>
046: * <li>A mechanism is required to define the initial layout for a page. </li>
047: * <li>The views and editors within a page will be persisted between
048: * sessions.</li>
049: * <li>The view and editor lifecycle for (1) and (2) should be identical.</li>
050: * </ol>
051: * </p>
052: * <p>
053: * In reflection of these requirements, the following strategy has been
054: * implemented for layout definition.
055: * <ol>
056: * <li>A view extension is added to the workbench registry for the view.
057: * This extension defines the extension id and extension class. </li>
058: * <li>A view is added to a page by invoking one of the add methods
059: * in <code>IPageLayout</code>. The type of view is passed as an
060: * extension id, rather than a handle. The page layout will map
061: * the extension id to a view class, create an instance of the class,
062: * and then add the view to the page.</li>
063: * </ol>
064: * </p>
065: */
066: public class PageLayout implements IPageLayout {
067: private ArrayList actionSets = new ArrayList(3);
069: private IPerspectiveDescriptor descriptor;
071: private LayoutPart editorFolder;
073: private boolean editorVisible = true;
075: private boolean fixed;
077: private ArrayList fastViews = new ArrayList(3);
079: private Map mapIDtoFolder = new HashMap(10);
081: private Map mapIDtoPart = new HashMap(10);
083: private Map mapIDtoViewLayoutRec = new HashMap(10);
085: private Map mapFolderToFolderLayout = new HashMap(10);
087: private ArrayList newWizardShortcuts = new ArrayList(3);
089: private ArrayList perspectiveShortcuts = new ArrayList(3);
091: private ViewSashContainer rootLayoutContainer;
093: private ArrayList showInPartIds = new ArrayList(3);
095: private ArrayList showViewShortcuts = new ArrayList(3);
097: private ViewFactory viewFactory;
099: private List minimizedStacks = new ArrayList();
101: /**
102: * Constructs a new PageLayout for other purposes.
103: */
104: public PageLayout() {
105: //no-op
106: }
108: /**
109: * Constructs a new PageLayout for the normal case of creating a new
110: * perspective.
111: */
112: public PageLayout(ViewSashContainer container,
113: ViewFactory viewFactory, LayoutPart editorFolder,
114: IPerspectiveDescriptor descriptor) {
115: super ();
116: this .viewFactory = viewFactory;
117: this .rootLayoutContainer = container;
118: this .editorFolder = editorFolder;
119: this .descriptor = descriptor;
120: prefill();
121: }
123: /**
124: * Adds the editor to a layout.
125: */
126: private void addEditorArea() {
127: try {
128: // Create the part.
129: LayoutPart newPart = createView(ID_EDITOR_AREA);
130: if (newPart == null) {
131: // this should never happen as long as newID is the editor ID.
132: return;
133: }
135: setRefPart(ID_EDITOR_AREA, newPart);
137: // Add it to the layout.
138: rootLayoutContainer.add(newPart);
139: } catch (PartInitException e) {
140: WorkbenchPlugin.log(getClass(), "addEditorArea()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
141: }
142: }
144: /**
145: * Adds an action set to the page.
146: *
147: * @param actionSetID Identifies the action set extension to use. It must
148: * exist within the workbench registry.
149: */
150: public void addActionSet(String actionSetID) {
151: if (!actionSets.contains(actionSetID)) {
152: actionSets.add(actionSetID);
153: }
154: }
156: /* (non-Javadoc)
157: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addFastView(java.lang.String)
158: */
159: public void addFastView(String id) {
160: addFastView(id, INVALID_RATIO);
161: }
163: /* (non-Javadoc)
164: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addFastView(java.lang.String, float)
165: */
166: public void addFastView(String id, float ratio) {
167: if (checkPartInLayout(id)) {
168: return;
169: }
170: if (id != null) {
171: try {
172: IViewDescriptor viewDescriptor = viewFactory
173: .getViewRegistry().find(
174: ViewFactory.extractPrimaryId(id));
175: if (!WorkbenchActivityHelper.filterItem(viewDescriptor)) {
176: IViewReference ref = viewFactory.createView(
177: ViewFactory.extractPrimaryId(id),
178: ViewFactory.extractSecondaryId(id));
179: fastViews.add(ref);
181: // force creation of the view layout rec
182: ViewLayoutRec rec = getViewLayoutRec(id, true);
184: // remember the ratio, if valid
185: if (ratio >= IPageLayout.RATIO_MIN
186: && ratio <= IPageLayout.RATIO_MAX) {
187: rec.fastViewWidthRatio = ratio;
188: }
189: }
190: } catch (PartInitException e) {
191: WorkbenchPlugin.log(getClass(), "addFastView", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
192: }
193: }
194: }
196: /**
197: * Check to see if the partId represents a fast view's id.
198: *
199: * @param partId
200: * The part's id.
201: * @return true if the partId is a fast view id.
202: */
203: private boolean isFastViewId(String partId) {
204: for (int i = 0; i < fastViews.size(); i++) {
205: IViewReference ref = (IViewReference) fastViews.get(i);
206: String secondaryId = ref.getSecondaryId();
207: String refId = (secondaryId == null ? ref.getId() : ref
208: .getId()
209: + ":" + secondaryId); //$NON-NLS-1$
210: if (refId.equals(partId)) {
211: return true;
212: }
213: }
214: return false;
215: }
217: /**
218: * Returns the view layout record for the given view id, or null if not
219: * found. If create is true, the record is created if it doesn't already
220: * exist.
221: *
222: * @since 3.0
223: */
224: ViewLayoutRec getViewLayoutRec(String id, boolean create) {
225: ViewLayoutRec rec = (ViewLayoutRec) mapIDtoViewLayoutRec
226: .get(id);
227: if (rec == null && create) {
228: rec = new ViewLayoutRec();
229: // set up the view layout appropriately if the page layout is fixed
230: if (isFixed()) {
231: rec.isCloseable = false;
232: rec.isMoveable = false;
233: }
234: mapIDtoViewLayoutRec.put(id, rec);
235: }
236: return rec;
237: }
239: /**
240: * Adds a creation wizard to the File New menu.
241: * The id must name a new wizard extension contributed to the
242: * workbench's extension point (named <code>"org.eclipse.ui.newWizards"</code>).
243: *
244: * @param id the wizard id
245: */
246: public void addNewWizardShortcut(String id) {
247: if (!newWizardShortcuts.contains(id)) {
248: newWizardShortcuts.add(id);
249: }
250: }
252: /**
253: * Add the layout part to the page's layout
254: */
255: private void addPart(LayoutPart newPart, String partId,
256: int relationship, float ratio, String refId) {
258: setRefPart(partId, newPart);
260: // If the referenced part is inside a folder,
261: // then use the folder as the reference part.
262: LayoutPart refPart = getFolderPart(refId);
263: if (refPart == null) {
264: refPart = getRefPart(refId);
265: }
267: // Add it to the layout.
268: if (refPart != null) {
269: ratio = normalizeRatio(ratio);
270: rootLayoutContainer.add(newPart,
271: getPartSashConst(relationship), ratio, refPart);
272: } else {
273: WorkbenchPlugin
274: .log(NLS
275: .bind(
276: WorkbenchMessages.PageLayout_missingRefPart,
277: refId));
278: rootLayoutContainer.add(newPart);
279: }
280: }
282: /**
283: * Adds a perspective shortcut to the Perspective menu.
284: * The id must name a perspective extension contributed to the
285: * workbench's extension point (named <code>"org.eclipse.ui.perspectives"</code>).
286: *
287: * @param id the perspective id
288: */
289: public void addPerspectiveShortcut(String id) {
290: if (!perspectiveShortcuts.contains(id)) {
291: perspectiveShortcuts.add(id);
292: }
293: }
295: /* (non-Javadoc)
296: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addPlaceholder(java.lang.String, int, float, java.lang.String)
297: */
298: public void addPlaceholder(String viewId, int relationship,
299: float ratio, String refId) {
300: if (!checkValidPlaceholderId(viewId)) {
301: return;
302: }
304: // Create the placeholder.
305: PartPlaceholder newPart = new PartPlaceholder(viewId);
306: addPart(newPart, viewId, relationship, ratio, refId);
307: // force creation of the view layout rec
308: getViewLayoutRec(viewId, true);
309: }
311: /**
312: * Checks whether the given id is a valid placeholder id.
313: * A placeholder id may be simple or compound, and can optionally contain a wildcard.
314: *
315: * @param id the placeholder id
316: * @return <code>true</code> if the given id is a valid placeholder id, <code>false</code> otherwise
317: */
318: boolean checkValidPlaceholderId(String id) {
319: // Check that view is not already in layout.
320: // This check is done even if the id has a wildcard, since it's incorrect to create
321: // multiple placeholders with the same id, wildcard or not.
322: if (checkPartInLayout(id)) {
323: return false;
324: }
326: // check that primary view id is valid, but only if it has no wildcard
327: String primaryId = ViewFactory.extractPrimaryId(id);
328: if (!ViewFactory.hasWildcard(primaryId)) {
329: IViewRegistry reg = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault()
330: .getViewRegistry();
331: IViewDescriptor desc = reg.find(primaryId);
332: if (desc == null) {
333: // cannot safely open the dialog so log the problem
334: WorkbenchPlugin
335: .log("Unable to find view with id: " + primaryId + ", when creating perspective " + getDescriptor().getId()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
336: return false;
337: }
338: }
340: return true;
341: }
343: /* (non-Javadoc)
344: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addShowInPart(java.lang.String)
345: */
346: public void addShowInPart(String id) {
347: if (!showInPartIds.contains(id)) {
348: showInPartIds.add(id);
349: }
350: }
352: /**
353: * Adds a view to the Show View menu. The id must name a view extension
354: * contributed to the workbench's extension point (named <code>"org.eclipse.ui.views"</code>).
355: *
356: * @param id the view id
357: */
358: public void addShowViewShortcut(String id) {
359: if (!showViewShortcuts.contains(id)) {
360: showViewShortcuts.add(id);
361: }
362: }
364: /* (non-Javadoc)
365: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addView(java.lang.String, int, float, java.lang.String)
366: */
367: public void addView(String viewId, int relationship, float ratio,
368: String refId) {
369: addView(viewId, relationship, ratio, refId, false, false, true);
370: }
372: /**
373: * Convenience method to allow setting the initial minimized
374: * state if a new stack is created. Used by the 'perspectiveExtension'
375: * reader.
376: *
377: * @since 3.3
378: */
379: public void addView(String viewId, int relationship, float ratio,
380: String refId, boolean minimized) {
381: addView(viewId, relationship, ratio, refId, minimized, false,
382: true);
383: }
385: /* (non-Javadoc)
386: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addView(java.lang.String, int, float, java.lang.String)
387: */
388: private void addView(String viewId, int relationship, float ratio,
389: String refId, boolean minimized, boolean standalone,
390: boolean showTitle) {
391: if (checkPartInLayout(viewId)) {
392: return;
393: }
395: try {
396: // Create the part.
397: LayoutPart newPart = createView(viewId);
398: if (newPart == null) {
399: addPlaceholder(viewId, relationship, ratio, refId);
400: LayoutHelper.addViewActivator(this , viewId);
401: } else {
402: int appearance = PresentationFactoryUtil.ROLE_VIEW;
403: if (standalone) {
404: if (showTitle) {
405: appearance = PresentationFactoryUtil.ROLE_STANDALONE;
406: } else {
407: appearance = PresentationFactoryUtil.ROLE_STANDALONE_NOTITLE;
408: }
409: }
411: ViewStack newFolder = new ViewStack(
412: rootLayoutContainer.page, true, appearance,
413: null);
414: newFolder.add(newPart);
415: setFolderPart(viewId, newFolder);
416: addPart(newFolder, viewId, relationship, ratio, refId);
417: // force creation of the view layout rec
418: getViewLayoutRec(viewId, true);
420: // Capture any minimized stacks
421: if (minimized) {
422: // Remember the minimized stacks so we can
423: // move them to the trim when the Perspective
424: // activates...
425: minimizedStacks.add(newFolder);
426: }
427: }
428: } catch (PartInitException e) {
429: WorkbenchPlugin.log(getClass(), "addView", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
430: }
431: }
433: public List getMinimizedStacks() {
434: return minimizedStacks;
435: }
437: /**
438: * Verify that the part is already present in the layout
439: * and cannot be added again. Log a warning message.
440: */
441: /*package*/
442: boolean checkPartInLayout(String partId) {
443: if (getRefPart(partId) != null || isFastViewId(partId)) {
444: WorkbenchPlugin.log(NLS.bind(
445: WorkbenchMessages.PageLayout_duplicateRefPart,
446: partId));
447: return true;
448: }
450: return false;
451: }
453: /* (non-Javadoc)
454: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#createFolder(java.lang.String, int, float, java.lang.String)
455: */
456: public IFolderLayout createFolder(String folderId,
457: int relationship, float ratio, String refId) {
458: if (checkPartInLayout(folderId)) {
459: ViewStack folder = (ViewStack) getRefPart(folderId);
461: return (IFolderLayout) mapFolderToFolderLayout.get(folder);
462: }
464: // Create the folder.
465: ViewStack folder = new ViewStack(rootLayoutContainer.page);
466: folder.setID(folderId);
467: addPart(folder, folderId, relationship, ratio, refId);
469: // Create a wrapper.
470: FolderLayout layout = new FolderLayout(this , folder,
471: viewFactory);
473: mapFolderToFolderLayout.put(folder, layout);
475: return layout;
476: }
478: /* (non-Javadoc)
479: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#createPlaceholderFolder(java.lang.String, int, float, java.lang.String)
480: */
481: public IPlaceholderFolderLayout createPlaceholderFolder(
482: String folderId, int relationship, float ratio, String refId) {
483: if (checkPartInLayout(folderId)) {
484: ContainerPlaceholder folder = (ContainerPlaceholder) getRefPart(folderId);
486: return (IPlaceholderFolderLayout) mapFolderToFolderLayout
487: .get(folder);
488: }
490: // Create the folder.
491: ContainerPlaceholder folder = new ContainerPlaceholder(null);
492: folder.setContainer(rootLayoutContainer);
493: folder
494: .setRealContainer(new ViewStack(
495: rootLayoutContainer.page));
496: folder.setID(folderId);
497: addPart(folder, folderId, relationship, ratio, refId);
499: // Create a wrapper.
500: IPlaceholderFolderLayout layout = new PlaceholderFolderLayout(
501: this , folder);
503: mapFolderToFolderLayout.put(folder, layout);
505: return layout;
506: }
508: /**
509: * Create a new <code>LayoutPart</code>.
510: *
511: * @param partID the id of the part to create.
512: * @return the <code>LayoutPart</code>, or <code>null</code> if it should not be
513: * created because of activity filtering.
514: * @throws PartInitException thrown if there is a problem creating the part.
515: */
516: private LayoutPart createView(String partID)
517: throws PartInitException {
518: if (partID.equals(ID_EDITOR_AREA)) {
519: return editorFolder;
520: }
521: IViewDescriptor viewDescriptor = viewFactory.getViewRegistry()
522: .find(ViewFactory.extractPrimaryId(partID));
523: if (WorkbenchActivityHelper.filterItem(viewDescriptor)) {
524: return null;
525: }
526: return LayoutHelper.createView(getViewFactory(), partID);
527: }
529: /**
530: * @return the action set list for the page. This is <code>List</code> of
531: * <code>String</code>s.
532: */
533: public ArrayList getActionSets() {
534: return actionSets;
535: }
537: /* (non-Javadoc)
538: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#getDescriptor()
539: */
540: public IPerspectiveDescriptor getDescriptor() {
541: return descriptor;
542: }
544: /**
545: * @return an identifier for the editor area. The editor area is
546: * automatically added to each layout before any other part. It should be
547: * used as a reference part for other views.
548: */
549: public String getEditorArea() {
550: return ID_EDITOR_AREA;
551: }
553: /* (non-Javadoc)
554: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#getEditorReuseThreshold()
555: */
556: public int getEditorReuseThreshold() {
557: return -1;
558: }
560: /**
561: * @return <code>ArrayList</code>
562: */
563: public ArrayList getFastViews() {
564: return fastViews;
565: }
567: /**
568: * @return the folder part containing the given view ID or <code>null</code>
569: * if none (i.e. part of the page layout instead of a folder layout).
570: */
571: private ViewStack getFolderPart(String viewId) {
572: return (ViewStack) mapIDtoFolder.get(viewId);
573: }
575: /**
576: * @return the new wizard shortcuts associated with the page. This is a <code>List</code> of
577: * <code>String</code>s.
578: */
579: public ArrayList getNewWizardShortcuts() {
580: return newWizardShortcuts;
581: }
583: /**
584: * @return the part sash container const for a layout value.
585: */
586: private int getPartSashConst(int nRelationship) {
587: return nRelationship;
588: }
590: /**
591: * @return the perspective shortcuts associated with the page. This is a <code>List</code> of
592: * <code>String</code>s.
593: */
594: public ArrayList getPerspectiveShortcuts() {
595: return perspectiveShortcuts;
596: }
598: /**
599: * @return the part for a given ID.
600: */
601: /*package*/
602: LayoutPart getRefPart(String partID) {
603: return (LayoutPart) mapIDtoPart.get(partID);
604: }
606: /**
607: * @return the top level layout container.
608: */
609: public ViewSashContainer getRootLayoutContainer() {
610: return rootLayoutContainer;
611: }
613: /**
614: * @return the ids of the parts to list in the Show In... prompter. This is
615: * a <code>List</code> of <code>String</code>s.
616: */
617: public ArrayList getShowInPartIds() {
618: return showInPartIds;
619: }
621: /**
622: * @return the show view shortcuts associated with the page. This is a <code>List</code> of
623: * <code>String</code>s.
624: */
625: public ArrayList getShowViewShortcuts() {
626: return showViewShortcuts;
627: }
629: /**
630: * @return the <code>ViewFactory</code> for this <code>PageLayout</code>.
631: * @since 3.0
632: */
633: /* package */
634: ViewFactory getViewFactory() {
635: return viewFactory;
636: }
638: /* (non-Javadoc)
639: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#isEditorAreaVisible()
640: */
641: public boolean isEditorAreaVisible() {
642: return editorVisible;
643: }
645: /**
646: * Trim the ratio so that direct manipulation of parts is easy.
647: *
648: * @param in the initial ratio.
649: * @return the normalized ratio.
650: */
651: private float normalizeRatio(float in) {
652: if (in < RATIO_MIN) {
653: in = RATIO_MIN;
654: }
655: if (in > RATIO_MAX) {
656: in = RATIO_MAX;
657: }
658: return in;
659: }
661: /**
662: * Prefill the layout with required parts.
663: */
664: private void prefill() {
665: addEditorArea();
667: // Add default action sets.
668: ActionSetRegistry reg = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault()
669: .getActionSetRegistry();
670: IActionSetDescriptor[] array = reg.getActionSets();
671: int count = array.length;
672: for (int nX = 0; nX < count; nX++) {
673: IActionSetDescriptor desc = array[nX];
674: if (desc.isInitiallyVisible()) {
675: addActionSet(desc.getId());
676: }
677: }
678: }
680: /* (non-Javadoc)
681: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#setEditorAreaVisible(boolean)
682: */
683: public void setEditorAreaVisible(boolean showEditorArea) {
684: editorVisible = showEditorArea;
685: }
687: /* (non-Javadoc)
688: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#setEditorReuseThreshold(int)
689: */
690: public void setEditorReuseThreshold(int openEditors) {
691: //no-op
692: }
694: /* (non-Javadoc)
695: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#setFixed(boolean)
696: */
697: public void setFixed(boolean fixed) {
698: this .fixed = fixed;
699: }
701: /* (non-Javadoc)
702: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#getFixed()
703: */
704: public boolean isFixed() {
705: return fixed;
706: }
708: /**
709: * Map the folder part containing the given view ID.
710: *
711: * @param viewId the part ID.
712: * @param container the <code>ContainerPlaceholder</code>.
713: */
714: /*package*/
715: void setFolderPart(String viewId, ContainerPlaceholder container) {
716: LayoutPart tabFolder = container.getRealContainer();
717: mapIDtoFolder.put(viewId, tabFolder);
718: }
720: /**
721: * Map the folder part containing the given view ID.
722: *
723: * @param viewId the part ID.
724: * @param folder the <code>ViewStack</code>.
725: */
726: /*package*/
727: void setFolderPart(String viewId, ViewStack folder) {
728: mapIDtoFolder.put(viewId, folder);
729: }
731: /**
732: * Map an ID to a part.
733: *
734: * @param partId the part ID.
735: * @param part the <code>LayoutPart</code>.
736: */
737: /*package*/
738: void setRefPart(String partID, LayoutPart part) {
739: mapIDtoPart.put(partID, part);
740: }
742: // stackPart(Layoutpart, String, String) added by dan_rubel@instantiations.com
743: /**
744: * Stack a part on top of another.
745: *
746: * @param newPart the new part.
747: * @param viewId the view ID.
748: * @param refId the reference ID.
749: */
750: private void stackPart(LayoutPart newPart, String viewId,
751: String refId) {
752: setRefPart(viewId, newPart);
753: // force creation of the view layout rec
754: getViewLayoutRec(viewId, true);
756: // If ref part is in a folder than just add the
757: // new view to that folder.
758: ViewStack folder = getFolderPart(refId);
759: if (folder != null) {
760: folder.add(newPart);
761: setFolderPart(viewId, folder);
762: return;
763: }
765: // If the ref part is in the page layout then create
766: // a new folder and add the new view.
767: LayoutPart refPart = getRefPart(refId);
768: if (refPart != null
769: && (refPart instanceof PartPane || refPart instanceof PartPlaceholder)) {
770: ViewStack newFolder = new ViewStack(
771: rootLayoutContainer.page);
772: rootLayoutContainer.replace(refPart, newFolder);
773: newFolder.add(refPart);
774: newFolder.add(newPart);
775: setFolderPart(refId, newFolder);
776: setFolderPart(viewId, newFolder);
777: return;
778: }
780: // If ref part is not found then just do add.
781: WorkbenchPlugin.log(NLS.bind(
782: WorkbenchMessages.PageLayout_missingRefPart, refId));
783: rootLayoutContainer.add(newPart);
784: }
786: // stackPlaceholder(String, String) added by dan_rubel@instantiations.com
787: /**
788: * Stack a placeholder on top of another.
789: *
790: * @param viewId the view ID.
791: * @param refId the reference ID.
792: */
793: public void stackPlaceholder(String viewId, String refId) {
794: if (checkPartInLayout(viewId)) {
795: return;
796: }
798: // Create the placeholder.
799: PartPlaceholder newPart = new PartPlaceholder(viewId);
801: LayoutPart refPart = getRefPart(refId);
802: if (refPart != null) {
803: newPart.setContainer(refPart.getContainer());
804: }
806: stackPart(newPart, viewId, refId);
807: }
809: // stackView(String, String) modified by dan_rubel@instantiations.com
810: /**
811: * Stack one view on top of another.
812: *
813: * @param viewId the view ID.
814: * @param refId the reference ID.
815: */
816: public void stackView(String viewId, String refId) {
817: if (checkPartInLayout(viewId)) {
818: return;
819: }
821: // Create the new part.
822: try {
823: LayoutPart newPart = createView(viewId);
824: if (newPart == null) {
825: stackPlaceholder(viewId, refId);
826: LayoutHelper.addViewActivator(this , viewId);
827: } else {
828: stackPart(newPart, viewId, refId);
829: }
830: } catch (PartInitException e) {
831: WorkbenchPlugin.log(getClass(), "stackView", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
832: }
833: }
835: /**
836: * Converts SWT position constants into layout position constants.
837: *
838: * @param swtConstant one of SWT.TOP, SWT.BOTTOM, SWT.LEFT, or SWT.RIGHT
839: * @return one of IPageLayout.TOP, IPageLayout.BOTTOM, IPageLayout.LEFT, IPageLayout.RIGHT, or -1 indicating an
840: * invalid input
841: *
842: * @since 3.0
843: */
844: public static int swtConstantToLayoutPosition(int swtConstant) {
845: switch (swtConstant) {
846: case SWT.TOP:
847: return IPageLayout.TOP;
848: case SWT.BOTTOM:
849: return IPageLayout.BOTTOM;
850: case SWT.RIGHT:
851: return IPageLayout.RIGHT;
852: case SWT.LEFT:
853: return IPageLayout.LEFT;
854: }
856: return -1;
857: }
859: /* (non-Javadoc)
860: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addStandaloneView(java.lang.String, boolean, int, float, java.lang.String)
861: * @since 3.0
862: */
863: public void addStandaloneView(String viewId, boolean showTitle,
864: int relationship, float ratio, String refId) {
865: addView(viewId, relationship, ratio, refId, false, true,
866: showTitle);
867: ViewLayoutRec rec = getViewLayoutRec(viewId, true);
868: rec.isStandalone = true;
869: rec.showTitle = showTitle;
870: }
872: /* (non-Javadoc)
873: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#addStandaloneViewPlaceholder(java.lang.String, int, float, java.lang.String, boolean)
874: */
875: public void addStandaloneViewPlaceholder(String viewId,
876: int relationship, float ratio, String refId,
877: boolean showTitle) {
879: String stackId = viewId + ".standalonefolder"; //$NON-NLS-1$
881: // Check to see if the view is already in the layout
882: if (!checkValidPlaceholderId(viewId)) {
883: return;
884: }
886: // Create the folder.
887: ContainerPlaceholder folder = new ContainerPlaceholder(null);
888: folder.setContainer(rootLayoutContainer);
889: int appearance = PresentationFactoryUtil.ROLE_STANDALONE;
890: if (!showTitle) {
891: appearance = PresentationFactoryUtil.ROLE_STANDALONE_NOTITLE;
892: }
893: folder.setRealContainer(new ViewStack(rootLayoutContainer.page,
894: true, appearance, null));
895: folder.setID(stackId);
896: addPart(folder, stackId, relationship, ratio, refId);
898: // Create a wrapper.
899: PlaceholderFolderLayout placeHolder = new PlaceholderFolderLayout(
900: this , folder);
902: // Add the standalone view immediately
903: placeHolder.addPlaceholder(viewId);
905: ViewLayoutRec rec = getViewLayoutRec(viewId, true);
906: rec.isStandalone = true;
907: rec.showTitle = showTitle;
908: }
910: /*
911: * (non-Javadoc)
912: *
913: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#getViewLayout(java.lang.String)
914: * @since 3.0
915: */
916: public IViewLayout getViewLayout(String viewId) {
917: ViewLayoutRec rec = getViewLayoutRec(viewId, true);
918: if (rec == null) {
919: return null;
920: }
921: return new ViewLayout(this , rec);
922: }
924: /**
925: * @since 3.0
926: */
927: public Map getIDtoViewLayoutRecMap() {
928: return mapIDtoViewLayoutRec;
929: }
931: /**
932: * Removes any existing placeholder with the given id.
933: *
934: * @param id the id for the placeholder
935: * @since 3.1
936: */
937: public void removePlaceholder(String id) {
938: LayoutPart part = getRefPart(id);
939: if (part instanceof PartPlaceholder) {
940: ViewStack stack = getFolderPart(id);
941: if (stack != null) {
942: stack.remove(part);
943: } else {
944: rootLayoutContainer.remove(part);
945: }
946: mapIDtoPart.remove(id);
947: mapIDtoFolder.remove(id);
948: mapIDtoViewLayoutRec.remove(id);
949: }
950: }
952: /* (non-Javadoc)
953: * @see org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout#getFolderForView(java.lang.String)
954: */
955: public IPlaceholderFolderLayout getFolderForView(String viewId) {
956: if (!mapIDtoFolder.containsKey(viewId))
957: return null;
959: ViewStack folder = (ViewStack) mapIDtoFolder.get(viewId);
960: IPlaceholderFolderLayout layout = null;
961: if (!mapFolderToFolderLayout.containsKey(folder)) {
962: layout = new FolderLayout(this , folder, viewFactory);
963: mapFolderToFolderLayout.put(folder, layout);
964: } else {
965: layout = (IPlaceholderFolderLayout) mapFolderToFolderLayout
966: .get(folder);
967: }
968: return layout;
969: }
970: }