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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Netbeans » vmd.analyzer » org.netbeans.microedition.svg 
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0001:        /*
0003:         *
0004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005:         *
0006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011:         *
0012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
0017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021:         * your own identifying information:
0022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023:         *
0024:         * Contributor(s):
0025:         *
0026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
0028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029:         *
0030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040:         */
0042:        /*
0043:         *
0044:         *
0045:         * Created on June 15, 2007
0046:         *
0047:         */
0049:        package org.netbeans.microedition.svg;
0051:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;
0052:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;
0053:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;
0054:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
0055:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;
0056:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
0057:        import javax.microedition.lcdui.Ticker;
0058:        import javax.microedition.m2g.SVGAnimator;
0059:        import javax.microedition.m2g.SVGEventListener;
0060:        import javax.microedition.m2g.SVGImage;
0061:        import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0062:        import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0063:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGAnimationElement;
0064:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGElement;
0065:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatableElement;
0066:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGMatrix;
0067:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRGBColor;
0068:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRect;
0069:        import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGSVGElement;
0071:        /**
0072:         *
0073:         *
0074:         * This class encapsulates SVGAnimator and exposes some of its setters,
0075:         * so it can be used as a component in NetBeans Visual Designer. 
0076:         * It also adds many utility methods which can be used
0077:         * to easily manipulate the underlying document of the animated SVG image.
0078:         *
0079:         * <p>
0080:         * Even though this class extends Canvas, the Canvas is utilized only
0081:         * for forwarding command actions from Canvas created by SVGAnimator.
0082:         * @author breh 
0083:         */
0084:        public class SVGPlayer extends Canvas implements  CommandListener { // need to use canvas, because of 
0085:            // forwarding command actions
0087:            /**
0088:             * Anchor point constants.
0089:             */
0090:            public static final int TOP_LEFT = 0, TOP = 1, TOP_RIGHT = 2,
0091:                    LEFT = 3, CENTER = 4, RIGHT = 5, BOTTOM_LEFT = 6,
0092:                    BOTTOM = 7, BOTTOM_RIGHT = 8;
0094:            /**
0095:             * Animator is stopped (i.e. when started again, the animation
0096:             * will start from the beginning) 
0097:             */
0098:            public static final int STOPPED = 0;
0100:            /**
0101:             * Animator is paused (i.e. when started again, the animation will 
0102:             * continue from the paused state)
0103:             */
0104:            public static final int PAUSED = 1;
0106:            /**
0107:             * Animator is running animation
0108:             */
0109:            public static final int PLAYING = 2;
0111:            // svg image to be animated
0112:            private final SVGImage svgImage;
0113:            // the actual canvas created by the animator
0114:            private final Canvas animatorCanvas;
0115:            // SVG animator
0116:            private final SVGAnimator animator;
0117:            // display
0118:            private final Display display;
0120:            // command listener used for forwarding actions
0121:            private CommandListener commandListener;
0122:            // user's SVGEventListener 
0123:            private SVGEventListener userSvgEventListener;
0124:            // a user's SVGEventListener to be called in the update thread.
0125:            private SVGEventListener safeSvgEventListener;
0127:            // boolean property for starting animation automatically
0128:            private boolean startAnimation;
0129:            // boolean property determing whether animation should be reset when stopped
0130:            // (e.g. when the displayable with animation is dismissed)
0131:            private boolean resetAnimationWhenStopped;
0132:            // property hodling animator state
0133:            private int animatorState = STOPPED;
0134:            // flag determining whether animation needs reset before startinh again (used with compo
0135:            private boolean animationNeedsReset;
0137:            // current document update thread, if null, there is no update thread
0138:            private Thread documentUpdateThread;
0140:            // The associated document instance.
0141:            private final Document doc;
0143:            // The associated root svg element
0144:            private final SVGSVGElement svg;
0146:            // reset the animation runnable
0147:            private Runnable resetAnimationRunnable = new Runnable() {
0148:                public void run() {
0149:                    SVGSVGElement svg = (SVGSVGElement) getSVGImage()
0150:                            .getDocument().getDocumentElement();
0151:                    svg.setCurrentTime(0f);
0152:                }
0153:            };
0155:            /** 
0156:             * Creates a new instance of SvgAnimatorHelper. It requires SVGImage to be animated
0157:             * and display.
0158:             *
0159:             * <p/> Please note, supplied SVGImage shouldn't be reused in other SVGAnimator.
0160:             */
0161:            public SVGPlayer(SVGImage svgImage, Display display)
0162:                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
0163:                if (svgImage == null) {
0164:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0165:                            "svgImage parameter cannot be null");
0166:                }
0167:                if (display == null) {
0168:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0169:                            "display parameter cannot be null");
0170:                }
0171:                this .animatorState = STOPPED;
0172:                this .svgImage = svgImage;
0173:                this .display = display;
0174:                this .animator = SVGAnimator.createAnimator(svgImage);
0175:                this .animatorCanvas = (Canvas) animator.getTargetComponent();
0176:                // this sets the size of the image,but we should be somehow able 
0177:                // to track sizeChanged event !!! - this is not possible so far !!!!
0178:                this .svgImage.setViewportWidth(this .animatorCanvas.getWidth());
0179:                this .svgImage
0180:                        .setViewportHeight(this .animatorCanvas.getHeight());
0181:                // sets the command listener to be this component
0182:                this .animatorCanvas.setCommandListener(this );
0183:                // set the svg listener
0184:                this .animator
0185:                        .setSVGEventListener(new WrapperSvgEventListener());
0186:                this .setStartAnimationImmediately(true);
0187:                this .setResetAnimationWhenStopped(true);
0189:                // get document and root svg element
0190:                this .doc = svgImage.getDocument();
0191:                this .svg = (SVGSVGElement) doc.getDocumentElement();
0192:            }
0194:            /**
0195:             * Gets Canvas which was created by the SVGAnimator
0196:             */
0197:            public Canvas getSvgCanvas() {
0198:                return animatorCanvas;
0199:            }
0201:            /**
0202:             * Gets user's SVGEventListener
0203:             * @return an instance of the user's SVGEventListener or null if there was no user SVGEvenetListener set.
0204:             */
0205:            public SVGEventListener getSVGEventListener() {
0206:                return userSvgEventListener;
0207:            }
0209:            /**
0210:             * Sets a user's SVGEventListener to the SVGAnimator
0211:             * @param svgEventListener user SVGEventListener or null if no listener should be set
0212:             */
0213:            public void setSVGEventListener(SVGEventListener svgEventListener) {
0214:                this .userSvgEventListener = svgEventListener;
0215:            }
0217:            /**
0218:             * Gets user's "Safe" SVGEventListener which is being called in the 
0219:             * document update thread.
0220:             * @return an instance of the user's SVGEventListener being called in the document update thread, 
0221:             * or null if there was no user SVGEvenetListener set.
0222:             */
0223:            public SVGEventListener getSafeSVGEventListener() {
0224:                return userSvgEventListener;
0225:            }
0227:            /**
0228:             * Sets a user's SVGEventListener to be called in the document update
0229:             * thread.
0230:             * @param safeSvgEventListener user SVGEventListener or null if no listener should be set
0231:             */
0232:            public void setSafeSVGEventListener(
0233:                    SVGEventListener safeSvgEventListener) {
0234:                this .safeSvgEventListener = safeSvgEventListener;
0235:            }
0237:            /**
0238:             * Sets time increment for the animation. Proxy call for
0239:             * SVGAnimator.setTimeIncrement()
0240:             * @param timeIncrement the minimal time that should ellapse between frame rendering. In seconds. Should be greater than zero. 
0241:             * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if timeIncrement is less than or equal to zero.
0242:             */
0243:            public void setTimeIncrement(float timeIncrement) {
0244:                animator.setTimeIncrement(timeIncrement);
0245:            }
0247:            /**
0248:             * Gets time increment of the animation. Proxy call of SVGAnimator.getTimeIncrement().
0249:             * @return time increment in seconds. 
0250:             */
0251:            public float getTimeIncrement() {
0252:                return animator.getTimeIncrement();
0253:            }
0255:            /**
0256:             * Pauses the animation. Proxy call for SVGAnimator.pause()
0257:             */
0258:            public synchronized void pause() {
0259:                getAnimator().pause();
0260:                animatorState = PAUSED;
0261:            }
0263:            /**
0264:             * Stops the animation. Proxy call for SVGAnimator.stop()
0265:             */
0266:            public synchronized void stop() {
0267:                getAnimator().stop();
0268:                documentUpdateThread = null;
0269:                animatorState = STOPPED;
0270:            }
0272:            /**
0273:             * Starts the animation. Proxy call for
0274:             */
0275:            public synchronized void play() {
0276:                getAnimator().play();
0277:                // get current document update thread
0278:                try {
0279:                    getAnimator().invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
0280:                        public void run() {
0281:                            documentUpdateThread = Thread.currentThread();
0282:                        }
0283:                    });
0284:                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
0285:                    // this should not happen
0286:                }
0287:                animatorState = PLAYING;
0288:            }
0290:            /**
0291:             * reset the animation, so it starts again from the beginning. Can be used in 
0292:             * either when stopped/paused or playing state.
0293:             */
0294:            public void reset() {
0295:                if (animatorState == STOPPED) {
0296:          ;
0297:                } else {
0298:                    // if playing or paused the reset needs tobe running in update thread
0299:                    animator.invokeLater(resetAnimationRunnable);
0300:                }
0301:            }
0303:            /**
0304:             * Returns state of the animation
0305:             * @return STOPPED for stopped state, PAUSED for paused state and PLAYING when
0306:             * the animation is running.
0307:             */
0308:            public synchronized int getAnimatorState() {
0309:                return animatorState;
0310:            }
0312:            /**
0313:             * Proxy call for SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait() method.
0314:             * @param runnable Runnable to be passed to SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait(runnable) method.
0315:             * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException 
0316:             */
0317:            public void invokeAndWait(Runnable runnable)
0318:                    throws InterruptedException {
0319:                getAnimator().invokeAndWait(runnable);
0320:            }
0322:            /**
0323:             * Proxy call for SVGAnimator.invokeLater() method.
0324:             * @param runnable Runnable to be passed to SVGAnimator.invokeLater(runnable) method.
0325:             */
0326:            public void invokeLater(Runnable runnable) {
0327:                getAnimator().invokeLater(runnable);
0328:            }
0330:            /**
0331:             * Gets title from the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0332:             * @return title string
0333:             */
0334:            public String getTitle() {
0335:                return (animatorCanvas != null) ? animatorCanvas.getTitle()
0336:                        : null;
0337:            }
0339:            /**
0340:             * Sets title to the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0341:             * @param s title String
0342:             */
0343:            public void setTitle(String s) {
0344:                animatorCanvas.setTitle(s);
0345:            }
0347:            /**
0348:             * Adds command to the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0349:             */
0350:            public void addCommand(Command cmd) {
0351:                animatorCanvas.addCommand(cmd);
0352:            }
0354:            /**
0355:             * Removes command from the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0356:             */
0357:            public void removeCommand(Command cmd) {
0358:                animatorCanvas.removeCommand(cmd);
0359:            }
0361:            /** 
0362:             * Gets ticker from the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0363:             */
0364:            public Ticker getTicker() {
0365:                return (animatorCanvas != null) ? animatorCanvas.getTicker()
0366:                        : null;
0367:            }
0369:            /**
0370:             * Sets ticker to the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0371:             */
0372:            public void setTicker(Ticker ticker) {
0373:                animatorCanvas.setTicker(ticker);
0374:            }
0376:            /**
0377:             * sets fullscreen mode the animation canvas (not <i>this</i> canvas)
0378:             */
0379:            public void setFullScreenMode(boolean mode) {
0380:                animatorCanvas.setFullScreenMode(mode);
0381:                // need to change also the size of the image !!!
0382:                // this is now done in wrapperSvgEventListener
0383:                // the listener in this case does not work - perhaps a bug ????
0384:                this .svgImage.setViewportWidth(this .animatorCanvas.getWidth());
0385:                this .svgImage
0386:                        .setViewportHeight(this .animatorCanvas.getHeight());
0387:            }
0389:            /**
0390:             * When set to true, the animation starts immediatelly when 
0391:             * the canvas with animation displayed on the screen
0392:             */
0393:            public void setStartAnimationImmediately(boolean startAnimation) {
0394:                this .startAnimation = startAnimation;
0395:            }
0397:            /**
0398:             * Should be animation reset whhen stopped
0399:             **/
0400:            public boolean isResetAnimationWhenStopped() {
0401:                return resetAnimationWhenStopped;
0402:            }
0404:            /**
0405:             * Sets 
0406:             */
0407:            public void setResetAnimationWhenStopped(boolean reset) {
0408:                this .resetAnimationWhenStopped = reset;
0409:            }
0411:            /**
0412:             * Gets command listener assigned to this displayable. Can be
0413:             * used by children classes
0414:             */
0415:            protected final CommandListener getCommandListener() {
0416:                return this .commandListener;
0417:            }
0419:            /**
0420:             * Sets command listener to this displayable
0421:             */
0422:            public void setCommandListener(CommandListener commandListener) {
0423:                //super.setCommandListener(this);
0424:                this .commandListener = commandListener;
0425:            }
0427:            /**
0428:             * Gets Display
0429:             **/
0430:            protected Display getDisplay() {
0431:                return display;
0432:            }
0434:            /**
0435:             * Gets SVGAnimator created in this player. Please use wisely :-)
0436:             **/
0437:            protected SVGAnimator getAnimator() {
0438:                return animator;
0439:            }
0441:            /**
0442:             * Gets SVGImage used to create this SVGPlayer.
0443:             *
0444:             * @return SVGImage used to create this object
0445:             */
0446:            public final SVGImage getSVGImage() {
0447:                return svgImage;
0448:            }
0450:            /**
0451:             * Gets SVGElement from the SVGImage used for this SVGPlayer.
0452:             * 
0453:             * @param id an id of the svg element to be obtained
0454:             * @return SVGElement corresponding to the given id, or null if there is
0455:             * no such element or the element is not of SVGElement instance
0456:             *
0457:             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied id is null
0458:             */
0459:            public SVGElement getSVGElementById(String id)
0460:                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
0461:                if (id == null) {
0462:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0463:                            "id parameter cannot be null");
0464:                }
0465:                Element element = doc.getElementById(id);
0466:                if (element instanceof  SVGElement) {
0467:                    return (SVGElement) element;
0468:                } else {
0469:                    return null;
0470:                }
0471:            }
0473:            /**
0474:             * Gets SVGLocatableElement from the SVGImage used for this SVGPlayer.
0475:             * 
0476:             * @param id an id of the svg element to be obtained
0477:             * @return SVGLocatableElement corresponding to the given id, or null if there is
0478:             * no such element or the element is not of SVGLocatableElement instance
0479:             *
0480:             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied id is null
0481:             */
0482:            public SVGLocatableElement getSVGLocatableElementById(String id)
0483:                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
0484:                if (id == null) {
0485:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0486:                            "id parameter cannot be null");
0487:                }
0488:                Element element = doc.getElementById(id);
0489:                if (element instanceof  SVGLocatableElement) {
0490:                    return (SVGLocatableElement) element;
0491:                } else {
0492:                    return null;
0493:                }
0494:            }
0496:            /**
0497:             * Gets SVGAnimationElement from the SVGImage used for this SVGPlayer.
0498:             * 
0499:             * @param id an id of the animation element to be obtained
0500:             * @return SVGAnimationElement corresponding to the given id, or null if there is
0501:             * no such element or the element is not of SVGAnimationElement instance
0502:             *
0503:             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied id is null
0504:             */
0505:            public SVGAnimationElement getSVGAnimationElementById(String id)
0506:                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
0507:                if (id == null) {
0508:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0509:                            "id parameter cannot be null");
0510:                }
0511:                Element element = doc.getElementById(id);
0512:                if (element instanceof  SVGAnimationElement) {
0513:                    return (SVGAnimationElement) element;
0514:                } else {
0515:                    return null;
0516:                }
0517:            }
0519:            // checks whether the the current thread is a document update thread
0520:            private boolean isRunningInUpdateThread() {
0521:                return (Thread.currentThread() == documentUpdateThread);
0522:            }
0524:            /**
0525:             * Schedule the input Runnable for execution in the update thread\
0526:             * at a later time. In the case the animator is in stopped mode, the method 
0527:             * invokes the runnable in a separate thread.
0528:             *
0529:             * @param runnable a runnable scheduled for invokation in update thread
0530:             */
0531:            public synchronized void invokeLaterSafely(Runnable runnable) {
0532:                if (runnable != null) {
0533:                    if (getAnimatorState() == STOPPED) {
0534:                        new Thread(runnable).start();
0535:                    } else {
0536:                        getAnimator().invokeLater(runnable);
0537:                    }
0538:                }
0539:            }
0541:            /**
0542:             * Invokes the input Runnable in the document update thread and returns after 
0543:             * the Runnable has completed. In the case SVGAnimator is in stopped mode or
0544:             * if the method is being called directly from the document update thread,
0545:             * the method invokes run() method on runnable directly.
0546:             *
0547:             * @param runnable a runnable scheduled for invokation in update thread
0548:             */
0549:            public synchronized void invokeAndWaitSafely(Runnable runnable) {
0550:                if (runnable != null) {
0551:                    // if the method is already running in an update thread or animator is
0552:                    // stopped, the runnable is run direclty, otherwise it is run using
0553:                    // SVGAnimator.ivokeAndWait() method
0554:                    if (isRunningInUpdateThread()
0555:                            || (getAnimatorState() == STOPPED)) {
0556:              ;
0557:                    } else {
0558:                        try {
0559:                            getAnimator().invokeAndWait(runnable);
0560:                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
0561:                            // ignore the interrupted exception
0562:                        }
0563:                    }
0564:                }
0565:            }
0567:            // setting and manipulation utility methods
0569:            /**
0570:             * Sets the desired trait on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0571:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0572:             * not performed.
0573:             * <p>
0574:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0575:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0576:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0577:             *
0578:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0579:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "display"
0580:             * @param traitValue the value of the trait to set, e.g., "none"
0581:             */
0582:            public void setTraitSafely(final String id, final String traitName,
0583:                    final String traitValue) {
0584:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0585:                    public void run() {
0586:                        setTrait(id, traitName, traitValue);
0587:                    }
0588:                });
0589:            }
0591:            /**
0592:             * Sets the desired trait on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0593:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0594:             * not performed.
0595:             * <p><em>Note:</em>This method needs to be called from the document update thread.</p>
0596:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0597:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "display"
0598:             * @param traitValue the value of the trait to set, e.g., "none"
0599:             */
0600:            public void setTrait(final String id, final String traitName,
0601:                    final String traitValue) {
0602:                SVGElement elt = getSVGElementById(id);
0603:                if (elt != null) {
0604:                    elt.setTrait(traitName, traitValue);
0605:                }
0606:            }
0608:            /**
0609:             * Sets the desired trait on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0610:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0611:             * not performed.
0612:             *
0613:             * <p>
0614:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0615:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0616:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0617:             *
0618:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0619:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "display"
0620:             * @param traitValue the value of the trait to set, e.g., "none"
0621:             */
0622:            public void setFloatTraitSafely(final String id,
0623:                    final String traitName, final float traitValue) {
0624:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0625:                    public void run() {
0626:                        setFloatTrait(id, traitName, traitValue);
0627:                    }
0628:                });
0629:            }
0631:            /**
0632:             * Sets the desired trait on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0633:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0634:             * not performed.
0635:             *
0636:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0637:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "display"
0638:             * @param traitValue the value of the trait to set, e.g., "none"
0639:             */
0640:            public void setFloatTrait(final String id, final String traitName,
0641:                    final float traitValue) {
0642:                SVGElement elt = getSVGElementById(id);
0644:                if (elt != null) {
0645:                    elt.setFloatTrait(traitName, traitValue);
0646:                }
0647:            }
0649:            /**
0650:             * Sets the desired RGB value on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0651:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0652:             * not performed.
0653:             *
0654:             * <p>
0655:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0656:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0657:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0658:             *
0659:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0660:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "stroke" or "fill"
0661:             * @param rgb the color value as an int in the following format 0xXXRRGGBB.
0662:             *        The high order byte is ignored. For example, 0xFFFF0000 specifies
0663:             *        red.
0664:             */
0665:            public void setRGBTraitSafely(final String id,
0666:                    final String traitName, final int rgb) {
0667:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0668:                    public void run() {
0669:                        setRGBTrait(id, traitName, rgb);
0670:                    }
0671:                });
0672:            }
0674:            /**
0675:             * Sets the desired RGB value on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0676:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0677:             * not performed.
0678:             *
0679:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0680:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "stroke" or "fill"
0681:             * @param rgb the color value as an int in the following format 0xXXRRGGBB.
0682:             *        The high order byte is ignored. For example, 0xFFFF0000 specifies
0683:             *        red.
0684:             */
0685:            public void setRGBTrait(final String id, final String traitName,
0686:                    final int rgb) {
0687:                SVGElement elt = getSVGElementById(id);
0689:                if (elt != null) {
0690:                    int r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
0691:                    int g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
0692:                    int b = (rgb) & 0xFF;
0694:                    SVGRGBColor svgRGB = svg.createSVGRGBColor(r, g, b);
0695:                    elt.setRGBColorTrait(traitName, svgRGB);
0696:                }
0697:            }
0699:            /**
0700:             * Sets the desired RGB value on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0701:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0702:             * not performed.
0703:             *
0704:             * <p>
0705:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0706:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0707:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0708:             *
0709:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0710:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "fill"
0711:             * @param r the desired red component value, in the 0-255 interval
0712:             * @param g the desired green component value, in the 0-255 interval
0713:             * @param b the desired blue component value, in the 0-255 interval
0714:             */
0715:            public void setRGBTraitSafely(final String id,
0716:                    final String traitName, final int r, final int g,
0717:                    final int b) {
0718:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0719:                    public void run() {
0720:                        setRGBTrait(id, traitName, r, g, b);
0721:                    }
0722:                });
0723:            }
0725:            /**
0726:             * Sets the desired RGB value on the element with the specified identifier. If the
0727:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0728:             * not performed.
0729:             *
0730:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0731:             * @param traitName the name of the trait to change, e.g, "fill"
0732:             * @param r the desired red component value, in the 0-255 interval
0733:             * @param g the desired green component value, in the 0-255 interval
0734:             * @param b the desired blue component value, in the 0-255 interval
0735:             */
0736:            public void setRGBTrait(final String id, final String traitName,
0737:                    final int r, final int g, final int b) {
0738:                SVGElement elt = getSVGElementById(id);
0740:                if (elt != null) {
0741:                    SVGRGBColor rgb = svg.createSVGRGBColor(r, g, b);
0742:                    elt.setRGBColorTrait(traitName, rgb);
0743:                }
0744:            }
0746:            /**
0747:             * Translates the element with the specified id by the given amount, in
0748:             * user space. If the
0749:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0750:             * not performed.
0751:             *
0752:             * <p>
0753:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0754:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0755:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0756:             *
0757:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0758:             * @param tx the desired translation along the x-axis
0759:             * @param ty the desired translation along the y-axis
0760:             */
0761:            public void translateSafely(final String id, final float tx,
0762:                    final float ty) {
0763:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0764:                    public void run() {
0765:                        translate(id, tx, ty);
0766:                    }
0767:                });
0768:            }
0770:            /**
0771:             * Translates the element with the specified id by the given amount, in
0772:             * user space. If the
0773:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0774:             * not performed.
0775:             *
0776:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0777:             * @param tx the desired translation along the x-axis
0778:             * @param ty the desired translation along the y-axis
0779:             */
0780:            public void translate(final String id, final float tx,
0781:                    final float ty) {
0782:                translate(getSVGElementById(id), tx, ty);
0783:            }
0785:            /**
0786:             * Translates the element with the specified id by the given amount, in
0787:             * user space.
0788:             *
0789:             * @param svgElement the element whose trait value should be changed. If null,
0790:             * the operation is not performed.
0791:             * @param tx the desired translation along the x-axis
0792:             * @param ty the desired translation along the y-axis
0793:             */
0794:            public void translate(final SVGElement svgElement, final float tx,
0795:                    final float ty) {
0796:                if (svgElement != null) {
0797:                    SVGMatrix txf = svgElement.getMatrixTrait("transform");
0798:                    if (txf == null) {
0799:                        txf = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
0800:                    }
0801:                    txf.mTranslate(tx, ty);
0802:                    svgElement.setMatrixTrait("transform", txf);
0803:                }
0804:            }
0806:            /**
0807:             * Translates the element with the specified id by the given amount, in
0808:             * the screen coordinate space. If the
0809:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGLocatableElement, the operation is
0810:             * not performed.
0811:             *
0812:             * <p>
0813:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0814:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0815:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0816:             *
0817:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0818:             * @param tx the desired translation along the x-axis
0819:             * @param ty the desired translation along the y-axis
0820:             */
0821:            public void screenTranslateSafely(final String id, final float tx,
0822:                    final float ty) {
0823:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0824:                    public void run() {
0825:                        screenTranslate(id, tx, ty);
0826:                    }
0827:                });
0828:            }
0830:            /**
0831:             * Translates the element with the specified id by the given amount, in
0832:             * the screen coordinate space.  If the
0833:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGLocatableElement, the operation is
0834:             * not performed.
0835:             *
0836:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0837:             * @param tx the desired translation along the x-axis
0838:             * @param ty the desired translation along the y-axis
0839:             */
0840:            public void screenTranslate(final String id, final float tx,
0841:                    final float ty) {
0842:                screenTranslate(getSVGLocatableElementById(id), tx, ty);
0843:            }
0845:            /**
0846:             * Translates the element with the specified id by the given amount, in
0847:             * the screen coordinate space.
0848:             *
0849:             * @param svgLocatableElement the element whose trait value should be changed. 
0850:             * If null, the operation is not performed.
0851:             * @param tx the desired translation along the x-axis
0852:             * @param ty the desired translation along the y-axis
0853:             */
0854:            public void screenTranslate(
0855:                    final SVGLocatableElement svgLocatableElement,
0856:                    final float tx, final float ty) {
0857:                if (svgLocatableElement != null) {
0858:                    SVGMatrix txf = svgLocatableElement
0859:                            .getMatrixTrait("transform");
0860:                    if (txf == null) {
0861:                        txf = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
0862:                    }
0864:                    // user space -> screen
0865:                    SVGMatrix screenTxf = svgLocatableElement.getScreenCTM();
0867:                    // screen -> user space
0868:                    SVGMatrix screenTxfInv = screenTxf.inverse();
0870:                    txf = txf.mMultiply(screenTxfInv);
0872:                    // Now, txf brings us to the screen coordinate system.
0873:                    // We concatenate the tranlation in that space.
0874:                    txf.mTranslate(tx, ty);
0876:                    // Now, concatenate the transform back to the user space.
0877:                    txf.mMultiply(screenTxf);
0879:                    svgLocatableElement.setMatrixTrait("transform", txf);
0880:                }
0881:            }
0883:            /**
0884:             * Returns the screen bounding box for the desired element.
0885:             *
0886:             * @param id the id of the element whose bounding box is retrieved. 
0887:             * @return found screen bounding box or null if the the element with given
0888:             * was not found or does not correspond to an instance SVGLocatableElement.
0889:             */
0890:            public SVGRect getScreenBBox(final String id) {
0891:                SVGLocatableElement elt = getSVGLocatableElementById(id);
0892:                if (elt != null) {
0893:                    return elt.getScreenBBox();
0894:                }
0895:                return null;
0896:            }
0898:            /**
0899:             * Scales the element with the specified id by the given factor along the
0900:             * x and y axis. If the
0901:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0902:             * not performed.
0903:             *
0904:             * <p>
0905:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0906:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0907:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0908:             *
0909:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0910:             * @param sx the desired scale factor along the x-axis
0911:             * @param sy the desired scale factor along the y-axis
0912:             */
0913:            public void scaleSafely(final String id, final float sx,
0914:                    final float sy) {
0915:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0916:                    public void run() {
0917:                        scale(id, sx, sy);
0918:                    }
0919:                });
0920:            }
0922:            /**
0923:             * Scales the element with the specified id by the given factor along the
0924:             * x and y axis. If the
0925:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
0926:             * not performed.
0927:             *
0928:             *
0929:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0930:             * @param sx the desired scale factor along the x-axis
0931:             * @param sy the desired scale factor along the y-axis
0932:             */
0933:            public void scale(final String id, final float sx, final float sy) {
0934:                scale(getSVGElementById(id), sx, sy);
0935:            }
0937:            /**
0938:             * Scales the element with the specified id by the given factor along the
0939:             * x and y axis. 
0940:             *
0941:             * @param svgElement element whose trait value should be changed. If null, the
0942:             * operation is not performed.
0943:             * @param sx the desired scale factor along the x-axis
0944:             * @param sy the desired scale factor along the y-axis
0945:             */
0946:            public void scale(final SVGElement svgElement, final float sx,
0947:                    final float sy) {
0948:                if (svgElement != null) {
0949:                    SVGMatrix txf = svgElement.getMatrixTrait("transform");
0950:                    if (txf == null) {
0951:                        txf = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
0952:                    }
0954:                    SVGMatrix scale = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(sx, 0, 0,
0955:                            sy, 0, 0);
0956:                    txf.mMultiply(scale);
0957:                    svgElement.setMatrixTrait("transform", txf);
0958:                }
0959:            }
0961:            /**
0962:             * Scales the element with the given id about the desired anchor point.
0963:             * If the
0964:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGLocatableElement, the operation is
0965:             * not performed.
0966:             * <p>
0967:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
0968:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
0969:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
0970:             *
0971:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0972:             * @param sx the desired scale factor along the x-axis
0973:             * @param sy the desired scale factor along the y-axis
0974:             * @param anchor one of TOP_LEFT, TOP, TOP_RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT,
0975:             *        BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
0976:             */
0977:            public void scaleAboutSafely(final String id, final float sx,
0978:                    final float sy, final int anchor) {
0979:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
0980:                    public void run() {
0981:                        scaleAbout(id, sx, sy, anchor);
0982:                    }
0983:                });
0984:            }
0986:            /**
0987:             * Scales the element with the given id about the desired anchor point.
0988:             * If the
0989:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGLocatableElement, the operation is
0990:             * not performed.
0991:             *
0992:             * @param id the id of the element whose trait value should be changed.
0993:             * @param sx the desired scale factor along the x-axis
0994:             * @param sy the desired scale factor along the y-axis
0995:             * @param anchor one of TOP_LEFT, TOP, TOP_RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT,
0996:             *        BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
0997:             */
0998:            public void scaleAbout(final String id, final float sx,
0999:                    final float sy, final int anchor) {
1000:                scaleAbout(getSVGLocatableElementById(id), sx, sy, anchor);
1001:            }
1003:            /**
1004:             * Scales the element with the given id about the desired anchor point.
1005:             *
1006:             * @param svgLocatableElement element whose trait value should be changed. If null
1007:             * the operation is not performed.
1008:             * @param sx the desired scale factor along the x-axis
1009:             * @param sy the desired scale factor along the y-axis
1010:             * @param anchor one of TOP_LEFT, TOP, TOP_RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT,
1011:             *        BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
1012:             */
1013:            public void scaleAbout(
1014:                    final SVGLocatableElement svgLocatableElement,
1015:                    final float sx, final float sy, final int anchor) {
1017:                if (svgLocatableElement != null) {
1018:                    SVGMatrix txf = svgLocatableElement
1019:                            .getMatrixTrait("transform");
1020:                    if (txf == null) {
1021:                        txf = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
1022:                    }
1024:                    // Get the element's bounding box to compute the anchor
1025:                    // point translation.
1026:                    SVGRect bbox = svgLocatableElement.getBBox();
1027:                    float[] translate = computeAnchorTranslate(bbox, anchor);
1029:                    SVGMatrix scale = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(sx, 0, 0,
1030:                            sy, 0, 0);
1031:                    txf.mTranslate(-translate[0], -translate[1]);
1032:                    txf.mMultiply(scale);
1033:                    txf.mTranslate(translate[0], translate[1]);
1034:                    svgLocatableElement.setMatrixTrait("transform", txf);
1035:                }
1036:            }
1038:            /**
1039:             * Rotates the element with the given id by the given angle.
1040:             *
1041:             * If the
1042:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
1043:             * not performed.
1044:             *
1045:             * <p>
1046:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
1047:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
1048:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
1049:             *
1050:             * @param id the id of the element which should be rotated.
1051:             * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees
1052:             */
1053:            public void rotateSafely(final String id, final float angle) {
1054:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1055:                    public void run() {
1056:                        rotate(id, angle);
1057:                    }
1058:                });
1059:            }
1061:            /**
1062:             * Rotates the element with the given id by the given angle.
1063:             *
1064:             * If the
1065:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGElement, the operation is
1066:             * not performed.
1067:             *
1068:             * @param id the id of the element which should be rotated.
1069:             * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees
1070:             */
1071:            public void rotate(final String id, final float angle) {
1072:                rotate(getSVGElementById(id), angle);
1073:            }
1075:            /**
1076:             * Rotates the element with the given id by the given angle.
1077:             *
1078:             * @param svgElement the element which should be rotated. If null, the 
1079:             * operation is not performed.
1080:             * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees
1081:             */
1082:            public void rotate(final SVGElement svgElement, final float angle) {
1083:                if (svgElement != null) {
1084:                    SVGMatrix txf = svgElement.getMatrixTrait("transform");
1085:                    if (txf == null) {
1086:                        txf = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
1087:                    }
1089:                    txf.mRotate(angle);
1090:                    svgElement.setMatrixTrait("transform", txf);
1091:                }
1092:            }
1094:            /**
1095:             * Rotates the element with the given id by the given angle about
1096:             * the desired anchor point.
1097:             * 
1098:             * If the
1099:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGLocatableElement, the operation is
1100:             * not performed.
1101:             *
1102:             * <p>
1103:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
1104:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
1105:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
1106:             *
1107:             *
1108:             * @param id the id of the element which should be rotated.
1109:             * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees
1110:             * @param anchor the reference point about which to rotate the element.
1111:             */
1112:            public void rotateAboutSafely(final String id, final float angle,
1113:                    final int anchor) {
1114:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1115:                    public void run() {
1116:                        rotateAbout(id, angle, anchor);
1117:                    }
1118:                });
1119:            }
1121:            /**
1122:             * Rotates the element with the given id by the given angle about
1123:             * the desired anchor point.
1124:             * 
1125:             * If the
1126:             * element with given ID is not an instance of SVGLocatableElement, the operation is
1127:             * not performed.
1128:             *
1129:             * @param id the id of the element which should be rotated.
1130:             * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees
1131:             * @param anchor the reference point about which to rotate the element.
1132:             */
1133:            public void rotateAbout(final String id, final float angle,
1134:                    final int anchor) {
1135:                rotateAbout(getSVGLocatableElementById(id), angle, anchor);
1136:            }
1138:            /**
1139:             * Rotates the element with the given id by the given angle about
1140:             * the desired anchor point.
1141:             *
1142:             * @param svgLocatableElement the element which should be rotated. If null the
1143:             * operation is not performed.
1144:             * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees
1145:             * @param anchor the reference point about which to rotate the element.
1146:             */
1147:            public void rotateAbout(
1148:                    final SVGLocatableElement svgLocatableElement,
1149:                    final float angle, final int anchor) {
1151:                if (svgLocatableElement != null) {
1152:                    SVGMatrix txf = svgLocatableElement
1153:                            .getMatrixTrait("transform");
1154:                    if (txf == null) {
1155:                        txf = svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
1156:                    }
1158:                    // Get the element's bounding box to compute the anchor
1159:                    // point translation.
1160:                    SVGRect bbox = svgLocatableElement.getBBox();
1161:                    float[] translate = computeAnchorTranslate(bbox, anchor);
1163:                    txf.mTranslate(-translate[0], -translate[1]);
1164:                    txf.mRotate(angle);
1165:                    txf.mTranslate(translate[0], translate[1]);
1167:                    svgLocatableElement.setMatrixTrait("transform", txf);
1168:                }
1169:            }
1171:            /**
1172:             * Computes the translation needed to center the given rectangle about the
1173:             * desired anchor position.
1174:             *
1175:             * @param bbox the object's bounding box, used to compute the translation.
1176:             * @param anchor the desired anchor position for the translation. For example,
1177:             * if anchor is "BOTTOM_RIGHT", the returned translation will move the
1178:             * bottom right of the bounding box to the coordinate system's origin.
1179:             *
1180:             * @return the translation. A float array of size two, with the x-axis translation
1181:             * at index 0 and the y-axis translation at index 1.
1182:             */
1183:            protected float[] computeAnchorTranslate(SVGRect bbox, int anchor) {
1184:                float[] translate = { 0, 0 };
1185:                switch (anchor) {
1186:                case TOP_LEFT:
1187:                case LEFT:
1188:                case BOTTOM_LEFT:
1189:                    translate[0] = -bbox.getX();
1190:                    break;
1191:                case TOP:
1192:                case CENTER:
1193:                case BOTTOM:
1194:                    translate[0] = -bbox.getX() - bbox.getWidth() / 2;
1195:                    break;
1196:                case TOP_RIGHT:
1197:                case RIGHT:
1198:                case BOTTOM_RIGHT:
1199:                default:
1200:                    translate[0] = -bbox.getX() - bbox.getWidth();
1201:                    break;
1202:                }
1204:                switch (anchor) {
1205:                case TOP_LEFT:
1206:                case TOP:
1207:                case TOP_RIGHT:
1208:                    translate[1] = -bbox.getY();
1209:                    break;
1210:                case LEFT:
1211:                case CENTER:
1212:                case RIGHT:
1213:                    translate[1] = -bbox.getY() - bbox.getHeight() / 2;
1214:                    break;
1215:                case BOTTOM_LEFT:
1216:                case BOTTOM:
1217:                case BOTTOM_RIGHT:
1218:                default:
1219:                    translate[1] = -bbox.getY() - bbox.getHeight();
1220:                    break;
1221:                }
1223:                return translate;
1224:            }
1226:            /// animation utility methods
1228:            /**
1229:             * Starts immediately animation on the given animation element. If the given
1230:             * id does not correspond to a valid animation element, the operation is
1231:             * not performed.
1232:             *
1233:             * <p>
1234:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
1235:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
1236:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
1237:             *
1238:             * @param elementId id of the animation element on which the animation should be started
1239:             *
1240:             */
1241:            public void startAnimationSafely(final String elementId) {
1242:                invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1243:                    public void run() {
1244:                        startAnimation(elementId);
1245:                    }
1246:                });
1247:            }
1249:            /**
1250:             * Starts immediately animation on the given animation element. If the given
1251:             * id does not correspond to a valid animation element, the operation is
1252:             * not performed.
1253:             *
1254:             * @param elementId id of the animation element on which the animation should be started
1255:             *
1256:             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the elementID does not correspond to a valid SVGAnimationElement
1257:             */
1258:            public void startAnimation(String elementId) {
1259:                startAnimation(elementId, 0f);
1260:            }
1262:            /**
1263:             * Starts immediately animation on the given animation element. If the given
1264:             * id does not correspond to a valid animation element, the operation is
1265:             * not performed.
1266:             *
1267:             * @param elementId id of the animation element on which the animation should be started
1268:             * @param delay offset in seconds at which the animation should be started
1269:             *
1270:             */
1271:            public void startAnimation(String elementId, float delay) {
1272:                SVGAnimationElement animationElement = getSVGAnimationElementById(elementId);
1273:                if (animationElement != null) {
1274:                    animationElement.beginElementAt(delay);
1275:                }
1276:            }
1278:            /**
1279:             * Stops animation on the given animation element. If the given
1280:             * id does not correspond to a valid animation element, the operation is
1281:             * not performed.
1282:             * 
1283:             * <p>
1284:             * This method uses "safe" approach - i.e. when it runs in document
1285:             * update thread it runs directly in the thread, otherwise it is
1286:             * scheduled using SVGAnimator.invokeAndWait method.
1287:             *
1288:             * @param elementId id of the animation element on which the animation should be stopped
1289:             */
1290:            public void stopAnimationSafely(final String elementId) {
1291:                invokeLaterSafely(new Runnable() {
1292:                    public void run() {
1293:                        stopAnimationSafely(elementId);
1294:                    }
1295:                });
1296:            }
1298:            /**
1299:             * Stops animation on the given animation element. If the given
1300:             * id does not correspond to a valid animation element, the operation is
1301:             * not performed.
1302:             *
1303:             * @param elementId id of the animation element on which the animation should be stopped
1305:             */
1306:            public void stopAnimation(String elementId) {
1307:                stopAnimation(elementId, 0f);
1308:            }
1310:            /**
1311:             * Stops animation on the given animation element, with given delay. 
1312:             * Stops animation on the given animation element. If the given
1313:             * id does not correspond to a valid animation element, the operation is
1314:             * not performed.
1315:             *
1316:             * @param elementId id of the animation element on which the animation should be stopped
1317:             * @param delay offset in seconds at which the animation should be stopped
1318:             *
1319:             */
1320:            public void stopAnimation(String elementId, float delay) {
1321:                SVGAnimationElement animationElement = getSVGAnimationElementById(elementId);
1322:                if (animationElement != null) {
1323:                    animationElement.endElementAt(delay);
1324:                }
1325:            }
1327:            /**
1328:             * Dummy paint method - does nothing, because all the rendering is done
1329:             * by the canvas obtained from SVGAnimator
1330:             */
1331:            protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
1332:                // dummy - should never be called
1333:            }
1335:            /*
1336:            protected void showNotify() {
1337:                //System.out.println("Current display:"+display.getCurrent());
1338:                    getDisplay().callSerially(new Runnable() {
1339:                        public void run() {
1340:                            getDisplay().setCurrent(animatorCanvas);
1341:                        }
1342:                    });       
1343:            }*/
1345:            /**
1346:             * Implementation of CommandListener.commandAction() which forwards
1347:             * command action from Canvas created by SVGAnimator
1348:             * to the CommandListener assigned to this component
1349:             */
1350:            public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) {
1351:                if ((displayable == animatorCanvas)
1352:                        && (commandListener != null)) {
1353:                    commandListener.commandAction(command, this );
1354:                }
1355:            }
1357:            /**
1358:             * Wrapper for SvgEventListener - allows also userSvgEventListener to listen here
1359:             */
1360:            private class WrapperSvgEventListener implements  SVGEventListener {
1362:                public void keyPressed(final int i) {
1363:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1364:                        userSvgEventListener.keyPressed(i);
1365:                    }
1366:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1367:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1368:                            public void run() {
1369:                                safeSvgEventListener.keyPressed(i);
1370:                            }
1371:                        });
1372:                    }
1373:                }
1375:                public void keyReleased(final int i) {
1376:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1377:                        userSvgEventListener.keyReleased(i);
1378:                    }
1379:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1380:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1381:                            public void run() {
1382:                                safeSvgEventListener.keyReleased(i);
1383:                            }
1384:                        });
1385:                    }
1386:                }
1388:                public void pointerPressed(final int x, final int y) {
1389:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1390:                        userSvgEventListener.pointerPressed(x, y);
1391:                    }
1392:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1393:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1394:                            public void run() {
1395:                                safeSvgEventListener.pointerPressed(x, y);
1396:                            }
1397:                        });
1398:                    }
1399:                }
1401:                public void pointerReleased(final int x, final int y) {
1402:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1403:                        userSvgEventListener.pointerReleased(x, y);
1404:                    }
1405:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1406:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1407:                            public void run() {
1408:                                safeSvgEventListener.pointerPressed(x, y);
1409:                            }
1410:                        });
1411:                    }
1412:                }
1414:                public void hideNotify() {
1415:                    // should schedule animation reset !!!
1416:                    animationNeedsReset = true;
1417:                    // stop the animmation if necessary            
1418:                    if (animatorState != STOPPED) {
1419:                        // need to call play serially - otherwise this might cause a deadlock on the device
1420:                        /*getDisplay().callSerially(new Runnable() {
1421:                            public void run() {
1422:                         **/
1423:                        stop();
1424:                        /*                    }
1425:                        });*/
1426:                    }
1427:                    // call the user's listener'
1428:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1429:                        userSvgEventListener.hideNotify();
1430:                    }
1431:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1432:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1433:                            public void run() {
1434:                                safeSvgEventListener.hideNotify();
1435:                            }
1436:                        });
1437:                    }
1438:                }
1440:                public void showNotify() {
1441:                    // stop the animmation if necessary
1442:                    if (resetAnimationWhenStopped && animationNeedsReset) {
1443:                        reset();
1444:                    }
1445:                    if ((startAnimation) && (animatorState != PLAYING)) {
1446:                        // need to call play serially - otherwise this might cause a deadlock on the device
1447:                        getDisplay().callSerially(new Runnable() {
1448:                            public void run() {
1449:                                play();
1450:                            }
1451:                        });
1452:                    }
1453:                    // call the user's listeners
1454:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1455:                        userSvgEventListener.showNotify();
1456:                    }
1458:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1459:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1460:                            public void run() {
1461:                                safeSvgEventListener.showNotify();
1462:                            }
1463:                        });
1464:                    }
1466:                }
1468:                public void sizeChanged(final int x, final int y) {
1469:                    // resize the image automatically? only when the user does not supply its own listener
1470:                    svgImage.setViewportWidth(x);
1471:                    svgImage.setViewportHeight(y);
1472:                    if (userSvgEventListener != null) {
1473:                        userSvgEventListener.sizeChanged(x, y);
1474:                    }
1476:                    if (safeSvgEventListener != null) {
1477:                        invokeAndWaitSafely(new Runnable() {
1478:                            public void run() {
1479:                                safeSvgEventListener.sizeChanged(x, y);
1480:                            }
1481:                        });
1482:                    }
1483:                }
1485:            }
1487:        } | Contact Us
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