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001:        /*
002:         *******************************************************************************
003:         * Copyright (C) 1996-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
004:         * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
005:         *******************************************************************************
006:         */
007:        package;
009:        import;
010:        import;
011:        import java.util.Vector;
013:        /**
014:         * A transliterator that is composed of two or more other
015:         * transliterator objects linked together.  For example, if one
016:         * transliterator transliterates from script A to script B, and
017:         * another transliterates from script B to script C, the two may be
018:         * combined to form a new transliterator from A to C.
019:         *
020:         * <p>Composed transliterators may not behave as expected.  For
021:         * example, inverses may not combine to form the identity
022:         * transliterator.  See the class documentation for {@link
023:         * Transliterator} for details.
024:         *
025:         * <p>Copyright &copy; IBM Corporation 1999.  All rights reserved.
026:         *
027:         * @author Alan Liu
028:         * @internal
029:         */
030:        class CompoundTransliterator extends Transliterator {
032:            private Transliterator[] trans;
034:            private int numAnonymousRBTs = 0;
036:            private static final String COPYRIGHT = "\u00A9 IBM Corporation 1999-2001. All rights reserved.";
038:            /**
039:             * Constructs a new compound transliterator given an array of
040:             * transliterators.  The array of transliterators may be of any
041:             * length, including zero or one, however, useful compound
042:             * transliterators have at least two components.
043:             * @param transliterators array of <code>Transliterator</code>
044:             * objects
045:             * @param filter the filter.  Any character for which
046:             * <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
047:             * altered by this transliterator.  If <tt>filter</tt> is
048:             * <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
049:             * @internal
050:             */
051:            public CompoundTransliterator(Transliterator[] transliterators,
052:                    UnicodeFilter filter) {
053:                super (joinIDs(transliterators), filter);
054:                trans = new Transliterator[transliterators.length];
055:                System.arraycopy(transliterators, 0, trans, 0, trans.length);
056:                computeMaximumContextLength();
057:            }
059:            /**
060:             * Constructs a new compound transliterator given an array of
061:             * transliterators.  The array of transliterators may be of any
062:             * length, including zero or one, however, useful compound
063:             * transliterators have at least two components.
064:             * @param transliterators array of <code>Transliterator</code>
065:             * objects
066:             * @internal
067:             */
068:            public CompoundTransliterator(Transliterator[] transliterators) {
069:                this (transliterators, null);
070:            }
072:            /**
073:             * Constructs a new compound transliterator.
074:             * @param ID compound ID
075:             * @param direction either Transliterator.FORWARD or Transliterator.REVERSE
076:             * @param filter a global filter for this compound transliterator
077:             * or null
078:             * @internal
079:             */
080:            public CompoundTransliterator(String ID, int direction,
081:                    UnicodeFilter filter) {
082:                super (ID, filter);
083:                init(ID, direction, true);
084:            }
086:            /**
087:             * Constructs a new compound transliterator with no filter.
088:             * @param ID compound ID
089:             * @param direction either Transliterator.FORWARD or Transliterator.REVERSE
090:             * @internal
091:             */
092:            public CompoundTransliterator(String ID, int direction) {
093:                this (ID, direction, null);
094:            }
096:            /**
097:             * Constructs a new forward compound transliterator with no filter.
098:             * @param ID compound ID
099:             * @internal
100:             */
101:            public CompoundTransliterator(String ID) {
102:                this (ID, FORWARD, null);
103:            }
105:            /**
106:             * Package private constructor for Transliterator from a vector of
107:             * transliterators.  The caller is responsible for fixing up the
108:             * ID.
109:             */
110:            CompoundTransliterator(Vector list) {
111:                this (list, 0);
112:            }
114:            CompoundTransliterator(Vector list, int numAnonymousRBTs) {
115:                super ("", null);
116:                trans = null;
117:                init(list, FORWARD, false);
118:                this .numAnonymousRBTs = numAnonymousRBTs;
119:                // assume caller will fixup ID
120:            }
122:            /**
123:             * Finish constructing a transliterator: only to be called by
124:             * constructors.  Before calling init(), set trans and filter to NULL.
125:             * @param id the id containing ';'-separated entries
126:             * @param direction either FORWARD or REVERSE
127:             * @param idSplitPoint the index into id at which the
128:             * splitTrans should be inserted, if there is one, or
129:             * -1 if there is none.
130:             * @param splitTrans a transliterator to be inserted
131:             * before the entry at offset idSplitPoint in the id string.  May be
132:             * NULL to insert no entry.
133:             * @param fixReverseID if TRUE, then reconstruct the ID of reverse
134:             * entries by calling getID() of component entries.  Some constructors
135:             * do not require this because they apply a facade ID anyway.
136:             */
137:            private void init(String id, int direction, boolean fixReverseID) {
138:                // assert(trans == 0);
140:                Vector list = new Vector();
141:                UnicodeSet[] compoundFilter = new UnicodeSet[1];
142:                StringBuffer regenID = new StringBuffer();
143:                if (!TransliteratorIDParser.parseCompoundID(id, direction,
144:                        regenID, list, compoundFilter)) {
145:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ID " + id);
146:                }
148:                TransliteratorIDParser.instantiateList(list);
150:                init(list, direction, fixReverseID);
152:                if (compoundFilter[0] != null) {
153:                    setFilter(compoundFilter[0]);
154:                }
155:            }
157:            /**
158:             * Finish constructing a transliterator: only to be called by
159:             * constructors.  Before calling init(), set trans and filter to NULL.
160:             * @param list a vector of transliterator objects to be adopted.  It
161:             * should NOT be empty.  The list should be in declared order.  That
162:             * is, it should be in the FORWARD order; if direction is REVERSE then
163:             * the list order will be reversed.
164:             * @param direction either FORWARD or REVERSE
165:             * @param fixReverseID if TRUE, then reconstruct the ID of reverse
166:             * entries by calling getID() of component entries.  Some constructors
167:             * do not require this because they apply a facade ID anyway.
168:             */
169:            private void init(Vector list, int direction, boolean fixReverseID) {
170:                // assert(trans == 0);
172:                // Allocate array
173:                int count = list.size();
174:                trans = new Transliterator[count];
176:                // Move the transliterators from the vector into an array.
177:                // Reverse the order if necessary.
178:                int i;
179:                for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
180:                    int j = (direction == FORWARD) ? i : count - 1 - i;
181:                    trans[i] = (Transliterator) list.elementAt(j);
182:                }
184:                // If the direction is UTRANS_REVERSE then we may need to fix the
185:                // ID.
186:                if (direction == REVERSE && fixReverseID) {
187:                    StringBuffer newID = new StringBuffer();
188:                    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
189:                        if (i > 0) {
190:                            newID.append(ID_DELIM);
191:                        }
192:                        newID.append(trans[i].getID());
193:                    }
194:                    setID(newID.toString());
195:                }
197:                computeMaximumContextLength();
198:            }
200:            /**
201:             * Return the IDs of the given list of transliterators, concatenated
202:             * with ';' delimiting them.  Equivalent to the perlish expression
203:             * join(';', map($_.getID(), transliterators).
204:             */
205:            private static String joinIDs(Transliterator[] transliterators) {
206:                StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer();
207:                for (int i = 0; i < transliterators.length; ++i) {
208:                    if (i > 0) {
209:                        id.append(';');
210:                    }
211:                    id.append(transliterators[i].getID());
212:                }
213:                return id.toString();
214:            }
216:            /**
217:             * Returns the number of transliterators in this chain.
218:             * @return number of transliterators in this chain.
219:             * @internal
220:             */
221:            public int getCount() {
222:                return trans.length;
223:            }
225:            /**
226:             * Returns the transliterator at the given index in this chain.
227:             * @param index index into chain, from 0 to <code>getCount() - 1</code>
228:             * @return transliterator at the given index
229:             * @internal
230:             */
231:            public Transliterator getTransliterator(int index) {
232:                return trans[index];
233:            }
235:            /**
236:             * Append c to buf, unless buf is empty or buf already ends in c.
237:             */
238:            private static void _smartAppend(StringBuffer buf, char c) {
239:                if (buf.length() != 0 && buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) != c) {
240:                    buf.append(c);
241:                }
242:            }
244:            /**
245:             * Override Transliterator:
246:             * Create a rule string that can be passed to createFromRules()
247:             * to recreate this transliterator.
248:             * @param escapeUnprintable if TRUE then convert unprintable
249:             * character to their hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or
250:     * \\Uxxxxxxxx.  Unprintable characters are those other than
251:     * U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
252:     * @return the rule string
253:     * @internal
254:     */
255:            public String toRules(boolean escapeUnprintable) {
256:                // We do NOT call toRules() on our component transliterators, in
257:                // general.  If we have several rule-based transliterators, this
258:                // yields a concatenation of the rules -- not what we want.  We do
259:                // handle compound RBT transliterators specially -- those for which
260:                // compoundRBTIndex >= 0.  For the transliterator at compoundRBTIndex,
261:                // we do call toRules() recursively.
262:                StringBuffer rulesSource = new StringBuffer();
263:                if (numAnonymousRBTs >= 1 && getFilter() != null) {
264:                    // If we are a compound RBT and if we have a global
265:                    // filter, then emit it at the top.
266:                    rulesSource.append("::").append(
267:                            getFilter().toPattern(escapeUnprintable)).append(
268:                            ID_DELIM);
269:                }
270:                for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; ++i) {
271:                    String rule;
273:                    // Anonymous RuleBasedTransliterators (inline rules and
274:                    // ::BEGIN/::END blocks) are given IDs that begin with
275:                    // "%Pass": use toRules() to write all the rules to the output
276:                    // (and insert "::Null;" if we have two in a row)
277:                    if (trans[i].getID().startsWith("%Pass")) {
278:                        rule = trans[i].toRules(escapeUnprintable);
279:                        if (numAnonymousRBTs > 1 && i > 0
280:                                && trans[i - 1].getID().startsWith("%Pass"))
281:                            rule = "::Null;" + rule;
283:                        // we also use toRules() on CompoundTransliterators (which we
284:                        // check for by looking for a semicolon in the ID)-- this gets
285:                        // the list of their child transliterators output in the right
286:                        // format
287:                    } else if (trans[i].getID().indexOf(';') >= 0) {
288:                        rule = trans[i].toRules(escapeUnprintable);
290:                        // for everything else, use baseToRules()
291:                    } else {
292:                        rule = trans[i].baseToRules(escapeUnprintable);
293:                    }
294:                    _smartAppend(rulesSource, '\n');
295:                    rulesSource.append(rule);
296:                    _smartAppend(rulesSource, ID_DELIM);
297:                }
298:                return rulesSource.toString();
299:            }
301:            /**
302:             * Return the set of all characters that may be modified by this
303:             * Transliterator, ignoring the effect of our filter.
304:             * @internal
305:             */
306:            protected UnicodeSet handleGetSourceSet() {
307:                UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
308:                for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; ++i) {
309:                    set.addAll(trans[i].getSourceSet());
310:                    // Take the example of Hiragana-Latin.  This is really
311:                    // Hiragana-Katakana; Katakana-Latin.  The source set of
312:                    // these two is roughly [:Hiragana:] and [:Katakana:].
313:                    // But the source set for the entire transliterator is
314:                    // actually [:Hiragana:] ONLY -- that is, the first
315:                    // non-empty source set.
317:                    // This is a heuristic, and not 100% reliable.
318:                    if (!set.isEmpty()) {
319:                        break;
320:                    }
321:                }
322:                return set;
323:            }
325:            /**
326:             * Returns the set of all characters that may be generated as
327:             * replacement text by this transliterator.
328:             * @internal
329:             */
330:            public UnicodeSet getTargetSet() {
331:                UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
332:                for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; ++i) {
333:                    // This is a heuristic, and not 100% reliable.
334:                    set.addAll(trans[i].getTargetSet());
335:                }
336:                return set;
337:            }
339:            /**
340:             * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
341:             * @internal
342:             */
343:            protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
344:                    Position index, boolean incremental) {
345:                /* Call each transliterator with the same start value and
346:                 * initial cursor index, but with the limit index as modified
347:                 * by preceding transliterators.  The cursor index must be
348:                 * reset for each transliterator to give each a chance to
349:                 * transliterate the text.  The initial cursor index is known
350:                 * to still point to the same place after each transliterator
351:                 * is called because each transliterator will not change the
352:                 * text between start and the initial value of cursor.
353:                 *
354:                 * IMPORTANT: After the first transliterator, each subsequent
355:                 * transliterator only gets to transliterate text committed by
356:                 * preceding transliterators; that is, the cursor (output
357:                 * value) of transliterator i becomes the limit (input value)
358:                 * of transliterator i+1.  Finally, the overall limit is fixed
359:                 * up before we return.
360:                 *
361:                 * Assumptions we make here:
362:                 * (1) contextStart <= start <= limit <= contextLimit <= text.length()
363:                 * (2) start <= start' <= limit'  ;cursor doesn't move back
364:                 * (3) start <= limit'            ;text before cursor unchanged
365:                 * - start' is the value of start after calling handleKT
366:                 * - limit' is the value of limit after calling handleKT
367:                 */
369:                /**
370:                 * Example: 3 transliterators.  This example illustrates the
371:                 * mechanics we need to implement.  C, S, and L are the contextStart,
372:                 * start, and limit.  gl is the globalLimit.  contextLimit is
373:                 * equal to limit throughout.
374:                 *
375:                 * 1. h-u, changes hex to Unicode
376:                 *
377:                 *    4  7  a  d  0      4  7  a
378:                 *    abc/u0061/u    =>  abca/u
379:                 *    C  S       L       C   S L   gl=f->a
380:                 *
381:                 * 2. upup, changes "x" to "XX"
382:                 *
383:                 *    4  7  a       4  7  a
384:                 *    abca/u    =>  abcAA/u
385:                 *    C  SL         C    S
386:                 *                       L    gl=a->b
387:                 * 3. u-h, changes Unicode to hex
388:                 *
389:                 *    4  7  a        4  7  a  d  0  3
390:                 *    abcAA/u    =>  abc/u0041/u0041/u
391:                 *    C  S L         C              S
392:                 *                                  L   gl=b->15
393:                 * 4. return
394:                 *
395:                 *    4  7  a  d  0  3
396:                 *    abc/u0041/u0041/u
397:                 *    C S L
398:                 */
400:                if (trans.length < 1) {
401:                    index.start = index.limit;
402:                    return; // Short circuit for empty compound transliterators
403:                }
405:                // compoundLimit is the limit value for the entire compound
406:                // operation.  We overwrite index.limit with the previous
407:                // index.start.  After each transliteration, we update
408:                // compoundLimit for insertions or deletions that have happened.
409:                int compoundLimit = index.limit;
411:                // compoundStart is the start for the entire compound
412:                // operation.
413:                int compoundStart = index.start;
415:                int delta = 0; // delta in length
417:                StringBuffer log = null;
418:                if (DEBUG) {
419:                    log = new StringBuffer("CompoundTransliterator{" + getID()
420:                            + (incremental ? "}i: IN=" : "}: IN="));
421:                    UtilityExtensions.formatInput(log, text, index);
422:                    System.out.println(Utility.escape(log.toString()));
423:                }
425:                // Give each transliterator a crack at the run of characters.
426:                // See comments at the top of the method for more detail.
427:                for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; ++i) {
428:                    index.start = compoundStart; // Reset start
429:                    int limit = index.limit;
431:                    if (index.start == index.limit) {
432:                        // Short circuit for empty range
433:                        if (DEBUG) {
434:                            System.out.println("CompoundTransliterator["
435:                                    + i
436:                                    + ".."
437:                                    + (trans.length - 1)
438:                                    + (incremental ? "]i: " : "]: ")
439:                                    + UtilityExtensions
440:                                            .formatInput(text, index)
441:                                    + " (NOTHING TO DO)");
442:                        }
443:                        break;
444:                    }
446:                    if (DEBUG) {
447:                        log.setLength(0);
448:                        log.append("CompoundTransliterator[" + i + "="
449:                                + trans[i].getID()
450:                                + (incremental ? "]i: " : "]: "));
451:                        UtilityExtensions.formatInput(log, text, index);
452:                    }
454:                    trans[i].filteredTransliterate(text, index, incremental);
456:                    // In a properly written transliterator, start == limit after
457:                    // handleTransliterate() returns when incremental is false.
458:                    // Catch cases where the subclass doesn't do this, and throw
459:                    // an exception.  (Just pinning start to limit is a bad idea,
460:                    // because what's probably happening is that the subclass
461:                    // isn't transliterating all the way to the end, and it should
462:                    // in non-incremental mode.)
463:                    if (!incremental && index.start != index.limit) {
464:                        throw new RuntimeException(
465:                                "ERROR: Incomplete non-incremental transliteration by "
466:                                        + trans[i].getID());
467:                    }
469:                    if (DEBUG) {
470:                        log.append(" => ");
471:                        UtilityExtensions.formatInput(log, text, index);
472:                        System.out.println(Utility.escape(log.toString()));
473:                    }
475:                    // Cumulative delta for insertions/deletions
476:                    delta += index.limit - limit;
478:                    if (incremental) {
479:                        // In the incremental case, only allow subsequent
480:                        // transliterators to modify what has already been
481:                        // completely processed by prior transliterators.  In the
482:                        // non-incrmental case, allow each transliterator to
483:                        // process the entire text.
484:                        index.limit = index.start;
485:                    }
486:                }
488:                compoundLimit += delta;
490:                // Start is good where it is -- where the last transliterator left
491:                // it.  Limit needs to be put back where it was, modulo
492:                // adjustments for deletions/insertions.
493:                index.limit = compoundLimit;
495:                if (DEBUG) {
496:                    log.setLength(0);
497:                    log.append("CompoundTransliterator{" + getID()
498:                            + (incremental ? "}i: OUT=" : "}: OUT="));
499:                    UtilityExtensions.formatInput(log, text, index);
500:                    System.out.println(Utility.escape(log.toString()));
501:                }
502:            }
504:            /**
505:             * Compute and set the length of the longest context required by this transliterator.
506:             * This is <em>preceding</em> context.
507:             */
508:            private void computeMaximumContextLength() {
509:                int max = 0;
510:                for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; ++i) {
511:                    int len = trans[i].getMaximumContextLength();
512:                    if (len > max) {
513:                        max = len;
514:                    }
515:                }
516:                setMaximumContextLength(max);
517:            }
518:        } | Contact Us
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