01: /**
02: * Title: OpenUSS - Open Source University Support System
03: * Description: BaseException Presentation Object
04: * Copyright: Copyright (c) B. Lofi Dewanto
05: * Company: University of Muenster
06: * @author B. Lofi Dewanto
07: * @version 1.0
08: */package org.openuss.presentation.enhydra.framework;
10: import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationException;
12: import com.lutris.util.ChainedException;
14: /**
15: * The base exception presentation object for Enhydra.
16: *
17: * @author B. Lofi Dewanto
18: * @version 1.0
19: */
20: public class BasePOException extends HttpPresentationException {
21: /**
22: * Public constructor to initialize an exception with a user message
23: * and the exception that spawned it
24: */
25: public BasePOException(String msg, Exception ex) {
26: super(msg, ex);
27: }
28: }