001: package projectmanagement.presentation.worksheets;
003: import projectmanagement.presentation.*;
004: import projectmanagement.spec.timewage.*;
005: import projectmanagement.spec.employee.*;
006: import projectmanagement.spec.project.*;
007: import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.*;
008: import org.enhydra.xml.xmlc.XMLObject;
010: import org.w3c.dom.*;
011: import org.w3c.dom.html.*;
013: import java.util.Calendar;
014: import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
015: import java.sql.Date;
016: import java.sql.Time;
017: import java.lang.*;
019: /**
020: * Shows a list of work sheets to administer.
021: *
022: * @author Sasa Bojanic, Nenad Stefanovic
023: * @version 1.0
024: */
025: public class AdministeringSearch extends BasePO {
027: private static String EMPLOYEE = "employee";
028: private static String PROJECT = "project";
029: private static String FROMYEAR = "fromYear";
030: private static String FROMMONTH = "fromMonth";
031: private static String FROMDAY = "fromDay";
032: private static String TOYEAR = "toYear";
033: private static String TOMONTH = "toMonth";
034: private static String TODAY = "toDay";
036: private static String IS_PERSONAL = "isPersonal";
038: /**
039: * Superclass method override. Returns 1 or 2, depending on action.
040: */
041: protected int getRequiredAuthLevel() {
042: String isPersonal = "";
043: try {
044: isPersonal = this .getComms().request
045: .getParameter(IS_PERSONAL);
046: } catch (Exception ex) {
047: }
049: if (isPersonal != null && isPersonal.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
050: return 1;
051: } else {
052: return 2;
053: }
054: }
056: /**
057: * Default event. Just show the page.
058: */
059: public XMLObject handleDefault() throws HttpPresentationException,
060: ClientPageRedirectException {
062: AdministeringHTML page = new AdministeringHTML();
063: String employee = null;
064: String project = null;
065: boolean multiple = false;
066: //for advanced search
067: java.util.ArrayList employeeIDs = new java.util.ArrayList();
068: ;
069: int index = 0;
070: String employeeID = EMPLOYEE + String.valueOf("0");
072: while (this .getComms().request.getParameter(employeeID) != null) {
073: employeeIDs.add(this .getComms().request
074: .getParameter(employeeID));
075: index++;
076: employeeID = EMPLOYEE + String.valueOf(index);
077: }
079: //checking if there are multiple selection or is ALL selected
080: try {
081: if (employeeIDs.size() == 1
082: || employeeIDs.get(0).toString().equals("")) {
083: employee = employeeIDs.get(0).toString();
084: if (employee != null && employee.length() == 0) {
085: employee = null;
086: }
087: } else {
088: multiple = true;
089: }
090: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
091: }
092: java.util.ArrayList projectIDs = new java.util.ArrayList();
093: index = 0;
094: String projectID = PROJECT + String.valueOf("0");
095: while (this .getComms().request.getParameter(projectID) != null) {
097: projectIDs.add(this .getComms().request
098: .getParameter(projectID));
099: index++;
100: projectID = PROJECT + String.valueOf(index);
102: }
103: //checking if there are multiple selection or is ALL selected
104: if (projectIDs.size() == 1
105: || projectIDs.get(0).toString().equals("")) {
106: project = projectIDs.get(0).toString();
107: if (project != null && project.length() == 0) {
108: project = null;
109: }
110: } else {
111: multiple = true;
112: }
114: String fromYear = this .getComms().request
115: .getParameter(FROMYEAR);
116: if (fromYear != null && fromYear.length() == 0) {
117: fromYear = null;
118: }
119: String fromMonth = this .getComms().request
120: .getParameter(FROMMONTH);
121: if (fromMonth != null && fromMonth.length() == 0) {
122: fromMonth = null;
123: }
124: String fromDay = this .getComms().request.getParameter(FROMDAY);
125: if (fromDay != null && fromDay.length() == 0) {
126: fromDay = null;
127: }
129: String toYear = this .getComms().request.getParameter(TOYEAR);
130: if (toYear != null && toYear.length() == 0) {
131: toYear = null;
132: }
133: String toMonth = this .getComms().request.getParameter(TOMONTH);
134: if (toMonth != null && toMonth.length() == 0) {
135: toMonth = null;
136: }
137: String toDay = this .getComms().request.getParameter(TODAY);
138: if (toDay != null && toDay.length() == 0) {
139: toDay = null;
140: }
141: boolean checkDates = true;
142: String params = "";
143: if (!checkDate(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay)) {
144: params += "?checkFromDate=false";
145: checkDates = false;
146: }
147: if (!checkDate(toYear, toMonth, toDay)) {
148: if (!checkDates) {
149: params += "&checkToDate=false";
150: } else {
151: params += "?checkToDate=false";
152: }
153: checkDates = false;
154: }
155: if (!checkDates) {
156: throw new ClientPageRedirectException("Search.po" + params);
157: }
159: HTMLFormElement form = page.getElementForm();
160: form.setAttribute("target", "_self");
162: // fetches the table element from HTML document
163: HTMLTableElement table = page.getElementTblWorkSheets();
164: try {
165: WorkSheet[] workSheets = null;
166: WorkSheetManager workSheetManager = WorkSheetManagerFactory
167: .getWorkSheetManager("projectmanagement.business.timewage.WorkSheetManagerImpl");
169: Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();
170: Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();
172: if (fromYear != null && fromMonth != null
173: && fromDay != null && toYear != null
174: && toMonth != null && toDay != null) {
176: c1.set(Integer.parseInt(fromYear), Integer
177: .parseInt(fromMonth) - 1, Integer
178: .parseInt(fromDay));
179: c2
180: .set(Integer.parseInt(toYear), Integer
181: .parseInt(toMonth) - 1, Integer
182: .parseInt(toDay));
184: if (!multiple) {
185: workSheets = workSheetManager
186: .getAllWorkSheetsForEmployeeProjectPairFromDate1ToDate2(
187: employee, project, new Date(c1
188: .getTimeInMillis()),
189: new Date(c2.getTimeInMillis()));
190: } else {
191: workSheets = workSheetManager
192: .getAllWorksheetsForEmployeeArrayAndProjectArrayBetweenDates(
193: employeeIDs, projectIDs, new Date(
194: c1.getTimeInMillis()),
195: new Date(c2.getTimeInMillis()));
196: }
197: }
198: double sumOfHours = 0;
199: double sumOfMoney = 0;
200: if (workSheets != null) {
201: HoursAndMoney ham = new HoursAndMoney();
202: for (int i = 0; i < workSheets.length; i++) {
203: // creating row in HTML table which describes table properties
204: HTMLTableRowElement htmlRE = createNewRow(page,
205: workSheets[i], ham);
206: // appending row at the end of table
207: table.appendChild(htmlRE);
208: }
209: sumOfHours = ham.getHours();
210: sumOfMoney = ham.getMoney();
211: sumOfMoney = (double) (Math.round(sumOfMoney * 100)) / 100;
212: sumOfHours = (double) (Math.round(sumOfHours * 100)) / 100;
213: }
214: page.setTextTxtSumOfHours(String.valueOf(sumOfHours));
215: page.setTextTxtSumOfMoney(String.valueOf(sumOfMoney));
217: /* Catch Null pointer exception ( we canot make a instances of classes from business layer when we run ProjectManagement_pres )
218: * We need to allow ProjectManagement_pres to be functional , response
219: * will be default HTML page
220: */
222: } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
223: return page;
224: } catch (Exception ex) {
225: this .writeDebugMsg("Error populating list of work sheets: "
226: + ex);
227: throw new ProjectManagementPresentationException(
228: "Error getting list of work sheets: ", ex);
229: }
231: //Remove template selection row from table
232: table.removeChild(page.getElementTemplateRow());
234: String errorMsg = this .getSessionData()
235: .getAndClearUserMessage();
236: /*if(null != errorMsg) {
237: page.setTextLblErrorText(errorMsg);
238: } else {
239: page.getElementLblErrorText().getParentNode().removeChild(page.getElementLblErrorText());
240: }*/
242: String isPersonal = this .getComms().request
243: .getParameter(IS_PERSONAL);
244: if (isPersonal != null && isPersonal.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
245: HTMLInputElement ip = page.getElementIsPersonal();
246: ip.setValue("true");
247: }
248: // write out HTML
249: return page;
250: }
252: /**
253: * Check if given date is OK
254: */
255: private boolean checkDate(String year, String month, String day) {
256: GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
257: boolean retVal = true;
258: cal.setLenient(false);
259: cal.set(Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(month) - 1, 1);
260: if (cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) < Integer
261: .parseInt(day)) {
262: retVal = false;
263: } else if (cal.isLeapYear(Integer.parseInt(year))
264: && Integer.parseInt(month) == 1
265: && Integer.parseInt(day) == 29) {
266: retVal = true;
267: } else {
268: retVal = true;
269: }
270: return retVal;
271: }
273: /**
274: * Creates the new row of HTML table element, based on given parameters.
275: */
276: private HTMLTableRowElement createNewRow(
277: AdministeringHTML administeringHTML, WorkSheet workSheet,
278: HoursAndMoney ham) {
280: String workSheetID = "";
282: try {
283: workSheetID = workSheet.getHandle();
284: PayRate pr = workSheet.getPayRate();
285: Employee emp = pr.getEmployee();
286: Project prj = pr.getProject();
287: Time timeStarted = workSheet.getTimeStarted();
288: Time timeFinished = workSheet.getTimeFinished();
289: administeringHTML.setTextTxtEmployee(emp.getFirstName()
290: + " " + emp.getLastName());
291: administeringHTML.setTextTxtProject(prj.getName());
292: Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
293: cal.setTime(workSheet.getWorkingDate());
294: String wd = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) + "-"
295: + String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "-"
296: + String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
297: administeringHTML.setTextTxtWorkingDate(wd);
298: cal.setTime(timeStarted);
299: String tst = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR)) + ":"
300: + String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
301: administeringHTML.setTextTxtTimeStarted(tst);
302: cal.setTime(timeFinished);
303: String tfn = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR)) + ":"
304: + String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
305: administeringHTML.setTextTxtTimeFinished(tfn);
306: double mny = (double) (Math.round(ham.calculate(
307: calculateTimeDifferenceInHours(timeStarted,
308: timeFinished), prj.getMoneyPerHour(), pr
309: .getRate()) * 100)) / 100;
310: administeringHTML.setTextTxtMoney(String.valueOf(mny));
311: } catch (Exception ex) {
312: }
314: // image to get details on work sheet
315: HTMLImageElement detailsImg = administeringHTML
316: .getElementImgDetails();
317: detailsImg.setName(workSheetID);
319: // image to modify work sheet information
320: HTMLImageElement modifyImg = administeringHTML
321: .getElementImgModify();
322: modifyImg.setName(workSheetID);
324: // image to delete work sheet
325: HTMLImageElement deleteImg = administeringHTML
326: .getElementImgDelete();
327: deleteImg.setName(workSheetID);
329: HTMLTableRowElement row = (HTMLTableRowElement) administeringHTML
330: .getElementTemplateRow().cloneNode(true);
332: return row;
333: }
335: private double calculateTimeDifferenceInHours(Time timeStarted,
336: Time timeFinished) {
337: long ts = timeStarted.getTime();
338: long tf = timeFinished.getTime();
339: long diffInMilliseconds = tf - ts;
340: double diffInHours = diffInMilliseconds / 3600000.0;
341: return diffInHours;
342: }
344: class HoursAndMoney {
345: private double hours = 0;
346: private double money = 0;
348: public double calculate(double hrs, double moneyPerHour,
349: double payRate) {
350: hours += hrs;
351: double dm = hrs * moneyPerHour * payRate;
352: money += dm;
353: return dm;
354: }
356: public double getHours() {
357: return hours;
358: }
360: public double getMoney() {
361: return money;
362: }
363: }
365: }