001: //** Copyright Statement ***************************************************
002: //The Salmon Open Framework for Internet Applications (SOFIA)
003: // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2002, Salmon LLC
004: //
005: // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
006: // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
007: // as published by the Free Software Foundation;
008: //
009: // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
010: // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
012: // GNU General Public License for more details.
013: //
014: // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
015: // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
016: // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
017: //
018: // For more information please visit http://www.salmonllc.com
019: //** End Copyright Statement ***************************************************
020: package com.salmonllc.util;
022: /////////////////////////
023: //$Archive: /JADE/SourceCode/com/salmonllc/util/HtmlComponentVector.java $
024: //$Author: Dan $
025: //$Revision: 6 $
026: //$Modtime: 10/30/02 2:59p $
027: /////////////////////////
028: import java.util.Vector;
029: import com.salmonllc.html.*;
031: /**
032: * A type safe Vector that returns HtmlComponent and only accepts HtmlComponent
033: */
034: public class HtmlComponentVector implements java.io.Serializable {
036: private Vector _elements;
038: /**
039: * BaseListFormElementsVector constructor comment.
040: */
041: public HtmlComponentVector() {
042: _elements = new Vector();
043: }
045: /**
046: * BaseListFormElementsVector constructor comment.
047: * @param initialCapacity int
048: */
049: public HtmlComponentVector(int initialCapacity) {
050: _elements = new Vector(initialCapacity);
051: }
053: /**
054: * BaseListFormElementsVector constructor comment.
055: * @param initialCapacity int
056: * @param capacityIncrement int
057: */
058: public HtmlComponentVector(int initialCapacity,
059: int capacityIncrement) {
060: _elements = new Vector(initialCapacity, capacityIncrement);
061: }
063: /**
064: * Adds the specified HtmlComponent to the end of this vector,
065: * increasing its size by one. The capacity of this vector is
066: * increased if its size becomes greater than its capacity.
067: *
068: * @param comp the HtmlComponent to be added.
069: */
070: public void addElement(HtmlComponent comp) {
071: _elements.addElement(comp);
072: }
074: /**
075: * Tests if the specified HtmlComponent is a component in this vector.
076: *
077: * @param elem a HtmlComponent.
078: * @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is a HtmlComponent in
079: * this vector; <code>false</code> otherwise.
080: */
081: public final boolean contains(HtmlComponent elem) {
082: return _elements.contains(elem);
083: }
085: /**
086: * Copies the HtmlComponent of this vector into the specified array.
087: * The array must be big enough to hold all the objects in this vector.
088: *
089: * @param anArray the array into which the HtmlComponent get copied.
090: */
091: public void copyInto(HtmlComponent anArray[]) {
092: _elements.copyInto(anArray);
093: }
095: /**
096: * Returns the HtmlComponent at the specified index.
097: *
098: * @param index an index into this vector.
099: * @return the HtmlComponent at the specified index.
100: * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if an invalid index was
101: * given.
102: */
103: public HtmlComponent elementAt(int index) {
104: return (HtmlComponent) _elements.elementAt(index);
105: }
107: /**
108: * Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing
109: * for equality using the <code>equals</code> method.
110: *
111: * @param elem an HtmlComponent.
112: * @return the index of the first occurrence of the argument in this
113: * vector; returns <code>-1</code> if the HtmlComponent is not found.
114: * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
115: */
116: public final int indexOf(HtmlComponent elem) {
117: return _elements.indexOf(elem);
118: }
120: /**
121: * Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, beginning
122: * the search at <code>index</code>, and testing for equality using
123: * the <code>equals</code> method.
124: *
125: * @param elem an HtmlComponent.
126: * @param index the index to start searching from.
127: * @return the index of the first occurrence of the HtmlComponent argument in
128: * this vector at position <code>index</code> or later in the
129: * vector; returns <code>-1</code> if the object is not found.
130: * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
131: */
132: public int indexOf(HtmlComponent elem, int index) {
133: return _elements.indexOf(elem, index);
134: }
136: /**
137: * Inserts the specified HtmlComponent as a component in this vector at the
138: * specified <code>index</code>. Each component in this vector with
139: * an index greater or equal to the specified <code>index</code> is
140: * shifted upward to have an index one greater than the value it had
141: * previously.
142: * <p>
143: * The index must be a value greater than or equal to <code>0</code>
144: * and less than or equal to the current size of the vector.
145: *
146: * @param comp the HtmlComponent to insert.
147: * @param index where to insert the new component.
148: * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index was invalid.
149: * @see java.util.Vector#size()
150: */
151: public void insertElementAt(HtmlComponent comp, int index) {
152: _elements.insertElementAt(comp, index);
153: }
155: /**
156: * Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified HtmlComponent in
157: * this vector.
158: *
159: * @param elem the desired HtmlComponent.
160: * @return the index of the last occurrence of the specified HtmlComponent in
161: * this vector; returns <code>-1</code> if the object is not found.
162: */
163: public final int lastIndexOf(HtmlComponent elem) {
164: return _elements.lastIndexOf(elem);
165: }
167: /**
168: * Searches backwards for the specified HtmlComponent, starting from the
169: * specified index, and returns an index to it.
170: *
171: * @param elem the desired HtmlComponent.
172: * @param index the index to start searching from.
173: * @return the index of the last occurrence of the specified HtmlComponent in this
174: * vector at position less than <code>index</code> in the vector;
175: * <code>-1</code> if the object is not found.
176: */
177: public int lastIndexOf(HtmlComponent elem, int index) {
178: return _elements.lastIndexOf(elem, index);
179: }
181: /**
182: * Removes the first occurrence of the argument from this vector. If
183: * the HtmlComponent is found in this vector, each component in the vector
184: * with an index greater or equal to the object's index is shifted
185: * downward to have an index one smaller than the value it had previously.
186: *
187: * @param comp the component to be removed.
188: * @return <code>true</code> if the argument was a component of this
189: * vector; <code>false</code> otherwise.
190: * @since JDK1.0
191: */
192: public boolean removeComp(HtmlComponent comp) {
193: return _elements.removeElement(comp);
194: }
196: /**
197: * Sets the component at the specified <code>index</code> of this
198: * vector to be the specified HtmlComponent. The previous component at that
199: * position is discarded.
200: * <p>
201: * The index must be a value greater than or equal to <code>0</code>
202: * and less than the current size of the vector.
203: *
204: * @param comp what the component is to be set to.
205: * @param index the specified index.
206: * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index was invalid.
207: * @see java.util.Vector#size()
208: */
209: public void setElementAt(HtmlComponent comp, int index) {
210: _elements.setElementAt(comp, index);
211: }
213: /**
214: * Returns the number of components in this vector.
215: *
216: * @return the number of components in this vector.
217: */
218: public int size() {
219: return _elements.size();
220: }
221: }