01: /***************************************************************
02: * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) project.
03: *
04: * Copyright (c) 1999-2008
05: * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (http://www.ucs.at)
06: * All rights reserved
07: *
08: * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute
09: * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
10: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
11: * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
12: * later version.
13: *
14: * The GNU General Public License can be found at
15: * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
16: * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the
17: * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with
18: * these libraries.
19: *
20: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23: * GNU General Public License for more details.
24: *
25: * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh,
26: * please see the company website: http://www.ucs.at
27: *
28: * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the
29: * project website: http://www.flexive.org
30: *
31: *
32: * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file!
33: ***************************************************************/package com.flexive.tests.embedded;
35: import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxApplicationException;
36: import com.flexive.shared.search.FxResultRow;
37: import com.flexive.shared.search.FxResultSet;
38: import com.flexive.shared.search.query.PropertyValueComparator;
39: import com.flexive.shared.search.query.SqlQueryBuilder;
40: import static com.flexive.tests.embedded.FxTestUtils.login;
41: import static com.flexive.tests.embedded.FxTestUtils.logout;
42: import org.testng.Assert;
43: import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
44: import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
45: import org.testng.annotations.Test;
47: /**
48: * Tests for the {@link com.flexive.shared.search.FxResultRow FxResultRow} wrapper object.
49: *
50: * @author Daniel Lichtenberger (daniel.lichtenberger@flexive.com), UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (http://www.ucs.at)
51: * @version $Rev: 181 $
52: */
53: @Test(groups={"ejb","search"})
54: public class FxResultRowTest {
56: @BeforeClass
57: public void setup() throws Exception {
58: login(TestUsers.SUPERVISOR);
59: }
61: @AfterClass
62: public void shutdown() throws Exception {
63: logout();
64: }
66: @Test
67: public void rowIteratorTest() throws FxApplicationException {
68: FxResultSet result = new SqlQueryBuilder().select("@pk",
69: "caption").condition("caption",
70: PropertyValueComparator.LIKE, "test caption%")
71: .getResult();
72: Assert.assertEquals(result.getRows().size(), 25,
73: "Expected 25 result rows");
74: int index = 0;
75: for (FxResultRow row : result.getResultRows()) {
76: Assert.assertEquals(row.getPk(1), row.getPk("@pk"));
77: Assert.assertEquals(row.getFxValue(2), row
78: .getFxValue("caption"));
79: Assert.assertEquals(row.getValue(1), row.getData()[0]);
80: Assert.assertEquals(row.getValue(2), row.getData()[1]);
81: Assert.assertEquals(row.getData(), result.getRows().get(
82: index));
83: index++;
84: }
85: }
86: }