01: /*
02: * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by OpenSymphony
03: * All rights reserved.
04: */
05: package com.opensymphony.webwork.components;
07: import com.opensymphony.xwork.util.OgnlValueStack;
09: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
10: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
12: /**
13: * <!-- START SNIPPET: javadoc -->
14: *
15: * Render action errors if they exists the specific layout of the rendering depends on
16: * the theme itself.
17: *
18: * <!-- END SNIPPET: javadoc -->
19: *
20: * <p/> <b>Examples</b>
21: *
22: * <pre>
23: * <!-- START SNIPPET: example -->
24: *
25: * <ww:actionerror />
26: * <ww:form .... >>
27: * ....
28: * </ww:form>
29: *
30: * <!-- END SNIPPET: example -->
31: * </pre>
32: *
33: * @author tm_jee
34: * @version $Date: 2006-01-01 16:16:03 +0100 (Sun, 01 Jan 2006) $ $Id: ActionError.java 1897 2006-01-01 15:16:03Z tmjee $
35: * @ww.tag name="actionerror" tld-body-content="empty" tld-tag-class="com.opensymphony.webwork.views.jsp.ui.ActionErrorTag"
36: * description="Render action errors if they exists"
37: * @since 2.2
38: */
39: public class ActionError extends UIBean {
41: public static final String TEMPLATE = "actionerror";
43: public ActionError(OgnlValueStack stack,
44: HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
45: super (stack, request, response);
46: }
48: protected String getDefaultTemplate() {
49: return TEMPLATE;
50: }
52: }