01: /*
02: * Created on Jun 12, 2003
03: *
04: * To change the template for this generated file go to
05: * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
06: */
07: package org.columba.mail.gui.frame;
09: import org.columba.mail.gui.table.ITableController;
11: /**
12: * FrameControllers having a table component should implement
13: * this interface.
14: * <p>
15: * The reason for this interface are simple. We have many kinds of
16: * frame controllers. Some have a table component, some of them don't.
17: * <p>
18: * To recognize we can just test it:
19: * <pre>
20: * if ( frameMediator instanceof TableOwner )
21: * {
22: * TableController table = ( (TableOwner) frameMediator).getTableController()
23: * // do something here
24: * }
25: * </pre>
26: *
27: * @author fdietz
28: */
29: public interface TableViewOwner {
30: public abstract ITableController getTableController();
31: }