001: /*
002: *
003: * Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
004: * PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use of this product is subject to license terms.
005: */
007: package com.sun.portal.comm.url;
009: import com.sun.ssoadapter.SSOAdapter;
011: import javax.mail.Folder;
012: import javax.mail.Message;
013: import javax.mail.MessagingException;
014: import javax.mail.UIDFolder;
016: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.DateTime;
017: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.OperationNotSupportedException;
018: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.CalendarComponentException;
019: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.VEvent;
020: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.VTodo;
022: import java.io.BufferedReader;
023: import java.io.InputStreamReader;
025: import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
026: import java.net.MalformedURLException;
027: import java.net.URL;
029: public class UWCURLBuilder extends URLBuilder implements MailURL,
030: CalURL, ABURL {
032: private String contexturi = null;
033: private String calid = null;
034: private final String JES4UWC = "JES 4 UWC";
035: private final String JES5UWC = "JES 5 UWC";
036: private String uwcVersion = JES5UWC;
038: public void init(SSOAdapter ssoAdapter) {
039: super .init(ssoAdapter);
040: contexturi = adapterProperties.getProperty("uwcContext");
041: initUWCVersion();
042: //JES 4 or previous UWC Mail SSO Adapter does not contain the UWC Context.
043: String type = adapterProperties.getProperty("type");
044: if ((type != null) && (type.equals("MAIL-TYPE"))) {
045: if ((uwcVersion.equals(JES4UWC))) {
046: setPath("?argv=laurel=on&argv=cal=1");
047: } else {
048: setPath(contexturi + "/mail");
049: }
050: } else {
051: setPath(contexturi);
052: }
053: }
055: /**
056: * Determines the version of UWC running on the remote host.
057: * This method is required because the URL interface specifications are different for JES 4 UWC and JES 5 UWC
058: * The version of UWC is determined by making a HTTP request to "/uwc/auth". For JES 4 UWC and earlier, the clientport
059: * points to the messenger express port. Hence for JES 4 a 404 status code should be returned. As a safety we also check
060: * for the presence of "Communications Express 6 2005Q4" string in the page content. Presence of this string will indicate that
061: * UWC JES 4 is being used on the remote UWC server
062: *
063: * @return void
064: */
065: private void initUWCVersion() {
067: //If contexturi is absent or blank then default to JES 4
068: if ((contexturi == null) || (contexturi.trim().length() == 0)) {
069: uwcVersion = JES4UWC;
070: return;
071: }
073: StringBuffer pageContent = new StringBuffer();
074: StringBuffer urlstr = new StringBuffer(baseURL);
075: urlstr.append("/" + contexturi + "/auth");
076: HttpURLConnection urlconn = null;
077: try {
078: URL url = new URL(urlstr.toString());
079: urlconn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
080: urlconn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);
081: //Check the status code. If it is 404 then assume that the URL is for messenger express
082: if (urlconn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
083: uwcVersion = JES4UWC;
084: return;
085: }
086: } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
087: ioe.printStackTrace();
088: return;
089: }
090: try {
091: BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
092: new InputStreamReader(urlconn.getInputStream()));
093: String inputLine = null;
094: // Getting the content of the page
095: while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
096: pageContent.append(inputLine);
097: }
098: in.close();
099: } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
100: ioe.printStackTrace();
101: return;
102: }
104: // Check if the page contents contain string "Communications Express 6 2005Q4"
105: if ((pageContent.indexOf("Communications Express 6 2005Q4")) > 0) {
106: uwcVersion = JES4UWC;
107: } else {
108: uwcVersion = JES5UWC;
109: }
110: }
112: /**
113: * Lets invoking classes know if per-message urls are available
114: * in this URLBuilder.
115: *
116: * @return boolean Are message URLs available
117: */
118: public boolean allowsMessageURL() {
119: return true;
120: }
122: /**
123: * Return URL string for specific message to be opened in mail client.
124: *
125: * @param javax.mail.Message The message to open
126: * @return String Message URL string
127: */
128: public String getMessageURL(javax.mail.Message message) {
129: if (message == null) {
130: return getStartURL();
131: }
132: StringBuffer returnURL = new StringBuffer(getBaseURL());
133: String lang = getLocale().getLanguage();
134: Folder folder = message.getFolder();
135: // In order to use UWC, must access proper message using format
136: if (uwcVersion.equals(JES4UWC)) {
137: returnURL.append("/");
138: returnURL.append("?argv=laurel=on&argv=mbox=");
139: returnURL.append(encode(message.getFolder().getFullName()));
140: returnURL.append("&argv=msg=");
141: try {
142: returnURL.append(((UIDFolder) folder).getUID(message));
143: } catch (MessagingException me) {
144: return getStartURL();
145: }
146: returnURL.append("&argv=cal=1");
148: } else {
149: returnURL.append("/" + contexturi);
150: returnURL.append("/mail");
151: returnURL.append("?mbox=");
152: returnURL.append(encode(message.getFolder().getFullName()));
153: returnURL.append("&msg=");
154: try {
155: returnURL.append(((UIDFolder) folder).getUID(message));
156: } catch (MessagingException me) {
157: return getStartURL();
158: }
159: }
161: return returnURL.toString();
162: }
164: /**
165: * Lets invoking classes know if composing URLs are available
166: * in this URLBuilder.
167: *
168: * @return boolean Are compisition URLs available
169: */
170: public boolean allowsComposeURL() {
171: return true;
172: }
174: /**
175: * Return URL string to open the client's compose window.
176: *
177: * @param String Subject of the message
178: * @param javax.mail.Address[] Array of to: addresses
179: * @param javax.mail.Address[] Array of cc: addresses
180: * @param javax.mail.Address[] Array of bcc: addresses
181: * @return String Composition URL string
182: */
183: public String getComposeURL(String subject,
184: javax.mail.Address[] to, javax.mail.Address[] cc,
185: javax.mail.Address[] bcc) {
186: // With the javascript goop, return a blank compose window
187: StringBuffer returnURL = new StringBuffer(getBaseURL());
188: // In order to enable Messenger Express SSO, must access
189: // proper message using format server/?argv=view=compose&argv=laurel=on
190: returnURL.append("/" + contexturi);
191: returnURL.append("/mail");
192: returnURL.append("?argv=view=compose");
193: return returnURL.toString();
195: }
197: /**
198: * Lets invoking classes know if multiple view urls are available
199: * in this URLBuilder.
200: *
201: * @return boolean Are view URLs available
202: */
203: public boolean allowsViewURL() {
204: return true;
205: }
207: /**
208: * Responsible for generating the Application Launch Link/URL for the Communications
209: * Express client. The Comms Express URL format:
210: *
211: * http://<hostname>:<port>/<contexturi>/calclient/<viewname>
212: * ?calid=<calid>
213: * &caltype=<caltype>
214: * &date=<context date>
215: * &category=<category>
216: *
217: * viewname : Name of View. [ Mandatory]
218: * - values: DayView, WeekView, MonthView
219: *
220: * calid : calid of the calendar for which the view is displayed [if this parameter is
221: * not present, default calendar is considered]
222: * - if there are multiple calendars, they are seperated by comma(,)
223: * - if one wants to view a calendar group, assign the groupname
224: *
225: * caltype : will be 'calid' if the calid has single calid value [ default value, i.e
226: * if this parameter is no t present, value 'calid' is considered ]
227: * - will be 'group' if group-name is the value of calid parameter
228: * - will be 'Temporarycalendars" if calid has multiple calids
229: *
230: * date : context Date in ISO format (For example : 20040521T065954Z). Context date is
231: * date the user has selected to view.
232: * -default value : current date
233: *
234: * category: specifies the category filter for Events/Tasks to be dsiplayed. Should be
235: * 'All' if events/tasks from all categories have to be displayed.
236: * - default value = 'All'
237: *
238: *
239: * @param provider CalendarProvider
240: * @param request HttpServletRequest
241: * @return url to access application
244: *
245: * @param String View
246: * @param String Date
247: * @return String View URL string
248: */
249: public String getViewURL(String view, String date) {
250: StringBuffer returnURL = new StringBuffer(getBaseURL());
251: returnURL.append("/").append(contexturi);
252: return returnURL.toString();
253: }
255: /**
256: * Lets invoking classes know if task URLs are available
257: * in this URLBuilder.
258: *
259: * @return boolean Are task URLs available
260: */
261: public boolean allowsTaskURL() {
262: return true;
263: }
265: /*
266: * Return URL string for specific task to be opened in the Communications
267: * Express client.
268: *
269: * http://<hostname>:<port>/<contexturi>/calclient/ViewTaskData?todoUid=<taskid>&calid=<calid>
270: *
271: * If the event/todo is recurrring one, you need to pass the recurrence id of event
272: * (parameter name is rid)
273: *
274: * @param Object Task Object
275: * @return String Task URL string
276: */
277: public String getTaskURL(Object task) {
278: VTodo vtask = (VTodo) task;
279: StringBuffer taskURL = new StringBuffer(getBaseURL());
280: String calid = getCalendarToView();
281: String taskid = null;
282: DateTime recurrenceDateTime = null;
284: try {
285: if (vtask != null) {
286: taskid = vtask.getID();
287: recurrenceDateTime = vtask.getRecurrenceID();
289: taskURL.append("/").append(contexturi).append(
290: "/calclient/ViewTaskData").append(
291: "?todoUid=" + taskid).append("&calid=" + calid);
293: if ((vtask.isRecurring())
294: && (recurrenceDateTime != null)) {
295: taskURL.append("&rid="
296: + recurrenceDateTime.toISO8601());
297: }
299: }
300: } catch (OperationNotSupportedException onse) {
301: // Debug message here
302: } catch (CalendarComponentException cce) {
303: // Debug message here
304: }
305: return taskURL.toString();
306: }
308: /**
309: * Lets invoking classes know if event URLs are available
310: * in this URLBuilder.
311: *
312: * @return boolean Are event URLs available
313: */
314: public boolean allowsEventURL() {
315: return true;
316: }
318: /**
319: * Return URL string for specific event to be opened in cal client.
320: *
321: * @param Object Event Object
322: * @return String Event URL string
323: */
324: public String getEventURL(Object event) {
325: VEvent vevent = (VEvent) event;
326: StringBuffer eventURL = new StringBuffer(getBaseURL());
327: String calid = getCalendarToView();
328: String eventid = null;
329: DateTime recurrenceDateTime = null;
330: try {
332: if (vevent != null) {
333: eventid = vevent.getID();
334: recurrenceDateTime = vevent.getRecurrenceID();
336: eventURL.append("/").append(contexturi).append(
337: "/calclient/ViewEventData").append(
338: "?eventid=" + eventid)
339: .append("&calid=" + calid);
341: if ((vevent.isRecurring())
342: && (recurrenceDateTime != null)) {
343: eventURL.append("&rid="
344: + recurrenceDateTime.toISO8601());
345: }
347: }
348: } catch (OperationNotSupportedException onse) {
349: // Debug message here
350: } catch (CalendarComponentException cce) {
351: // Debug message here
352: }
353: return eventURL.toString();
354: }
356: /**
357: * Sets the calendar id
358: *
359: * @param String Calendar ID
360: */
361: public void setCalid(String calid) {
362: this .calid = calid;
363: }
365: /**
366: * Return the calendar id
367: *
368: * @return String Calendar ID
369: */
370: public String getCalid() {
371: return calid;
372: }
374: // if the calid is set, then use this value, otherwise
375: // use "user" and "domain" from SSO adapter
376: //
377: private String getCalendarToView() {
378: StringBuffer cid = new StringBuffer();
380: if ((calid != null) && (calid.length() > 0)) {
381: return encode(calid);
383: } else {
384: if ((user != null) && (user.length() > 0)) {
385: cid.append(encode(user));
387: if ((domain != null) && (domain.length() > 0)) {
388: cid.append("%40"); // URL encoding value for '@'
389: cid.append(encode(domain));
390: }
391: }
392: }
394: return cid.toString();
395: }
397: /**
398: * Lets invoking classes know if contact urls are available
399: * in this URLBuilder.
400: *
401: * @return boolean Are contact URLs available
402: */
403: public boolean allowsContactURL() {
404: return false;
405: }
407: /**
408: * Return URL string for specific contact to be opened in ab client.
409: *
410: * @param Object contact
411: * @return String View URL string
412: */
413: public String getContactURL(Object contact) {
414: return getStartURL();
415: }
417: /**
418: * Lets invoking clasess know is composeEvent is available
419: * in this URLBuilder
420: * @return boolean , is composeEvent available
421: */
422: public boolean allowsComposeEventURL() {
423: return true;
424: }
426: /**
427: * Lets invoking clasess know is composeTask is available
428: * in this URLBuilder
429: * @return boolean , is composeTask available
430: */
431: public boolean allowsComposeTaskURL() {
432: return true;
433: }
435: /**
436: * Return URL string to open the client's composeEvent window.
437: *
438: * @param String Subject of the event
439: * @param DateTime the DateTimeat which event should be created
440: * @return String Composition URL string
441: */
442: public String getComposeEventURL(DateTime time) {
443: if (time == null) {
444: time = new DateTime(); //it is not aware of timezone
445: }
446: StringBuffer stBuff = new StringBuffer(getStartURL());
447: stBuff
448: .append("/calclient/EditEvent?category=All&viewctx=day&date="
449: + time.toISO8601());
450: if (calid != null && calid.length() > 0) {
451: stBuff.append("&caltype=calid&calid=" + calid);
452: }
453: return stBuff.toString();
454: }
456: /**
457: * Return URL string to open the client's composeTask window.
458: *
459: * @param String Subject of the task
460: * @param DateTime the DateTimeat which event should be created
461: * @return String Composition URL string
462: */
463: public String getComposeTaskURL(DateTime time) {
464: if (time == null) {
465: time = new DateTime(); //it is not aware of timezone
466: }
467: StringBuffer stBuff = new StringBuffer(getStartURL());
468: stBuff
469: .append("/calclient/NewTask?category=All&viewctx=day&date="
470: + time.toISO8601());
471: if (calid != null && calid.length() > 0) {
472: stBuff.append("&caltype=calid&calid=" + calid);
473: }
474: return stBuff.toString();
475: }
476: }