001: package com.sun.portal.community.test.provider;
003: import com.sun.portal.providers.*;
004: import com.sun.portal.desktop.*;
005: import java.util.*;
006: import javax.servlet.http.*;
007: import java.io.*;
008: import com.sun.portal.community.*;
009: import com.sun.portal.community.TemplateTokens;
010: import java.security.ProviderException;
011: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager;
012: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
013: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
015: public class CommunityMgmntTestProvider extends ProfileProviderAdapter
016: implements TemplateTokens {
017: public StringBuffer getContent(HttpServletRequest request,
018: HttpServletResponse response) throws ProviderException {
019: HttpServletRequest oreq = RequestThreadLocalizer.getRequest();
020: HttpServletResponse ores = RequestThreadLocalizer.getResponse();
022: CommunityBaseHandler cbh = new CommunityBaseHandler(oreq, ores);
024: StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
025: b.append("<pre>");
026: String cmd = request.getParameter("cmd");
028: try {
029: if (cmd == null) {
030: throw new NullPointerException("null cmd");
031: } else if (cmd.equals("create")) {
032: String number = request.getParameter("n");
033: int totalcommunities = Integer.parseInt(number);
034: String template = request.getParameter("template");
035: if (template == null) {
036: template = "2column";
037: }
038: testCreate(oreq, ores, b, totalcommunities, template,
039: cbh);
040: } else if (cmd.equals("remove")) {
041: String number = request.getParameter("n");
042: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
043: testRemove(oreq, ores, b, n, cbh);
044: } else if (cmd.equals("enable")) {
045: String number = request.getParameter("n");
046: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
047: testEnable(oreq, ores, b, n, cbh);
048: } else if (cmd.equals("disable")) {
049: String number = request.getParameter("n");
050: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
051: testDisable(oreq, ores, b, n, cbh);
052: } else if (cmd.equals("delete")) {
053: String number = request.getParameter("n");
054: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
055: testDelete(oreq, ores, b, n, cbh);
056: } else if (cmd.equals("undelete")) {
057: String number = request.getParameter("n");
058: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
059: testUndelete(oreq, ores, b, n, cbh);
060: } else if (cmd.equals("addusers")) {
061: String number = request.getParameter("n");
062: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
063: String joins = request.getParameter("j");
064: int j = Integer.parseInt(joins);
065: String suffix = request.getParameter("usersuffix");
066: if (suffix == null) {
067: suffix = ",ou=People,o=CommunitySample,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com";
068: }
069: String filename = request.getParameter("userfile");
070: testAddUsers(oreq, ores, b, n, j, suffix, filename);
071: } else if (cmd.equals("provision")) {
072: String channelName = request.getParameter("name");
073: String cidString = request.getParameter("cid");
074: testProvision(oreq, ores, channelName, cidString, cbh);
075: } else if (cmd.equals("unprovision")) {
076: String channelName = request.getParameter("name");
077: String cidString = request.getParameter("cid");
078: testUnprovision(oreq, ores, channelName, cidString);
079: } else if (cmd.equals("getmembership")) {
080: testGetMembership(oreq, ores, b, false);
081: } else if (cmd.equals("getallmembership")) {
082: testGetMembership(oreq, ores, b, true);
083: } else if (cmd.equals("hasrole")) {
084: String number = request.getParameter("n");
085: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
086: testHasRole(oreq, ores, b, n, false);
087: } else if (cmd.equals("hasroleall")) {
088: String number = request.getParameter("n");
089: int n = Integer.parseInt(number);
090: testHasRole(oreq, ores, b, n, true);
091: } else if (cmd.equals("roletransition")) {
092: String suffix = request.getParameter("usersuffix");
093: if (suffix == null) {
094: suffix = ",ou=People,o=CommunitySample,dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com";
095: }
096: String filename = request.getParameter("userfile");
097: testRoleTransition(oreq, ores, b, suffix, filename);
098: } else if (cmd.equals("communityListTransition")) {
099: String communityName = request
100: .getParameter("communityName");
101: testCommunityListTransition(oreq, ores, b,
102: communityName);
103: } else if (cmd.equals("communitySecureTransition")) {
104: String communityName = request
105: .getParameter("communityId");
106: testCommunitySecureTransition(oreq, ores, b,
107: communityName);
108: } else if (cmd.equals("communityMembershipTransition")) {
109: String communityName = request
110: .getParameter("communityName");
111: testCommunityMembershipTransition(oreq, ores, b,
112: communityName);
113: } else if (cmd.equals("communityAttributeChanges")) {
114: String communityName = request
115: .getParameter("communityName");
116: testCommunityAtrributeChanges(oreq, ores, b,
117: communityName);
118: } else if (cmd.equals("nop")) {
119: // nothing
120: } else {
121: throw new Exception("unknown command: " + cmd);
122: }
123: } catch (Throwable t) {
124: StringBuffer err = new StringBuffer();
125: err.append("<pre>\n");
126: err.append(t.getMessage());
127: err.append("\n");
128: StringWriter xx = new StringWriter();
129: t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(xx));
130: t.printStackTrace();
131: err.append(xx.toString());
132: err.append("\n</pre>\n");
134: return err;
135: }
137: b.append("</pre>");
138: return b;
139: }
141: private void testProvision(HttpServletRequest req,
142: HttpServletResponse res, String channelName,
143: String cidString, CommunityBaseHandler cbh)
144: throws Exception {
145: CommunityId cid = new CommunityId(cidString);
146: Community c = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(req,
147: res, getSSOToken(req), cid);
148: Map tokenMapping = getTokenMapping(req, res, cid,
149: "community management test provider", cbh);
151: //c.provisionService("2column", tokenMapping, channelName);
152: }
154: private void testUnprovision(HttpServletRequest req,
155: HttpServletResponse res, String channelName,
156: String cidString) throws Exception {
157: CommunityId cid = new CommunityId(cidString);
158: Community c = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(req,
159: res, getSSOToken(req), cid);
161: //c.unprovisionService(channelName);
162: }
164: private void testGetMembership(HttpServletRequest req,
165: HttpServletResponse res, StringBuffer b, boolean allRoles)
166: throws Exception {
167: CommunityUser user = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
168: .getCommunityUser(req);
169: if (allRoles) {
170: b.append("all membership: " + user.getMembership(true));
171: } else {
172: b.append("membership: " + user.getMembership());
173: }
174: }
176: private void testHasRole(HttpServletRequest req,
177: HttpServletResponse res, StringBuffer b, int n,
178: boolean allRoles) throws Exception {
179: CommunityUser user = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
180: .getCommunityUser(req);
181: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
182: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
183: for (Iterator it = RoleId.ALL_ROLES.iterator(); it
184: .hasNext();) {
185: RoleId rid = (RoleId) it.next();
186: if (allRoles) {
187: b.append("hasRole(" + id + ", " + rid.toString()
188: + ") = " + user.hasRole(id, rid, true)
189: + "<br/>\n");
190: } else {
191: b.append("hasRole(" + id + ", " + rid.toString()
192: + ") = " + user.hasRole(id, rid)
193: + "<br/>\n");
194: }
195: }
196: b.append("<br/>\n");
197: }
198: }
200: private void testAddUsers(HttpServletRequest request,
201: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b, int n, int j,
202: String userSuffix, String userListFile) throws Exception {
203: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(request, response);
204: List userList = readUsers(userListFile);
206: Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
207: for (Iterator iter = userList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
208: String uid = (String) iter.next();
209: uid = "uid=" + uid + userSuffix;
210: for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
211: int cn = random.nextInt(n);
212: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community"
213: + cn);
214: Community community = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
215: .getCommunity(request, response,
216: getSSOToken(request), id);
217: try {
218: community.addMember(uid);
219: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
220: b.append("user: " + uid
221: + " could not be added to community: " + id
222: + " it may be a duplicate<br/>\n");
223: }
224: }
225: }
226: b.append("added users to n=" + n + " communities");
227: }
229: private void testCommunityListTransition(
230: HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
231: StringBuffer b, String communityName) throws Exception {
232: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", communityName);
233: Community community = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
234: .getCommunity(request, response, getSSOToken(request),
235: id);
236: boolean listed = community.isListed();
237: b.append(id + ":listed restricted:" + listed);
238: community.setListed(!listed);
239: b.append(id + ":listed toggled to:" + !listed);
240: boolean newlisted = community.isListed();
241: if (newlisted != listed) {
242: b.append(id + ":listed switched successfully\n");
243: } else {
244: b.append(id + ":listed switched failed\n");
245: }
247: }
249: private void testCommunitySecureTransition(
250: HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
251: StringBuffer b, String communityName) throws Exception {
253: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", communityName);
254: Community community = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
255: .getCommunity(request, response, getSSOToken(request),
256: id);
257: boolean secure = community.isSecure();
258: b.append(id + ":secure restricted:" + secure);
259: community.setSecure(!secure);
260: b.append(id + ":secure toggled to:" + !secure);
261: boolean newsecure = community.isSecure();
262: if (newsecure != secure) {
263: b.append(id + ":secure switched successfully\n");
264: } else {
265: b.append(id + ":secure switched failed\n");
266: }
268: }
270: private void testCommunityMembershipTransition(
271: HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
272: StringBuffer b, String communityName) throws Exception {
273: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", communityName);
274: Community community = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
275: .getCommunity(request, response, getSSOToken(request),
276: id);
277: boolean membership = community.isMembershipRestricted();
278: b.append(id + ":membership restricted:" + membership);
279: community.setMembershipRestricted(!membership);
280: b.append(id + ":membership toggled to:" + !membership);
281: boolean newmembership = community.isMembershipRestricted();
282: if (newmembership != membership) {
283: b.append(id + ":membership switched successfully\n");
284: } else {
285: b.append(id + ":membership switched failed\n");
286: }
287: }
289: private void testCommunityAtrributeChanges(
290: HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
291: StringBuffer b, String communityName) throws Exception {
292: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", communityName);
293: Community community = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
294: .getCommunity(request, response, getSSOToken(request),
295: id);
296: //
297: // test description
298: //
300: String description = community.getDescription();
301: b.append(id + ":oldDescription:" + description + "\n");
303: community.setDescription("updatedDescription");
304: b.append(id + ":description changed to:"
305: + "updatedDescription\n");
306: description = community.getDescription();
307: if (description.equals("updatedDescription")) {
308: b.append(id + ":description set successfully\n");
309: } else {
310: b.append(id + ":description set failed\n");
311: }
313: //
314: // test category
315: //
317: String category = community.getCategory();
318: b.append(id + ":oldcategory:" + category + "\n");
320: community.setCategory("External:Ads");
321: b.append(id + ":category changed to:" + "External:Ads\n");
322: category = community.getCategory();
323: if (category.equals("External:Ads")) {
324: b.append(id + ":category set successfully\n");
325: } else {
326: b.append(id + ":category set failed\n");
327: }
329: }
331: private void testRoleTransition(HttpServletRequest request,
332: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b,
333: String userSuffix, String userListFile) throws Exception {
334: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(request, response);
335: List userList = readUsers(userListFile);
336: // Select one user from the list and we'll run the normal tests using it
338: Iterator iter = userList.iterator();
339: String uid = (String) iter.next();
340: uid = "uid=" + uid + userSuffix;
342: //
343: // Get the community handle
344: //
345: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community0");
346: Community community = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
347: .getCommunity(request, response, getSSOToken(request),
348: id);
350: //
351: //
352: try {
354: CommunityUser user = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
355: .getCommunityUser(request, uid);
356: // test inviting
357: String testAction = "invite";
358: community.inviteUser(uid, "");
359: if (user.hasRole(id, RoleId.INVITED_ROLE)) {
360: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
361: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
362: } else {
363: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
364: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
365: return;
366: }
368: // test inviting
369: testAction = "approval";
370: community.acceptInvitation(uid);
371: if (!user.hasRole(id, RoleId.INVITED_ROLE)
372: && user.hasRole(id, RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE)) {
373: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
374: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
375: } else {
376: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
377: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
378: return;
379: }
381: testAction = "Ban";
382: community.banUser(uid);
383: if (user.hasRole(id, RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE)
384: && user.hasRole(id, RoleId.BANNED_ROLE)) {
385: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
386: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
387: } else {
388: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
389: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
390: return;
391: }
393: // test unbanning of an banned member
395: testAction = "unban";
396: community.unbanUser(uid);
397: if (user.hasRole(id, RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE)
398: && !user.hasRole(id, RoleId.BANNED_ROLE)) {
399: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
400: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
401: } else {
402: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
403: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
404: return;
405: }
407: // remove the user
408: testAction = "remove";
409: community.removeUser(uid, RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE);
410: if (!user.hasRole(id, RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE)) {
411: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
412: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
413: } else {
414: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
415: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
416: return;
417: }
419: testAction = "requestmembership";
420: community.requestMembership(uid);
421: if (user.hasRole(id, RoleId.PENDING_ROLE)) {
422: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
423: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
424: } else {
425: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
426: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
427: return;
428: }
430: testAction = "accept membership request";
431: community.approveMembershipRequest(uid);
432: if (!user.hasRole(id, RoleId.PENDING_ROLE)
433: && user.hasRole(id, RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE)) {
434: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
435: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
436: } else {
437: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
438: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
439: return;
440: }
442: testAction = "reject membership request of a regular member";
443: try {
444: community.rejectMembershipRequest(uid);
445: // didn't throw an exception'
446: b.append(testAction + " failed for uid:" + uid
447: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
448: return;
450: } catch (CommunityException ex) {
451: if (ex instanceof RoleAssignmentException) {
452: b.append(testAction + " passed for uid:" + uid
453: + ": community" + id.toString() + "\n");
454: } else {
455: throw ex;
456: }
458: }
460: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
461: b.append("user: " + uid
462: + " could not be added to community: " + id
463: + "<br/>\n");
464: }
466: }
468: //
469: // Read users from a file
470: //
471: protected List readUsers(String filename) throws IOException {
472: BufferedReader br = null;
473: StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
474: List userList = new ArrayList();
476: try {
477: File f = new File(filename);
478: InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
479: InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(is);
480: br = new BufferedReader(r);
482: String line = null;
483: while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
484: userList.add(line);
485: }
486: } finally {
487: if (br != null) {
488: br.close();
489: }
490: }
492: return userList;
493: }
495: //
496: // create n communities
497: //
498: private void testCreate(HttpServletRequest request,
499: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b,
500: int totalCommunities, String template,
501: CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
502: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(request, response);
504: for (int i = 0; i < totalCommunities; i++) {
505: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
506: if (!cm.existsCommunity(id)) {
507: cm.createCommunity(id, "2column",
508: "External:Announcements", "desc" + "Community"
509: + i, false, false, true);
511: } else {
512: b.append("community: " + id
513: + " already exists, skipping<br/>\n");
514: }
515: }
516: b.append("created communites: n=" + totalCommunities
517: + "<br/>\n");
518: }
520: private Map getTokenMapping(HttpServletRequest request,
521: HttpServletResponse response, CommunityId communityId,
522: String desc, CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
523: //
524: // build token mapping
525: // priority should be: owner > member > visitor
526: // leaving some room btwn roles in case we add more roles later
527: //
529: CommunityManager cmgr = getCommunityManager(request, response);
530: Map tokenMappings = new HashMap();
531: Properties tokenMapping = new Properties();
533: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_NAME, communityId
534: .getName());
535: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_ID, communityId
536: .toString());
537: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_PORTAL_ID, cbh.getPortalId());
538: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_DESCRIPTION, desc);
539: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_CONTAINER,
540: new CommunityContainerName(communityId).toString());
541: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_DP_PRIORITY, Integer
542: .toString(cbh.getDpPriorityBase()));
543: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_SEARCH_URL, cmgr
544: .getSearchUrl());
545: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_CONTENTS_SEARCH_DB,
546: cmgr.getContentsSearchDb(communityId));
548: cmgr.getDiscussionsSearchDb(communityId));
550: tokenMappings.put(RoleId.VISITOR_ROLE.toString(), tokenMapping);
552: tokenMapping = (Properties) tokenMapping.clone();
553: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_DP_PRIORITY, Integer
554: .toString(cbh.getDpPriorityBase() + 5));
555: tokenMappings.put(RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE.toString(), tokenMapping);
557: tokenMapping = (Properties) tokenMapping.clone();
558: tokenMapping.setProperty(TOKEN_COMMUNITY_DP_PRIORITY, Integer
559: .toString(cbh.getDpPriorityBase() + 10));
560: tokenMappings.put(RoleId.OWNER_ROLE.toString(), tokenMapping);
562: return tokenMappings;
563: }
565: private void testRemove(HttpServletRequest request,
566: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b, int n,
567: CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
568: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(request, response);
569: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
570: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
571: try {
572: cm.destroyCommunity(id);
573: } catch (CommunityDoesNotExistException cdnee) {
574: b.append("community: " + id
575: + " did not exist, skipping<br/>\n");
576: } catch (CommunityServiceException cse) {
577: b
578: .append("error removing community: "
579: + id
580: + ", could not unprovision one or more services:<br/>"
581: + cse.getMessage() + "<br/>\n");
582: }
583: }
584: b.append("removed communites: n=" + n + "<br/>\n");
585: }
587: private void testDisable(HttpServletRequest request,
588: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b, int n,
589: CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
590: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
591: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
592: Community c = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(
593: request, response, getSSOToken(request), id);
594: try {
595: b.append("community" + i + " is currently "
596: + (c.isDisabled() ? "disabled." : "enabled.")
597: + " disabling...<br/>\n");
598: c.setDisabled(true);
599: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
600: b.append("error disabling community: " + id + ":<br/>"
601: + ce.getMessage() + "<br/>\n");
602: }
603: }
604: b.append("disabled communites: n=" + n + "<br/>\n");
605: }
607: private void testEnable(HttpServletRequest request,
608: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b, int n,
609: CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
610: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
611: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
612: Community c = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(
613: request, response, getSSOToken(request), id);
614: try {
615: b.append("community" + i + " is currently "
616: + (c.isDisabled() ? "disabled." : "enabled.")
617: + " enabling...<br/>\n");
618: c.setDisabled(false);
619: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
620: b.append("error undeleting community: " + id + ":<br/>"
621: + ce.getMessage() + "<br/>\n");
622: }
623: }
624: b.append("enabled communites: n=" + n + "<br/>\n");
625: }
627: private void testDelete(HttpServletRequest request,
628: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b, int n,
629: CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
630: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
631: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
632: Community c = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(
633: request, response, getSSOToken(request), id);
634: try {
635: b.append("community" + i + " is currently "
636: + (c.isDeleted() ? "deleted." : "available.")
637: + " deleting...<br/>\n");
638: c.setDeleted(true);
639: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
640: b.append("error deleting community: " + id + ":<br/>"
641: + ce.getMessage() + "<br/>\n");
642: }
643: }
644: b.append("deleted communites: n=" + n + "<br/>\n");
645: }
647: private void testUndelete(HttpServletRequest request,
648: HttpServletResponse response, StringBuffer b, int n,
649: CommunityBaseHandler cbh) throws Exception {
650: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
651: CommunityId id = new CommunityId("jdo", "community" + i);
652: Community c = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(
653: request, response, getSSOToken(request), id);
654: try {
655: b.append("community" + i + " is currently "
656: + (c.isDeleted() ? "deleted." : "available.")
657: + " undeleting...<br/>\n");
658: c.setDeleted(false);
659: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
660: b.append("error undeleting community: " + id + ":<br/>"
661: + ce.getMessage() + "<br/>\n");
662: }
663: }
664: b.append("undeleted communites: n=" + n + "<br/>\n");
665: }
667: protected CommunityManager getCommunityManager(
668: HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
669: throws Exception {
670: CommunityManager cm = null;
671: try {
672: cm = CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunityManager(
673: req, res);
674: } catch (CommunityException ce) {
675: throw new Exception(ce);
676: }
678: return cm;
679: }
681: private String getUserName(String uid, String domain) {
682: return "uid=" + uid + ",ou=People," + domain;
683: }
685: private SSOToken getSSOToken(HttpServletRequest request)
686: throws CommunityException {
687: SSOToken ssoToken = null;
688: try {
689: SSOTokenManager ssoTokenMgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
690: ssoToken = ssoTokenMgr.createSSOToken(request);
691: if (ssoToken == null) {
692: throw new RuntimeException(
693: "Expecting a request with SSOToken");
694: }
695: return ssoToken;
696: } catch (SSOException se) {
697: throw new CommunityException(
698: "CommunityBaseHandler.init(): failed to create ssoToken.",
699: se);
700: }
701: }
702: }