001: /**
002: * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All
003: * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject
004: * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
005: * Commercial Software -- Government Users
006: * Subject to Standard License Terms and
007: * Conditions.
008: *
009: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE
010: * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
011: * Inc. in the United States and other countries.
012: *
013: * Functionality:
014: * 1. Gets ths contents of the Proxylet channel. (getContent() method).
015: * 2. Gets the contents of the Proxylet provider. (getEdit() method).
016: * 3. Process the contents of the Proxylet provider and stores to the backend (processEdit() method).
017: *
018: * @ Author vr121038
019: */package com.sun.portal.proxylet.provider;
021: import com.sun.portal.proxylet.util.ProxyletConstants;
022: import com.sun.portal.proxylet.util.ProxyletUtil;
023: import com.sun.portal.proxylet.util.SSOUtil;
024: import com.sun.portal.proxylet.util.UserAttributes;
025: import com.sun.portal.proxylet.util.ParameterMap;
027: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
028: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
029: import javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils;
030: import java.net.URL;
031: import java.net.URLEncoder;
032: import java.util.*;
034: /*
035: * Provider class to retrieve and store the contents of Proxylet channel and provider.
036: */
038: public class SRAProxyletProvider implements ProxyletConstants {
040: private ResourceBundle bundle = null;
041: private String editContainer = null;
042: private String container = null;
043: private String statusMsg = null;
044: private String clientBindIP = null;
045: private String clientBindPort = null;
046: private int clientBindPortNum = PROXYLET_DEFAULT_CLIENT_BIND_PORT;
047: private boolean autoDownloadFlag = false;
048: private boolean storePacfileFlag = false;
049: private String pacfileLocation = null;
050: private SSOUtil ssoUtil = null;
052: /*
053: * Initialize the provider and get the resource bundle
054: */
055: public void init(String n, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {
056: ssoUtil = new SSOUtil(req);
057: bundle = ssoUtil
058: .getResourceBundle(PROXYLET_PROVIDER_RES_BUNDLE);
059: }
061: /*
062: * Main method to get the Proxylet channel contents.
063: * This method is invoked by DesktopServlet
064: */
065: public StringBuffer getContent(HttpServletRequest req,
066: HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception {
068: StringBuffer content = null;
069: UserAttributes attrs = ProxyletUtil.getUserAttributes(req);
070: Map tagTable = new Hashtable();
071: content = checkProxyletEnabled(req, attrs);
072: if (null != content) {
073: return content;
074: // tagTable.put("content", content);
075: // return tagTable;
076: }
078: content = new StringBuffer();
080: tagTable.put("proxyletURI", getProxyletURI(req));
081: tagTable.put("hostName", ProxyletUtil.getGWHostName(req));
082: if (attrs.getBoolean(PROXYLET_AUTO_DOWNLOAD)) {
083: StringBuffer scriptlet = new StringBuffer();
084: scriptlet.append("<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n")
085: .append("loadProxylet();\n").append("</script>\n");
086: tagTable.put("scriptlet", scriptlet);
087: tagTable
088: .put("content", bundle.getString("proxyletLoading"));
089: } else {
090: tagTable.put("scriptlet", " ");
091: tagTable.put("content", getProxyletLink(req));
092: }
094: // tagTable.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", getStringProperty("fontFace1"));
095: content = getContentTemplate(tagTable);
097: return content;
099: }
101: /*
102: * Method to get the contents of Proxylet Edit Provider.
103: * Invoked by DesktopServlet.
104: */
105: public StringBuffer getEdit(HttpServletRequest req,
106: HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception {
107: StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
108: editContainer = req.getParameter("provider");
109: container = req.getParameter("containerName");
110: UserAttributes attrs = ProxyletUtil.getUserAttributes(req);
111: Hashtable tagTable = new Hashtable();
113: tagTable.put("addNewTargetLable", bundle
114: .getString("addNewTargetLable"));
115: tagTable.put("downloadAutomaticallyLable", bundle
116: .getString("downloadAutomaticallyLable"));
117: tagTable.put("clientBindIPLable", bundle
118: .getString("clientBindIPLable"));
119: tagTable.put("clientBindPortLable", bundle
120: .getString("clientBindPortLable"));
121: tagTable.put("storePacfileLocallyLable", bundle
122: .getString("storePacfileLocallyLable"));
123: tagTable.put("pacfileLocationLable", bundle
124: .getString("pacfileLocationLable"));
125: tagTable.put("pacfileLocationNote", bundle
126: .getString("pacfileLocationNote"));
127: if ((statusMsg != null) && (statusMsg.trim().length() != 0)) {
128: tagTable.put("errorMsg", statusMsg);
129: tagTable.put("clientBindIP", clientBindIP);
130: tagTable.put("clientBindPort", clientBindPort);
131: if (autoDownloadFlag) {
132: tagTable.put("autoDownload", "Checked");
133: } else {
134: tagTable.put("autoDownload", "");
135: }
136: if (storePacfileFlag) {
137: tagTable.put("storePacfileLocally", "Checked");
138: } else {
139: tagTable.put("storePacfileLocally", "");
140: }
141: tagTable.put("pacfileLocation", pacfileLocation);
142: statusMsg = null;
143: } else {
144: tagTable.put("errorMsg", "");
145: if (attrs.getBoolean(PROXYLET_AUTO_DOWNLOAD)) {
146: tagTable.put("autoDownload", "Checked");
147: } else {
148: tagTable.put("autoDownload", "");
149: }
150: tagTable.put("clientBindIP", attrs.getString(
153: tagTable.put("clientBindPort", String.valueOf(attrs.getInt(
156: if (attrs.getBoolean(PROXYLET_STORE_PACFILE_LOCALLY)) {
157: tagTable.put("storePacfileLocally", "Checked");
158: } else {
159: tagTable.put("storePacfileLocally", "");
160: }
161: tagTable.put("pacfileLocation", attrs.getString(
164: }
166: tagTable.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", "Sans-serif");
167: tagTable.put("fontFace1", "Sans-serif");
168: // content = oldTagReplaceEditTemplate(tagTable, req);
169: content = tagReplaceEditTemplate(tagTable, req);
170: return content;
171: }
173: /*
174: * Processes the Values of the Proxylet Edit Provider and stores the values to the backend.
175: */
176: public URL processEdit(HttpServletRequest req,
177: HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception {
179: ParameterMap params = getParameterMap(req);
181: if (null != params) {
182: setProcessParameters(params);
183: UserAttributes attrs = ProxyletUtil.getUserAttributes(req);
184: validateClientBindIP();
185: if (null == statusMsg) {
186: validateClientBindPort();
187: }
188: if (null == statusMsg) {
189: validatePacfileLocation();
190: }
191: if (null != statusMsg) {
192: return getProxyletProviderURL(req);
193: }
194: commitNewValues(attrs);
195: }
196: return null;
197: }
199: /*
200: * Returns the Proxylet User Attributes.
201: */
202: private UserAttributes getProxyletUserAttributes(
203: HttpServletRequest req) {
204: return new UserAttributes(ssoUtil.getSSOToken(),
206: }
208: private StringBuffer getContentTemplate(Map tagTable) {
210: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(256);
211: String proxyletURI = (String) tagTable.get("proxyletURI");
212: String scriptlet = (String) tagTable.get("scriptlet");
213: // Fetch the values
214: sb.append("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n\n");
215: sb
216: .append("function getCookie(Name) {\n"
217: + " var search = Name + \"=\"\n"
218: + " if (document.cookie.length > 0) { // if there are any cookies\n"
219: + " offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) \n"
220: + " if (offset != -1) { // if cookie exists \n"
221: + " offset += search.length \n"
222: + " // set index of beginning of value\n"
223: + " end = document.cookie.indexOf(\";\", offset) \n"
224: + " // set index of end of cookie value\n"
225: + " if (end == -1) \n"
226: + " end = document.cookie.length\n"
227: + " return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))\n"
228: + " } \n" + " }\n" + " return null;\n"
229: + "}\n");
230: sb.append("function loadProxylet()\n");
231: sb.append("{\n\n");
232: sb.append(" host = removespcchar(\""
233: + tagTable.get("hostName") + "\");");
234: sb.append("\n");
235: sb.append(" var pscookie = getCookie(\"PS-Cookie\");\n");
236: sb.append("\n");
237: sb
238: .append("if( pscookie == null || pscookie == \"\" || pscookie.indexOf(host) == -1 )\n");
239: sb.append(" {\n");
240: sb
241: .append(" var helpWin=window.open('"
242: + (proxyletURI == null ? "" : proxyletURI)
243: + "&location=' + window.location ,host , 'width=400,height=345,hotkeys=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no');\n");
244: sb.append(" helpWin.focus();\n");
245: sb.append(" }\n}");
246: sb
247: .append("\n\n"
248: + "function removespcchar(host)\n"
249: + "{\n"
250: + " var shost=\"\";\n"
251: + " var c=\"\";\n"
252: + " for(i=0; i<host.length; i++)\n"
253: + " {\n"
254: + " c = host.charAt(i);\n"
255: + " if( ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z' ) || (c>='0' && c<='9') )\n"
256: + " shost += c;\n" + " }\n"
257: + " return shost;\n" + "}\n" + "\n"
258: + "</SCRIPT>\n");
260: sb.append(scriptlet == null ? " " : scriptlet);
261: sb.append(tagTable.get("content"));
263: return sb;
265: }
267: private StringBuffer tagReplaceEditTemplate(Map tagTable,
268: HttpServletRequest req) {
269: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(256);
270: sb
271: .append("<!--\n"
272: + " Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved\n"
273: + " Use is subject to license terms.\n"
274: + "\"@(#)edit.template\t1.1 19th Dec 03 Sun Microsystems\"\n"
275: + "-->\n"
276: + "\n"
277: + "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>\n"
278: + "\n"
279: + "var pageLoaded = 0;\n"
280: + "function isPageCompletelyLoaded() {\n"
281: + " if( (pageLoaded) && (pageLoaded == 1)) {\n"
282: + " pageLoaded=0;\n"
283: + "\treturn true;\n" + " } else {\n"
284: + " return false;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"
285: + "</SCRIPT>\n" + "\n" + "\n"
286: + "<FORM ACTION=\""
287: + req.getRequestURI()
288: + "\" onSubmit=\"return isPageCompletelyLoaded()\" TARGET=\"_parent\" NAME=\"edit_form\" METHOD=POST ENCTYPE=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"><!--\n"
289: + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"action\" SIZE=-1 VALUE=\"processProxyletEdit\">"
291: + " <TR>\n"
292: + " <TD BGCOLOR=\"#666699\" colspan=\"2\">\n"
293: + " <FONT FACE=\""
294: + tagTable.get("fontFace1")
295: + "\" color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"+1\">\n"
296: + " <B>"
297: + tagTable.get("addNewTargetLable")
298: + " </B>\n"
299: + " </FONT>\n"
300: + " <BR>\n"
301: + " </TD>\n"
302: + " </TR>\n"
303: + " <TR>\n"
304: + " <TD ALIGN=CENTER>\n"
305: + " <FONT FACE=\""
306: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
307: + "\" color=\"#FF0000\" SIZE=+0>\n"
308: + " <br><B>"
309: + tagTable.get("errorMsg")
310: + "<B></FONT> <br>\n"
311: + " </TD>\n"
312: + " </TR>\n"
313: + " <TR>\n"
314: + " <TD>\n"
315: + " <CENTER>\n"
317: + " <TR>\n"
318: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>\n"
319: + " <FONT FACE=\""
320: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
321: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
322: + " <B>"
323: + tagTable.get("downloadAutomaticallyLable")
324: + "</B></FONT>\n"
325: + " </TD>\n"
326: + " <TD>\n"
327: + " <FONT FACE=\""
328: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
329: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
330: + " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"autoDownload\" value=\"true\""
331: + tagTable.get("autoDownload")
332: + ">\n"
333: + " </FONT>\n"
334: + " </TD>\n"
335: + " </TR>\n"
336: + " <TR>\n"
337: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>\n"
338: + " <FONT FACE=\""
339: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
340: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
341: + " <B> "
342: + tagTable.get("clientBindIPLable")
343: + "</B></FONT>\n"
344: + " </TD>\n"
345: + " <TD>\n"
346: + " <FONT FACE=\""
347: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
348: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
349: + " <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"clientBindIP\" VALUE=\""
350: + tagTable.get("clientBindIP")
351: + "\" SIZE=45>\n"
352: + " </FONT>\n"
353: + " </TD>\n"
354: + " </TR>\n"
355: + " <TR>\n"
356: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=\"35%\">\n"
357: + " <FONT FACE=\""
358: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
359: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
360: + " <B> "
361: + tagTable.get("clientBindPortLable")
362: + "</B></FONT>\n"
363: + " </TD>\n"
364: + " <TD>\n"
365: + " <FONT FACE=\""
366: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
367: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
368: + " <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"clientBindPort\" VALUE=\""
369: + tagTable.get("clientBindPort")
370: + "\" SIZE=45>\n"
371: + " </FONT>\n"
372: + " </TD>\n"
373: + " </TR>\n"
374: + " <TR>\n"
375: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=\"35%\">\n"
376: + " <FONT FACE=\""
377: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
378: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
379: + " <B> "
380: + tagTable.get("storePacfileLocallyLable")
381: + "</B></FONT>\n"
382: + " </TD>\n"
383: + " <TD>\n"
384: + " <FONT FACE=\""
385: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
386: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
387: + " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"storePacfileLocally\" value=\"true\""
388: + tagTable.get("storePacfileLocally")
389: + ">\n"
390: + " </FONT>\n"
391: + " </TD>\n"
392: + " </TR>\n"
393: + " <TR>\n"
394: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=\"35%\">\n"
395: + " <FONT FACE=\""
396: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
397: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
398: + " <B> "
399: + tagTable.get("pacfileLocationLable")
400: + "</B></FONT>\n"
401: + " </TD>\n"
402: + " <TD>\n"
403: + " <FONT FACE=\""
404: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
405: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
406: + " <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"pacfileLocation\" VALUE=\""
407: + tagTable.get("pacfileLocation")
408: + "\" SIZE=45>\n"
409: + " </FONT>\n"
410: + " </TD>\n"
411: + " </TR>\n"
412: + " <TR>\n"
413: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=\"35%\">\n"
414: + " </TD>\n"
415: + " <TD>\n"
416: + " "
417: + tagTable.get("pacfileLocationNote")
418: + "\n"
419: + " </TD>\n"
420: + " </TR\n"
421: + " </TABLE>\n"
422: + " </CENTER>\n"
423: + " </TD>\n"
424: + " </TR>\n"
425: + " </TABLE>\n"
426: + " <BR>\n"
427: + " </CENTER>\n"
428: + "\n"
429: + "</TD></TR>\n"
430: + "</TABLE>\n"
431: + "<BR>\n"
432: + "<CENTER>\n"
433: + "<FONT SIZE=+0 FACE="
434: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
435: + ">\n"
436: + "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"Submit\" VALUE=\"Finished\" style='background-color:#999999;color:#ffffff'>\n"
437: + "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick=\"document.location.href='"
438: + req.getRequestURI()
439: + "?action=getDefault'\" VALUE=\"Cancel\" style='background-color:#999999;color:#ffffff'>\n"
440: + "</font>\n"
441: + "</CENTER>\n"
442: + "<br>\n"
443: + "<P>\n"
444: + "</FORM><SCRIPT>\n"
445: + "pageLoaded=1;\n" + "</SCRIPT>");
446: return sb;
448: }
450: private StringBuffer oldTagReplaceEditTemplate(Map tagTable,
451: HttpServletRequest req) {
452: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(256);
453: String error = (String) tagTable.get("errorMsg");
454: sb
455: .append("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>\n"
456: + "\n"
457: + "var pageLoaded = 0;\n"
458: + "function isPageCompletelyLoaded() {\n"
459: + " if( (pageLoaded) && (pageLoaded == 1)) {\n"
460: + " pageLoaded=0;\n"
461: + "\treturn true;\n" + " } else {\n"
462: + " return false;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"
463: + "</SCRIPT>\n" + "\n" + "\n"
464: + "<FORM ACTION=\""
465: + req.getRequestURI()
466: + "?action=processProxyletEdit\" onSubmit=\"return isPageCompletelyLoaded()\" TARGET=\"_parent\" NAME=\"edit_form\" METHOD=POST ENCTYPE=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"><!--\n"
467: + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"action\" SIZE=-1 VALUE=\"processProxyletEdit\">"
468: + " Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved\n"
469: + " Use is subject to license terms.\n"
470: + "\"@(#)edit.template\t1.1 19th Dec 03 Sun Microsystems\"\n"
471: + "-->\n"
472: + "\n"
474: + " <TR>\n"
475: + " <TD BGCOLOR=\"#666699\" colspan=\"2\">\n"
476: + " <FONT FACE=\""
477: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
478: + "\" color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"+1\">\n"
479: + " <B>"
480: + tagTable.get("addNewTargetLable")
481: + "</B>\n"
482: + " </FONT>\n"
483: + " <BR>\n"
484: + " </TD>\n"
485: + " </TR>\n"
486: + " <TR>\n"
487: + " <TD ALIGN=CENTER>\n"
488: + " <FONT FACE=\""
489: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
490: + "\" color=\"#FF0000\" SIZE=+0>\n"
491: + " <br><B>"
492: + (error == null ? "" : error)
493: + " <B></FONT> <br>\n"
494: + " </TD>\n"
495: + " </TR>\n"
496: + " <TR>\n"
497: + " <TD>\n"
498: + " <CENTER>\n"
500: + " <TR>\n"
501: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>\n"
502: + " <FONT FACE=\""
503: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
504: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
505: + " <B>"
506: + tagTable.get("downloadAutomaticallyLable")
507: + "</B></FONT>\n"
508: + " </TD>\n"
509: + " <TD>\n"
510: + " <FONT FACE=\""
511: + tagTable.get("[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
512: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
513: + " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"autoDownload\" value=\"true\""
514: + tagTable.get("autoDownload")
515: + ">\n"
516: + " </FONT>\n"
517: + " </TD>\n"
518: + " </TR>\n"
519: + " <TR>\n"
520: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>\n"
521: + " <FONT FACE=\""
522: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
523: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
524: + " <B> "
525: + tagTable.get("clientBindIPLable")
526: + "</B></FONT>\n"
527: + " </TD>\n"
528: + " <TD>\n"
529: + " <FONT FACE=\""
530: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
531: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
532: + " <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"clientBindIP\" VALUE=\""
533: + tagTable.get("clientBindIP")
534: + "\" SIZE=45>\n"
535: + " </FONT>\n"
536: + " </TD>\n"
537: + " </TR>\n"
538: + " <TR>\n"
539: + " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=\"35%\">\n"
540: + " <FONT FACE=\""
541: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
542: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
543: + " <B> "
544: + tagTable.get("clientBindPortLable")
545: + "</B></FONT>\n"
546: + " </TD>\n"
547: + " <TD>\n"
548: + " <FONT FACE=\""
549: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
550: + "\" SIZE=+0>\n"
551: + " <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"clientBindPort\" VALUE=\""
552: + tagTable.get("clientBindPort")
553: + "\" SIZE=45>\n"
554: + " </FONT>\n"
555: + " </TD>\n"
556: + " </TR>\n"
557: + " </TABLE>\n"
558: + " </CENTER>\n"
559: + " </TD>\n"
560: + " </TR>\n"
561: + " </TABLE>\n"
562: + " <BR>\n"
563: + " </CENTER>\n"
564: + "\n"
565: + "</TD></TR>\n"
566: + "</TABLE>\n"
567: + "\n\n\n"
568: + "</CENTER>\n"
569: + "</TD>\n"
570: + "</TR>\n"
571: + "</TABLE>\n"
572: + "<BR>\n"
573: + "<CENTER>\n"
574: + "<FONT SIZE=+0 FACE=\""
575: + tagTable.get("iwtDesktop-fontFace1")
576: + "\">\n"
577: + "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"Submit\" VALUE=\"Finished\" style='background-color:#999999;color:#ffffff'>\n"
578: + "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick=\"top.document.location.href='"
579: + req.getRequestURI()
580: + "'\" VALUE=\"Cancel\" style='background-color:#999999;color:#ffffff'>\n"
581: + "</font>\n"
582: + "</CENTER>\n"
583: + "<br>\n"
584: + "<P>\n"
585: + "</FORM><SCRIPT>\n"
586: + "pageLoaded=1;\n" + "</SCRIPT>");
587: return sb;
588: }
590: /*
591: * Returns the page parameter map
592: */
593: private ParameterMap getParameterMap(HttpServletRequest req) {
594: ParameterMap map = null;
595: try {
596: map = new ParameterMap("ISO-8859-1", req, true);
597: for (Enumeration e = req.getParameterNames(); e
598: .hasMoreElements();) {
599: String name = (String) e.nextElement();
600: String[] val = req.getParameterValues(name);
601: map.put(name, val);
602: }
603: } catch (Exception de) {
604: System.out
605: .println("SRAProxyletProvider: Unable to get page parameters -> "
606: + de);
607: }
608: return map;
609: }
611: /*
612: * Return the Proxylet URL link for the Proxylet provider channel
613: */
614: private StringBuffer checkProxyletEnabled(HttpServletRequest req,
615: UserAttributes attrs) throws Exception {
616: StringBuffer content = null;
618: /**
619: * Check whether proxylet service is enabled for this user
620: */
621: boolean serviceEnabled = attrs.isAllowed();
623: /**
624: * Check whether the request is via the Gateway and whether the proxylet is enabled.
625: */
626: boolean openPortal = true;
627: boolean proxyletDisabled = true;
628: boolean routedThroughProxylet = false;
629: String psProxyletHeader = req.getHeader(PROXYLET_HEADER);
630: System.out.println("Proxylet header -> " + psProxyletHeader);
631: if (psProxyletHeader != null) {
632: openPortal = false;
633: if (-1 != psProxyletHeader.indexOf("enabled=true")) {
634: proxyletDisabled = false;
635: }
636: if (-1 != psProxyletHeader.indexOf("RT-Proxylet=true")) {
637: routedThroughProxylet = true;
638: }
639: }
641: /*
642: * Return appropriate error messages if Proxylet service is not enabled at gateway or uer level.
643: */
644: if (!serviceEnabled || openPortal || proxyletDisabled
645: || routedThroughProxylet) {
646: content = new StringBuffer();
647: // content.append("<table><tr><td>\n");
648: // .append("<font FACE=\"")
649: // .append(getStringProperty("fontFace1"))
650: // .append("\" size=\"-1\">\n");
651: if (openPortal) {
652: content.append(bundle.getString("noGateway"));
653: } else if (proxyletDisabled) {
654: content.append(bundle.getString("proxyletDisabled"));
655: } else if (!serviceEnabled) {
656: content.append(bundle.getString("noService"));
657: } else if (routedThroughProxylet) {
658: content.append(bundle
659: .getString("proxyletAlreadyRunning"));
660: }
661: // content.append("</font></td></tr></table>\n");
662: }
663: return content;
664: }
666: /*
667: * Return the Proxylet URL link for the Proxylet provider channel
668: */
669: private String getProxyletLink(HttpServletRequest req) {
670: StringBuffer href = new StringBuffer()
671: .append("<a href=\"")
672: .append(getProxyletURI(req))
673: .append("\" TARGET=\"Proxylet\"")
674: .append(
675: " onClick=\"javascript:loadProxylet();return false;\">")
676: .append(
677: " " + bundle.getString("downloadProxylet")
678: + " ").append("</a>\n");
680: StringBuffer row = new StringBuffer()
681: // .append("<tr><td><font FACE=\"[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1]\" ")
682: // .append("size=\"-1\">")
683: .append(href.toString()).append("\n");
684: // .append("</font></td></tr>\n");
685: return row.toString();
686: }
688: /*
689: * Return the Proxylet URI to download the applet
690: */
691: private String getProxyletURI(HttpServletRequest req) {
693: return req.getContextPath() + PROXYLET_COMMAND_URI + "&"
694: + FOLLOWUP_PARAM + "=" + getSRADesktopURL(req) + "&"
695: + LOGOUT_PARAM + "=" + getSRADesktopURL(req)
698: // return null;
699: }
701: private String getSRADesktopURL(HttpServletRequest req) {
702: String url = HttpUtils.getRequestURL(req).toString();
703: return url;
704: // String uri = req.getRequestURI();
705: // int pos = url.indexOf(uri);
706: // return url.substring(0,pos);
707: }
709: /*
710: * Return the Proxylet Provider URL
711: */
712: private URL getProxyletProviderURL(HttpServletRequest req) {
713: URL proxyletProviderURL = null;
714: try {
716: proxyletProviderURL = new URL(getSRADesktopURL(req)
717: + "?action=edit&provider="
718: + URLEncoder.encode(editContainer, "UTF-8")
719: + "&targetprovider="
720: + URLEncoder.encode(getName(), "UTF-8")
721: + "&containerName="
722: + URLEncoder.encode(container, "UTF-8"));
724: } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ee) {
725: System.out
726: .println("ProxyletProvider: Unsupported encoding -> "
727: + ee);
728: } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException ue) {
729: System.out
730: .println("ProxyletProvider: Unable to create proxylet provider URL -> "
731: + ue);
732: }
733: return proxyletProviderURL;
734: }
736: public String getName() {
737: return null;
738: }
740: /*
741: * Set the parameters to local variables so that it can retain the values in the form
742: * if there is a invalid input.
743: */
744: private void setProcessParameters(ParameterMap params) {
745: String newAutoDownload = (String) params.get("autoDownload");
746: if (null != newAutoDownload) {
747: autoDownloadFlag = true;
748: } else {
749: autoDownloadFlag = false;
750: }
751: clientBindIP = params.getString("clientBindIP");
752: if (null != clientBindIP) {
753: clientBindIP = clientBindIP.trim();
754: } else {
755: clientBindIP = "";
756: }
757: clientBindPort = params.getString("clientBindPort");
758: if (null != clientBindPort) {
759: clientBindPort = clientBindPort.trim();
760: } else {
761: clientBindPort = "";
762: }
763: String newStorePacfileLocally = params
764: .getString("storePacfileLocally");
765: if (null != newStorePacfileLocally) {
766: storePacfileFlag = true;
767: } else {
768: storePacfileFlag = false;
769: }
770: pacfileLocation = params.getString("pacfileLocation");
771: if (null != pacfileLocation) {
772: pacfileLocation = pacfileLocation.trim();
773: } else {
774: pacfileLocation = "";
775: }
776: }
778: /*
779: * Validate client bind IP selected by the user.
780: */
781: private void validateClientBindIP() {
782: String[] tokens = clientBindIP.split("\\.");
783: if ((null != tokens) && (tokens.length == 4)) {
784: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
785: try {
786: Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
787: } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
788: statusMsg = bundle.getString("invalidIP");
789: }
790: }
791: } else {
792: statusMsg = bundle.getString("invalidIP");
793: }
794: return;
795: }
797: /*
798: * Validate client bind Port selected by the user.
799: */
800: private void validateClientBindPort() {
801: try {
802: if (clientBindPort != null) {
803: clientBindPortNum = Integer.parseInt(clientBindPort);
804: if ((clientBindPortNum < 1025)
805: || (clientBindPortNum > 65535)) {
806: statusMsg = bundle.getString("portOutOfRange");
807: }
808: }
809: } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
810: statusMsg = bundle.getString("invalidPort");
811: }
813: }
815: /*
816: * Validate pacfile Location entered by the user.
817: */
818: private void validatePacfileLocation() {
819: if ((storePacfileFlag) && ("".equals(pacfileLocation))) {
820: statusMsg = bundle.getString("invalidPacfileLocation");
821: }
822: }
824: /*
825: * Store all the new values selected by the user if these values are different from old values.
826: */
827: private void commitNewValues(UserAttributes attrs) {
828: boolean autoDownload = attrs.getBoolean(PROXYLET_AUTO_DOWNLOAD);
829: if (!autoDownloadFlag && autoDownload) {
830: attrs.setBoolean(PROXYLET_AUTO_DOWNLOAD, false);
831: } else if (autoDownloadFlag && !autoDownload) {
832: attrs.setBoolean(PROXYLET_AUTO_DOWNLOAD, true);
833: }
835: String oldClientBindIP = attrs
837: if (clientBindIP != null
838: && !clientBindIP.equals(oldClientBindIP)) {
839: attrs.setString(PROXYLET_CLIENT_BIND_IP, clientBindIP);
840: }
842: int oldClientBindPort = attrs.getInt(PROXYLET_CLIENT_BIND_PORT);
843: if (clientBindPortNum != oldClientBindPort) {
844: attrs.setInt(PROXYLET_CLIENT_BIND_PORT, clientBindPortNum);
845: }
847: boolean storePacfile = attrs
849: if (!storePacfileFlag && storePacfile) {
850: attrs.setBoolean(PROXYLET_STORE_PACFILE_LOCALLY, false);
851: } else if (storePacfileFlag && !storePacfile) {
852: attrs.setBoolean(PROXYLET_STORE_PACFILE_LOCALLY, true);
853: }
855: String oldPacfileLocation = attrs
857: if (pacfileLocation != null
858: && !pacfileLocation.equals(oldPacfileLocation)) {
859: attrs.setString(PROXYLET_PACFILE_LOCATION, pacfileLocation);
860: }
861: }
862: }