01: /**
02: * $Id: ConfigContext.java,v 1.2 2003/06/27 21:10:34 dpolla Exp $
03: * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Allrights reserved. Use of
04: * this product is subjectto license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
05: * Commercial Software -- Government Users Subject to Standard License
06: * Terms and Conditions.
07: *
08: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE are trademarks or
09: * registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,Inc. in the United States
10: * and other countries.
11: */package com.sun.ssoadapter.config;
13: /**
14: * The implementation for this Context must return valid ClassName for
15: * creating ClientAwareAppContext. The ClientAwareAppContext Object inturn
16: * creates all the other objects.
17: *
18: * <p>
19: * The other methods that return ClassNames can choose to return null, if the
20: * classnames are not derived from property files.
21: */
22: public interface ConfigContext {
23: /**
24: * Initialize the ConfigContext.
25: */
26: public void init() throws SAALException;
28: /**
29: * Required: Returns the ClientAwareAppContext name
30: */
31: public String getClientAwareAppContextClassName();
33: /**
34: * Required: Returns the ClientAwareUserContext Classname
35: */
36: public String getClientAwareUserContextClassName();
38: /**
39: * Required: Returns the ClientAwareUserContext Classname for Authless Authentication
40: */
41: public String getClientAwareAuthlessUserContextClassName();
42: }