0001: /*
0002: * Report.java
0003: *
0004: * iReport -- Visual designer for generating JasperReports Documents
0005: * Copyright (C) 2002 Giulio Toffoli gt@businesslogic.it
0006: *
0007: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008: * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0009: * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0010: * (at your option) any later version.Styl"
0011: *
0012: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0013: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0015: * GNU General Public License for more details.
0016: *
0017: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0018: * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
0019: * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0020: *
0021: * Giulio Toffoli
0022: * Via T.Aspetti, 233
0023: * 35100 Padova ITALY
0024: * gt@businesslogic.it
0025: *
0026: * Created on 10 febbraio 2003, 19.32
0027: *
0028: * Updated by Robert Lamping:
0029: * dtd updated with the new package path net/sf/ etc...
0030: * Added Try catch to catch a missing dtd.
0031: * Changed Mainframe.openFile to catch this exception and stop opening a file in case of an exception.
0032: */
0034: package it.businesslogic.ireport;
0036: //import java.util.*;
0037: import it.businesslogic.ireport.ReportWriter;
0038: import it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.SectionItemHyperlink;
0039: import it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabParameter;
0040: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.event.ReportDocumentStatusChangedEvent;
0041: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.event.ReportSubDatasetChangedEvent;
0042: import it.businesslogic.ireport.util.I18n;
0043: import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
0044: import java.io.FileInputStream;
0045: import java.io.FileOutputStream;
0046: import java.util.Vector;
0047: import java.util.Iterator;
0048: import java.util.Properties;
0049: import java.util.Enumeration;
0051: //import it.businesslogic.ireport.util.*;
0052: import it.businesslogic.ireport.util.Misc;
0053: import it.businesslogic.ireport.util.PageSize;
0054: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.JReportFrame;
0055: import it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.*;
0056: import it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell;
0057: import it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabColumnGroup;
0058: import it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabGroup;
0059: import it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabRowGroup;
0060: import it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.Measure;
0061: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame;
0062: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.event.StyleChangedEvent;
0063: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.event.SubDatasetObjectChangedListener;
0064: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReport;
0065: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport;
0066: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader;
0068: import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
0070: //import org.w3c.dom.*;
0071: import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0072: import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
0073: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0074: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0076: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
0078: import java.io.IOException;
0079: import java.io.File;
0080: import java.io.PrintWriter;
0081: import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
0082: import javax.swing.JDialog;
0083: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
0084: import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
0086: /**
0087: *
0088: * @author Administrator
0089: */
0090: public class ReportReader {
0092: private Report report = null;
0094: private boolean deprecationWarning = false;
0096: public ReportReader(Report report) {
0097: this .report = report;
0098: }
0100: public Report getReport() {
0101: return report;
0102: }
0104: public void setReport(Report report) {
0105: this .report = report;
0106: }
0108: public Report readFile(String xmlFile) throws IOException {
0110: deprecationWarning = false;
0112: // Set the real default...
0113: getReport().setLanguage("java");
0115: //reset bands, prevents page height overflow for unused bands
0116: for (int i = 0; i < getReport().getBands().size(); i++) {
0117: ((Band) getReport().getBands().elementAt(i)).setHeight(0);
0118: }
0120: java.io.InputStream input_source = null;
0121: try {
0122: if (xmlFile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jasper")) {
0123: try {
0124: java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();
0125: // 1. We havo to load the design...
0126: JRReport jreport = (JRReport) JRLoader
0127: .loadObject(xmlFile);
0129: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager
0130: .writeReportToXmlStream(jreport, bos);
0132: input_source = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos
0133: .toByteArray());
0135: } catch (Throwable t) {
0136: t.printStackTrace();
0137: }
0138: } else {
0140: // Create a Xerces DOM Parser
0141: // Parse the Document
0142: // and traverse the DOM
0144: getReport().setFilename(xmlFile);
0145: getReport().checkReadOnlyFlag();
0147: // set load time...
0148: getReport().setLoadTime(Misc.getLastWriteTime(xmlFile));
0150: File ffile = new File(xmlFile);
0151: if (ffile.exists()) {
0152: input_source = new java.io.FileInputStream(ffile);
0154: } else {
0156: input_source = getReport().getClass()
0157: .getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
0158: xmlFile);
0159: }
0161: // Change to the file directory...
0163: }
0165: return readFromStream(input_source); //Changed by Felix Firgau
0166: } catch (IOException e) {
0167: System.out.println(e);
0168: e.printStackTrace();
0169: throw e;
0171: // } catch (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException e) {
0172: // System.out.println(e);
0173: // e.printStackTrace();
0175: } catch (Exception e) {
0176: System.err.println(e);
0177: e.printStackTrace();
0178: } finally {
0179: try {
0180: if (input_source != null) {
0181: input_source.close();
0182: }
0183: } catch (Exception ex) {
0184: }
0185: }
0187: showWarning();
0189: return getReport();
0190: }
0192: private void showWarning() {
0193: if (deprecationWarning
0194: && !MainFrame.getMainInstance().getProperties()
0195: .getProperty("showCompatibilityMessageLoad",
0196: "true").equals("false")) {
0197: Runnable r = new Runnable() {
0199: public void run() {
0200: JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane();
0201: JCheckBox checkbox = new JCheckBox(
0202: "Don't show this message again.");
0203: checkbox.setEnabled(false);
0204: Object msg[] = {
0205: "Warning: this report contains some deprecated tags.\n"
0206: + "iReport will convert them using the appropriate new syntax.\n"
0207: + "You can choose to keep this report compatible with a previous version of JasperReports, instead,\n"
0208: + "but this may result in the loss of formatting information or parts of your report.\n\n",
0209: checkbox };
0210: optionPane.setMessage(msg);
0211: optionPane
0212: .setOptionType(JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION);
0213: optionPane
0214: .setMessageType(JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0216: final JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(
0217: MainFrame.getMainInstance(),
0218: "Compatibility warning");
0219: checkbox.setEnabled(true);
0221: dialog.setVisible(true);
0223: Object value = optionPane.getValue();
0224: if (checkbox.isSelected()) {
0225: MainFrame.getMainInstance().getProperties()
0226: .setProperty(
0227: "showCompatibilityMessageLoad",
0228: "false");
0229: }
0230: }
0231: };
0233: if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
0234: r.run();
0235: } else {
0236: SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r);
0237: }
0238: }
0239: }
0241: /**
0242: * readFromStream
0243: * reads an report from an InputStream
0244: *
0245: * Author: Felix Firgau
0246: *
0247: * @param input_source InputStream
0248: * @return Report
0249: * @throws IOException
0250: */
0251: public Report readFromStream(java.io.InputStream input_source)
0252: throws IOException {
0253: try {
0254: DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
0256: parser.setEntityResolver(new org.xml.sax.EntityResolver() {
0258: /* Code by Teodor Danciu */
0259: public org.xml.sax.InputSource resolveEntity(
0260: String publicId, String systemId)
0261: throws SAXException, IOException {
0262: org.xml.sax.InputSource inputSource = null;
0264: //System.out.println("Resolving : " + publicId + " " + systemId);
0266: if (systemId != null) {
0267: String dtd = null;
0269: if (systemId
0270: .equals("http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd")
0271: || systemId
0272: .equals("http://www.jasperreports.com/dtds/jasperreport.dtd")) {
0273: //dtd = "dori/jasper/engine/dtds/jasperreport.dtd";
0274: dtd = "net/sf/jasperreports/engine/dtds/jasperreport.dtd";
0276: } else if (systemId
0277: .equals("http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperprint.dtd")
0278: || systemId
0279: .equals("http://www.jasperreports.com/dtds/jasperprint.dtd")) {
0280: dtd = "net/sf/jasperreports/engine/dtds/jasperprint.dtd";
0281: } else {
0283: return new org.xml.sax.InputSource(systemId);
0284: }
0286: ClassLoader classLoader = getReport()
0287: .getClass().getClassLoader();
0288: java.net.URL url = null;
0290: if (classLoader != null) {
0291: url = classLoader.getResource(dtd);
0292: if (url == null) {
0293: classLoader = getReport().getClass()
0294: .getClassLoader();
0295: }
0297: } else {
0298: // url is certainly null
0299: // classLoader stays null
0300: }
0302: java.io.InputStream is = classLoader
0303: .getResourceAsStream(dtd);
0304: if (is != null) {
0305: java.io.InputStreamReader isr = new java.io.InputStreamReader(
0306: is);
0307: inputSource = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(
0308: isr);
0309: } else {
0310: // dtd could not be found
0311: // this error occurs e.g. when the package name / path changes to this dtd
0312: // the error will be caught by MainFrame.openFile() en the report file won't open
0313: throw new java.io.IOException(
0314: "iReport Internal error in report.java: Could not find: "
0315: + dtd + "\n");
0316: }
0317: }
0318: return inputSource;
0320: }
0321: });
0322: /* End Code by Teodor Danciu */
0324: //String f = new java.io.File(xmlFile).toURI().toString();
0325: org.xml.sax.InputSource input_sss = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(
0326: input_source);
0327: input_sss.setSystemId("file:///"
0328: + getReport().getFilename());
0330: parser.parse(input_sss);
0332: //System.out.println(parser.getFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/dom/create-entity-ref-nodes"));
0334: Document document = parser.getDocument();
0335: getReport().setEncoding(
0336: Misc.nvl(input_sss.getEncoding(), "UTF-8"));
0338: traverse(document.getDocumentElement());
0340: /* Begin Code by Robert Lamping
0341: * 2 July 2004
0342: * Now height and width are known and a format can be guessed.
0343: * using PageSize.deductPageFormat();
0344: */
0346: getReport().setReportFormat(
0347: PageSize.deductPageFormat(getReport().getWidth(),
0348: getReport().getHeight()));
0350: for (int i = 0; i < getReport().getGroups().size(); i++) {
0351: it.businesslogic.ireport.Group grp = (it.businesslogic.ireport.Group) getReport()
0352: .getGroups().elementAt(i);
0353: getReport().addGroup(grp, false);
0354: }
0356: /*
0357: for (int i=0; i<getBands().size(); ++i)
0358: {
0359: Band b = (Band)getBands().elementAt(i);
0360: getReport().elementGroupResort( b );
0361: }
0362: */
0364: // Translate coords to iReport coord system...
0365: for (int i = 0; i < getReport().getElements().size(); ++i) {
0366: ReportElement re = (ReportElement) getReport()
0367: .getElements().elementAt(i);
0369: if (re.getParentElement() != null) {
0370: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point((int) re
0371: .getParentElement().getPosition().getX(),
0372: (int) re.getParentElement().getPosition()
0373: .getY()),
0374: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_MOVE);
0375: } else {
0376: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(getReport()
0377: .getLeftMargin() + 10, getReport()
0378: .getBandYLocation(re.getBand()) + 10),
0379: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_MOVE);
0380: }
0381: }
0383: // Scriptlet loading....
0385: // Process custom properties (ireport.* properties).
0386: // We cut out ireport properties...
0387: //System.out.println("Analizing properties...");
0388: //System.out.println("Possible file: "+getReport().getScriptletFileName());
0390: if (getReport().getScriptletFileName() != null) {
0391: getReport().setScriptletHandling(
0393: }
0395: for (int pk = 0; pk < getReport().getJRproperties().size(); ++pk) {
0396: JRProperty prop = (JRProperty) getReport()
0397: .getJRproperties().elementAt(pk);
0399: //System.out.println(""+prop.getName());
0401: if (prop.getName().equals("ireport.scriptlethandling")) {
0402: if (prop.getValue().equals("0")) {
0403: getReport().setScriptletHandling(0);
0404: } else if (prop.getValue().equals("1")) {
0405: getReport()
0406: .setScriptletHandling(
0408: // Try to load the source file...
0409: File scriptletFile = new File(getReport()
0410: .getScriptletFileName());
0411: if (scriptletFile.exists()) {
0412: getReport().setScripletCode(
0413: new ScriptletCode(getReport()
0414: .getScriptletFileName()));
0415: //System.out.println("Caricato scriptlet");
0416: }
0417: }
0418: }
0420: if (prop.getName().equals("ireport.encoding")) {
0421: getReport().setEncoding(prop.getValue());
0422: }
0424: if (prop.getValue().startsWith("ireport.")) {
0425: getReport().getJRproperties().remove(prop);
0426: pk--;
0427: }
0428: }
0430: if (getReport().getScriptletHandling() == 2
0431: && (getReport().getScriptletClass() == null || getReport()
0432: .getScriptletClass().equals(""))) {
0433: getReport().setScriptletHandling(0);
0434: }
0436: // } catch (SAXException e) {
0437: // System.err.println(e);
0438: } catch (IOException e) {
0439: System.out.println(e);
0440: e.printStackTrace();
0441: throw e;
0443: } catch (Exception e) {
0444: System.err.println(e);
0445: e.printStackTrace();
0446: }
0448: // Set the report status to Unchanged...
0449: // This will thrown an ReportStateChanged
0450: getReport().setReportChanges(0);
0452: showWarning();
0454: return getReport();
0455: }
0457: private void readGraphicsElement(GraphicReportElement re,
0458: Node child_child) {
0460: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child.getAttributes();
0462: NodeList childsOfGraphicElement = child_child.getChildNodes();
0463: for (int ge_c_count = 0; ge_c_count < childsOfGraphicElement
0464: .getLength(); ge_c_count++) {
0465: Node geSubNode = (Node) childsOfGraphicElement
0466: .item(ge_c_count);
0467: if (geSubNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0468: && geSubNode.getNodeName().equals("pen")) {
0470: float defWidth = re instanceof ImageReportElement ? 0f
0471: : 1f;
0472: re.setPen(readPen(geSubNode, defWidth));
0473: }
0474: }
0476: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("pen") != null) {
0477: re.setGraphicElementPen(""
0478: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("pen")
0479: .getNodeValue());
0480: deprecationWarning = true;
0481: if (re.getPen() == null)
0482: re.setPen(new Pen());
0483: re.getPen().setLineWidth(
0484: getLineWidthByBorder(re.getGraphicElementPen()));
0485: re.getPen().setLineStyle(
0486: getLineStyleByBorder(re.getGraphicElementPen()));
0487: }
0488: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("fill") != null) {
0489: re.setPropertyValue(GraphicReportElement.FILL, ""
0490: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("fill")
0491: .getNodeValue());
0492: }
0493: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("stretchType") != null) {
0494: re.setStretchType(""
0495: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("stretchType")
0496: .getNodeValue());
0497: }
0499: }
0501: // Traverse DOM Tree. Print out Element Names
0502: private void traverse(Node node) {
0504: boolean seeInside = false;
0505: if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0506: && node.getNodeName().equals("jasperReport")) {
0508: seeInside = true;
0509: // Find encoding...
0510: NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
0512: getReport().setName(
0513: ((nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) ? nnm
0514: .getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue() : ""));
0516: if (nnm.getNamedItem("columnCount") != null) {
0517: getReport().setColumnCount(
0518: Integer.parseInt(nnm
0519: .getNamedItem("columnCount")
0520: .getNodeValue()));
0521: }
0522: if (nnm.getNamedItem("printOrder") != null) {
0523: getReport().setPrintOrder(
0524: nnm.getNamedItem("printOrder").getNodeValue());
0525: }
0526: if (nnm.getNamedItem("orientation") != null) {
0527: getReport().setOrientation(
0528: nnm.getNamedItem("orientation").getNodeValue());
0529: }
0530: if (nnm.getNamedItem("scriptletClass") != null) {
0531: getReport().setScriptletClass(
0532: nnm.getNamedItem("scriptletClass")
0533: .getNodeValue());
0534: }
0535: if (nnm.getNamedItem("resourceBundle") != null) {
0536: getReport().setResourceBundleBaseName(
0537: nnm.getNamedItem("resourceBundle")
0538: .getNodeValue());
0539: }
0540: if (nnm.getNamedItem("pageWidth") != null) {
0541: getReport().setWidth(
0542: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem("pageWidth")
0543: .getNodeValue()));
0544: }
0545: if (nnm.getNamedItem("pageHeight") != null) {
0546: getReport().setHeight(
0547: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem("pageHeight")
0548: .getNodeValue()));
0549: }
0550: if (nnm.getNamedItem("columnWidth") != null) {
0551: getReport().setColumnWidth(
0552: Integer.parseInt(nnm
0553: .getNamedItem("columnWidth")
0554: .getNodeValue()));
0555: }
0556: if (nnm.getNamedItem("columnSpacing") != null) {
0557: getReport().setColumnSpacing(
0558: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
0559: "columnSpacing").getNodeValue()));
0560: }
0561: if (nnm.getNamedItem("leftMargin") != null) {
0562: getReport().setLeftMargin(
0563: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem("leftMargin")
0564: .getNodeValue()));
0565: }
0566: if (nnm.getNamedItem("rightMargin") != null) {
0567: getReport().setRightMargin(
0568: Integer.parseInt(nnm
0569: .getNamedItem("rightMargin")
0570: .getNodeValue()));
0571: }
0572: if (nnm.getNamedItem("topMargin") != null) {
0573: getReport().setTopMargin(
0574: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem("topMargin")
0575: .getNodeValue()));
0576: }
0577: if (nnm.getNamedItem("bottomMargin") != null) {
0578: getReport().setBottomMargin(
0579: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
0580: "bottomMargin").getNodeValue()));
0581: }
0582: if (nnm.getNamedItem("whenNoDataType") != null) {
0583: getReport().setWhenNoDataType(
0584: nnm.getNamedItem("whenNoDataType")
0585: .getNodeValue());
0586: }
0587: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isTitleNewPage") != null) {
0588: getReport().setIsTitleNewPage(
0589: nnm.getNamedItem("isTitleNewPage")
0590: .getNodeValue()
0591: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0592: }
0593: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isSummaryNewPage") != null) {
0594: getReport().setIsSummaryNewPage(
0595: nnm.getNamedItem("isSummaryNewPage")
0596: .getNodeValue()
0597: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0598: }
0600: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isFloatColumnFooter") != null) {
0601: getReport().setFloatColumnFooter(
0602: nnm.getNamedItem("isFloatColumnFooter")
0603: .getNodeValue()
0604: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0605: }
0607: if (nnm.getNamedItem("language") != null) {
0608: getReport().setLanguage(
0609: nnm.getNamedItem("language").getNodeValue());
0610: }
0612: if (nnm.getNamedItem("whenResourceMissingType") != null) {
0613: getReport().setWhenResourceMissingType(
0614: nnm.getNamedItem("whenResourceMissingType")
0615: .getNodeValue());
0616: }
0618: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isIgnorePagination") != null) {
0619: getReport().setIgnorePagination(
0620: nnm.getNamedItem("isIgnorePagination")
0621: .getNodeValue()
0622: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0623: }
0625: if (nnm.getNamedItem("formatFactoryClass") != null) {
0626: getReport().setFormatFactoryClass(
0627: nnm.getNamedItem("formatFactoryClass")
0628: .getNodeValue());
0629: }
0631: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0632: && node.getNodeName().equals("property")) {
0634: // Load report property...
0635: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRProperty property = readPropertyElement(node);
0636: if (property.getName() != null
0637: && property.getName().length() != 0) {
0638: getReport().addJRProperty(property);
0639: }
0640: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0641: && node.getNodeName().equals("import")) {
0643: // Load report IMPORT...
0644: NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
0645: if (nnm.getNamedItem("value") != null) {
0646: getReport().addImport(
0647: nnm.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue());
0648: }
0649: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0650: && node.getNodeName().equals("template")) {
0652: // Load report IMPORT...
0653: String clazz = "java.lang.String";
0654: String exp = readPCDATA(node, true);
0656: NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
0657: if (nnm.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
0658: clazz = nnm.getNamedItem("class").getNodeValue();
0659: }
0661: if (exp.length() > 0) {
0662: Template template = new Template(exp, clazz);
0663: getReport().getTemplates().add(template);
0664: }
0665: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0666: && node.getNodeName().equals("reportFont")) {
0668: // Load report font...
0669: boolean isDefaultFont = false;
0670: IReportFont font = new IReportFont();
0672: NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
0674: for (int kkk = 0; kkk < nnm.getLength(); ++kkk) {
0675: //System.out.println( + " " + );
0677: String propName = nnm.item(kkk).getNodeName();
0678: String propValue = nnm.item(kkk).getNodeValue();
0679: if (propName != null && propValue != null) {
0680: if (propName.equals("name"))
0681: font.setReportFont(propValue);
0682: if (propName.equals("isDefault")) {
0683: isDefaultFont = propValue.equals("true");
0684: font.setDefaultFont(isDefaultFont);
0685: }
0686: if (propName.equals("fontName"))
0687: font.setFontName(propValue);
0688: else if (propName.equals("pdfFontName"))
0689: font.setPDFFontName(propValue);
0690: else if (propName.equals("size"))
0691: font.setFontSize(Integer.parseInt(""
0692: + propValue));
0693: else if (propName.equals("isBold"))
0694: font.setBold((new String("" + propValue))
0695: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0696: else if (propName.equals("isItalic"))
0697: font.setItalic((new String("" + propValue))
0698: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0699: else if (propName.equals("isUnderline"))
0700: font.setUnderline((new String("" + propValue))
0701: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0702: else if (propName.equals("isStrikeThrough"))
0703: font.setStrikeTrought((new String(""
0704: + propValue)).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0705: else if (propName.equals("isPdfEmbedded"))
0706: font
0707: .setPdfEmbedded((new String(""
0708: + propValue))
0709: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
0710: else if (propName.equals("pdfEncoding"))
0711: font.setPdfEncoding("" + propValue);
0712: }
0713: }
0715: if (isDefaultFont) {
0716: getReport().setDefaultFont((IReportFont) font.clone());
0717: }
0719: getReport().getFonts().addElement(font);
0720: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0721: && node.getNodeName().equals("style")) {
0723: Style style = readStyle(node);
0724: getReport().getStyles().addElement(style);
0726: // Update Styles parents...
0727: for (int i = 0; i < getReport().getStyles().size(); ++i) {
0728: Style s = (Style) getReport().getStyles().elementAt(i);
0729: if (s.getAttribute(s.ATTRIBUTE_style) != null
0730: && !(s.getAttribute(s.ATTRIBUTE_style) instanceof Style)) {
0731: for (int j = 0; j < getReport().getStyles().size(); ++j) {
0732: Style sparent = (Style) getReport().getStyles()
0733: .elementAt(j);
0734: if (sparent.getName().equals(
0735: s.getAttribute(s.ATTRIBUTE_style) + "")) {
0736: s.getAttributes().put(s.ATTRIBUTE_style,
0737: sparent);
0738: }
0739: }
0740: }
0741: }
0742: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0743: && node.getNodeName().equals("parameter")) {
0745: // Load parameter...
0746: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRParameter parameter = readParameterElement(node);
0748: if (parameter.getName() != null
0749: && parameter.getName().length() != 0) {
0750: getReport().addParameter(parameter);
0751: }
0752: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0753: && node.getNodeName().equals("queryString")) {
0754: // Load queryString
0755: NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
0756: if (nnm.getNamedItem("language") != null) {
0757: getReport().setQueryLanguage(
0758: nnm.getNamedItem("language").getNodeValue());
0759: }
0761: getReport().setQuery(readPCDATA(node));
0762: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0763: && node.getNodeName().equals("filterExpression")) {
0764: getReport().setFilterExpression(readPCDATA(node));
0765: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0766: && node.getNodeName().equals("field")) {
0767: // Load field
0768: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRField field = readFieldElement(node);
0770: if (field.getName() != null
0771: && field.getName().length() != 0) {
0772: getReport().addField(field);
0773: }
0774: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0775: && node.getNodeName().equals("variable")) {
0776: // Load variable
0777: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRVariable variable = readVariableElement(node);
0779: if (variable.getName() != null
0780: && variable.getName().length() != 0) {
0781: getReport().addVariable(variable);
0782: }
0783: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0784: && node.getNodeName().equals("sortField")) {
0785: it.businesslogic.ireport.SortField sortField = readSortFieldElement(node);
0786: getReport().addSortField(sortField);
0787: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0788: && node.getNodeName().equals("subDataset")) {
0789: // Load field
0790: it.businesslogic.ireport.SubDataset subDataset = new it.businesslogic.ireport.SubDataset();
0792: NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
0793: if (nnm.getNamedItem("scriptletClass") != null) {
0794: subDataset.setScriptletClass(nnm.getNamedItem(
0795: "scriptletClass").getNodeValue());
0796: }
0797: if (nnm.getNamedItem("resourceBundle") != null) {
0798: subDataset.setResourceBundleBaseName(nnm.getNamedItem(
0799: "resourceBundle").getNodeValue());
0800: }
0801: if (nnm.getNamedItem("whenResourceMissingType") != null) {
0802: subDataset.setWhenResourceMissingType(nnm.getNamedItem(
0803: "whenResourceMissingType").getNodeValue());
0804: }
0805: subDataset
0806: .setName(((nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) ? nnm
0807: .getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue()
0808: : "SubDataset"));
0810: NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
0811: if (children != null) {
0812: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
0813: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
0814: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0815: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
0816: "property")) {
0817: // Take the CDATA...
0818: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRProperty property = readPropertyElement(nodeChild);
0819: if (property.getName() != null
0820: && property.getName().length() != 0) {
0821: subDataset.addJRProperty(property);
0822: }
0823: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0824: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
0825: "parameter")) {
0826: // Take the CDATA...
0827: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRParameter parameter = readParameterElement(nodeChild);
0828: if (parameter.getName() != null
0829: && parameter.getName().length() != 0) {
0830: subDataset.addParameter(parameter);
0831: }
0832: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0833: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("field")) {
0834: // Take the CDATA...
0835: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRField field = readFieldElement(nodeChild);
0837: if (field.getName() != null
0838: && field.getName().length() != 0) {
0839: subDataset.addField(field);
0840: }
0841: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0842: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
0843: "variable")) {
0844: // Take the CDATA...
0845: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRVariable variable = readVariableElement(nodeChild);
0846: if (variable.getName() != null
0847: && variable.getName().length() != 0) {
0848: subDataset.addVariable(variable);
0849: }
0850: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0851: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
0852: "queryString")) {
0853: // Take the CDATA...
0854: NamedNodeMap nnmChild = nodeChild
0855: .getAttributes();
0856: if (nnmChild.getNamedItem("language") != null) {
0857: subDataset.setQueryLanguage(nnmChild
0858: .getNamedItem("language")
0859: .getNodeValue());
0860: }
0861: subDataset.setQuery(readPCDATA(nodeChild));
0862: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0863: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
0864: "filterExpression")) {
0865: subDataset
0866: .setFilterExpression(readPCDATA(nodeChild));
0867: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0868: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("group")) {
0869: // Take the CDATA...
0870: it.businesslogic.ireport.Group group = readGroupElement(
0871: subDataset, nodeChild, false);
0872: subDataset.getGroups().add(group);
0873: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0874: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
0875: "sortField")) {
0876: // Take the CDATA...
0877: it.businesslogic.ireport.SortField sortField = readSortFieldElement(nodeChild);
0878: subDataset.addSortField(sortField);
0879: }
0880: }
0881: }
0883: getReport().addSubDataset(subDataset);
0885: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0886: && node.getNodeName().equals("group")) {
0887: // Load group
0889: it.businesslogic.ireport.Group group = readGroupElement(
0890: getReport(), node, true);
0891: if (group.getName() != null
0892: && group.getName().length() != 0) {
0893: getReport().getGroups().addElement(group); // We don't use here addGroup method!
0894: }
0895: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0896: && node.getNodeName().equals("background")) {
0897: // Load background band
0898: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
0899: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
0900: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
0901: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0902: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
0903: // Read the band...
0904: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
0905: .getAttributes();
0906: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("background");
0907: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
0908: b
0909: .setHeight(Integer
0910: .parseInt(bandAttributes
0911: .getNamedItem("height")
0912: .getNodeValue()));
0913: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
0914: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
0915: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
0916: .equals("true"));
0917: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
0918: }
0919: }
0920: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0921: && node.getNodeName().equals("title")) {
0922: // Load title band
0923: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
0924: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
0925: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
0926: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0927: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
0928: // Read the band...
0929: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
0930: .getAttributes();
0931: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("title");
0932: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
0933: b
0934: .setHeight(Integer
0935: .parseInt(bandAttributes
0936: .getNamedItem("height")
0937: .getNodeValue()));
0938: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
0939: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
0940: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
0941: .equals("true"));
0942: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
0943: }
0944: }
0945: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0946: && node.getNodeName().equals("pageHeader")) {
0947: // Load pageHeader band
0948: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
0949: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
0950: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
0951: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0952: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
0953: // Read the band...
0954: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
0955: .getAttributes();
0956: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("pageHeader");
0957: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
0958: b
0959: .setHeight(Integer
0960: .parseInt(bandAttributes
0961: .getNamedItem("height")
0962: .getNodeValue()));
0963: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
0964: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
0965: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
0966: .equals("true"));
0967: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
0968: }
0969: }
0970: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0971: && node.getNodeName().equals("columnHeader")) {
0972: // Load columnHeader band
0973: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
0974: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
0975: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
0976: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0977: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
0978: // Read the band...
0979: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
0980: .getAttributes();
0981: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("columnHeader");
0982: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
0983: b
0984: .setHeight(Integer
0985: .parseInt(bandAttributes
0986: .getNamedItem("height")
0987: .getNodeValue()));
0988: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
0989: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
0990: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
0991: .equals("true"));
0992: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
0993: }
0994: }
0995: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
0996: && node.getNodeName().equals("detail")) {
0997: // Load detail band
0998: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
0999: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1000: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1001: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1002: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
1003: // Read the band...
1004: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1005: .getAttributes();
1006: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("detail");
1007: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1008: b
1009: .setHeight(Integer
1010: .parseInt(bandAttributes
1011: .getNamedItem("height")
1012: .getNodeValue()));
1013: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1014: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1015: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
1016: .equals("true"));
1017: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
1018: }
1019: }
1020: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1021: && node.getNodeName().equals("columnFooter")) {
1022: // Load columnFooter band
1023: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
1024: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1025: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1026: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1027: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
1028: // Read the band...
1029: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1030: .getAttributes();
1031: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("columnFooter");
1032: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1033: b
1034: .setHeight(Integer
1035: .parseInt(bandAttributes
1036: .getNamedItem("height")
1037: .getNodeValue()));
1038: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1039: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1040: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
1041: .equals("true"));
1042: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
1043: }
1044: }
1045: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1046: && node.getNodeName().equals("pageFooter")) {
1047: // Load pageFooter band
1048: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
1049: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1050: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1051: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1052: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
1053: // Read the band...
1054: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1055: .getAttributes();
1056: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("pageFooter");
1057: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1058: b
1059: .setHeight(Integer
1060: .parseInt(bandAttributes
1061: .getNamedItem("height")
1062: .getNodeValue()));
1063: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1064: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1065: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
1066: .equals("true"));
1067: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
1068: }
1069: }
1070: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1071: && node.getNodeName().equals("lastPageFooter")) {
1072: // Load title band
1073: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
1074: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1075: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1076: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1077: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
1078: // Read the band...
1079: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1080: .getAttributes();
1081: Band b = getReport()
1082: .getBandByName("lastPageFooter");
1083: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1084: b
1085: .setHeight(Integer
1086: .parseInt(bandAttributes
1087: .getNamedItem("height")
1088: .getNodeValue()));
1089: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1090: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1091: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
1092: .equals("true"));
1093: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
1094: }
1095: }
1096: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1097: && node.getNodeName().equals("summary")) {
1098: // Load summary band
1099: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
1100: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1101: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1102: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1103: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
1104: // Read the band...
1105: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1106: .getAttributes();
1107: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("summary");
1108: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1109: b
1110: .setHeight(Integer
1111: .parseInt(bandAttributes
1112: .getNamedItem("height")
1113: .getNodeValue()));
1114: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1115: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1116: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
1117: .equals("true"));
1119: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
1120: }
1121: }
1122: } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1123: && node.getNodeName().equals("noData")) {
1124: // Load summary band
1125: NodeList list_child = node.getChildNodes();
1126: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1127: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1128: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1129: && bandNode.getNodeName().equals("band")) {
1130: // Read the band...
1131: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1132: .getAttributes();
1133: Band b = getReport().getBandByName("noData");
1134: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1135: b
1136: .setHeight(Integer
1137: .parseInt(bandAttributes
1138: .getNamedItem("height")
1139: .getNodeValue()));
1140: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1141: b.setSplitAllowed(bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1142: "isSplitAllowed").getNodeValue()
1143: .equals("true"));
1145: readBandElements(bandNode, b);
1146: }
1147: }
1148: } else {
1149: if (node.getNodeType() == node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
1150: seeInside = true;
1151: }
1152: }
1154: if (seeInside) {
1155: NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
1156: if (children != null) {
1157: for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++)
1158: traverse(children.item(i));
1159: }
1160: }
1162: }
1164: private void readBandElements(Node bandNode, Band band) {
1165: readBandElements("", bandNode, band, null, null, null);
1166: }
1168: private void readBandElements(String parentElementGroup,
1169: Node bandNode, Band band, ReportElement parent) {
1170: readBandElements(parentElementGroup, bandNode, band, parent,
1171: null, null);
1172: }
1174: private it.businesslogic.ireport.JRParameter readParameterElement(
1175: Node parameterNode) {
1176: // Load parameter...
1177: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRParameter parameter = new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRParameter(
1178: "", "java.lang.String", true, "");
1180: NamedNodeMap nnm = parameterNode.getAttributes();
1181: if (nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
1182: parameter.setName(nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1183: }
1184: if (nnm.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
1185: parameter.setClassType(nnm.getNamedItem("class")
1186: .getNodeValue());
1187: }
1188: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isForPrompting") != null) {
1189: parameter.setIsForPrompting(nnm.getNamedItem(
1190: "isForPrompting").getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase(
1191: "true"));
1192: }
1194: // Check for description and expression...
1195: NodeList children = parameterNode.getChildNodes();
1196: if (children != null) {
1197: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1198: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1199: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1200: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1201: "parameterDescription")) {
1202: // Take the CDATA...
1204: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1205: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1206: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1207: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1208: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1209: parameter.setDescription(child_child
1210: .getNodeValue());
1211: }
1212: }
1213: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1214: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1215: "defaultValueExpression")) {
1216: // Take the CDATA...
1217: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1218: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1219: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1220: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1221: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1222: parameter
1223: .setDefaultValueExpression(child_child
1224: .getNodeValue());
1225: }
1226: }
1227: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1228: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("property")) {
1230: parameter.getProperties().add(
1231: readPropertyElement(nodeChild));
1233: }
1234: }
1235: }
1237: return parameter;
1238: }
1240: private it.businesslogic.ireport.JRField readFieldElement(
1241: Node fieldNode) {
1242: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRField field = new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRField(
1243: "", "java.lang.String");
1244: field.setDescription("");
1246: NamedNodeMap nnm = fieldNode.getAttributes();
1247: if (nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
1248: field.setName(nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1249: }
1250: if (nnm.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
1251: field
1252: .setClassType(nnm.getNamedItem("class")
1253: .getNodeValue());
1254: }
1256: NodeList children = fieldNode.getChildNodes();
1257: if (children != null) {
1258: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1259: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1261: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1262: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1263: "fieldDescription")) {
1264: // Take the CDATA...
1265: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1267: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1269: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1270: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1271: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1272: field.setDescription(child_child
1273: .getNodeValue());
1274: }
1275: }
1276: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1277: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("property")) {
1279: field.getProperties().add(
1280: readPropertyElement(nodeChild));
1282: }
1283: }
1285: }
1287: return field;
1288: }
1290: private SortField readSortFieldElement(Node fieldNode) {
1291: SortField field = new SortField();
1293: NamedNodeMap nnm = fieldNode.getAttributes();
1294: if (nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
1295: field.setFieldName(nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1296: }
1297: if (nnm.getNamedItem("order") != null) {
1298: field.setDesc(nnm.getNamedItem("order").getNodeValue()
1299: .equals("Descending"));
1300: }
1302: return field;
1303: }
1305: private it.businesslogic.ireport.JRProperty readPropertyElement(
1306: Node propertyNode) {
1307: // Load report property...
1308: JRProperty property = new JRProperty();
1309: NamedNodeMap nnm = propertyNode.getAttributes();
1310: if (nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
1311: property.setName(nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1312: }
1313: if (nnm.getNamedItem("value") != null) {
1314: property.setValue(nnm.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue());
1315: }
1317: return property;
1318: }
1320: private it.businesslogic.ireport.JRVariable readVariableElement(
1321: Node variableNode) {
1322: // Load variable
1323: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRVariable variable = new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRVariable(
1324: "", false);
1325: variable.setResetType("Report"); //Default value...
1326: variable.setResetGroup(""); //Default value...
1328: variable.setIncrementType("None"); //Default value...
1329: variable.setIncrementGroup(""); //Default value...
1331: variable.setCalculation("Nothing"); //Default value...
1333: NamedNodeMap nnm = variableNode.getAttributes();
1334: if (nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
1335: variable.setName(nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1336: }
1337: if (nnm.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
1338: variable.setClassType(nnm.getNamedItem("class")
1339: .getNodeValue());
1340: }
1341: if (nnm.getNamedItem("resetType") != null) {
1342: variable.setResetType(nnm.getNamedItem("resetType")
1343: .getNodeValue());
1344: }
1345: if (nnm.getNamedItem("resetGroup") != null) {
1346: variable.setResetGroup(nnm.getNamedItem("resetGroup")
1347: .getNodeValue());
1348: }
1349: if (nnm.getNamedItem("calculation") != null) {
1350: variable.setCalculation(nnm.getNamedItem("calculation")
1351: .getNodeValue());
1352: }
1353: if (nnm.getNamedItem("incrementerFactoryClass") != null) {
1354: variable.setIncrementerFactoryClass(nnm.getNamedItem(
1355: "incrementerFactoryClass").getNodeValue());
1356: }
1357: if (nnm.getNamedItem("incrementType") != null) {
1358: variable.setIncrementType(nnm.getNamedItem("incrementType")
1359: .getNodeValue());
1360: }
1361: if (nnm.getNamedItem("incrementGroup") != null) {
1362: variable.setIncrementGroup(nnm.getNamedItem(
1363: "incrementGroup").getNodeValue());
1364: }
1366: // Check for description and expression...
1367: NodeList children = variableNode.getChildNodes();
1368: if (children != null) {
1369: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1370: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1371: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1372: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1373: "variableExpression")) {
1374: // Take the CDATA...
1375: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1376: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1377: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1378: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1379: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1380: variable.setExpression(child_child
1381: .getNodeValue());
1382: }
1383: }
1384: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1385: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1386: "initialValueExpression")) {
1387: // Take the CDATA...
1388: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1389: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1390: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1391: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1392: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1393: variable
1394: .setInitialValueExpression(child_child
1395: .getNodeValue());
1396: }
1397: }
1398: }
1399: }
1400: }
1402: return variable;
1403: }
1405: private it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.Measure readMeasureElement(
1406: Node measureNode) {
1407: // Load variable
1408: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.Measure measure = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.Measure(
1409: "");
1411: NamedNodeMap nnm = measureNode.getAttributes();
1412: if (nnm.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
1413: measure.setName(nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1414: }
1415: if (nnm.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
1416: measure.setClassType(nnm.getNamedItem("class")
1417: .getNodeValue());
1418: }
1419: if (nnm.getNamedItem("calculation") != null) {
1420: measure.setCalculation(nnm.getNamedItem("calculation")
1421: .getNodeValue());
1422: }
1423: if (nnm.getNamedItem("incrementerFactoryClass") != null) {
1424: measure.setIncrementerFactoryClass(nnm.getNamedItem(
1425: "incrementerFactoryClass").getNodeValue());
1426: }
1427: if (nnm.getNamedItem("percentageOf") != null) {
1428: measure.setPercentageOf(nnm.getNamedItem("percentageOf")
1429: .getNodeValue());
1430: }
1431: if (nnm.getNamedItem("percentageCalculatorClass") != null) {
1432: measure.setPercentageCalculatorClass(nnm.getNamedItem(
1433: "percentageCalculatorClass").getNodeValue());
1434: }
1436: // Check for description and expression...
1437: NodeList children = measureNode.getChildNodes();
1438: if (children != null) {
1439: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1440: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1441: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1442: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1443: "measureExpression")) {
1444: measure.setExpression(readPCDATA(nodeChild));
1445: }
1446: }
1447: }
1449: return measure;
1450: }
1452: private it.businesslogic.ireport.Style readStyle(Node styleNode) {
1453: return readStyle(styleNode, null);
1454: }
1456: /**
1457: * If a ConditionedStyle, the style is interpreted like part of the tag conditionalStyle
1458: */
1459: private it.businesslogic.ireport.Style readStyle(Node styleNode,
1460: ConditionedStyle cStyle) {
1461: Style style = new Style();
1462: if (cStyle != null)
1463: style = cStyle;
1464: NamedNodeMap nnm = styleNode.getAttributes();
1466: NodeList children = styleNode.getChildNodes();
1467: if (children != null) {
1468: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1469: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1470: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1471: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1472: "conditionalStyle")) {
1473: ConditionedStyle childStyle = readConditionalStyle(nodeChild);
1474: style.getConditionedStyles().add(childStyle);
1475: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1476: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
1477: readBoxElement(nodeChild, style);
1478: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1479: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("pen")) {
1480: Pen p = readPen(nodeChild);
1481: style.setPen(p);
1482: }
1483: }
1484: }
1486: for (int i = 0; i < Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes.length; ++i) {
1487: if (nnm.getNamedItem(Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]) != null) {
1488: style.getAttributes().put(
1489: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i],
1490: nnm.getNamedItem(Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1491: .getNodeValue());
1493: if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i].equals("pen")) {
1494: deprecationWarning = true;
1495: if (style.getPen() == null)
1496: style.setPen(new Pen());
1497: style.getPen().setLineWidth(
1498: getLineWidthByBorder(nnm.getNamedItem(
1499: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1500: .getNodeValue()));
1501: style.getPen().setLineStyle(
1502: getLineStyleByBorder(nnm.getNamedItem(
1503: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1504: .getNodeValue()));
1505: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1506: .equals("border")) {
1507: deprecationWarning = true;
1508: if (style.getBox() == null)
1509: style.setBox(new Box());
1510: if (style.getBox().getPen() == null)
1511: style.getBox().setPen(new Pen());
1512: style.getBox().getPen().setLineWidth(
1513: getLineWidthByBorder(nnm.getNamedItem(
1514: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1515: .getNodeValue()));
1516: style.getBox().getPen().setLineStyle(
1517: getLineStyleByBorder(nnm.getNamedItem(
1518: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1519: .getNodeValue()));
1520: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1521: .equals("borderColor")) {
1522: deprecationWarning = true;
1523: if (style.getBox() == null)
1524: style.setBox(new Box());
1525: if (style.getBox().getPen() == null)
1526: style.getBox().setPen(new Pen());
1527: style.getBox().getPen().setLineColor(
1528: decodeColor(nnm.getNamedItem(
1529: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1530: .getNodeValue()));
1531: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1532: .equals("padding")) {
1533: deprecationWarning = true;
1534: if (style.getBox() == null)
1535: style.setBox(new Box());
1536: style.getBox().setPadding(
1537: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
1538: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1539: .getNodeValue()));
1540: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1541: .equals("topBorder")) {
1542: deprecationWarning = true;
1543: if (style.getBox() == null)
1544: style.setBox(new Box());
1545: if (style.getBox().getTopPen() == null)
1546: style.getBox().setTopPen(new Pen());
1547: Pen pen = style.getBox().getTopPen();
1548: pen
1549: .setLineWidth(getLineWidthByBorder(nnm
1550: .getNamedItem(
1551: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1552: .getNodeValue()));
1553: pen
1554: .setLineStyle(getLineStyleByBorder(nnm
1555: .getNamedItem(
1556: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1557: .getNodeValue()));
1558: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1559: .equals("topBorderColor")) {
1560: deprecationWarning = true;
1561: if (style.getBox() == null)
1562: style.setBox(new Box());
1563: if (style.getBox().getTopPen() == null)
1564: style.getBox().setTopPen(new Pen());
1565: style.getBox().getTopPen().setLineColor(
1566: decodeColor(nnm.getNamedItem(
1567: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1568: .getNodeValue()));
1569: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1570: .equals("topPadding")) {
1571: deprecationWarning = true;
1572: if (style.getBox() == null)
1573: style.setBox(new Box());
1574: style.getBox().setTopPadding(
1575: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
1576: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1577: .getNodeValue()));
1578: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1579: .equals("leftBorder")) {
1580: deprecationWarning = true;
1581: if (style.getBox() == null)
1582: style.setBox(new Box());
1583: if (style.getBox().getLeftPen() == null)
1584: style.getBox().setLeftPen(new Pen());
1585: Pen pen = style.getBox().getLeftPen();
1586: pen
1587: .setLineWidth(getLineWidthByBorder(nnm
1588: .getNamedItem(
1589: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1590: .getNodeValue()));
1591: pen
1592: .setLineStyle(getLineStyleByBorder(nnm
1593: .getNamedItem(
1594: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1595: .getNodeValue()));
1596: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1597: .equals("leftBorderColor")) {
1598: deprecationWarning = true;
1599: if (style.getBox() == null)
1600: style.setBox(new Box());
1601: if (style.getBox().getLeftPen() == null)
1602: style.getBox().setLeftPen(new Pen());
1603: style.getBox().getLeftPen().setLineColor(
1604: decodeColor(nnm.getNamedItem(
1605: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1606: .getNodeValue()));
1607: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1608: .equals("leftPadding")) {
1609: deprecationWarning = true;
1610: if (style.getBox() == null)
1611: style.setBox(new Box());
1612: style.getBox().setLeftPadding(
1613: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
1614: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1615: .getNodeValue()));
1616: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1617: .equals("bottomBorder")) {
1618: deprecationWarning = true;
1619: if (style.getBox() == null)
1620: style.setBox(new Box());
1621: if (style.getBox().getBottomPen() == null)
1622: style.getBox().setBottomPen(new Pen());
1623: Pen pen = style.getBox().getBottomPen();
1624: pen
1625: .setLineWidth(getLineWidthByBorder(nnm
1626: .getNamedItem(
1627: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1628: .getNodeValue()));
1629: pen
1630: .setLineStyle(getLineStyleByBorder(nnm
1631: .getNamedItem(
1632: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1633: .getNodeValue()));
1634: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1635: .equals("bottomBorderColor")) {
1636: deprecationWarning = true;
1637: if (style.getBox() == null)
1638: style.setBox(new Box());
1639: if (style.getBox().getBottomPen() == null)
1640: style.getBox().setBottomPen(new Pen());
1641: style.getBox().getBottomPen().setLineColor(
1642: decodeColor(nnm.getNamedItem(
1643: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1644: .getNodeValue()));
1645: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1646: .equals("bottomPadding")) {
1647: deprecationWarning = true;
1648: if (style.getBox() == null)
1649: style.setBox(new Box());
1650: style.getBox().setBottomPadding(
1651: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
1652: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1653: .getNodeValue()));
1654: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1655: .equals("rightBorder")) {
1656: deprecationWarning = true;
1657: if (style.getBox() == null)
1658: style.setBox(new Box());
1659: if (style.getBox().getRightPen() == null)
1660: style.getBox().setRightPen(new Pen());
1661: Pen pen = style.getBox().getRightPen();
1662: pen
1663: .setLineWidth(getLineWidthByBorder(nnm
1664: .getNamedItem(
1665: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1666: .getNodeValue()));
1667: pen
1668: .setLineStyle(getLineStyleByBorder(nnm
1669: .getNamedItem(
1670: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1671: .getNodeValue()));
1672: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1673: .equals("rightBorderColor")) {
1674: deprecationWarning = true;
1675: if (style.getBox() == null)
1676: style.setBox(new Box());
1677: if (style.getBox().getRightPen() == null)
1678: style.getBox().setRightPen(new Pen());
1679: style.getBox().getRightPen().setLineColor(
1680: decodeColor(nnm.getNamedItem(
1681: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1682: .getNodeValue()));
1683: } else if (Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i]
1684: .equals("rightPadding")) {
1685: deprecationWarning = true;
1686: if (style.getBox() == null)
1687: style.setBox(new Box());
1688: style.getBox().setRightPadding(
1689: Integer.parseInt(nnm.getNamedItem(
1690: Style.JRXMLStyleAttributes[i])
1691: .getNodeValue()));
1692: }
1694: }
1695: }
1697: //conditionalStyle
1698: // Check for description and expression...
1700: return style;
1701: }
1703: /**
1704: * If a ConditionedStyle, the style is interpreted like part of the tag conditionalStyle
1705: */
1706: private it.businesslogic.ireport.ConditionedStyle readConditionalStyle(
1707: Node styleNode) {
1708: ConditionedStyle style = new ConditionedStyle();
1710: //conditionalStyle
1711: // Check for description and expression...
1712: NodeList children = styleNode.getChildNodes();
1713: if (children != null) {
1714: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1715: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1716: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1717: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1718: "conditionExpression")) {
1719: style.setCondition(readPCDATA(nodeChild));
1720: } else if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1721: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals("style")) {
1722: style = (ConditionedStyle) readStyle(nodeChild,
1723: style);
1724: }
1725: }
1726: }
1728: return style;
1729: }
1731: private it.businesslogic.ireport.Group readGroupElement(
1732: SubDataset ds, Node groupNode, boolean fullRead) {
1733: NamedNodeMap nnm = groupNode.getAttributes();
1734: it.businesslogic.ireport.Group group = new it.businesslogic.ireport.Group(
1735: ds, "" + nnm.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue());
1737: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isStartNewColumn") != null)
1738: group.setIsStartNewColumn(nnm.getNamedItem(
1739: "isStartNewColumn").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
1740: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isStartNewPage") != null)
1741: group.setIsStartNewPage(nnm.getNamedItem("isStartNewPage")
1742: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
1743: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isResetPageNumber") != null)
1744: group.setIsResetPageNumber(nnm.getNamedItem(
1745: "isResetPageNumber").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
1746: if (nnm.getNamedItem("isReprintHeaderOnEachPage") != null)
1747: group.setIsReprintHeaderOnEachPage(nnm.getNamedItem(
1748: "isReprintHeaderOnEachPage").getNodeValue().equals(
1749: "true"));
1750: if (nnm.getNamedItem("minHeightToStartNewPage") != null)
1751: group.setMinHeightToStartNewPage(Integer.parseInt(nnm
1752: .getNamedItem("minHeightToStartNewPage")
1753: .getNodeValue()));
1755: // Looking for header, footer and expression...
1756: NodeList children = groupNode.getChildNodes();
1757: if (children != null) {
1758: for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
1759: Node nodeChild = (Node) children.item(k);
1760: if (nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1761: && nodeChild.getNodeName().equals(
1762: "groupExpression")) {
1763: // Take the CDATA...
1764: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1765: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1766: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1767: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1768: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1769: group.setGroupExpression(child_child
1770: .getNodeValue());
1771: }
1772: }
1773: } else if (fullRead
1774: && nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1775: && nodeChild.getNodeName()
1776: .equals("groupHeader")) {
1777: // Take the band...
1778: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1779: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1780: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1781: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1782: && bandNode.getNodeName()
1783: .equals("band")) {
1784: // Read the band...
1785: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1786: .getAttributes();
1787: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1788: group.getGroupHeader().setHeight(
1789: Integer.parseInt(bandAttributes
1790: .getNamedItem("height")
1791: .getNodeValue()));
1792: if (bandAttributes
1793: .getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1794: group.getGroupHeader().setSplitAllowed(
1795: bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1796: "isSplitAllowed")
1797: .getNodeValue().equals(
1798: "true"));
1799: readBandElements(bandNode, group
1800: .getGroupHeader());
1801: }
1802: }
1803: } else if (fullRead
1804: && nodeChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1805: && nodeChild.getNodeName()
1806: .equals("groupFooter")) {
1807: // Take the band...
1808: NodeList list_child = nodeChild.getChildNodes();
1809: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1810: Node bandNode = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1811: if (bandNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1812: && bandNode.getNodeName()
1813: .equals("band")) {
1814: // Read the band...
1815: NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode
1816: .getAttributes();
1817: if (bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
1818: group.getGroupFooter().setHeight(
1819: Integer.parseInt(bandAttributes
1820: .getNamedItem("height")
1821: .getNodeValue()));
1822: if (bandAttributes
1823: .getNamedItem("isSplitAllowed") != null)
1824: group.getGroupFooter().setSplitAllowed(
1825: bandAttributes.getNamedItem(
1826: "isSplitAllowed")
1827: .getNodeValue().equals(
1828: "true"));
1829: readBandElements(bandNode, group
1830: .getGroupFooter());
1831: }
1832: }
1833: }
1834: }
1835: }
1837: return group;
1838: }
1840: private void readBandElements(String parentElementGroup,
1841: Node bandNode, Band band, ReportElement parentElement,
1842: CrosstabReportElement crosstabReportElement,
1843: CrosstabCell cell) {
1845: ReportElement rElement = null;
1846: Style defualtStyle = getReport().getDefaultStyle();
1848: NodeList list_child = bandNode.getChildNodes();
1849: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
1850: Node child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
1851: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1852: && child.getNodeName()
1853: .equals("printWhenExpression")) {
1854: // Read the band...
1855: //NamedNodeMap bandAttributes = bandNode.getAttributes();
1856: //if ( bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null) b.setHeight( Integer.parseInt(bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height").getNodeValue()) );
1857: // Take subelements and lloking for the expression...
1858: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
1859: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
1860: .getLength(); c_count++) {
1861: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
1862: .item(c_count);
1863: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
1864: || child_child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1865: band.setPrintWhenExpression(child_child
1866: .getNodeValue());
1867: }
1868: }
1869: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1870: && child.getNodeName().equals("staticText")) {
1871: StaticTextReportElement re = new StaticTextReportElement(
1872: 0, 0, 0, 0);
1873: re.setIReportFont(getReport().getDefaultFont());
1875: if (defualtStyle != null) {
1876: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
1877: re.setStyle(null);
1878: }
1879: re.setBand(band);
1880: re.setCell(cell);
1881: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
1882: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
1883: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
1884: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
1885: .getLength(); c_count++) {
1886: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
1887: .item(c_count);
1888: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1889: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
1890: "reportElement")) {
1891: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
1892: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1893: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
1894: "textElement")) {
1895: readXMLTextElement(child_child, re);
1896: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1897: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("text")) {
1898: re.setText(readPCDATA(child_child, false));
1899: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1900: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
1901: readBoxElement(child_child, re);
1902: }
1903: }
1905: re.setPosition(re.position);
1906: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
1907: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
1908: //elements.addElement(re);
1909: rElement = re;
1910: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1911: && child.getNodeName().equals("image")) {
1912: ImageReportElement re = new ImageReportElement(0, 0, 0,
1913: 0);
1914: if (defualtStyle != null) {
1915: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
1916: re.setStyle(null);
1917: }
1918: re.setBand(band);
1919: re.setCell(cell);
1920: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
1921: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
1922: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
1923: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isUsingCache") != null)
1924: re.setIsUsingCache(("" + nodeAttributes
1925: .getNamedItem("isUsingCache")
1926: .getNodeValue()).equals("true"));
1927: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isLazy") != null)
1928: re.setIsLazy(("" + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
1929: "isLazy").getNodeValue()).equals("true"));
1930: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("onErrorType") != null)
1931: re.setOnErrorType(""
1932: + nodeAttributes
1933: .getNamedItem("onErrorType")
1934: .getNodeValue());
1935: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("scaleImage") != null)
1936: re.setScaleImage(""
1937: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("scaleImage")
1938: .getNodeValue());
1939: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("vAlign") != null)
1940: re.setVerticalAlignment(""
1941: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("vAlign")
1942: .getNodeValue());
1943: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hAlign") != null)
1944: re.setHorizontalAlignment(""
1945: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hAlign")
1946: .getNodeValue());
1947: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("evaluationTime") != null)
1948: re.setEvaluationTime(""
1949: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
1950: "evaluationTime").getNodeValue());
1951: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("evaluationGroup") != null)
1952: re.setEvaluationGroup(""
1953: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
1954: "evaluationGroup").getNodeValue());
1955: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType") != null)
1956: // re.setHyperlinkType(""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType").getNodeValue());
1957: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget") != null)
1958: // re.setHyperlinkTarget(""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget").getNodeValue());
1959: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel") != null)
1960: // re.setBookmarkLevel( Integer.parseInt( nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel").getNodeValue() ) );
1962: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
1963: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
1964: .getLength(); c_count++) {
1965: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
1966: .item(c_count);
1967: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
1968: .getAttributes();
1970: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1971: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
1972: "reportElement")) {
1973: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
1974: } // Element properties...
1975: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1976: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
1977: "graphicElement")) {
1979: readGraphicsElement(re, child_child);
1980: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
1981: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
1982: "imageExpression")) {
1983: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
1984: re.setImageClass(""
1985: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
1986: "class").getNodeValue());
1987: }
1988: re.setImageExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
1989: re.setReportDirectory(new java.io.File(
1990: getReport().getFilename())
1991: .getParentFile());
1992: }
1993: /*
1994: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("anchorNameExpression")) {
1995: re.setAnchorNameExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
1996: }
1997: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkAnchorExpression")) {
1998: re.setHyperlinkAnchorExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
1999: }
2000: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkPageExpression")) {
2001: re.setHyperlinkPageExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
2002: }
2003: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkReferenceExpression")) {
2004: re.setHyperlinkReferenceExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
2005: }
2006: */
2007: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2008: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
2009: readBoxElement(child_child, re);
2010: }
2012: }
2013: readHyperlink(child, re);
2014: re.setPosition(re.position);
2015: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2016: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2018: if (re
2019: .getImageExpression()
2020: .indexOf(
2021: "it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.DefaultChartFactory.drawChart(") >= 0) {
2022: ChartReportElement chart = new ChartReportElement(
2023: re.getPosition().x, re.getPosition().y, re
2024: .getWidth(), re.getHeight());
2025: chart.setBand(re.getBand());
2026: chart.setElementGroup(re.getElementGroup());
2027: chart.setParentElement(re.getParentElement());
2028: chart.setHyperlinkReferenceExpression(re
2029: .getHyperlinkReferenceExpression());
2030: chart.setHyperlinkPageExpression(re
2031: .getHyperlinkPageExpression());
2032: chart.setHyperlinkAnchorExpression(re
2033: .getHyperlinkAnchorExpression());
2034: chart.setHyperlinkType(re.getHyperlinkType());
2035: chart.setBgcolor(re.getBgcolor());
2036: chart.setEvaluationGroup(re.getEvaluationGroup());
2037: chart.setEvaluationTime(re.getEvaluationTime());
2038: chart.setFgcolor(re.getFgcolor());
2039: chart.setFill(re.getFill());
2040: //chart.setGraphicElementPen( re.getGraphicElementPen());
2041: chart.setHorizontalAlignment(re
2042: .getHorizontalAlignment());
2043: chart.setImageClass(re.getImageClass());
2044: chart.setImageExpression(re.getImageExpression());
2045: chart.setName(re.getName());
2046: chart.setPositionType(re.getPositionType());
2047: chart.setPrintWhenExpression(re
2048: .getPrintWhenExpression());
2049: chart.setPrintWhenGroupChanges(re
2050: .getPrintWhenGroupChanges());
2051: chart.setScaleImage(re.getScaleImage());
2052: chart.setStretchType(re.getStretchType());
2053: chart.setTransparent(re.getTransparent());
2054: chart.setVerticalAlignment(re
2055: .getVerticalAlignment());
2056: chart
2057: .parseProperties(getReport()
2058: .getJRproperties());
2059: re = chart;
2060: }
2062: if (re
2063: .getImageExpression()
2064: .indexOf(
2065: "it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(") >= 0) {
2066: BarcodeReportElement bc = new BarcodeReportElement(
2067: re.getPosition().x, re.getPosition().y, re
2068: .getWidth(), re.getHeight());
2069: bc.setBand(re.getBand());
2070: bc.setCell(cell);
2071: bc.setElementGroup(re.getElementGroup());
2072: bc.setParentElement(re.getParentElement());
2073: bc.setHyperlinkReferenceExpression(re
2074: .getHyperlinkReferenceExpression());
2075: bc.setHyperlinkPageExpression(re
2076: .getHyperlinkPageExpression());
2077: bc.setHyperlinkAnchorExpression(re
2078: .getHyperlinkAnchorExpression());
2079: bc.setHyperlinkType(re.getHyperlinkType());
2080: bc.setBgcolor(re.getBgcolor());
2081: bc.setEvaluationGroup(re.getEvaluationGroup());
2082: bc.setEvaluationTime(re.getEvaluationTime());
2083: bc.setFgcolor(re.getFgcolor());
2084: bc.setFill(re.getFill());
2085: //bc.setGraphicElementPen( re.getGraphicElementPen());
2086: bc.setHorizontalAlignment(re
2087: .getHorizontalAlignment());
2088: bc.setImageClass(re.getImageClass());
2089: bc.setImageExpression(re.getImageExpression());
2090: bc.setName(re.getName());
2091: bc.setPositionType(re.getPositionType());
2092: bc.setPrintWhenExpression(re
2093: .getPrintWhenExpression());
2094: bc.setPrintWhenGroupChanges(re
2095: .getPrintWhenGroupChanges());
2096: bc.setScaleImage(re.getScaleImage());
2097: bc.setStretchType(re.getStretchType());
2098: bc.setTransparent(re.getTransparent());
2099: bc.setVerticalAlignment(re.getVerticalAlignment());
2101: re = bc;
2102: }
2104: //elements.addElement(re);
2105: rElement = re;
2106: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2107: && child.getNodeName().equals("rectangle")) {
2108: RectangleReportElement re = new RectangleReportElement(
2109: 0, 0, 0, 0);
2110: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2111: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2112: re.setStyle(null);
2113: }
2114: re.setBand(band);
2115: re.setCell(cell);
2116: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2117: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2118: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2119: /* CompatibilitySupport.saveRoundedRectangle */
2120: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("radius") != null)
2121: re.setRadius(Integer.parseInt(("" + nodeAttributes
2122: .getNamedItem("radius").getNodeValue())));
2123: // Element properties...
2124: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2125: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2126: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2127: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2128: .item(c_count);
2129: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2130: .getAttributes();
2132: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2133: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2134: "reportElement")) {
2135: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2136: } // Element properties...
2137: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2138: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2139: "graphicElement")) {
2141: readGraphicsElement(re, child_child);
2143: }
2144: }
2146: re.setPosition(re.position);
2147: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2148: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2150: //elements.addElement(re);
2151: rElement = re;
2152: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2153: && child.getNodeName().equals("line")) {
2154: LineReportElement re = new LineReportElement(0, 0, 0, 0);
2155: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2156: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2157: re.setStyle(null);
2158: }
2159: re.setBand(band);
2160: re.setCell(cell);
2161: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2162: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2163: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2164: /* CompatibilitySupport.saveRoundedRectangle */
2165: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("direction") != null)
2166: re.setDirection(""
2167: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("direction")
2168: .getNodeValue());
2170: // Element properties...
2171: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2172: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2173: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2174: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2175: .item(c_count);
2176: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2177: .getAttributes();
2179: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2180: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2181: "reportElement")) {
2182: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2183: } // Element properties...
2184: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2185: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2186: "graphicElement")) {
2187: readGraphicsElement(re, child_child);
2188: }
2189: }
2191: re.setPosition(re.position);
2192: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2193: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2194: //elements.addElement(re);
2195: rElement = re;
2196: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2197: && child.getNodeName().equals("break")) {
2198: BreakReportElement re = new BreakReportElement(0, 0, 0,
2199: 0);
2200: re.setBand(band);
2201: re.setCell(cell);
2202: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2203: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2204: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2205: /* CompatibilitySupport.saveRoundedRectangle */
2206: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("type") != null)
2207: re.setType(""
2208: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("type")
2209: .getNodeValue());
2211: // Element properties...
2212: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2213: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2214: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2215: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2216: .item(c_count);
2217: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2218: .getAttributes();
2220: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2221: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2222: "reportElement")) {
2223: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2224: } // Element properties...
2225: }
2227: // Fix height and position...
2228: re.setHeight(0);
2229: re.setWidth(report.getWidth() - report.getRightMargin()
2230: - report.getLeftMargin());
2231: re.position.x = 0;
2232: re.setPosition(re.position);
2233: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2234: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2235: //elements.addElement(re);
2236: rElement = re;
2237: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2238: && child.getNodeName().equals("ellipse")) {
2239: EllipseReportElement re = new EllipseReportElement(0,
2240: 0, 0, 0);
2241: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2242: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2243: re.setStyle(null);
2244: }
2245: re.setBand(band);
2246: re.setCell(cell);
2247: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2248: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2249: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2250: /* CompatibilitySupport.saveRoundedRectangle */
2251: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("direction") != null)
2252: // re.setDirection( ""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("direction").getNodeValue() );
2253: // Element properties...
2254: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2255: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2256: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2257: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2258: .item(c_count);
2259: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2260: .getAttributes();
2262: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2263: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2264: "reportElement")) {
2265: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2266: } // Element properties...
2267: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2268: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2269: "graphicElement")) {
2270: readGraphicsElement(re, child_child);
2271: }
2272: }
2274: re.setPosition(re.position);
2275: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2276: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2277: //elements.addElement(re);
2278: rElement = re;
2279: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2280: && child.getNodeName().equals("textField")) {
2281: TextFieldReportElement re = new TextFieldReportElement(
2282: 0, 0, 0, 0);
2284: re.setIReportFont(getReport().getDefaultFont());
2285: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2286: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2287: re.setStyle(null);
2288: }
2289: re.setBand(band);
2290: re.setCell(cell);
2291: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2292: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2293: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2294: /* CompatibilitySupport.saveRoundedRectangle */
2295: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("evaluationTime") != null)
2296: re.setEvaluationTime(""
2297: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2298: "evaluationTime").getNodeValue());
2299: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("evaluationGroup") != null)
2300: re.setGroup(""
2301: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2302: "evaluationGroup").getNodeValue());
2303: if (nodeAttributes
2304: .getNamedItem("isStretchWithOverflow") != null)
2305: re.setStretchWithOverflow(nodeAttributes
2306: .getNamedItem("isStretchWithOverflow")
2307: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
2308: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isBlankWhenNull") != null)
2309: re.setBlankWhenNull(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2310: "isBlankWhenNull").getNodeValue().equals(
2311: "true"));
2312: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("pattern") != null)
2313: re.setPattern(""
2314: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("pattern")
2315: .getNodeValue());
2316: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType") != null)
2317: // re.setHyperlinkType( ""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType").getNodeValue() );
2318: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget") != null)
2319: // re.setHyperlinkTarget( ""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget").getNodeValue() );
2320: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel") != null)
2321: // re.setBookmarkLevel( Integer.parseInt( nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel").getNodeValue() ) );
2323: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2324: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2325: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2326: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2327: .item(c_count);
2328: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2329: .getAttributes();
2331: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2332: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2333: "reportElement")) {
2334: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2335: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2336: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2337: "textElement")) {
2338: readXMLTextElement(child_child, re);
2339: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2340: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2341: "textFieldExpression")) {
2342: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
2343: re.setClassExpression(""
2344: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2345: "class").getNodeValue());
2346: }
2347: re.setText(readPCDATA(child_child).trim());
2348: }
2349: /*
2350: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("anchorNameExpression")) {
2351: re.setAnchorNameExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
2352: }
2353: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkAnchorExpression")) {
2354: re.setHyperlinkAnchorExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
2355: }
2356: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkPageExpression")) {
2357: re.setHyperlinkPageExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
2358: }
2359: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkReferenceExpression")) {
2360: re.setHyperlinkReferenceExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
2361: }
2362: */
2363: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2364: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
2365: readBoxElement(child_child, re);
2366: }
2367: }
2368: readHyperlink(child, re);
2369: re.setPosition(re.position);
2370: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2371: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2372: //elements.addElement(re);
2373: rElement = re;
2374: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2375: && child.getNodeName().equals("frame")) {
2376: FrameReportElement re = new FrameReportElement(0, 0, 0,
2377: 0);
2378: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2379: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2380: re.setStyle(null);
2381: }
2382: re.setBand(band);
2383: re.setCell(cell);
2384: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2385: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2386: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2388: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2389: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2390: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2391: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2392: .item(c_count);
2393: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2394: .getAttributes();
2396: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2397: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2398: "reportElement")) {
2399: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2400: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2401: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
2402: readBoxElement(child_child, re);
2403: }
2404: }
2406: re.setPosition(re.position);
2407: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2408: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2409: rElement = re;
2411: if (crosstabReportElement != null) {
2412: crosstabReportElement.getElements().addElement(
2413: rElement);
2414: } else {
2415: getReport().getElements().addElement(rElement);
2416: }
2418: readBandElements("", child, band, re,
2419: crosstabReportElement, cell);
2420: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2421: && child.getNodeName().equals("elementGroup")) {
2422: String newgroup = getReport().createChildGroup(
2423: parentElementGroup);
2424: readBandElements(newgroup, child, band, parentElement,
2425: crosstabReportElement, cell);
2426: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2427: && child.getNodeName().equals("subreport")) {
2428: SubReportElement re = new SubReportElement(0, 0, 0, 0);
2429: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2430: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2431: re.setStyle(null);
2432: }
2433: re.setBand(band);
2434: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2435: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2436: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2437: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isUsingCache") != null)
2438: re.setIsUsingCache(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2439: "isUsingCache").getNodeValue().equals(
2440: "true"));
2442: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2443: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2444: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2445: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2446: .item(c_count);
2447: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2448: .getAttributes();
2450: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2451: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2452: "reportElement")) {
2453: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2454: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2455: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2456: "parametersMapExpression")) {
2457: re
2458: .setParametersMapExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2459: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2460: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2461: "returnValue")) {
2462: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRSubreportReturnValue returnValue = new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRSubreportReturnValue();
2464: if (subNodeAttributes
2465: .getNamedItem("subreportVariable") != null) {
2466: returnValue.setSubreportVariable(""
2467: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2468: "subreportVariable")
2469: .getNodeValue());
2470: }
2471: if (subNodeAttributes
2472: .getNamedItem("toVariable") != null) {
2473: returnValue.setToVariable(""
2474: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2475: "toVariable")
2476: .getNodeValue());
2477: }
2478: if (subNodeAttributes
2479: .getNamedItem("calculation") != null) {
2480: returnValue.setCalculation(""
2481: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2482: "calculation")
2483: .getNodeValue());
2484: }
2485: if (subNodeAttributes
2486: .getNamedItem("incrementerFactoryClass") != null) {
2487: returnValue.setIncrementFactoryClass(""
2488: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2489: "incrementerFactoryClass")
2490: .getNodeValue());
2491: }
2492: re.getReturnValues().addElement(returnValue);
2493: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2494: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2495: "subreportParameter")) {
2496: String name = "";
2497: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
2498: name = ""
2499: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2500: "name").getNodeValue();
2501: }
2502: // Find expression in childs......
2503: String expression = "";
2504: NodeList childsOfChildOfChild = child_child
2505: .getChildNodes();
2506: for (int c_count_2 = 0; c_count_2 < childsOfChildOfChild
2507: .getLength(); c_count_2++) {
2508: Node child_child_child = (Node) childsOfChildOfChild
2509: .item(c_count_2);
2510: if (child_child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2511: && child_child_child
2512: .getNodeName()
2513: .equals(
2514: "subreportParameterExpression")) {
2515: expression = readPCDATA(child_child_child);
2516: break;
2517: }
2518: }
2519: re
2520: .getSubreportParameters()
2521: .addElement(
2522: new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRSubreportParameter(
2523: name, expression));
2524: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2525: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2526: "connectionExpression")) {
2527: re
2528: .setConnectionExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2529: re.setUseConnection(true);
2530: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2531: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2532: "dataSourceExpression")) {
2533: re
2534: .setDataSourceExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2535: re.setUseConnection(false);
2536: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2537: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2538: "subreportExpression")) {
2539: re
2540: .setSubreportExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2541: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
2542: re.setSubreportExpressionClass(""
2543: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2544: "class").getNodeValue());
2545: }
2546: }
2547: }
2549: re.setPosition(re.position);
2550: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2551: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2552: //elements.addElement(re);
2553: rElement = re;
2554: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2555: && child.getNodeName().equals("pieChart")
2556: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2557: && child.getNodeName().equals("pie3DChart")
2558: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2559: && child.getNodeName().equals("barChart")
2560: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2561: && child.getNodeName().equals("bar3DChart")
2562: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2563: && child.getNodeName().equals("xyBarChart")
2564: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2565: && child.getNodeName().equals("stackedBarChart")
2566: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2567: && child.getNodeName().equals("stackedBar3DChart")
2568: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2569: && child.getNodeName().equals("lineChart")
2570: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2571: && child.getNodeName().equals("xyLineChart")
2572: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2573: && child.getNodeName().equals("areaChart")
2574: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2575: && child.getNodeName().equals("stackedAreaChart")
2576: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2577: && child.getNodeName().equals("xyAreaChart")
2578: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2579: && child.getNodeName().equals("scatterChart")
2580: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2581: && child.getNodeName().equals("bubbleChart")
2582: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2583: && child.getNodeName().equals("timeSeriesChart")
2584: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2585: && child.getNodeName().equals("highLowChart")
2586: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2587: && child.getNodeName().equals("candlestickChart")
2588: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2589: && child.getNodeName().equals("meterChart")
2590: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2591: && child.getNodeName().equals("thermometerChart")
2592: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2593: && child.getNodeName().equals("multiAxisChart")) {
2594: ChartReportElement2 re = new ChartReportElement2(0, 0,
2595: 0, 0);
2596: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2597: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2598: re.setStyle(null);
2599: }
2600: re.setBand(band);
2601: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2602: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2604: readChartReportElement(child, re);
2606: re.setPosition(re.position);
2607: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2608: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2609: //elements.addElement(re);
2610: rElement = re;
2611: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2612: && child.getNodeName().equals("crosstab")) {
2613: CrosstabReportElement re = new CrosstabReportElement(0,
2614: 0, 0, 0);
2615: if (defualtStyle != null) {
2616: re.setStyle(defualtStyle);
2617: re.setStyle(null);
2618: }
2619: re.setBand(band);
2620: re.setElementGroup(parentElementGroup);
2621: re.setParentElement(parentElement);
2622: re.setReport(getReport());
2623: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2625: if (nodeAttributes
2626: .getNamedItem("isRepeatColumnHeaders") != null)
2627: re.setRepeatColumnHeaders(nodeAttributes
2628: .getNamedItem("isRepeatColumnHeaders")
2629: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
2631: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isRepeatRowHeaders") != null)
2632: re.setRepeatRowHeaders(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2633: "isRepeatRowHeaders").getNodeValue()
2634: .equals("true"));
2636: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isRepeatRowHeaders") != null) {
2637: try {
2638: int columnBreakOffset = Integer
2639: .parseInt(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2640: "columnBreakOffset")
2641: .getNodeValue());
2642: re.setColumnBreakOffset(columnBreakOffset);
2643: } catch (Exception ex) {
2644: System.out
2645: .println("Invalid columnBreakOffset, using default");
2646: }
2647: }
2649: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("runDirection") != null)
2650: re.setRunDirection(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2651: "runDirection").getNodeValue());
2653: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
2654: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild
2655: .getLength(); c_count++) {
2656: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild
2657: .item(c_count);
2658: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2659: .getAttributes();
2661: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2662: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2663: "reportElement")) {
2664: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
2665: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2666: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2667: "parametersMapExpression")) {
2668: re
2669: .setParametersMapExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2670: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2671: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2672: "crosstabParameter")) {
2673: String name = "";
2674: String clazz = "";
2675: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
2676: name = ""
2677: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2678: "name").getNodeValue();
2679: }
2680: CrosstabParameter cp = new CrosstabParameter(
2681: name);
2682: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("class") != null) {
2683: clazz = ""
2684: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2685: "class").getNodeValue();
2686: cp.setClassType(clazz);
2687: }
2689: // Find expression in childs......
2690: String expression = "";
2691: NodeList childsOfChildOfChild = child_child
2692: .getChildNodes();
2693: for (int c_count_2 = 0; c_count_2 < childsOfChildOfChild
2694: .getLength(); c_count_2++) {
2695: Node child_child_child = (Node) childsOfChildOfChild
2696: .item(c_count_2);
2697: if (child_child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2698: && child_child_child
2699: .getNodeName()
2700: .equals(
2701: "parameterValueExpression")) {
2702: expression = readPCDATA(child_child_child);
2703: cp
2704: .setParameterValueExpression(expression);
2705: break;
2706: }
2707: }
2709: re.getCrosstabParameters().addElement(cp);
2710: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2711: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2712: "crosstabDataset")) {
2714: re.setUseDataset(true);
2715: if (subNodeAttributes
2716: .getNamedItem("isDataPreSorted") != null) {
2717: re.setPreSorted(subNodeAttributes
2718: .getNamedItem("isDataPreSorted")
2719: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
2721: }
2723: NodeList childsOfChildOfChild = child_child
2724: .getChildNodes();
2725: for (int c_count_2 = 0; c_count_2 < childsOfChildOfChild
2726: .getLength(); c_count_2++) {
2727: Node child_child_child = (Node) childsOfChildOfChild
2728: .item(c_count_2);
2729: if (child_child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2730: && child_child_child.getNodeName()
2731: .equals("dataset")) {
2732: readDataset(child_child_child, re
2733: .getDataset());
2734: break;
2735: }
2736: }
2737: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2738: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2739: "rowGroup")) {
2740: readCrosstabRowGroup(child_child, re);
2741: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2742: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2743: "columnGroup")) {
2744: readCrosstabColumnGroup(child_child, re);
2745: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2746: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2747: "measure")) {
2748: Measure measure = readMeasureElement(child_child);
2749: re.getMeasures().add(measure);
2750: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2751: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2752: "crosstabCell")) {
2753: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell detailCell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2754: readCellContents(child_child, detailCell, re);
2755: detailCell.setType(detailCell.DETAIL_CELL);
2756: detailCell.setParent(re);
2757: re.getCells().add(detailCell);
2758: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2759: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2760: "whenNoDataCell")) {
2761: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell detailCell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2762: readCellContents(child_child, detailCell, re);
2763: detailCell.setType(detailCell.NODATA_CELL);
2764: detailCell.setParent(re);
2765: re.getCells().add(detailCell);
2766: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2767: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2768: "crosstabHeaderCell")) {
2769: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell detailCell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2770: readCellContents(child_child, detailCell, re);
2771: detailCell.setType(detailCell.CT_HEADER_CELL);
2772: detailCell.setParent(re);
2773: re.getCells().add(detailCell);
2774: }
2776: }
2778: re.setPosition(re.position);
2779: re.trasform(new java.awt.Point(0, 0),
2780: TransformationType.TRANSFORMATION_RESIZE_SE);
2781: rElement = re;
2782: }
2784: //System.out.println(""+child.getNodeName());
2785: if (rElement != null
2786: && !(rElement instanceof FrameReportElement)) {
2787: if (crosstabReportElement != null) {
2788: crosstabReportElement.getElements().addElement(
2789: rElement);
2790: } else {
2791: getReport().getElements().addElement(rElement);
2792: }
2793: }
2794: rElement = null;
2795: }
2797: }
2799: /**
2800: * Read all the hyperlink related attibutes and parameters
2801: *
2802: */
2803: private void readHyperlink(Node elementNode,
2804: HyperLinkableReportElement re) {
2805: NodeList childsOfChild = elementNode.getChildNodes();
2807: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = elementNode.getAttributes();
2808: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType") != null)
2809: re.setHyperlinkType(""
2810: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType")
2811: .getNodeValue());
2812: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget") != null)
2813: re.setHyperlinkTarget(""
2814: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget")
2815: .getNodeValue());
2816: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel") != null)
2817: re.setBookmarkLevel(Integer.parseInt(nodeAttributes
2818: .getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel").getNodeValue()));
2820: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
2821: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
2822: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
2823: .getAttributes();
2824: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2825: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2826: "hyperlinkParameter")) {
2827: String name = "";
2828: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
2829: name = ""
2830: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name")
2831: .getNodeValue();
2832: }
2833: // Find expression in childs......
2834: String expression = "";
2835: NodeList childsOfChildOfChild = child_child
2836: .getChildNodes();
2837: for (int c_count_2 = 0; c_count_2 < childsOfChildOfChild
2838: .getLength(); c_count_2++) {
2839: Node child_child_child = (Node) childsOfChildOfChild
2840: .item(c_count_2);
2841: if (child_child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2842: && child_child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2843: "hyperlinkParameterExpression")) {
2844: expression = readPCDATA(child_child_child);
2845: break;
2846: }
2847: }
2848: re.getLinkParameters().add(
2849: new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRLinkParameter(
2850: name, expression));
2851: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2852: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2853: "anchorNameExpression")) {
2854: re.setAnchorNameExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2855: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2856: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2857: "hyperlinkAnchorExpression")) {
2858: re
2859: .setHyperlinkAnchorExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2860: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2861: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2862: "hyperlinkPageExpression")) {
2863: re.setHyperlinkPageExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2864: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2865: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2866: "hyperlinkReferenceExpression")) {
2867: re
2868: .setHyperlinkReferenceExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2869: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2870: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
2871: "hyperlinkTooltipExpression")) {
2872: re.setTooltipExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
2873: }
2874: }
2875: }
2877: private void readCrosstabRowGroup(Node rowGroupXmlNode,
2878: CrosstabReportElement re) {
2879: CrosstabRowGroup group = new CrosstabRowGroup();
2881: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = rowGroupXmlNode.getAttributes();
2883: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name") != null)
2884: group.setName(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name")
2885: .getNodeValue());
2887: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("width") != null) {
2888: try {
2889: group.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(nodeAttributes
2890: .getNamedItem("width").getNodeValue()));
2891: } catch (Exception ex) {
2892: System.out
2893: .println("Invalid width for crosstab row group "
2894: + group.getName());
2895: }
2896: }
2898: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("totalPosition") != null)
2899: group.setTotalPosition(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2900: "totalPosition").getNodeValue());
2901: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("headerPosition") != null)
2902: group.setHeaderPosition(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2903: "headerPosition").getNodeValue());
2905: re.getRowGroups().add(group);
2907: NodeList list_child = rowGroupXmlNode.getChildNodes();
2908: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
2909: Node child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
2910: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2911: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2912: && child.getNodeName().equals("bucket")) {
2914: readBucket(child, group);
2915: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2916: && child.getNodeName().equals("crosstabRowHeader")) {
2918: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2919: cell.setName(group.getName() + " header");
2920: readCellContents(child, cell, re);
2921: group.setHeaderCell(cell);
2922: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
2923: cell.setParent(re);
2924: re.getCells().add(cell);
2925: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2926: && child.getNodeName().equals(
2927: "crosstabTotalRowHeader")) {
2928: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2929: cell.setName(group.getName() + " total header");
2930: readCellContents(child, cell, re);
2931: group.setTotalCell(cell);
2932: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
2933: cell.setParent(re);
2934: re.getCells().add(cell);
2935: }
2936: }
2938: if (group.getHeaderCell() == null) {
2939: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2940: cell.setName(group.getName() + " header");
2941: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
2942: cell.setParent(re);
2943: cell.setWidth(group.getWidth());
2944: re.getCells().add(cell);
2945: group.setHeaderCell(cell);
2946: }
2948: if (group.getTotalCell() == null) {
2949: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
2950: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
2951: cell.setName(group.getName() + " total header");
2952: cell.setParent(re);
2953: cell.setWidth(group.getWidth());
2954: re.getCells().add(cell);
2955: group.setTotalCell(cell);
2956: }
2958: }
2960: private void readCrosstabColumnGroup(Node columnGroupXmlNode,
2961: CrosstabReportElement re) {
2962: CrosstabColumnGroup group = new CrosstabColumnGroup();
2964: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = columnGroupXmlNode
2965: .getAttributes();
2967: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name") != null)
2968: group.setName(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name")
2969: .getNodeValue());
2971: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null) {
2972: try {
2973: group.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(nodeAttributes
2974: .getNamedItem("height").getNodeValue()));
2975: } catch (Exception ex) {
2976: System.out
2977: .println("Invalid height for crosstab column group "
2978: + group.getName());
2979: }
2980: }
2982: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("totalPosition") != null)
2983: group.setTotalPosition(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2984: "totalPosition").getNodeValue());
2985: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("headerPosition") != null)
2986: group.setHeaderPosition(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
2987: "headerPosition").getNodeValue());
2989: re.getColumnGroups().add(group);
2991: NodeList list_child = columnGroupXmlNode.getChildNodes();
2992: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
2993: Node child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
2994: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
2995: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
2996: && child.getNodeName().equals("bucket")) {
2998: readBucket(child, group);
2999: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3000: && child.getNodeName().equals(
3001: "crosstabColumnHeader")) {
3003: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
3004: cell.setName(group.getName() + " header");
3005: readCellContents(child, cell, re);
3006: group.setHeaderCell(cell);
3007: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
3008: cell.setParent(re);
3009: re.getCells().add(cell);
3010: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3011: && child.getNodeName().equals(
3012: "crosstabTotalColumnHeader")) {
3013: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
3014: cell.setName(group.getName() + " total header");
3015: readCellContents(child, cell, re);
3016: group.setTotalCell(cell);
3017: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
3018: cell.setParent(re);
3019: re.getCells().add(cell);
3020: }
3022: }
3024: if (group.getHeaderCell() == null) {
3025: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
3026: cell.setName(group.getName() + " header");
3027: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
3028: cell.setParent(re);
3029: cell.setHeight(group.getHeight());
3030: re.getCells().add(cell);
3031: group.setHeaderCell(cell);
3032: }
3034: if (group.getTotalCell() == null) {
3035: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell = new it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell();
3036: cell.setType(cell.HEADER_CELL);
3037: cell.setName(group.getName() + " total header");
3038: cell.setParent(re);
3039: cell.setHeight(group.getHeight());
3040: re.getCells().add(cell);
3041: group.setTotalCell(cell);
3042: }
3043: }
3045: private void readCellContents(Node cellConetensNode,
3046: it.businesslogic.ireport.crosstab.CrosstabCell cell,
3047: CrosstabReportElement re) {
3048: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = cellConetensNode.getAttributes();
3050: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("width") != null) {
3051: try {
3052: cell.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(nodeAttributes
3053: .getNamedItem("width").getNodeValue()));
3054: } catch (Exception ex) {
3055: System.out.println("Invalid width for crosstab cell");
3056: }
3057: }
3059: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null) {
3060: try {
3061: cell.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(nodeAttributes
3062: .getNamedItem("height").getNodeValue()));
3063: } catch (Exception ex) {
3064: System.out.println("Invalid height for crosstab cell");
3065: }
3066: }
3068: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rowTotalGroup") != null)
3069: cell.setRowTotalGroup(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3070: "rowTotalGroup").getNodeValue());
3072: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("columnTotalGroup") != null)
3073: cell.setColumnTotalGroup(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3074: "columnTotalGroup").getNodeValue());
3076: // Look for the CellContents node...
3077: Node cellContentsElementNode = null;
3078: NodeList list_child = cellConetensNode.getChildNodes();
3079: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
3080: Node child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
3081: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
3082: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3083: && child.getNodeName().equals("cellContents")) {
3084: cellContentsElementNode = child;
3086: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("style") != null) {
3087: String sname = subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3088: "style").getNodeValue();
3089: for (int j = 0; j < getReport().getStyles().size(); ++j) {
3090: Style sparent = (Style) getReport().getStyles()
3091: .elementAt(j);
3092: if (sparent.getName().equals(sname)) {
3093: cell.setStyle(sparent);
3094: break;
3095: }
3096: }
3097: if (cell.getStyle() == null) {
3098: UndefinedStyle us = new UndefinedStyle();
3099: us.setName(sname);
3100: getReport().getStyles().addElement(us);
3101: cell.setStyle(us);
3102: }
3103: }
3105: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backcolor") != null)
3106: cell.setBackcolor(getReport().decodeColor(
3107: subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backcolor")
3108: .getNodeValue()));
3110: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mode") != null)
3111: cell.setMode(subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mode")
3112: .getNodeValue());
3113: }
3114: }
3116: if (cellContentsElementNode != null) {
3117: list_child = cellContentsElementNode.getChildNodes();
3118: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
3119: Node child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
3120: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
3122: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3123: && child.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
3124: readBoxElement(child, cell);
3125: }
3126: }
3128: }
3129: readBandElements("", cellContentsElementNode, null, null, re,
3130: cell);
3132: }
3134: private void readBucket(Node bucketXmlNode, CrosstabGroup grp) {
3135: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = bucketXmlNode.getAttributes();
3137: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("order") != null)
3138: grp.setBucketOrder(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("order")
3139: .getNodeValue());
3141: NodeList list_child = bucketXmlNode.getChildNodes();
3142: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
3143: Node child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
3144: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child.getAttributes();
3145: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3146: && child.getNodeName().equals("bucketExpression")) {
3148: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("class") != null)
3149: grp.setBucketExpressionClass(subNodeAttributes
3150: .getNamedItem("class").getNodeValue());
3152: grp.setBucketExpression(readPCDATA(child));
3153: } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3154: && child.getNodeName().equals(
3155: "comparatorExpression")) {
3156: grp.setBucketComparatorExpression(readPCDATA(child));
3157: }
3158: }
3159: }
3161: private void readChartElement(Node xmlChart, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3162: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlChart.getAttributes();
3164: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLegend") != null)
3165: re.getChart().setShowLegend(
3166: nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLegend")
3167: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
3168: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("evaluationTime") != null)
3169: re.setEvaluationTime(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3170: "evaluationTime").getNodeValue());
3171: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("evaluationGroup") != null)
3172: re.setEvaluationGroup(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3173: "evaluationGroup").getNodeValue());
3174: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType") != null)
3175: // re.setHyperlinkType( ""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType").getNodeValue() );
3176: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget") != null)
3177: // re.setHyperlinkTarget( ""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget").getNodeValue() );
3178: //if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel") != null)
3179: // re.setBookmarkLevel( Integer.parseInt( nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bookmarkLevel").getNodeValue() ) );
3180: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("customizerClass") != null)
3181: re.getChart().setCustomizerClass(
3182: nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("customizerClass")
3183: .getNodeValue());
3185: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("renderType") != null)
3186: re.setRenderType(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("renderType")
3187: .getNodeValue());
3189: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlChart.getChildNodes();
3190: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3191: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3192: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3193: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3194: "printWhenExpression")) {
3195: re.setPrintWhenExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3196: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3197: && child_child.getNodeName()
3198: .equals("reportElement")) {
3199: readXMLReportElement(child_child, re);
3200: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3201: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("box")) {
3202: readBoxElement(child_child, re);
3203: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3204: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("chartTitle")) {
3205: readChartTitleElement(child_child, re);
3206: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3207: && child_child.getNodeName()
3208: .equals("chartSubtitle")) {
3209: readChartSubTitleElement(child_child, re);
3210: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3211: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("chartLegend")) {
3212: readChartLegendElement(child_child, re);
3213: }
3214: /*
3215: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("anchorNameExpression")) {
3216: re.setAnchorNameExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
3217: }
3218: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkAnchorExpression")) {
3219: re.setHyperlinkAnchorExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
3220: }
3221: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkPageExpression")) {
3222: re.setHyperlinkPageExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
3223: }
3224: else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child_child.getNodeName().equals("hyperlinkReferenceExpression")) {
3225: re.setHyperlinkReferenceExpression( readPCDATA(child_child) );
3226: }
3227: */
3228: }
3229: readHyperlink(xmlChart, re);
3230: }
3232: private void readChartTitleElement(Node xmlElement,
3233: ChartReportElement2 re) {
3234: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlElement.getAttributes();
3236: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("position") != null)
3237: re.getChart().getTitle().setPosition(
3238: nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("position")
3239: .getNodeValue());
3240: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color") != null)
3241: re.getChart().getTitle().setColor(
3242: decodeColor(""
3243: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color")
3244: .getNodeValue()));
3246: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlElement.getChildNodes();
3247: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3248: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3249: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3250: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3251: "titleExpression")) {
3252: re.getChart().getTitle().setTitleExpression(
3253: readPCDATA(child_child));
3254: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3255: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("font")) {
3256: re.getChart().getTitle().setFont(
3257: readFontElement(child_child));
3258: }
3259: }
3260: }
3262: private void readChartLegendElement(Node xmlElement,
3263: ChartReportElement2 re) {
3264: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlElement.getAttributes();
3266: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("textColor") != null)
3267: re.getChart().getLegend().setTextColor(
3268: decodeColor(""
3269: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("textColor")
3270: .getNodeValue()));
3272: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backgroundColor") != null)
3273: re.getChart().getLegend().setBackgroundColor(
3274: decodeColor(""
3275: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3276: "backgroundColor").getNodeValue()));
3278: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlElement.getChildNodes();
3279: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3280: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3281: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3282: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("font")) {
3283: re.getChart().getLegend().setFont(
3284: readFontElement(child_child));
3285: }
3286: }
3287: }
3289: private IReportFont readFontElement(Node xmlElement) {
3291: NamedNodeMap nnm = xmlElement.getAttributes();
3292: IReportFont font = null;
3294: if (nnm.getNamedItem("reportFont") != null) {
3296: font = getReport().getReportFontByName(
3297: nnm.getNamedItem("reportFont").getNodeValue());
3298: if (font != null) {
3299: font = (IReportFont) font.clone();
3300: font.setReportFont(nnm.getNamedItem("reportFont")
3301: .getNodeValue());
3302: }
3303: }
3305: if (font == null) {
3306: if (getReport().getDefaultFont() != null) {
3307: font = (IReportFont) getReport().getDefaultFont()
3308: .clone();
3309: } else {
3310: font = new IReportFont();
3311: }
3312: }
3314: //System.out.println("Working on: " + xmlReportElement);
3315: for (int kkk = 0; kkk < nnm.getLength(); ++kkk) {
3316: //System.out.println( + " " + );
3318: String propName = nnm.item(kkk).getNodeName();
3319: String propValue = nnm.item(kkk).getNodeValue();
3320: if (propName != null && propValue != null) {
3321: if (propName.equals("fontName"))
3322: font.setFontName(propValue);
3323: else if (propName.equals("pdfFontName"))
3324: font.setPDFFontName(propValue);
3325: else if (propName.equals("size"))
3326: font.setFontSize(Integer.parseInt("" + propValue));
3327: else if (propName.equals("isBold"))
3328: font.setBold((new String("" + propValue))
3329: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
3330: else if (propName.equals("isItalic"))
3331: font.setItalic((new String("" + propValue))
3332: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
3333: else if (propName.equals("isUnderline"))
3334: font.setUnderline((new String("" + propValue))
3335: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
3336: else if (propName.equals("isStrikeThrough"))
3337: font.setStrikeTrought((new String("" + propValue))
3338: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
3339: else if (propName.equals("isPdfEmbedded"))
3340: font.setPdfEmbedded((new String("" + propValue))
3341: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
3342: else if (propName.equals("pdfEncoding"))
3343: font.setPdfEncoding("" + propValue);
3344: }
3345: }
3347: return font;
3348: }
3350: private void readDataset(Node xmlNode, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3352: readDataset(xmlNode, re.getChart().getDataset());
3353: }
3355: private void readDataset(Node xmlNode, Dataset dataset) {
3356: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
3358: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("resetType") != null)
3359: dataset.setResetType(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3360: "resetType").getNodeValue());
3361: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("resetGroup") != null)
3362: dataset.setResetGroup(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3363: "resetGroup").getNodeValue());
3364: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("incrementType") != null)
3365: dataset.setIncrementType(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3366: "incrementType").getNodeValue());
3367: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("incrementGroup") != null)
3368: dataset.setIncrementGroup(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3369: "incrementGroup").getNodeValue());
3371: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3372: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3373: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3375: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
3376: .getAttributes();
3377: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3378: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3379: "incrementWhenExpression")) {
3381: dataset
3382: .setIncrementWhenExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3383: }
3384: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3385: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("datasetRun")) {
3387: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("subDataset") != null) {
3388: String name = subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3389: "subDataset").getNodeValue();
3390: Enumeration enum_datasets = getReport()
3391: .getSubDatasets().elements();
3392: while (enum_datasets.hasMoreElements()) {
3393: SubDataset subDataset = (SubDataset) enum_datasets
3394: .nextElement();
3395: if (subDataset.getName().equals(name)) {
3396: dataset.setSubDataset(subDataset);
3397: break;
3398: }
3399: }
3401: NodeList childsOfchild_child = child_child
3402: .getChildNodes();
3403: for (int c_count2 = 0; c_count2 < childsOfchild_child
3404: .getLength(); c_count2++) {
3405: Node child_child2 = (Node) childsOfchild_child
3406: .item(c_count2);
3408: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes2 = child_child2
3409: .getAttributes();
3411: if (child_child2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3412: && child_child2.getNodeName().equals(
3413: "parametersMapExpression")) {
3414: dataset
3415: .setParametersMapExpression(readPCDATA(child_child2));
3416: } else if (child_child2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3417: && child_child2.getNodeName().equals(
3418: "datasetParameter")) {
3419: name = "";
3420: if (subNodeAttributes2.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
3421: name = ""
3422: + subNodeAttributes2
3423: .getNamedItem("name")
3424: .getNodeValue();
3425: }
3426: // Find expression in childs......
3427: String expression = "";
3428: NodeList childsOfChildOfChild = child_child2
3429: .getChildNodes();
3430: for (int c_count_2 = 0; c_count_2 < childsOfChildOfChild
3431: .getLength(); c_count_2++) {
3432: Node child_child_child = (Node) childsOfChildOfChild
3433: .item(c_count_2);
3434: if (child_child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3435: && child_child_child
3436: .getNodeName()
3437: .equals(
3438: "datasetParameterExpression")) {
3439: expression = readPCDATA(child_child_child);
3440: break;
3441: }
3442: }
3443: dataset
3444: .getSubreportParameters()
3445: .addElement(
3446: new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRSubreportParameter(
3447: name, expression));
3448: } else if (child_child2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3449: && child_child2.getNodeName().equals(
3450: "connectionExpression")) {
3451: dataset
3452: .setConnectionExpression(readPCDATA(child_child2));
3453: dataset.setUseConnection(true);
3454: } else if (child_child2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3455: && child_child2.getNodeName().equals(
3456: "dataSourceExpression")) {
3457: dataset
3458: .setDataSourceExpression(readPCDATA(child_child2));
3459: dataset.setUseConnection(false);
3460: }
3461: }
3462: }
3463: }
3464: }
3465: }
3467: private void readSectionItemHyperlink(Node elementNode,
3468: SectionItemHyperlink sih) {
3470: NodeList childsOfChild = elementNode.getChildNodes();
3472: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = elementNode.getAttributes();
3473: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType") != null)
3474: sih.setHyperlinkType(""
3475: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkType")
3476: .getNodeValue());
3477: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget") != null)
3478: sih.setHyperlinkTarget(""
3479: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("hyperlinkTarget")
3480: .getNodeValue());
3482: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3483: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3484: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
3485: .getAttributes();
3486: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3487: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3488: "hyperlinkParameter")) {
3489: String name = "";
3490: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name") != null) {
3491: name = ""
3492: + subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("name")
3493: .getNodeValue();
3494: }
3495: // Find expression in childs......
3496: String expression = "";
3497: NodeList childsOfChildOfChild = child_child
3498: .getChildNodes();
3499: for (int c_count_2 = 0; c_count_2 < childsOfChildOfChild
3500: .getLength(); c_count_2++) {
3501: Node child_child_child = (Node) childsOfChildOfChild
3502: .item(c_count_2);
3503: if (child_child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3504: && child_child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3505: "hyperlinkParameterExpression")) {
3506: expression = readPCDATA(child_child_child);
3507: break;
3508: }
3509: }
3510: sih.getHyperlinkParameters().add(
3511: new it.businesslogic.ireport.JRLinkParameter(
3512: name, expression));
3513: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3514: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3515: "hyperlinkAnchorExpression")) {
3516: sih
3517: .setHyperlinkAnchorExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3518: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3519: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3520: "hyperlinkPageExpression")) {
3521: sih.setHyperlinkPageExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3522: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3523: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3524: "hyperlinkReferenceExpression")) {
3525: sih
3526: .setHyperlinkReferenceExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3527: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3528: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3529: "hyperlinkTooltipExpression")) {
3530: sih
3531: .setHyperlinkTooltipExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3532: }
3533: }
3535: }
3537: private void readPieDataset(Node xmlNode, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3539: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3540: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3541: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3542: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3543: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3544: readDataset(child_child, re);
3545: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3546: && child_child.getNodeName()
3547: .equals("keyExpression")) {
3548: ((it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.PieDataset) re
3549: .getChart().getDataset())
3550: .setKeyExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3551: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3552: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3553: "valueExpression")) {
3554: ((it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.PieDataset) re
3555: .getChart().getDataset())
3556: .setValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3557: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3558: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3559: "labelExpression")) {
3560: ((it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.PieDataset) re
3561: .getChart().getDataset())
3562: .setLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3563: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3564: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3565: "sectionHyperlink")) {
3566: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, ((PieDataset) re
3567: .getChart().getDataset()).getSectionHyperLink());
3568: }
3569: }
3570: }
3572: private void readCategoryDataset(Node xmlNode,
3573: ChartReportElement2 re) {
3575: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3577: CategoryDataset cd = new CategoryDataset();
3578: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3580: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3581: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3582: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3583: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3584: readDataset(child_child, re);
3585: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3586: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3587: "categorySeries")) {
3588: CategorySeries cs = readCategorySeries(child_child);
3589: cd.getCategorySeries().add(cs);
3590: }
3591: }
3592: }
3594: private void readTimePeriodDataset(Node xmlNode,
3595: ChartReportElement2 re) {
3597: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3599: TimePeriodDataset cd = new TimePeriodDataset();
3600: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3602: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3603: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3604: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3605: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3606: readDataset(child_child, re);
3607: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3608: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3609: "timePeriodSeries")) {
3610: TimePeriodSeries cs = readTimePeriodSeries(child_child);
3611: cd.getTimePeriodSeries().add(cs);
3612: }
3613: }
3614: }
3616: private void readXYDataset(Node xmlNode, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3618: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3620: XYDataset cd = new XYDataset();
3621: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3623: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3624: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3625: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3626: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3627: readDataset(child_child, re);
3628: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3629: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("xySeries")) {
3630: XYSeries cs = readXYSeries(child_child);
3631: cd.getXYSeries().add(cs);
3632: }
3633: }
3634: }
3636: private void readXYZDataset(Node xmlNode, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3638: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3640: XYZDataset cd = new XYZDataset();
3641: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3643: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3644: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3645: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3646: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3647: readDataset(child_child, re);
3648: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3649: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("xyzSeries")) {
3650: XYZSeries cs = readXYZSeries(child_child);
3651: cd.getXYZSeries().add(cs);
3652: }
3653: }
3654: }
3656: private void readTimeSeriesDataset(Node xmlNode,
3657: ChartReportElement2 re) {
3659: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
3660: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3662: TimeSeriesDataset cd = new TimeSeriesDataset();
3663: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3665: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("timePeriod") != null)
3666: cd.setTimePeriod(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("timePeriod")
3667: .getNodeValue());
3669: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3670: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3671: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3672: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3673: readDataset(child_child, re);
3674: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3675: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("timeSeries")) {
3676: TimeSeries cs = readTimeSeries(child_child);
3677: cd.getTimeSeries().add(cs);
3678: }
3679: }
3680: }
3682: private void readHighLowDataset(Node xmlNode, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3684: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3686: HighLowDataset cd = new HighLowDataset();
3687: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3689: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3690: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3691: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3692: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3693: readDataset(child_child, re);
3694: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3695: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3696: "seriesExpression")) {
3697: cd.setSeriesExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3698: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3699: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3700: "dateExpression")) {
3701: cd.setDateExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3702: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3703: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3704: "highExpression")) {
3705: cd.setHighExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3706: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3707: && child_child.getNodeName()
3708: .equals("lowExpression")) {
3709: cd.setLowExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3710: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3711: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3712: "openExpression")) {
3713: cd.setOpenExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3714: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3715: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3716: "closeExpression")) {
3717: cd.setCloseExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3718: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3719: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3720: "volumeExpression")) {
3721: cd.setVolumeExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3722: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3723: && child_child.getNodeName()
3724: .equals("itemHyperlink")) {
3725: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, cd
3726: .getItemHyperLink());
3727: }
3729: }
3730: }
3732: private void readValueDataset(Node xmlNode, ChartReportElement2 re) {
3734: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3736: ValueDataset cd = new ValueDataset();
3737: re.getChart().setDataset(cd);
3739: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3740: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3741: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3742: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataset")) {
3743: readDataset(child_child, re);
3744: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3745: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3746: "valueExpression")) {
3747: cd.setValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3748: }
3750: }
3751: }
3753: private CategorySeries readCategorySeries(Node xmlNode) {
3755: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3757: CategorySeries cs = new CategorySeries();
3759: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3760: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3761: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3762: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3763: "seriesExpression")) {
3764: cs.setSeriesExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3765: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3766: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3767: "categoryExpression")) {
3768: cs.setCategoryExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3769: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3770: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3771: "valueExpression")) {
3772: cs.setValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3773: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3774: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3775: "labelExpression")) {
3776: cs.setLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3777: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3778: && child_child.getNodeName()
3779: .equals("itemHyperlink")) {
3780: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, cs
3781: .getSectionItemHyperlink());
3782: }
3783: }
3785: return cs;
3786: }
3788: private TimePeriodSeries readTimePeriodSeries(Node xmlNode) {
3790: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3792: TimePeriodSeries cs = new TimePeriodSeries();
3794: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3795: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3796: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3797: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3798: "seriesExpression")) {
3799: cs.setSeriesExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3800: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3801: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3802: "startDateExpression")) {
3803: cs.setStartDateExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3804: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3805: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3806: "endDateExpression")) {
3807: cs.setEndDateExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3808: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3809: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3810: "valueExpression")) {
3811: cs.setValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3812: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3813: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3814: "labelExpression")) {
3815: cs.setLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3816: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3817: && child_child.getNodeName()
3818: .equals("itemHyperlink")) {
3819: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, cs
3820: .getSectionItemHyperlink());
3821: }
3822: }
3824: return cs;
3825: }
3827: private TimeSeries readTimeSeries(Node xmlNode) {
3829: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3831: TimeSeries cs = new TimeSeries();
3833: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3834: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3835: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3836: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3837: "seriesExpression")) {
3838: cs.setSeriesExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3839: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3840: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3841: "timePeriodExpression")) {
3842: cs.setTimePeriodExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3843: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3844: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3845: "valueExpression")) {
3846: cs.setValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3847: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3848: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3849: "labelExpression")) {
3850: cs.setLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3851: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3852: && child_child.getNodeName()
3853: .equals("itemHyperlink")) {
3854: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, cs
3855: .getSectionItemHyperlink());
3856: }
3857: }
3859: return cs;
3860: }
3862: private XYSeries readXYSeries(Node xmlNode) {
3864: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3866: XYSeries cs = new XYSeries();
3868: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3869: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3870: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3871: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3872: "seriesExpression")) {
3873: cs.setSeriesExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3874: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3875: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3876: "xValueExpression")) {
3877: cs.setXValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3878: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3879: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3880: "yValueExpression")) {
3881: cs.setYValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3882: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3883: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3884: "labelExpression")) {
3885: cs.setLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3886: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3887: && child_child.getNodeName()
3888: .equals("itemHyperlink")) {
3889: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, cs
3890: .getSectionItemHyperlink());
3891: }
3892: }
3894: return cs;
3895: }
3897: private XYZSeries readXYZSeries(Node xmlNode) {
3899: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3901: XYZSeries cs = new XYZSeries();
3903: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3904: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3905: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3906: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3907: "seriesExpression")) {
3908: cs.setSeriesExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3909: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3910: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3911: "xValueExpression")) {
3912: cs.setXValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3913: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3914: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3915: "yValueExpression")) {
3916: cs.setYValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3917: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3918: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3919: "zValueExpression")) {
3920: cs.setZValueExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3921: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3922: && child_child.getNodeName()
3923: .equals("itemHyperlink")) {
3924: readSectionItemHyperlink(child_child, cs
3925: .getSectionItemHyperlink());
3926: }
3927: }
3929: return cs;
3930: }
3932: private void readPiePlot(Node xmlNode, PiePlot plot) {
3934: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
3935: plot.setCircular(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isCircular")
3936: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
3938: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
3939: }
3941: private void readPie3DPlot(Node xmlNode, Pie3DPlot plot) {
3942: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
3944: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("depthFactor") != null)
3945: plot.setDepthFactor(Double.parseDouble(nodeAttributes
3946: .getNamedItem("depthFactor").getNodeValue()));
3948: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isCircular") != null)
3949: plot.setCircular(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isCircular")
3950: .getNodeValue().equals("true"));
3952: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
3953: }
3955: private void readBarPlot(Node xmlNode, BarPlot plot) {
3956: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
3958: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
3960: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLabels") != null)
3961: plot.setShowLabels(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3962: "isShowLabels").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
3963: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowTickMarks") != null)
3964: plot.setShowTickMarks(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3965: "isShowTickMarks").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
3966: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowTickLabels") != null)
3967: plot.setShowTickLabels(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
3968: "isShowTickLabels").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
3970: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
3971: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
3972: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
3973: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3974: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3975: "categoryAxisLabelExpression")) {
3976: plot
3977: .setCategoryAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3978: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3979: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3980: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
3981: plot
3982: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
3983: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3984: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3985: "categoryAxisFormat")) {
3986: plot.setCategoryAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
3987: child_child, "axisFormat")));
3988: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
3989: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
3990: "valueAxisFormat")) {
3991: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
3992: child_child, "axisFormat")));
3993: }
3994: }
3995: }
3997: private void readBar3DPlot(Node xmlNode, Bar3DPlot plot) {
3998: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4000: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4002: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLabels") != null)
4003: plot.setShowLabels(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4004: "isShowLabels").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4005: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("xOffset") != null)
4006: plot.setXOffset(Double.parseDouble(nodeAttributes
4007: .getNamedItem("xOffset").getNodeValue()));
4008: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("yOffset") != null)
4009: plot.setYOffset(Double.parseDouble(nodeAttributes
4010: .getNamedItem("yOffset").getNodeValue()));
4012: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4013: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4014: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4015: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4016: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4017: "categoryAxisLabelExpression")) {
4018: plot
4019: .setCategoryAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4020: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4021: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4022: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
4023: plot
4024: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4025: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4026: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4027: "categoryAxisFormat")) {
4028: plot.setCategoryAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4029: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4030: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4031: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4032: "valueAxisFormat")) {
4033: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4034: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4035: }
4036: }
4037: }
4039: private void readLinePlot(Node xmlNode, LinePlot plot) {
4040: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4042: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4044: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLines") != null)
4045: plot.setShowLines(nodeAttributes
4046: .getNamedItem("isShowLines").getNodeValue().equals(
4047: "true"));
4048: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowShapes") != null)
4049: plot.setShowShapes(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4050: "isShowShapes").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4052: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4053: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4054: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4055: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4056: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4057: "categoryAxisLabelExpression")) {
4058: plot
4059: .setCategoryAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4060: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4061: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4062: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
4063: plot
4064: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4065: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4066: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4067: "categoryAxisFormat")) {
4068: plot.setCategoryAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4069: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4070: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4071: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4072: "valueAxisFormat")) {
4073: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4074: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4075: }
4076: }
4077: }
4079: private AxisFormat readAxisFormat(Node xmlNode) {
4081: AxisFormat axisFormat = new AxisFormat();
4083: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4085: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("labelColor") != null)
4086: axisFormat.setLabelColor(decodeColor(""
4087: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("labelColor")
4088: .getNodeValue()));
4090: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickLabelColor") != null)
4091: axisFormat.setTickLabelColor(decodeColor(""
4092: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickLabelColor")
4093: .getNodeValue()));
4095: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("axisLineColor") != null)
4096: axisFormat.setAxisLineColor(decodeColor(""
4097: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("axisLineColor")
4098: .getNodeValue()));
4100: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickLabelMask") != null)
4101: axisFormat.setTickLabelMask(""
4102: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickLabelMask")
4103: .getNodeValue());
4105: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4106: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4107: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4108: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4109: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("labelFont")) {
4110: Node fontNode = findChild(child_child, "font");
4111: if (fontNode != null)
4112: axisFormat.setLabelFont(readFontElement(fontNode));
4113: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4114: && child_child.getNodeName()
4115: .equals("tickLabelFont")) {
4116: Node fontNode = findChild(child_child, "font");
4117: if (fontNode != null)
4118: axisFormat
4119: .setTickLabelFont(readFontElement(fontNode));
4120: }
4121: }
4123: return axisFormat;
4124: }
4126: private void readAreaPlot(Node xmlNode, AreaPlot plot) {
4127: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4129: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4131: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4132: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4133: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4134: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4135: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4136: "categoryAxisLabelExpression")) {
4137: plot
4138: .setCategoryAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4139: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4140: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4141: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
4142: plot
4143: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4144: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4145: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4146: "categoryAxisFormat")) {
4147: plot.setCategoryAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4148: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4149: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4150: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4151: "valueAxisFormat")) {
4152: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4153: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4154: }
4155: }
4156: }
4158: private void readScatterPlot(Node xmlNode, ScatterPlot plot) {
4159: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4161: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4163: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLines") != null)
4164: plot.setShowLines(nodeAttributes
4165: .getNamedItem("isShowLines").getNodeValue().equals(
4166: "true"));
4167: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowShapes") != null)
4168: plot.setShowShapes(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4169: "isShowShapes").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4171: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4172: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4173: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4174: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4175: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4176: "xAxisLabelExpression")) {
4177: plot.setXAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4178: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4179: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4180: "yAxisLabelExpression")) {
4181: plot.setYAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4182: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4183: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("xAxisFormat")) {
4184: plot.setXAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4185: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4186: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4187: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("yAxisFormat")) {
4188: plot.setYAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4189: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4190: }
4191: }
4192: }
4194: private void readBubblePlot(Node xmlNode, BubblePlot plot) {
4195: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4197: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4199: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("scaleType") != null)
4200: plot.setScaleType(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("scaleType")
4201: .getNodeValue());
4203: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4204: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4205: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4206: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4207: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4208: "xAxisLabelExpression")) {
4209: plot.setXAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4210: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4211: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4212: "yAxisLabelExpression")) {
4213: plot.setYAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4214: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4215: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("xAxisFormat")) {
4216: plot.setXAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4217: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4218: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4219: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("yAxisFormat")) {
4220: plot.setYAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4221: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4222: }
4223: }
4224: }
4226: private void readTimeSeriesPlot(Node xmlNode, TimeSeriesPlot plot) {
4227: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4229: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4231: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowLines") != null)
4232: plot.setShowLines(nodeAttributes
4233: .getNamedItem("isShowLines").getNodeValue().equals(
4234: "true"));
4235: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowShapes") != null)
4236: plot.setShowShapes(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4237: "isShowShapes").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4239: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4240: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4241: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4242: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4243: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4244: "timeAxisLabelExpression")) {
4245: plot
4246: .setTimeAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4247: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4248: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4249: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
4250: plot
4251: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4252: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4253: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4254: "timeAxisFormat")) {
4255: plot.setTimeAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4256: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4257: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4258: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4259: "valueAxisFormat")) {
4260: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4261: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4262: }
4263: }
4264: }
4266: private void readHighLowPlot(Node xmlNode, HighLowPlot plot) {
4267: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4269: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4271: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowCloseTicks") != null)
4272: plot.setShowCloseTicks(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4273: "isShowCloseTicks").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4274: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowOpenTicks") != null)
4275: plot.setShowOpenTicks(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4276: "isShowOpenTicks").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4278: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4279: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4280: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4281: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4282: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4283: "timeAxisLabelExpression")) {
4284: plot
4285: .setTimeAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4286: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4287: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4288: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
4289: plot
4290: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4291: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4292: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4293: "timeAxisFormat")) {
4294: plot.setTimeAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4295: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4296: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4297: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4298: "valueAxisFormat")) {
4299: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4300: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4301: }
4302: }
4303: }
4305: private void readCandlestickPlot(Node xmlNode, CandlestickPlot plot) {
4306: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4308: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4310: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowVolume") != null)
4311: plot.setShowVolume(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4312: "isShowVolume").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4314: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4315: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4316: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4317: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4318: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4319: "timeAxisLabelExpression")) {
4320: plot
4321: .setTimeAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4322: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4323: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4324: "valueAxisLabelExpression")) {
4325: plot
4326: .setValueAxisLabelExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4327: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4328: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4329: "timeAxisFormat")) {
4330: plot.setTimeAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4331: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4332: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4333: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4334: "valueAxisFormat")) {
4335: plot.setValueAxisFormat(readAxisFormat(findChild(
4336: child_child, "axisFormat")));
4337: }
4338: }
4339: }
4341: private void readMeterPlot(Node xmlNode, MeterPlot plot) {
4342: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4344: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4346: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("shape") != null)
4347: plot.setShape(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("shape")
4348: .getNodeValue());
4350: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("angle") != null) {
4351: try {
4352: plot.setAngle(Integer.parseInt(nodeAttributes
4353: .getNamedItem("angle").getNodeValue()
4354: + ""));
4355: } catch (Exception ex) {
4356: it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame
4357: .getMainInstance()
4358: .logOnConsole(
4359: I18n
4360: .getString(
4361: "reportReader.notValidAngle",
4362: "Not valid angle value for the MeterPlot tag."));
4363: }
4364: }
4365: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("units") != null)
4366: plot.setUnits(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("units")
4367: .getNodeValue());
4369: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickInterval") != null) {
4370: try {
4371: plot.setTickInterval(Double.parseDouble(nodeAttributes
4372: .getNamedItem("tickInterval").getNodeValue()
4373: + ""));
4374: } catch (Exception ex) {
4375: it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame
4376: .getMainInstance()
4377: .logOnConsole(
4378: I18n
4379: .getString(
4380: "reportReader.notValidTickInterval",
4381: "Not valid tickInterval value for the MeterPlot tag."));
4382: }
4383: }
4385: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("meterColor") != null)
4386: plot.setMeterColor(decodeColor(""
4387: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("meterColor")
4388: .getNodeValue()));
4390: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("needleColor") != null)
4391: plot.setNeedleColor(decodeColor(""
4392: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("needleColor")
4393: .getNodeValue()));
4395: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickColor") != null)
4396: plot.setTickColor(decodeColor(""
4397: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("tickColor")
4398: .getNodeValue()));
4400: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4401: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4402: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4403: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4404: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("valueDisplay")) {
4405: plot.setValueDisplay(readValueDisplay(child_child));
4406: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4407: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataRange")) {
4408: plot.setDataRange(readDataRange(child_child));
4409: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4410: && child_child.getNodeName()
4411: .equals("meterInterval")) {
4412: plot.getMeterIntervals().add(
4413: readMeterInterval(child_child));
4414: }
4416: }
4417: }
4419: private void readThermometerPlot(Node xmlNode, ThermometerPlot plot) {
4420: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4422: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
4424: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("valueLocation") != null)
4425: plot.setValueLocation(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4426: "valueLocation").getNodeValue());
4428: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isShowValueLines") != null)
4429: plot.setShowValueLines(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4430: "isShowValueLines").getNodeValue().equals("true"));
4432: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mercuryColor") != null)
4433: plot.setMercuryColor(decodeColor(""
4434: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mercuryColor")
4435: .getNodeValue()));
4437: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4438: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4439: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4440: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4441: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("valueDisplay")) {
4442: plot.setValueDisplay(readValueDisplay(child_child));
4443: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4444: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataRange")) {
4445: plot.setDataRange(readDataRange(child_child));
4446: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4447: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("lowRange")) {
4448: plot.setLowRange(readDataRange(findChild(child_child,
4449: "dataRange")));
4450: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4451: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("mediumRange")) {
4452: plot.setMediumRange(readDataRange(findChild(
4453: child_child, "dataRange")));
4454: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4455: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("highRange")) {
4456: plot.setHighRange(readDataRange(findChild(child_child,
4457: "dataRange")));
4458: }
4460: }
4461: }
4463: private ValueDisplay readValueDisplay(Node xmlNode) {
4465: ValueDisplay valueDisplay = new ValueDisplay();
4467: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4469: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color") != null)
4470: valueDisplay.setColor(decodeColor(""
4471: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color")
4472: .getNodeValue()));
4474: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mask") != null)
4475: valueDisplay.setMask(""
4476: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mask")
4477: .getNodeValue());
4479: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4480: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4481: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4482: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4483: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("font")) {
4484: valueDisplay.setFont(readFontElement(child_child));
4485: }
4486: }
4488: return valueDisplay;
4489: }
4491: private DataRange readDataRange(Node xmlNode) {
4493: DataRange dataRange = new DataRange();
4495: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4496: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4497: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4498: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4499: && child_child.getNodeName()
4500: .equals("lowExpression")) {
4501: dataRange.setLowExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4502: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4503: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4504: "highExpression")) {
4505: dataRange.setHighExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4506: }
4507: }
4509: return dataRange;
4510: }
4512: private MeterInterval readMeterInterval(Node xmlNode) {
4514: MeterInterval meterInterval = new MeterInterval();
4516: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4518: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("label") != null)
4519: meterInterval.setLabel(""
4520: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("label")
4521: .getNodeValue());
4523: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color") != null)
4524: meterInterval.setColor(decodeColor(""
4525: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color")
4526: .getNodeValue()));
4528: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("alpha") != null) {
4529: try {
4530: meterInterval.setAlpha(Double
4531: .parseDouble(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4532: "alpha").getNodeValue()
4533: + ""));
4534: } catch (Exception ex) {
4535: it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame
4536: .getMainInstance()
4537: .logOnConsole(
4538: I18n
4539: .getString(
4540: "reportReader.notValidApha",
4541: "Not valid alpha value for the MeterPlot -> MeterInterval tag."));
4542: }
4543: }
4545: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4546: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4547: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4548: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4549: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("dataRange")) {
4550: meterInterval.setDataRange(readDataRange(child_child));
4551: }
4552: }
4554: return meterInterval;
4555: }
4557: private void readPlot(Node xmlNodeParent, Plot plot) {
4558: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNodeParent.getChildNodes();
4559: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4560: Node xmlNode = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4561: if (xmlNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4562: && xmlNode.getNodeName().equals("plot")) {
4564: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
4566: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backcolor") != null)
4567: plot.setBackcolor(decodeColor(""
4568: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backcolor")
4569: .getNodeValue()));
4571: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("orientation") != null)
4572: plot.setOrientation(""
4573: + nodeAttributes
4574: .getNamedItem("orientation")
4575: .getNodeValue());
4577: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backgroundAlpha") != null)
4578: plot.setBackgroundAlpha(Double
4579: .parseDouble(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4580: "backgroundAlpha").getNodeValue()));
4582: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("foregroundAlpha") != null)
4583: plot.setForegroundAlpha(Double
4584: .parseDouble(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4585: "foregroundAlpha").getNodeValue()));
4587: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("labelRotation") != null)
4588: plot.setLabelRotation(Double
4589: .parseDouble(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4590: "labelRotation").getNodeValue()));
4592: NodeList childsOfChildPlot = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
4593: for (int c_plot_count = 0; c_plot_count < childsOfChildPlot
4594: .getLength(); c_plot_count++) {
4595: Node child_child_plot = (Node) childsOfChildPlot
4596: .item(c_plot_count);
4597: if (child_child_plot.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4598: && child_child_plot.getNodeName().equals(
4599: "seriesColor")) {
4601: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes2 = child_child_plot
4602: .getAttributes();
4604: java.awt.Color c = java.awt.Color.red;
4605: int seriesOrder = 0;
4607: if (nodeAttributes2.getNamedItem("color") != null)
4608: c = decodeColor(""
4609: + nodeAttributes2.getNamedItem(
4610: "color").getNodeValue());
4612: if (nodeAttributes2.getNamedItem("seriesOrder") != null) {
4613: try {
4614: seriesOrder = Integer.parseInt(""
4615: + nodeAttributes2.getNamedItem(
4616: "seriesOrder")
4617: .getNodeValue());
4618: } catch (Exception ex) {
4619: }
4620: }
4622: SeriesColor sc = new SeriesColor();
4623: sc.setSeriesOrder(seriesOrder);
4624: sc.setColor(c);
4626: plot.getSeriesColors().add(sc);
4627: }
4628: }
4629: // Sort seriescolor....
4630: Object[] objs = plot.getSeriesColors().toArray();
4631: java.util.Arrays.sort(objs);
4632: plot.getSeriesColors().clear();
4633: for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i) {
4634: plot.getSeriesColors().add(objs[i]);
4635: }
4636: }
4637: }
4638: }
4640: private void readChartSubTitleElement(Node xmlElement,
4641: ChartReportElement2 re) {
4642: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlElement.getAttributes();
4644: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color") != null)
4645: re.getChart().getSubTitle().setColor(
4646: decodeColor(""
4647: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("color")
4648: .getNodeValue()));
4650: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlElement.getChildNodes();
4651: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4652: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4653: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4654: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4655: "subtitleExpression")) {
4656: re.getChart().getSubTitle().setTitleExpression(
4657: readPCDATA(child_child));
4658: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4659: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("font")) {
4660: re.getChart().getSubTitle().setFont(
4661: readFontElement(child_child));
4662: }
4663: }
4664: }
4666: private void readXMLReportElement(Node xmlReportElement,
4667: ReportElement re) {
4668: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlReportElement.getAttributes();
4670: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("style") != null) {
4671: String sname = nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("style")
4672: .getNodeValue();
4673: for (int j = 0; j < getReport().getStyles().size(); ++j) {
4674: Style sparent = (Style) getReport().getStyles()
4675: .elementAt(j);
4676: if (sparent.getName().equals(sname)) {
4677: re.setStyle(sparent);
4678: break;
4679: }
4680: }
4681: if (re.getStyle() == null) {
4682: UndefinedStyle us = new UndefinedStyle();
4683: us.setName(sname);
4684: getReport().getStyles().addElement(us);
4685: re.setStyle(us);
4686: }
4687: }
4688: //if ( bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null) b.setHeight( Integer.parseInt(bandAttributes.getNamedItem("height").getNodeValue()) );
4689: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("x") != null) {
4690: re.getPosition().x = Integer.parseInt(""
4691: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("x").getNodeValue());
4692: re.getRelativePosition().x = re.getPosition().x;
4693: }
4694: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("y") != null) {
4695: re.getPosition().y = Integer.parseInt(""
4696: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("y").getNodeValue());
4697: re.getRelativePosition().y = re.getPosition().y;
4698: }
4699: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("width") != null)
4700: re.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(""
4701: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("width")
4702: .getNodeValue()));
4703: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("height") != null)
4704: re.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(""
4705: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("height")
4706: .getNodeValue()));
4707: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("key") != null)
4708: re
4709: .setKey(""
4710: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("key")
4711: .getNodeValue());
4713: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("stretchType") != null)
4714: re.setStretchType(""
4715: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("stretchType")
4716: .getNodeValue());
4718: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isPrintRepeatedValues") != null)
4719: re.setIsPrintRepeatedValues(("" + nodeAttributes
4720: .getNamedItem("isPrintRepeatedValues")
4721: .getNodeValue()).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
4723: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("positionType") != null)
4724: re.setPositionType(""
4725: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("positionType")
4726: .getNodeValue());
4727: else
4728: re.setPositionType("FixRelativeToTop");
4730: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isPrintRepeatedValues") != null)
4731: re.setIsPrintRepeatedValues(("" + nodeAttributes
4732: .getNamedItem("isPrintRepeatedValues")
4733: .getNodeValue()).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
4735: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isRemoveLineWhenBlank") != null) {
4736: re.setIsRemoveLineWhenBlank(("" + nodeAttributes
4737: .getNamedItem("isRemoveLineWhenBlank")
4738: .getNodeValue()).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
4739: }
4741: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isPrintInFirstWholeBand") != null)
4742: re.setIsPrintInFirstWholeBand(("" + nodeAttributes
4743: .getNamedItem("isPrintInFirstWholeBand")
4744: .getNodeValue()).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
4746: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isPrintWhenDetailOverflows") != null)
4747: re.setIsPrintWhenDetailOverflows(("" + nodeAttributes
4748: .getNamedItem("isPrintWhenDetailOverflows")
4749: .getNodeValue()).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
4751: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("printWhenGroupChanges") != null)
4752: re.setPrintWhenGroupChanges(""
4753: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
4754: "printWhenGroupChanges").getNodeValue());
4756: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("forecolor") != null) {
4757: String color = ""
4758: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("forecolor")
4759: .getNodeValue();
4760: re.setFgcolor(decodeColor(color));
4761: }
4762: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backcolor") != null) {
4763: String color = ""
4764: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("backcolor")
4765: .getNodeValue();
4766: re.setBgcolor(decodeColor(color));
4768: }
4769: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mode") != null) {
4770: re.setTransparent(""
4771: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("mode")
4772: .getNodeValue());
4773: }
4775: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlReportElement.getChildNodes();
4776: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
4777: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
4778: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4779: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
4780: "printWhenExpression")) {
4781: re.setPrintWhenExpression(readPCDATA(child_child));
4782: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
4783: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("property")) {
4784: // Add element property...
4785: it.businesslogic.ireport.JRProperty property = readPropertyElement(child_child);
4786: if (property.getName() != null
4787: && property.getName().length() != 0) {
4788: re.getElementProperties().add(property);
4789: }
4790: }
4791: }
4792: }
4794: private float getLineWidthByBorder(String s) {
4795: if (s == null)
4796: return 0f;
4797: if (s.equals("None"))
4798: return 0f;
4799: if (s.equals("Thin"))
4800: return 0.25f;
4801: if (s.equals("1Point"))
4802: return 1f;
4803: if (s.equals("2Point"))
4804: return 2f;
4805: if (s.equals("4Point"))
4806: return 4f;
4807: if (s.equals("Dotted"))
4808: return 1f;
4809: return 0f;
4810: }
4812: private String getLineStyleByBorder(String s) {
4813: if (s != null && s.equals("Dotted"))
4814: return "Dotted";
4815: return "Solid";
4816: }
4818: private void readBoxElement(Node xmlReportElement, BoxElement re) {
4819: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlReportElement.getAttributes();
4821: Box box = new Box();
4822: // ------- defaults --------
4823: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("border") != null) {
4824: box.setBorder(""
4825: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("border")
4826: .getNodeValue());
4827: //box.setLeftBorder(""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("border").getNodeValue() );
4828: //box.setRightBorder(""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("border").getNodeValue() );
4829: //box.setTopBorder(""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("border").getNodeValue() );
4830: //box.setBottomBorder(""+nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("border").getNodeValue() );
4831: if (box.getPen() == null)
4832: box.setPen(new Pen());
4833: box.getPen().setLineWidth(
4834: getLineWidthByBorder(box.getBorder()));
4835: box.getPen().setLineStyle(
4836: getLineStyleByBorder(box.getBorder()));
4837: deprecationWarning = true;
4838: }
4840: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("padding") != null) {
4841: box.setPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4842: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("padding")
4843: .getNodeValue()));
4844: box.setLeftPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4845: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("padding")
4846: .getNodeValue()));
4847: box.setRightPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4848: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("padding")
4849: .getNodeValue()));
4850: box.setTopPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4851: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("padding")
4852: .getNodeValue()));
4853: box.setBottomPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4854: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("padding")
4855: .getNodeValue()));
4856: }
4858: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("borderColor") != null) {
4859: String color = ""
4860: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("borderColor")
4861: .getNodeValue();
4862: java.awt.Color colorObj = decodeColor(color);
4864: box.setBorderColor(new java.awt.Color(colorObj.getRGB()));
4865: //box.setLeftBorderColor(new java.awt.Color(colorObj.getRGB()));
4866: //box.setRightBorderColor(new java.awt.Color(colorObj.getRGB()));
4867: //box.setTopBorderColor(new java.awt.Color(colorObj.getRGB()));
4868: //box.setBottomBorderColor(new java.awt.Color(colorObj.getRGB()));
4869: deprecationWarning = true;
4870: if (box.getPen() == null)
4871: box.setPen(new Pen());
4872: box.getPen().setLineColor(box.getBorderColor());
4873: }
4874: // ------- top --------
4875: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("topBorder") != null) {
4876: box.setTopBorder(""
4877: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("topBorder")
4878: .getNodeValue());
4879: deprecationWarning = true;
4880: if (box.getTopPen() == null)
4881: box.setTopPen(new Pen());
4882: box.getTopPen().setLineWidth(
4883: getLineWidthByBorder(box.getTopBorder()));
4884: box.getTopPen().setLineStyle(
4885: getLineStyleByBorder(box.getTopBorder()));
4886: }
4888: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("topPadding") != null) {
4889: box.setTopPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4890: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("topPadding")
4891: .getNodeValue()));
4892: }
4894: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("topBorderColor") != null) {
4895: String color = ""
4896: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("topBorderColor")
4897: .getNodeValue();
4898: deprecationWarning = true;
4899: box.setTopBorderColor(decodeColor(color));
4900: if (box.getTopPen() == null)
4901: box.setTopPen(new Pen());
4902: box.getTopPen().setLineColor(box.getTopBorderColor());
4903: }
4905: // ------- left --------
4906: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("leftBorder") != null) {
4907: box.setLeftBorder(""
4908: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("leftBorder")
4909: .getNodeValue());
4910: deprecationWarning = true;
4911: if (box.getLeftPen() == null)
4912: box.setLeftPen(new Pen());
4913: box.getLeftPen().setLineWidth(
4914: getLineWidthByBorder(box.getLeftBorder()));
4915: box.getLeftPen().setLineStyle(
4916: getLineStyleByBorder(box.getLeftBorder()));
4917: }
4919: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("leftPadding") != null) {
4920: box.setLeftPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4921: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("leftPadding")
4922: .getNodeValue()));
4923: }
4925: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("leftBorderColor") != null) {
4926: String color = ""
4927: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("leftBorderColor")
4928: .getNodeValue();
4929: deprecationWarning = true;
4930: box.setLeftBorderColor(decodeColor(color));
4931: if (box.getLeftPen() == null)
4932: box.setLeftPen(new Pen());
4933: box.getLeftPen().setLineColor(box.getLeftBorderColor());
4934: }
4936: // ------- right --------
4937: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rightBorder") != null) {
4938: box.setRightBorder(""
4939: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rightBorder")
4940: .getNodeValue());
4941: deprecationWarning = true;
4942: if (box.getRightPen() == null)
4943: box.setRightPen(new Pen());
4944: box.getRightPen().setLineWidth(
4945: getLineWidthByBorder(box.getRightBorder()));
4946: box.getRightPen().setLineStyle(
4947: getLineStyleByBorder(box.getRightBorder()));
4948: }
4950: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rightPadding") != null) {
4951: box.setRightPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4952: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rightPadding")
4953: .getNodeValue()));
4954: }
4956: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rightBorderColor") != null) {
4957: String color = ""
4958: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rightBorderColor")
4959: .getNodeValue();
4960: deprecationWarning = true;
4961: box.setRightBorderColor(decodeColor(color));
4962: if (box.getRightPen() == null)
4963: box.setRightPen(new Pen());
4964: box.getRightPen().setLineColor(box.getRightBorderColor());
4965: }
4967: // ------- bottom --------
4968: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bottomBorder") != null) {
4969: box.setBottomBorder(""
4970: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bottomBorder")
4971: .getNodeValue());
4972: deprecationWarning = true;
4973: if (box.getRightPen() == null)
4974: box.setRightPen(new Pen());
4975: box.getRightPen().setLineWidth(
4976: getLineWidthByBorder(box.getRightBorder()));
4977: box.getRightPen().setLineStyle(
4978: getLineStyleByBorder(box.getRightBorder()));
4979: }
4981: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bottomPadding") != null) {
4982: box.setBottomPadding(Integer.parseInt(""
4983: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bottomPadding")
4984: .getNodeValue()));
4985: }
4987: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bottomBorderColor") != null) {
4988: String color = ""
4989: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("bottomBorderColor")
4990: .getNodeValue();
4991: deprecationWarning = true;
4992: box.setBottomBorderColor(decodeColor(color));
4993: if (box.getBottomPen() == null)
4994: box.setBottomPen(new Pen());
4995: box.getBottomPen().setLineColor(box.getBottomBorderColor());
4996: }
4998: // reading the new pen tags...
4999: NodeList children = xmlReportElement.getChildNodes();
5000: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < children.getLength(); c_count++) {
5001: Node child_child = (Node) children.item(c_count);
5002: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5003: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("pen")) {
5004: box.setPen(readPen(child_child, 0f));
5005: box.setTopPen(box.getPen().cloneMe());
5006: box.setBottomPen(box.getPen().cloneMe());
5007: box.setLeftPen(box.getPen().cloneMe());
5008: box.setRightPen(box.getPen().cloneMe());
5009: }
5010: }
5012: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < children.getLength(); c_count++) {
5013: Node child_child = (Node) children.item(c_count);
5015: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5016: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("topPen")) {
5017: box
5018: .setTopPen(readPen(child_child, 0f, box
5019: .getTopPen()));
5020: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5021: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("bottomPen")) {
5022: box.setBottomPen(readPen(child_child, 0f, box
5023: .getBottomPen()));
5024: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5025: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("leftPen")) {
5026: box.setLeftPen(readPen(child_child, 0f, box
5027: .getLeftPen()));
5028: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5029: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("rightPen")) {
5030: box.setRightPen(readPen(child_child, 0f, box
5031: .getRightPen()));
5032: }
5033: }
5035: // changing box structure...
5037: if (re instanceof BoxElement)
5038: ((BoxElement) re).setBox(box);
5040: }
5042: static java.awt.Color decodeColor(String colorString) {
5043: java.awt.Color color = null;
5044: char firstChar = colorString.charAt(0);
5045: if (firstChar == '#') {
5046: color = new java.awt.Color(Integer.parseInt(colorString
5047: .substring(1), 16));
5048: } else if ('0' <= firstChar && firstChar <= '9') {
5049: color = new java.awt.Color(Integer.parseInt(colorString));
5050: } else {
5051: if (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlConstants
5052: .getColorMap().containsKey(colorString)) {
5053: color = (java.awt.Color) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlConstants
5054: .getColorMap().get(colorString);
5055: } else {
5056: color = java.awt.Color.black;
5057: }
5058: }
5059: return color;
5061: }
5063: static public String readPCDATA(Node textNode) {
5064: return readPCDATA(textNode, true);
5065: }
5067: static public String readPCDATA(Node textNode, boolean trim) {
5068: NodeList list_child = textNode.getChildNodes();
5069: for (int ck = 0; ck < list_child.getLength(); ck++) {
5070: Node child_child = (Node) list_child.item(ck);
5072: // --- start solution: if there is another node this should be the PCDATA-node
5073: Node ns = child_child.getNextSibling();
5074: if (ns != null)
5075: child_child = ns;
5076: // --- end solution
5078: final short nt = child_child.getNodeType();
5079: if ((nt == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
5080: || (nt == Node.TEXT_NODE)) {
5081: if (trim)
5082: return ((String) child_child.getNodeValue()).trim();
5083: return (String) child_child.getNodeValue();
5084: }
5085: }
5086: return "";
5087: }
5089: private void readXMLTextElement(Node xmlReportElement,
5090: TextReportElement re) {
5091: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlReportElement.getAttributes();
5092: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("textAlignment") != null)
5093: re.setAlign(""
5094: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("textAlignment")
5095: .getNodeValue());
5097: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("verticalAlignment") != null)
5098: re.setVerticalAlign(""
5099: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("verticalAlignment")
5100: .getNodeValue());
5102: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineSpacing") != null)
5103: re.setLineSpacing(""
5104: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineSpacing")
5105: .getNodeValue());
5107: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rotation") != null)
5108: re.setRotate(""
5109: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("rotation")
5110: .getNodeValue());
5112: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("isStyledText") != null)
5113: re.setIsStyledText(("" + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
5114: "isStyledText").getNodeValue()).equals("true"));
5116: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("markup") != null)
5117: re.setMarkup(""
5118: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("markup")
5119: .getNodeValue());
5121: // Check for Font sub_element...
5122: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlReportElement.getChildNodes();
5123: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
5124: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
5125: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5126: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("font")) {
5127: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
5128: .getAttributes();
5129: if (subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem("reportFont") != null) {
5131: IReportFont baseFont = null;
5132: re.setReportFont(subNodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
5133: "reportFont").getNodeValue());
5134: for (int fn = 0; fn < getReport().getFonts().size(); ++fn) {
5135: baseFont = (IReportFont) getReport().getFonts()
5136: .elementAt(fn);
5137: if (baseFont != null
5138: && baseFont.getReportFont().equals(
5139: re.getReportFont())) {
5140: break;
5141: } else
5142: baseFont = null;
5143: }
5144: if (baseFont != null) {
5145: //re.setFontSize(baseFont.getFontSize());
5146: //re.setFontName(baseFont.getFontName());
5147: //re.setPDFFontName( baseFont.getPDFFontName());
5148: //re.setPdfEncoding( baseFont.getPdfEncoding());
5149: //re.setPdfEmbedded( baseFont.isPdfEmbedded());
5150: //re.setBold(baseFont.isBold()) ;
5151: //re.setItalic( baseFont.isItalic());
5152: //re.setStrikeTrought(baseFont.isStrikeTrought());
5153: //re.setUnderline(baseFont.isUnderline());
5154: } else {
5156: //using default font
5157: //re.setFontSize(defaultFont.getFontSize());
5158: //re.setFontName(defaultFont.getFontName());
5159: //re.setPDFFontName( defaultFont.getPDFFontName());
5160: //re.setPdfEncoding( defaultFont.getPdfEncoding());
5161: //re.setPdfEmbedded( defaultFont.isPdfEmbedded());
5162: //re.setBold(defaultFont.isBold()) ;
5163: //re.setItalic(defaultFont.isItalic());
5164: //re.setStrikeTrought(defaultFont.isStrikeTrought());
5165: //re.setUnderline(defaultFont.isUnderline());
5166: }
5168: }
5170: //System.out.println("Working on: " + xmlReportElement);
5171: for (int kkk = 0; kkk < subNodeAttributes.getLength(); ++kkk) {
5172: //System.out.println( + " " + );
5174: String propName = subNodeAttributes.item(kkk)
5175: .getNodeName();
5176: String propValue = subNodeAttributes.item(kkk)
5177: .getNodeValue();
5178: if (propName != null && propValue != null) {
5179: if (propName.equals("fontName"))
5180: re.setFontName(propValue);
5181: else if (propName.equals("pdfFontName"))
5182: re.setPDFFontName(propValue);
5183: else if (propName.equals("size"))
5184: re.setFontSize(Integer.parseInt(""
5185: + propValue));
5186: else if (propName.equals("isBold"))
5187: re.setBold((new String("" + propValue))
5188: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
5189: else if (propName.equals("isItalic"))
5190: re.setItalic((new String("" + propValue))
5191: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
5192: else if (propName.equals("isUnderline"))
5193: re
5194: .setUnderline((new String(""
5195: + propValue))
5196: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
5197: else if (propName.equals("isStrikeThrough"))
5198: re.setStrikeTrought((new String(""
5199: + propValue))
5200: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
5201: else if (propName.equals("isPdfEmbedded"))
5202: re.setPdfEmbedded((new String(""
5203: + propValue))
5204: .equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
5205: else if (propName.equals("pdfEncoding"))
5206: re.setPdfEncoding("" + propValue);
5207: }
5208: }
5209: re.setFont(null);
5210: }
5211: }
5212: }
5214: private Node findNextNode(Node node) {
5215: int type = node.getNodeType();
5216: if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
5217: return node;
5218: }
5219: NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
5220: if (children != null) {
5221: for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
5222: return findNextNode(children.item(i));
5223: }
5224: }
5225: return null;
5226: }
5228: /**
5229: * Find a node named childName inside parent
5230: *
5231: */
5232: private Node findChild(Node parent, String childName) {
5234: if (parent == null)
5235: return null;
5237: NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes();
5239: if (children != null) {
5240: for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
5242: Node node = (Node) children.item(i);
5243: if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5244: && node.getNodeName().equals(childName)) {
5245: return node;
5246: }
5247: }
5248: Node foundNode = null;
5249: for (int i = 0; foundNode == null
5250: && i < children.getLength(); i++) {
5252: Node node = (Node) children.item(i);
5253: if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
5254: foundNode = findChild(node, childName);
5255: }
5256: }
5257: return foundNode;
5258: }
5259: return null;
5260: }
5262: private void readChartReportElement(Node child,
5263: ChartReportElement2 re) {
5265: if (child.getNodeName().equals("pieChart")) {
5266: re.setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.PieChart());
5267: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("pie3DChart")) {
5268: re
5269: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.Pie3DChart());
5270: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("barChart")) {
5271: re.setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.BarChart());
5272: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("bar3DChart")) {
5273: re
5274: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.Bar3DChart());
5275: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("xyBarChart")) {
5276: re
5277: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.XYBarChart());
5278: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("stackedBarChart")) {
5279: re
5280: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.StackedBarChart());
5281: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("stackedBar3DChart")) {
5282: re
5283: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.StackedBar3DChart());
5284: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("lineChart")) {
5285: re.setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.LineChart());
5286: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("xyLineChart")) {
5287: re
5288: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.XYLineChart());
5289: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("areaChart")) {
5290: re.setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.AreaChart());
5291: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("stackedAreaChart")) {
5292: re
5293: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.StackedAreaChart());
5294: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("xyAreaChart")) {
5295: re
5296: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.XYAreaChart());
5297: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("scatterChart")) {
5298: re
5299: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.ScatterChart());
5300: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("bubbleChart")) {
5301: re
5302: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.BubbleChart());
5303: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("timeSeriesChart")) {
5304: re
5305: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.TimeSeriesChart());
5306: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("highLowChart")) {
5307: re
5308: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.HighLowChart());
5309: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("candlestickChart")) {
5310: re
5311: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.CandlestickChart());
5312: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("meterChart")) {
5313: re
5314: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.MeterChart());
5315: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("thermometerChart")) {
5316: re
5317: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.ThermometerChart());
5318: } else if (child.getNodeName().equals("multiAxisChart")) {
5319: re
5320: .setChart(new it.businesslogic.ireport.chart.MultiAxisChart());
5321: }
5323: // Element properties...
5324: NodeList childsOfChild = child.getChildNodes();
5325: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
5326: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
5327: NamedNodeMap subNodeAttributes = child_child
5328: .getAttributes();
5329: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5330: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("chart")) {
5331: readChartElement(child_child, re);
5332: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5333: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("pieDataset")) {
5334: readPieDataset(child_child, re);
5335: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5336: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5337: "categoryDataset")) {
5338: readCategoryDataset(child_child, re);
5339: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5340: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5341: "timePeriodDataset")) {
5342: readTimePeriodDataset(child_child, re);
5343: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5344: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5345: "timeSeriesDataset")) {
5346: readTimeSeriesDataset(child_child, re);
5347: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5348: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("xyDataset")) {
5349: readXYDataset(child_child, re);
5350: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5351: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("xyzDataset")) {
5352: readXYZDataset(child_child, re);
5353: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5354: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5355: "highLowDataset")) {
5356: readHighLowDataset(child_child, re);
5357: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5358: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("valueDataset")) {
5359: readValueDataset(child_child, re);
5360: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5361: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("piePlot")) {
5362: readPiePlot(child_child, (PiePlot) re.getChart()
5363: .getPlot());
5364: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5365: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("pie3DPlot")) {
5366: readPie3DPlot(child_child, (Pie3DPlot) re.getChart()
5367: .getPlot());
5368: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5369: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("barPlot")) {
5370: readBarPlot(child_child, (BarPlot) re.getChart()
5371: .getPlot());
5372: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5373: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("bar3DPlot")) {
5374: readBar3DPlot(child_child, (Bar3DPlot) re.getChart()
5375: .getPlot());
5376: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5377: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("linePlot")) {
5378: readLinePlot(child_child, (LinePlot) re.getChart()
5379: .getPlot());
5380: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5381: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("areaPlot")) {
5382: readAreaPlot(child_child, (AreaPlot) re.getChart()
5383: .getPlot());
5384: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5385: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("scatterPlot")) {
5386: readScatterPlot(child_child, (ScatterPlot) re
5387: .getChart().getPlot());
5388: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5389: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("bubblePlot")) {
5390: readBubblePlot(child_child, (BubblePlot) re.getChart()
5391: .getPlot());
5392: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5393: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5394: "timeSeriesPlot")) {
5395: readTimeSeriesPlot(child_child, (TimeSeriesPlot) re
5396: .getChart().getPlot());
5397: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5398: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("highLowPlot")) {
5399: readHighLowPlot(child_child, (HighLowPlot) re
5400: .getChart().getPlot());
5401: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5402: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5403: "candlestickPlot")) {
5404: readCandlestickPlot(child_child, (CandlestickPlot) re
5405: .getChart().getPlot());
5406: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5407: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("meterPlot")) {
5408: readMeterPlot(child_child, (MeterPlot) re.getChart()
5409: .getPlot());
5410: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5411: && child_child.getNodeName().equals(
5412: "thermometerPlot")) {
5413: readThermometerPlot(child_child, (ThermometerPlot) re
5414: .getChart().getPlot());
5415: } else if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5416: && child_child.getNodeName()
5417: .equals("multiAxisPlot")) {
5418: readMultiAxisPlot(child_child, (MultiAxisPlot) re
5419: .getChart().getPlot());
5420: }
5421: }
5422: }
5424: private void readMultiAxisPlot(Node xmlNode, MultiAxisPlot plot) {
5426: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
5428: readPlot(xmlNode, plot);
5430: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
5431: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
5432: Node child_child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
5433: if (child_child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5434: && child_child.getNodeName().equals("axis")) {
5435: plot.getAxis().add(readAxis(child_child));
5436: }
5437: }
5438: }
5440: private Axis readAxis(Node xmlNode) {
5442: Axis axis = new Axis();
5444: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xmlNode.getAttributes();
5446: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("position") != null)
5447: axis.setPosition(""
5448: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("position")
5449: .getNodeValue());
5451: NodeList childsOfChild = xmlNode.getChildNodes();
5452: for (int c_count = 0; c_count < childsOfChild.getLength(); c_count++) {
5453: Node child = (Node) childsOfChild.item(c_count);
5454: if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5455: && child.getNodeName().equals("pieChart")
5456: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5457: && child.getNodeName().equals("pie3DChart")
5458: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5459: && child.getNodeName().equals("barChart")
5460: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5461: && child.getNodeName().equals("bar3DChart")
5462: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5463: && child.getNodeName().equals("xyBarChart")
5464: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5465: && child.getNodeName().equals("stackedBarChart")
5466: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5467: && child.getNodeName().equals("stackedBar3DChart")
5468: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5469: && child.getNodeName().equals("lineChart")
5470: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5471: && child.getNodeName().equals("xyLineChart")
5472: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5473: && child.getNodeName().equals("areaChart")
5474: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5475: && child.getNodeName().equals("stackedAreaChart")
5476: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5477: && child.getNodeName().equals("xyAreaChart")
5478: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5479: && child.getNodeName().equals("scatterChart")
5480: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5481: && child.getNodeName().equals("bubbleChart")
5482: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5483: && child.getNodeName().equals("timeSeriesChart")
5484: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5485: && child.getNodeName().equals("highLowChart")
5486: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5487: && child.getNodeName().equals("candlestickChart")
5488: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5489: && child.getNodeName().equals("meterChart")
5490: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5491: && child.getNodeName().equals("thermometerChart")
5492: || child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
5493: && child.getNodeName().equals("multiAxisChart")) {
5494: ChartReportElement2 re = new ChartReportElement2(0, 0,
5495: 0, 0);
5496: readChartReportElement(child, re);
5497: axis.setChartReportElement(re);
5498: }
5499: }
5501: return axis;
5502: }
5504: private Pen readPen(Node penNode) {
5506: return readPen(penNode, 1f);
5507: }
5509: private Pen readPen(Node penNode, float defWidth) {
5510: return readPen(penNode, defWidth, null);
5511: }
5513: private Pen readPen(Node penNode, float defWidth, Pen pen) {
5515: if (pen == null) {
5516: pen = new Pen();
5517: pen.setLineWidth(defWidth);
5518: }
5520: NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = penNode.getAttributes();
5522: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineWidth") != null) {
5523: try {
5524: pen.setLineWidth(Double.valueOf(
5525: ""
5526: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem(
5527: "lineWidth").getNodeValue())
5528: .floatValue());
5529: } catch (Exception ex) {
5530: ex.printStackTrace();
5531: ;
5532: }
5533: }
5535: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineStyle") != null)
5536: pen.setLineStyle(""
5537: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineStyle")
5538: .getNodeValue());
5540: if (nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineColor") != null)
5541: pen.setLineColor(decodeColor(""
5542: + nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("lineColor")
5543: .getNodeValue()));
5545: return pen;
5546: }
5548: }