001: /*
002: *
003: * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 CINCOM SYSTEMS, INC.
004: * All Rights Reserved
005: * www.cincom.com
006: *
007: *
008: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
009: * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
010: * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
011: * (at your option) any later version.
012: *
013: * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; and without the
015: * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
016: *
017: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
018: * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
019: * or write to:
020: *
021: * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
022: * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
023: * Boston, MA USA 02111-1307
024: *
025: *
026: * CincomMDXFieldsProvider.java
027: *
028: * Created on December 18, 2006, 2:28 PM
029: *
030: * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
031: * and open the template in the editor.
032: */
034: package it.businesslogic.ireport.data;
036: import it.businesslogic.ireport.FieldsProviderEditor;
037: import it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportConnection;
038: import it.businesslogic.ireport.connection.JRXMLADataSourceConnection;
039: import it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.ReportQueryDialog;
040: import java.util.Map;
041: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataset;
042: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
044: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;
045: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDesignField;
047: /**
048: *
049: * @author gtoffoli
050: */
051: public class CincomMDXFieldsProvider extends MDXFieldsProvider {
053: private final String axis0 = "Axis0";
054: private final String axis1 = "Axis1";
055: private final String slicer = "SlicerAxis";
056: private final char leftPar = '[';
057: private final char rightPar = ']';
058: public static java.util.ArrayList dimensionsList = new java.util.ArrayList();
059: private boolean foundMeasure; // to handle queries with no explicit measure in them
061: /** Creates a new instance of CincomMDXFieldsProvider */
062: public CincomMDXFieldsProvider() {
063: super ();
064: }
066: public boolean supportsGetFieldsOperation() {
067: return true;
068: }
070: public boolean supportsAutomaticQueryExecution() {
071: return true;
072: }
074: public boolean hasEditorComponent() {
075: return false;
076: }
078: public FieldsProviderEditor getEditorComponent(
079: ReportQueryDialog reportQueryDialog) {
081: return null;
082: }
084: public JRField[] getFields(IReportConnection con,
085: JRDataset reportDataset, Map parameters)
086: throws JRException, UnsupportedOperationException {
087: /**
088: * Copyright (C) 2006 CINCOM SYSTEMS, INC.
089: * All Rights Reserved
090: * www.cincom.com
091: */
092: if (con instanceof it.businesslogic.ireport.connection.JRXMLADataSourceConnection) {
093: try {
094: String query = reportDataset.getQuery().getText();
096: java.util.ArrayList v_fields = getFields(query,
097: (JRXMLADataSourceConnection) con);
099: // Translate
100: JRField[] final_fields = new JRField[v_fields.size()];
101: for (int i = 0; i < v_fields.size(); ++i) {
102: XmlaFieldNode f = (XmlaFieldNode) v_fields.get(i);
103: JRDesignField field = new JRDesignField();
104: field.setName(f.getName());
105: field.setValueClassName(f.getClassType());
106: field.setDescription(f.getDescription());
107: final_fields[i] = field;
108: }
110: return final_fields;
112: } catch (Exception ex) {
113: throw new JRException(ex);
114: }
115: } else {
116: throw new JRException(
117: "The active connection is not of type XMLA. Activate an XMLA connection first.");
118: }
119: }
121: /**
122: * Returns the Fields discovered for the MDX Query
123: * @param : Query String
124: * @param : status is added to return the appropriate field values
125: * Reason : to handle the Wizard Dialog and ReportQuery Dialog issue
126: * ReportQueryDialog looks for a jTable / ArrayList
127: * WizardDialog looks for a jList / List
128: * status == true implies that the call is from WizardDialog
129: * false imples that the call is from ReportQueryDialog.
130: *
131: */
132: public java.util.ArrayList getFields(String query,
133: JRXMLADataSourceConnection con) throws java.lang.Exception {
134: foundMeasure = false;
135: it.businesslogic.ireport.data.XmlaFieldNode fld2;
136: java.util.ArrayList fields = new java.util.ArrayList();
137: rex.metadata.ServerMetadata smd = new rex.metadata.ServerMetadata(
138: con.getUrl(), null);
139: if (smd.isValidUrl() == false) {
140: return null;
141: }
142: rex.xmla.RexXMLAExecuteProperties rexProperties = new rex.xmla.RexXMLAExecuteProperties();
143: rexProperties.setDataSourceInfo(con.getDatasource());
144: rexProperties.setCatalog(con.getCatalog());
145: this .dimensionsList.clear();
146: try {
147: rex.metadata.ExecuteResult eResult = new rex.metadata.ExecuteResult(
148: smd.execute(query, rexProperties), null);
149: if (!addMDXAxisColumns(fields, eResult, axis0)) {
150: return null;
151: }
152: if (!addMDXAxisColumns(fields, eResult, axis1)) {
153: return null;
154: }
155: if (!addMDXAxisColumns(fields, eResult, slicer)) {
156: return null;
157: }
158: //if no measure was explicitly parsed, then add one to pick up the default (ALL) measure:
159: if (!foundMeasure) {
160: fld2 = new it.businesslogic.ireport.data.XmlaFieldNode(
161: "DefaultMeasure", 2);
162: fld2.setDescription("DefaultMeasure");
164: fields.add(fld2);
165: }
166: eResult = null;
167: rexProperties = null;
168: smd = null;
169: }
171: catch (Exception e) {
172: throw e;
173: }
174: return fields;
175: }
177: /**
178: * Adds all the Dimensions and measures found on Rows, Columns and Slicer axis
179: *
180: * @param fields : All the dimension / measures discovered are added and returned
181: * @param : status is added to return the appropriate field values
182: * Reason : to handle the Wizard Dialog and ReportQuery Dialog issue
183: * ReportQueryDialog looks for a jTable / ArrayList
184: * WizardDialog looks for a jList / List
185: * status == true implies that the call is from WizardDialog
186: * false imples that the call is from ReportQueryDialog.
187: *
188: */
189: private boolean addMDXAxisColumns(java.util.ArrayList fields,
190: rex.metadata.ExecuteResult eResult, String axisName) {
191: java.util.HashSet fSet = new java.util.HashSet();
193: int axisNo = -1;
194: if (eResult == null || fields == null || axisName == null) {
195: return false;
196: }
197: if ((axisName.compareTo(axis0) != 0)
198: && (axisName.compareTo(axis1) != 0)
199: && (axisName.compareTo(slicer) != 0)) {
200: return false;
201: }
202: rex.metadata.resultelements.Axis axis = eResult
203: .getAxis(axisName);
204: if (axis == null) {
205: return false;
206: }
207: rex.metadata.resultelements.HierarchyInfo hierInfo;
208: rex.metadata.resultelements.Tuple tuple;
210: if (axisName.compareTo(axis0) == 0) {
211: axisNo = 0;
212: } else {
213: axisNo = 1;
214: }
215: tuple = null;
217: it.businesslogic.ireport.data.XmlaFieldNode fld;
218: String longName = "";
219: String shortName = "";
221: int hierarchyCount = axis.getHierarchyInfoCount();
222: for (int hierIndex = 0; hierIndex < hierarchyCount; hierIndex++) {
223: hierInfo = axis.getHierarchyInfoAt(hierIndex);
224: if (hierInfo == null) {
225: return false;
226: }
228: int tupleCount = axis.getTupleCount(); // ham 9/11/06
229: for (int tupleIndex = 0; tupleIndex < tupleCount; tupleIndex++) {
230: tuple = axis.getTupleAt(tupleIndex);
231: // following loop for multiple dimensions in one (slicer) tuple
232: // references within this loop to getMemberAt(0) were changed to getMemberAt(tupleMemberIndex)
233: int tupleMemberCount = tuple.getMemberCount();
234: for (int tupleMemberIndex = 0; tupleMemberIndex < tupleMemberCount; tupleMemberIndex++) {
235: if (tuple.getMemberAt(tupleMemberIndex).isMeasure()) {
236: foundMeasure = true;
238: longName = tuple.getMemberAt(tupleMemberIndex)
239: .getUniqueName();
241: shortName = longName.substring(longName
242: .lastIndexOf(leftPar) + 1, longName
243: .lastIndexOf(rightPar));
245: // following IF and adding it to FSET added for duplicate fields in query problem
247: if (!fSet.contains(shortName)) {
249: fld = new it.businesslogic.ireport.data.XmlaFieldNode(
250: shortName, axisNo);
251: fld.setDescription(longName);
252: fSet.add(shortName);
254: // Checking the status and add the appropirte values to fields
255: //if (status.booleanValue()){ //this incase of WizardDialog
256: fields.add(fld);
257: //} else{ //case of ReportQueryDialog
258: // fields.add(new Object[]{fld,fld.getClassType(),fld.getDescription()});
259: //}
260: }
261: } else {
263: longName = tuple.getMemberAt(tupleMemberIndex)
264: .getLname();
266: shortName = longName.substring(longName
267: .lastIndexOf(leftPar) + 1, longName
268: .lastIndexOf(rightPar));
269: if (!fSet.contains(shortName)) {
270: fld = new it.businesslogic.ireport.data.XmlaFieldNode(
271: shortName, axisNo);
272: fld.setDescription(longName);
273: fSet.add(shortName);
275: // Checking the status and add the appropirte values to fields
277: //if (status.booleanValue()){ //this incase of WizardDialog
278: fields.add(fld);
280: if (!this .dimensionsList.contains(fld)) {
281: this .dimensionsList.add(fld);
282: }
284: //} else{ //case of ReportQueryDialog
285: // fields.add(new Object[]{fld,fld.getClassType(),fld.getDescription()});
287: // if(!this.dimensionsList.contains(fld)){
288: // this.dimensionsList.add(new Object[]{fld,fld.getClassType(),fld.getDescription()});
289: // }
290: //}
292: }
293: }
294: }
295: }
297: }
298: return true;
299: }
301: /**
302: * Helper method to return the dimensions discoverd in the MDX Query
303: */
304: public static java.util.ArrayList getDimensions() {
305: return dimensionsList;
306: }
307: }